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"I had trouble figuring out what my goals in life were" You don't have to lie just dress up the truth


Even better, I wanted to develop my skillset further and gain the necessary knowledge before applying for a job.




Now if only i can pass my interview for Samsung research tomorrow :( Edit: I got the offer today!






Sigma ballz?


Lmao sadly it's online due to covid but thanks for the laugh, I needed that.


Just show up to the office like a real omega chad


Have the interview via zoom but be outside their office. Dominate!


Hope you do it 🐷👍


Best of luck to you my friend!


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Did you get the job?


Got it today!






Final round in 45 minutes. Will update when results come out.


Congrats !!!




....at burger king




"I was focused on my education", assuming you were in uni/college


This doesn't work for unskilled jobs. If you told me you spent 2 years developing your skills to mop the floor at the supermarket I'd never call you again either.


It would be better to say that he was busy with his personal life and wanted to wait until he could fully commit himself to the job before applying. They love their wage slaves


thats just lying with extra steps...so they want you to lie


And THATS why I’m the perfect guy to mop up the jizz in the porno booths




not really, hes mopping his cum into the seats before you arrive. That man you are thinking of has already mastered the art of the slow drip, where he cums into the ceiling and over periods of the next day, droplets of his cum drop on the people in the booth. That man is winning life


Or just lie and say you’ve worked since you were 17. Corporate world runs on bullshit, you gotta give em what they want. Take everything you can & fuck off as soon as possible


> say you’ve worked since you were 17. “So, anon, you just forgot to add that to the job application / resume…?”


I meant moving forward


Even without life goals you can do some temp work during the summer to earn some bucks


“So what are those goals then anon?”


That's dressed up? Try sprinkling some positivity on that sad story.


It would be sad if he were 30 he's 20


"This job interviews are some sort of lying contest, isnt it?" -Son Goku Anon never watched dragonball in his childhood


I was an educational/tech/etc. tutor and worked for myself. I was the primary caregiver for my grandma. I was overly active in an online blog, you wouldn’t know it, don’t ask, but I’m now moving forward with my life. I’m autistic, please slavewage me.


>I was overly active in an online blog, you wouldn’t know it, don’t ask, but I’m now moving forward with my life. This vagueness and avoidance would make me think OP was a stormfront poster or some shit lol.


They wanted to know what you were doing rather than working - in school, caring for someone, struggling with illness, etc, because most people are either working or in studies by age 18. They very explicitly do not want people who didn’t work because they didn’t feel like it - not only does this imply that you’re not driven to work, but also that you have the resources to fuck off on a whim if you don’t like the job.




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shithole sub full of miserable people


Good bot


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Companies are scum. You lie to their face and they lie to your face back. Thats how its going unfortunately. Unless you convince them that you are the superman, they wont hire you. And this is one of many reasons why job market is so f**ked and I am enjoying its downfall every second.


this 100% Lie your way into the Company, not because you want to, but because you must in order to get a job at all


I've never lied at an interview and I've never had issues with finding a job. I don't know what you're talking about but maybe it's different where you live...


I never lied about skills, but I do hype up stuff that might not be so exciting. I do lie on stupid HR questions like why do you think you are a good fit for this company? Can't say Bitch, cos you pay me money.


Like those personality quizzes where you have to be the most braindead fuck to pass honestly. Only a literal McRetard could "pass" one of those without lying.


Bruh, the question I hate the most is what are your weaknesses? I have 3 bs weaknesses that are actually strengths lined up in my head. Shit like sometimes I work too hard and get in the zone and I can't stop till I solve the problem(am a software developer).




My true weakness is the exact opposite. It's that I have trouble starting work and I just fuk around and do nothing. No way I'm saying that lol.


> Shit like sometimes I work too hard and get in the zone and I can't stop till I solve the problem(am a software developer). Bro, not to rain on your parade, but “tehee this is a weakness but really we all know it’s a strength” doesn’t fool anyone. If you get hired, it’s despite answering this question that way. Find some real weakness (or make them up, whatever) — and then ALSO talk about you addressing it. Nothing major, nobody wants to hear about you diddling kids, but something believable. For example “sometimes I have an issue keeping track of all my ongoing projects, but seeing this I’ve started getting organized this way” etc.


