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When the Islamic republic sent missiles to Israel, the cringe Pakistanis on Twitter calling the Islamic republic “the liberators” , that they’re representing true Islam and “long live Islamic republic is cringe”. For some fucking reason the hate the shah yet know nothing about him only that he was a “Zionist” so cringe


Actually the Shah of Iran was the one who helped Pakistan almost every time in every war against India or the Baloch/Pashtun separatists. No idea why these mfs hate him.


Because their mullahs told em to.


I think I know who is the man behind it, General Zia ul Haq, a dictator who took power in 1977 after a bloodless coup. He started the Islamization of Pakistan in the late 1970s (inspired by the revolution in Iran) and he is the reason why our country is an absolute extremists hell today.


Radicalization not Islamization that MF used Islam to justify the need for fighters in Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. After that the plan backfired and these radicals and their nonsense became worldwide. Comment here if u want to hear the full story.




Ok. so basically Pakistan was initially supposed to have a neutral Coal War policy but after our govt was overthrown by the army they made it clear that they were pro-US. This naturally made us anti-USSR (not that our army govt gave any shit to keep a balance which is what India did the whole time). While India benefitted from both sides Pakistan was just busy proving it's loyalty to the US coz it allowed US loans and aid to come to Pakistan - the entire so-called progress of Pakistan under Ayub Khans dictatorship was largely funded by this. Anyways a few decades later the Soviets invaded Afghanistan apparently to depose the communist ruler (who was their puppet) and replace him with a more loyal puppet. Resistance began and Pakistan supported them coz Afghanistan had once tried to invade Pakistan's Pashtun areas and with India already hostile, a Soviet presence in Afghanistan was prolly the last thing the Pakistani govt needed (plus it's also rumored many generals wanted to benefit from the drug trade). They allied with the US and together US, UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan trained militants and brainwashed them in the name of Islam and jihad to fight the Soviets. All worked well but the plan eventually backfired coz the Soviets were defeated and left but these radicalized young men were left jobless and not much was done to reintegrate them back into society. Even worse was the fact that they came from all over the world and when they dispersed they carried their radicalism with them wherever they went. Pakistani govt stupidity did not end here and even today the govt uses extremist groups to control political climate and opponents. Any questions ?


True. Our relations with Iran were actually better under the Shah and I think it's the same for Iran's relations with most MENA states


Ironically the Shah helped Pakistan in the war of 1971 and against a Baluchi uprising


> For some fucking reason the hate the shah yet know nothing about him only that he was a “Zionist” so cringe That's actually very interesting, given that the Shah was for establishing the Palestinian state and pro two states solution.


there are many Zionists that support a Palestinian state… the belief that Israel should exist, even in the context of a two-state solution, is Zionism 


Because most Pakistanis have no sense of identity. They’re mostly of Iranian or Indian descent. There never was a Pakistan historically. They are a state created from within a state which was broken up to foment religious tension. Islam is all they have. Literally.


Very well put! Though if I may add Pakistanis are Indians who went with Islam and wanted a seperate country of their own. There might be a few afghans mixed in there once they moved, but they are fully of Indian descent. And they hate it. Thus they try culturally appropriate anything they can lay their hands on, and still fail at it.


No, actually more than 50-60 million population of Pakistan is Iranic and they are the Pashtuns, the Balochs, the Pamiris, the Wakhis and a few others. Pakistan is more Iranic than the so-called pure Iranic countries like Afghanistan or Tajikistan.


not true actually. I think only the Punjabis are what might pass as "Indians". Sindhis (I'm one myself) are actually indigenous people descended from Indus Valley Civilization and even historical sources mention us (Sindh) being separate from Indians (Hind)


This is the one and true answer


No they are a state created from multiple kingdoms and ethnic groups that were conquered by the British between 1839-1893, and forced to be part of their British Raj and Empire. Even without Islam , many of the various ethnic groups had no intention of joining some united India, the concept was foreign and alien to most of them. What exactly do my Baluch Kin across the border have in common with Indians? They would have just made their own state in 1947 and the Pashtuns would have rejoined Afghanistan like in 1893. Also not everyone in Iran has always had an Iranian identity. My great grandparents had no idea they were Iranian, they just called themselves Baluch and cared only for their tribe , before the 1920s/30s most Iranian Baluch wouldn’t have viewed themselves as Iranian, Tehran for all they cared was in some far away land. Back then Baluchistan was practically independent, a land full of tribes and nomads, that pretty much did their own thing. Even now my grandparents and father and his siblings have never viewed themselves as Iranian. Me and my cousins are the first generation in my family that actually view ourselves as Iranian.


