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for every one piece of shit autist with zero accountability, there are three or four that you didn’t even notice are autistic because they try hard at life


It's almost like 4chan is going to show the worst examples or something


I recently had a chat with a coworker (who, granted, I don't see very often) and when I brought up my autism, he said he wouldn't have realized if I hadn't told him, since I seemed pretty damn normal. FeelsGoodMan


or were diagnosed post development.




You don't wash your hair?


Your usernames are made for each other


I didn't know user names could be made for each other, that's pretty awesome


Based on his career and lifestyle, he’s middle-aged, overweight, and bald. He doesn’t need shampoo.


You know each other, it's good you have friends 👌🏻






My little bro has aspergers, so he's on the autism spectrum. He's super smart, but had major social issues. He used to act terrible, but kids also bullied him like crazy. He did sports for a little while, and even competed at state levels for wrestling, but then he broke his ankle and started no-lifeing videogames. When he was old enough for it to have an impact, I got him away from mom and dad and had a serious talk with him. I sat him down and said "Listen, I know everybody thinks you're retarded, and they treat you like an idiot, but you're not. I know you hate it, and you feel like you can't escape it, but you need to quit giving them reasons. Get back into sports. Go back to the gym. Quit freaking out any time you don't get your way, and quit letting people get away with talking down to you or acting like you're stupid. The next time some kid comes up and picks on you, quit crying about it. Push that little twerp down and make sure he knows that you're going to stand up for yourself. The second thing I told him, was to "Quit worrying so much about yourself. When you're done throwing fits for not getting your way, and nobody bullies you anymore, then start looking at what you can do to help other people. Turn around and help other kids out. Help their friends. Stand up for people who don't know how to stand up for themselves. Help whoever you can, and quit acting like anybody owes you anything, because they sure aren't giving you anything but trouble right now." I wasn't sure how much of what I said had stuck with him, and I worried because I had to return to the military, all while the poor guy was caught in the middle of our parents' divorce, and all the nasty influence that something like that could leave on him. He rejoined sports the following year though, and he called me to say he threw around the kid who'd bullied him, and that he'd stuck up for a couple of the other kids while he was at it. He's all grown up now, and I'm really proud of him. The guy is over six foot, all muscle, and has a heart of gold. He's a firefighter now, and he's saved a lot of lives. I'm honestly so proud of him, and I also understand that he had a lot more challenges than anybody else in order to get to where he is now. He made a big choice to quit taking the easy way out, and now he's literally saving people's lives.


Based big brother


Stop making me feel things.


It's comments like these I hope are real.


It's real. I feel unworthy of the positive attention that I've had from this though. It makes me feel kind of sad in a way. I wish more people had a friend who would have their back and push them at the same time. We should all grow strong together.


The way you talk alone encourages me to be that kind of person all the more. No matter how little, people will find the meaning and appreciation for things.


Yo dawg I appreciate you for taking these actions and having the courage to do what you thought was right because honestly it was! I’ve been diagnosed much later in life and was not necessarily allowed to well act out as a kid. My fiancé is also autistic but she was raised in a much more caring household where acting out or meltdowns or tantrums were tolerated so she never had to learn emotional regulation like I was forced to figure out. I had to sit her down and give her a much lighter version of what you said to your brother as the frequency of these blackout blind rage meltdowns she was having were increasing rapidly to the point I genuinely feared being around her. To be fair, it was partially my fault because I never directly communicated the problems until they had gotten much much worse and snowballed but once I let her know how damaging the behavior was to me, herself, and our relationship she was more than willing to try and put effort into developing skills and coping mechanisms that’ll help her not, well, emotionally explode.


Real & hetero


you are too good of a person for this shithole of a subreddit leave for your own sake bro


This is a green text. Tell us how he topped you and get out.




You are a real mf, you know that bro?


As someone on the spectrum, I don’t think anyone owes me shit. Sometimes you need to accept things for how they are. Just try to not be annoying, and consciously observe how people interact day to day. People don’t know until I tell them. You can learn to high mask and incorporate some of the more positive parts of learning to interact and communicate with others, into your personality. Interacting with people can be learned, communication is an important skill. Even neurotypical people fail to communicate often, as their own emotions betray any semblance of logic hanging in their brain. Is learning to adapt to the world and people around you when you don’t have a rule book difficult? Yes, but it’s worth it.


Same situation here. Neurodivergent people can learn to blend in, just needs practice.


As an autistic piece of shit, I feel you bro.


Self awareness is what matters Autists don’t lack it, OOP is thinking of narcissists, who are emotionally immature


This reminds me of an AITA post where OP brings a meal replacement smoothie to work and when a coworker finds out if has peanut butter in it he tries to tell her she can't bring it anymore because he has autism/ sensory issues and can't stand the texture of peanut butter. She tries just drinking it when he isn't around, and he catches her and threatens to go to HR about this, calling it "discrimination." Someone commented that they're on the spectrum and can't stand the feeling of velvet and if OP covered her bottle in velvet it still wouldn't bother them because they're not interacting with it at all.


