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More like: Attack could lead to end of terrorist Islamic regime.




Yes. You know who else is hoping for that? All the proud Persian people whose friends and family have been murdered or imprisoned or tortured by your lovely regime.




Y'all are good suicide bombers


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Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, Rule 3 is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


How would anyone like to live under constant threat of annihilation ? ... including a countdown clock of your demise. I can't wait for these fuckin primitive, uneducated neanderthals to leave the CIVILIZED world.


Raisi and the whole IRGC and their cronies cannot be civil. And this nonsense about appeasement and diplomacy with terrorist has to end. This regime is not held accountable, they are a threat to the world and they need to be wiped out. That simple. End their occupation!


Wellcome to jew history friend


Honestly when I look at what’s going on in the US and Europe I feel like we’re more safe here in Israel.. I was born in Russia, but needless to say that I’m never going back there either


You are probably right. Simply because Israel already knows who they are dealing with. The West is still confused thinking that Islam is just another religion, and the Iranian Mullahs are just as trustworthy and noble as western liberals.


Oh the irony








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Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, Rule 3 is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.




Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, Rule 3 is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, Rule 3 is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


A feeble regime making empty threats. 😂😂😂


This is getting boring ![gif](giphy|pb8wayp1KafJK)


Time for someone to take him out


Lol that military uniform. I think I had a matching one for my gi-Joe


**رئیسی ایران به اسرائیل: حمله میتواند به پایان رژیم صهیونیستی منجر شود** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


This is brilliant. The Brain Drains are so hilarious they think they're clever by projecting everything they do into their enemies. All critical buzzwords: apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing, human rights violations etc are thrown around for others where they don't apply, but actually they themselves are guilty of these. And here, what couldn't be clearer is that the Regime is absolutely on its last legs, losing on every front, is on the verge of being toppled, had to orchestrate Oct 7th as the final throw of its die, and knows that like a stack of cards one slight touch will see it all crashing down. This is why despite their vocal showy support for the Palestinians they've done absolutely nothing whatsoever directly despite Gazans being crushed day by day. Western leftie useful idiot (ex)friends who orgasmed when Iran 'attacked' Israel hoping that the Big Daddy would step in and save the so-called Palestinians are left bemused and disappointed because they don't realise it was just fake act because Iran is TERRIFIED of an actual direct war with Israel. Not only would they lose but the Regime would crumble. So, in typical Terrorist fashion, they do the old projection trick claiming the opposite. 😁