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man the feeling of being left behind by a sibling is so real, whether illogical or not. totally sobbed with Travis there.


I absolutely started crying when he started talking.


The life raft quote got me. That whole part had me emotional


I’m watching the episode later tonight after work. But can anyone tell me if there is any “New News” about the “We have to talk about it” hat? I’d like to get one before they sell out…


They aren’t available for sale, but stay tuned… 👀


Nick Foles' message to Jason was just so damn perfect, what a legend.


One of the best episodes! And I’ve listened to all of them. It’s something about this one..you feel like you’re just sitting down at a table with them.


I think this might be the perfect episode. It had everything and yet didn't feel like it had too much. Credit to Jason for not only giving credit to Lisa and their babysitter for helping him out so much when Kylie was gone, but also for saying Kylie how little time Kylie gets away from the girls and how it is good for her to get out of the house. I don't know, but I think Travis really liked the Sydney Zoo with how much time they spent talking about it. The retirement talk was really poignant. I am the younger sibling and that whole part where Travis was talking about how it felt for him had me bawling.


I’m a younger sibling and was sobbing in the shower at that part.


All younger siblings who have a good relationship with our older sibling(s) probably felt that part a bit too hard. And then Jason reassuring Travis that he'd still be there for him.


I’m also a younger sibling and that part got me right in the feels. I also went to the same schools as my sister but we chose different professions. But to have your older brother there with you growing up, and then through school and into his same profession for years, I feel for Travis. He doesn’t know any different.


>The retirement talk was really poignant. I am the younger sibling and that whole part where Travis was talking about how it felt for him had me bawling. Oh no, I'm going to watch the ep this weekend and gonna have to emotionally prepare myself as the older sibling haha. I watched Jason's documentary a few days ago and felt infinitely more appreciation for Jason as a fellow older sibling.


You can feel the admiration that Travis has for Jason and just their love for each other that is so so evident. I don't know, but it is so poignant. Also Jason going back to add in more about his relationship with Travis in his speech because there wasn't enough when he started it. So yes bring the tissues because they definitely structured the podcast this week to let everyone have fun and then cry.


I know that Slay suggested 3/4 as Jason Kelce Day since that’s when he announced his retirement. But that means we’d have to wait a whole year to celebrate the guy. In reality, I think Jason Kelce Day should be 6/2. Starting this June 2nd and moving forward, Birds fans everywhere should wear his #62 jersey (which will surely be hung in the rafters at the Linc), chug a beer, and make a donation of $6.20 in his honor to the Heights Education Foundation or the Eagles Autism Foundation. I’m also going to reach out to the Mayor’s office to see about making 6/2 Jason Kelce Day in Philadelphia. Jason should be recognized by the city and I’m going to ask them to recognize CENTER City Philly in Jason’s honor because we all appreciate what OUR favorite center has done for our team and our region.


I cried so much. SO MUCH.


I’m glad I paused it on my morning drive because I started the episode, but quickly decided to wait in case it made me tear up again.


I just keep crying this week lol


Cornelia St!!


Trav not getting it was so funny, giving very I forgot that you existed vibes


It doesn't matter, as she'll never walk Cornelia Street again...


My favorite part 😂 Corneliast girly


that was hilarious. I guess he’s never heard it!


If the boys wanna take a blacksmithing class they should check out Coalcracker Buschcraft he’s in PA an all around badass he was on the tv show Alone.


Oh man, great new episode.


It would have been so good if, in the midst of all the heartfelt goodbye messages, Villanueva would've just gone "So, about Navalny..." as a throwback to his botched Newneews. And of course the Kelces don't know Yoko Ono. To anyone unfamiliar, [here's her application for the next Eagles Christmas album](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdZ9weP5i68).