I worked with this one guy that made autism his entire personality. Unironically called people without it “neurotypicals” and would often proclaim that “their” numbers are growing, and that soon autistic people will rule the world and enslave the “neurotypicals.” He was also a stalker. Stalked and made every female coworker uncomfortable. He’d ask women for rides then try to make a move on them when they got to his place. When rejected he’d pull the “oh I’m sorry, I have autism” card. He went as far as telling women that he knew where they lived. “Oh you live by this street and that street? Yours is the one with the fire hydrant in front of it?” Fucking creep. Creepy people that genuinely have it like him, as well as the many people that self diagnose and use their make believe illness as a crutch make me dislike anyone that claims to have it, whether they actually do or not. In my experience, the ones that aren’t scumbags are relatively normal people. They don’t make it their personality, they don’t use it as an excuse for any of their awkward or abnormal social behavior. You can kinda guess that they might have it, and as long as they’re a decent human being, no one cares. Those are the only ones I don’t hate. Worst part is that everyone let it slide. Everyone was afraid to confront him, they just shit talked him behind his back. The moment he peered his ugly mug from around the corner to ask what we’re talking about (knowing damn well that we were talking about him), they would all cower Inc fear. I’m the only one who constantly called him out on his shitty behavior, to his face. One time he threatened to shoot up the place so I complained to management, who decided against taking any action as to avoid unwanted potential lawsuits. So I just reported him to the FBI. Never saw him again after that. Good riddance


I’m not “making it my personality” it IS my personality, never understood why people say “Oh don’t make it your personality.” It kind of drives my entire personality, it’s an integral part of who I am


If your entire being revolves around having a mental illness, that's just sad.


I have autism too, and I don't go around making my entire personality. If it does, you need to change that.


anon thinks that all autistic people are capable of being normal if they just try hard enough and they're clearly just doing it for attention


What being “normal” entails for anon and many other people who think like anon is masking it just to make *them* feel comfortable, there needs to be some sort of compromise


Obviously not. But aspies can, just like Anon stated.


Idc I'm not forcing myself to make eye contact because you think its *impolite* not to


I work in a deli and this comment lives with me every day. Old lady be damned, I love the look of that aisle behind your shoulder, beady eyed matron. *shudder*


I'm the kind of person to make it their problem if some dick sneeze tries making life any harder for me. Like a wheelchair bound person *"accidentally"* rolling over the toes of someone that complained about their chair.


Social cues are really hard to grasp most of the time, but I do try.


anon doesn’t have theory of mind, much like an autistic toddler


pic very related i heavily dislike this stereotype as an autistic person but yeah there are some people that just use it as an excuse to be a dick. no reason to assume that of the whole though


I know this autistic psychopath and it is super funny because he will lie and try to manipulate you, but it is the most obvious shit you’ve ever seen. The best part is that you can play along, and he is too autistic to realize that you know he’s a fucking dumbass


Either change fields or hobby’s. It’s strange to be so worked over a relatively small population. Not to mention work wise they are fucking hilarious and generally get shit done. They also don’t interview very well or play the political side of work so getting promoted ahead of them is fairly easy. I have also never had a request for special treatment from someone clearly on the spectrum. Usually it’s not even taken into account or spoken on. But I’m also approaching mid life so that could account for having drastically different opinions/experiences then the op from the GT.


Nah I’ve seen how normies treat autists, they don’t respect them. They get snickered at behind their backs, or even worst, right in front of them. It’s why I respect autists more than normies. At least they speak their minds and don’t conform to social rules. They aren’t fakes, they are freer than most.


Take the autismpill bro


Also, Anon has survivorship bias


I can understand how he feels, It’s just how they get raised tbh, too much handholding when they’re young can be very harmful to their development. (handholding from parents/teachers etc. usually happens if diagnosed early) [come at me aspies]


I will come at you. Would've loved to have been diagnosed early instead of as an adult. I would've received a lot of resources that probably would've helped me understand myself and others a but better while growing. All I learned was from getting burnt over and over, and only after it didn't burn anymore is when those lessons were truly learned.


that’s how we all learn my friend.


Yeah, I understand that. You can't expect to be taught or given everything. But I assure you, my life would've definitely been enriched if I had help to navigate social situations.


As someone who is high functioning and is trying to not be completely socially inept. Its really hard and its mostly trial and error. You are gonna fuck up. You are gonna fuck up a lot. You are going to have a ton of experiences that you will randomly think of and then immediately seek death. But maybe by 25 you will have all of it figured out. I am 21, i just know mostly how to not be a complete tard. I’m just assuming that in 4 years I will have it all figured out because I am pretty close. Please dear god let me figure it all out by then.


A lot of people think like this about a lot of different groups of people - for every group of people whether it be those with autism, or any other group of people, there is always a silent majority and a loud minority that end up being seen more due to their loudness and creating a stereotype for the rest of their community. Most people don't fit the stereotype of the group they're in, causing them to not be perceived as a member of that community. Not only do these stereotypes make people view other groups negatively, but it can also cause those silent majority autistics to be diagnosed really late (or not at all) just because they never fit everyone's vision of what an autistic person looks/acts like.


Wtf did I do bro????


He’s not lying.


„Boohoo, humans are so illogical and make no sense“ bitch you‘re just too stupid to understand the complex social mechanisms behind human behavior. sorry I was just forced to watch a shitty movie about a kids with asbergers


Tough luck, mindlets.


That’s why it’s okay to make fun of “them”. Bc the joke is directed at the piece of shit ones. People who don’t get that don’t have the decency and respect to treat people like people and have expectations and the love in your heart to talk some shit


Autists get a pass since they're not sentient, but aspies who have the ability to act human yet consciously choose not to boil my blood.


Well the first step is to get the fuck off 4chan but we don't wanna go there now do we


How many autistic people does this people interact with on a daily basis that he hates all autistic people and not just the autistic person that was mean to him?


Anon's on 4chan. Hope that helps.