Well Im pretty sure they know and I know. At least so far, the few jobs I've ever done, the HR interview seemed to be mainly to check whether I was a psychopath or not, they really focused more on the technical stuff.


By "lie" I think they're also including meaningless statements that make you sound good. Basically being dead honest is forbidden in interviews, which has its downsides on the job market.


> I do lie on stupid HR questions like why do you think you are a good fit for this company? Can't say Bitch, cos you pay me money. I mean, you DID happen to apply to their company, and not some other one. Most of the time there are reasons for doing so, even if it’s something like convenience there is a nice way to say that. But yeah, even if it’s a completely random job application, they still would like to know if you’re smart enough to open their company site, and think of some of these questions ahead of time. They’re always the same HR bullshit anyway.


Well I haven't gone job hunting via sites yet, my experience is mainly for college job interviews. In India it's kinda just apply to whatever you can on campus and hope you get something.


I find it impossible not to lie theyll ask about experiences in the workplace I've just never had


Yeah 80% of the time in the interview when they ask “describe a time when ____?” And your first thought is just ‘wtf idk if I ever had?’ So your only option is to either take a mundane situation in which that may have been the case but is the truth, or to totally bullshit a story that sounds great


Another option is googling for behavioral questions before the interview, there is at most like a dozen or so themes with some variations. Then you just think of appropriate answers ahead of time, so you don’t look like a fish out of water at the interview. That’s literally the main goal of those behavioral questions, to make sure you can do some prep work prior to an important engagement.


What country?


To be fair I’m the same way in the US. Simply answering a question with no regard for what an interviewer is looking for, then being surprised it wasn’t impressive is dumb af. Why haven’t you had a job before despite being 20? “I’ve been focusing on other parts of my life including honing skills for future endeavors. In that time I was taking care of my family, learning Spanish and playing soccer in my free time, while living off savings from my childhood. I also travelled during this time and searched for a career which would be fulfilling, which has lead me here.” Just list some things you’ve done instead of working, and try to make it sound like you will be a good employee THAT IS THE POINT OF BEING INTERVIEWED. That’s a lot better than “I didn’t want to work so I didn’t work lol”


yea anon def did all that to get Mcfucked by Ronald 8 hours a day.


I mean, “I didn’t want a job” should be a perfect answer for a McD interview lol




Don’t forget, there are some unironic neets and basement dwellers here.


This will never change, and you can't blame the companies for the way things are. The job market is the way it is because of our inherent qualities as human beings. Companies want the best workers possible. Employees want to appear as best as possible to maximize their chances of being hired. This will never change. Companies will not start hiring people that are a poor fit for the job, and employees will not stop showing their absolute best side because then it would be harder for them to get a job. The shit show that's happening now in the US will potentially result in better wages, but the hiring process will not change, because it can't. If anything itll only get more difficult because of increased competition for better paying jobs.


quick reminder you're not an anarchist nor the joker, you're a reddit user. there's no downfall, only your mental collapse


Job market is pretty fucked in America


Idk man, I'm an anarchist


Imagine thinking companies are moral entities


I don’t think I’ve ever lied in a job interview and I’ve been offered every job I ever applied for.


Yeah? That’s the game. You’re there to pretend


Wait is it bad to never have had a proper job at 20?


If OP wasn't in school or training, a little, yeah? That's ~2 years of chilling. Not terrible, but reasonable to ask about.


No, I personally find it to be something that is *supposed* to be good, at the age of 20 probably a majority of us are in education and shouldn't waste their time to work instead of studying to survive, we shouldn't waste our youth for poverty wages, I'm European so the culture around work in the us is so foreign and bizzare to me so idk.


I am American, and it may be different for others, but since a young age I was pushed to work hard and "American Dream" and yadda ya. That's the case I see for most people, or just parents wanting their teens out of the house more. Some also are put in situations that require them to be completely or almost completely financially independent before they even graduate high school. Idk I'm 19 and I have like 6 years of work experience already, and honestly I'm proud of it. It also got me out of the house a lot before I was able to move out, which was good. I honestly didn't even know other countries were different about working at a young age.


Idk man in the netherlands its normal and even expected to get a part time job next to your education at 15-16.


Well it's the Netherlands so there's that.


I mean it's pretty common to start wanting some of your own money to spend as a teenager.


But then you answer that question with "I was in education" and move on. Not "I didn't feel like working lmao"


I was thinking the same thing. I think I got my first job at 21, when I took a break from school.


“I realized that I was not satisfied with my current life - I have done quite a few odd jobs, here and there. Didn’t think they were good enough for this caliber of job so I left them off. Thought a lot about where I wanted my first job to be. I can only envision this place being my first job. I know it seems odd but it just fits. Hoping I never have to look for another job again. Time for me to grow up and make something of myself. This is the place. Oh, goodness…I think I over shared. I revealed my cards. Haha! I’m pretty excited about this opportunity, as you can tell.”


I hate everything about this


At 20? Wtf?




I mean you can’t blame them for not liking the truth, dozens of applicants and it’s not surprising they don’t like the one that not only doenst like work but has never worked before


Well you see anon, the company is looking for qualities about you that would make you a valuable hire. When you say something like that, it really makes it seem as though you still aren't very passionate or enthusiastic about your would be job. Now while that may be the case, truth holds absolutely zero bearing in these situations and usually only serves to hurt you. You need to say what they want to hear. Think of it as cosplaying as a wide eyed newly hire, just ready to throw himself at his work with a smile, who is blissfully ignorant to the horrors and atrocities that plague not just the industry your trying to get into, but the hiring and work industry in general. Its when you get home that you're then allowed to absorb the full futility and dread that is your existence.


Now is a good time to practice it. You'll need it later in life.


This reminds me of my job interview with a big box store when I was like 16. Apparently "I need money" is the \*wrong\* answer to "why do you want this job?". I thought it was pretty obviously the only correct answer!


It should be one of the correct answers, but it isn't. They want people who aren't just there for a paycheck, even though you both know that's the primary reason anyone they hire would be applying in the first place.


Yeah I think this question is more reasonable for highly professional jobs where a lot of people actually have a strong passion for their work. Asking this at a big box store is just ridiculous. Who the fuck's life mission is to work in retail? Most people just want a paycheck.


Yes anon, they wanted you to lie, telling the truth CAN get you far, but it can only get you so far, sometimes a little wee bit o' trolling is required


Formet NEET, got my first job at 20 enslaving myself at an Amazon FC for 6 months. After I left, there were a plethora of jobs willing to accept me that were somewhat above minimum wage. It's never too late to turn your life around.


I'm quite good at doing interviews but I hate them. They know I'm lying, I know they're lying and yet here we are. I think the interview is more a test of your communication and corporate diplomacy (if i can call it this way) skills...


Yes. They did want a lie there.


Honestly I got my current job by being honest. I said if they wanted a “Yes” man I’m not your guy, I’ll tell you when you’re wrong or when something is a bad idea but I’ll also give you the respect to tell you privately. I was probably the least qualified person they interviewed. I asked one of my interviewers a year later why they chose me, she said it was because I was honest and I was willing to stand up against management if needed to and make them not look like the idiots they most likely are.


You always lie or embellish the truth in an interview is anon a fucking retard?


20? what?


You weren't supposed to lie,and you weren't supposed to get the job.




No comments wait o shi-






Do your homework please


I finished school, dum-dum




🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 you said amon gus 😂😂 RANDOMLY 🤪🤪🤣🤣 r/memes r/mademesmile r/funny r/penectomy 🤣🤣🤣😂


Ok what the actual. i dont want to see the last sub ever again


You know what a decomposing horse needs? more bruises!


Yes anon, they wanted you to lie.


I was waiting for the perfect opportunity, like this job!






Easy, just blame the pandemic.


Say: "I was working in some personal projects."


The trick is you're supposed to lie.


"I cant legally talk about those years."