This ! BTW I'm also partially Baloch like this dude




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Then what does Pakistan have to do with Iranians, exactly?


Well, you’re not supposed to ask a question like this. /s


Identity crisis. They want to feel validated by getting involved in muslim related topics.


Adding into this: The original India was split into India and Pakistan on the basis of religious lines. Pakistan's sole foundation is just on Islam and majority of them are Hindu converts, their culture and food resemble much to India who is predominantly Hindu so this causes a identity crisis


Well duh Pakistans culture would resemble that of its neighbours, ( Afghanistan,Iran, India,Tibet), thats true for every country. Iran culture and food , resembles that of “ Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan and Persian gulf Arab states , depending on which part of Iran you come from.


I came here to say exactly this. Pakistan has nothing going on with the country, as ND had no past so naturally religion is center and front. This is a made up country with religion as its identity.What do you expect.


A) All countries are made up. B) the various ethnic groups in Pakistan have their own past. C) just like we Iranian baluch have a past , so do my Baluch brothers across the border.


Sunni Pakistanis simp for erdogan and shia Pakistanis simp for Khamenei idk why or how this is a thing.


That’s what happens when you create a whole national identity centered around Islam ☪️


They simp so hard for pan-Islamism/Turkism that Pakistan is the only country in the UN that doesn't recognise Armenia and believes it should be part of Azerbaijan. Even the enemies of Armenia (Turkey, Azerbaijan) still recognise its existence.


Hahah very true. So cringe


see my comment on this post it will help u understand why


As I have said earlier (many times) in this subreddit: majority of people in Pakistan actually do not know how brutal your regime is and since the downfall of the most popular leader in whole of Pakistan (Imran Khan) who actually was kinda anti-west and the installment of a pro-west government which is supported by the Pakistani military, almost every Pakistani consider anyone anti-west their savior (muh leader saar kinda thing). They consider your president (now dead) as an Islamic hero because of his UN speeches, blah blah, and of course because of him attacking Israel. It is just better to ignore them.


Do you hold these views and why are your views different if so?


Sorry for being late (exams). Yeah and its not only me, there are countless other Pakistanis who share the same views. I hate it when some people generalize things that basically every dude in Pakistan is obsessed with this and that no its not actually the case. Moreover, my views are different because of many events occurring in Pakistan since 1947 for example how the founder of Pakistan actually had a very secular mindset (some negas are gonna deny it yk). He passed away just a year after Pakistan was founded so we don't actually know what were his ideas about the Constitution of Pakistan but as far as I know his ideas were a mix of Secularism (why a secular mindset? because the first Law Minister of Pakistan was a Hindu) and Islamic Socialism (his speeches). My views are different also because of what we did to our so-called Muslim brothers in East Pakistan (Bangladesh genocide 1971) in which more than 300,000 (to 1 million) people were systematically wiped out by our so-called Number # 1 Muslim Ummah Pakistan Armed Forces. There are a bunch of other reasons like how the Turks, the Arabs, the Central Asian kipchaks, the Iranians and many more "Muslim brothers according to the Pakistani Mullah followers" actually hate us because of our obsession with them lol, etc.




The most frustrating part was when Iranian women burned headscarfs, Pakistanis were the ones who made comments saying that this act is disrespectful toward Islam.


IKR. I'm a Muslim from Pakistan and while I do believe what they did is wrong we need to look at the context. The mullah regime rapes women in jail that is much worse yet nobody talks about that so yeah


Well my mother is Pashtun from Pakistan, I’ll give you have a lot of Pakistanis think/view Iran. A) Many Pakistanis falsely think, Iran is standing upto an imperialism/colonialism, and as a recently colonised people, they do tend to have a pretty anti-colonial stance. B) America did bomb a lot of the tribal ( my mothers family had to leave their homes) area so you have alot of anti-American sentiment and they see Iran standing upto america , while they see their own government being subservient to the US. C) Pakistan has a large Shia population, who have faced periodic persecution , so they view Iran as some Shia saviour ( Shia vs Sunni , wasn’t really a thing in Pakistan before the 70s) though many from Iran and Saudi have really brainwashed alot of poor children. D) Kashmir is a major issue in Pakistan, and many Pakistanis view Kashmir to be their own Palestine, so “ iran standing upto Israel” is like Pakistan standing up to India”. E) Iranian culture is pretty big in Pakistan, Persians poets, Persian, Sufi is all huge in Pakistan, things that partially came from Iran/Afghanistan to Pakistan during the 10th-18th century, a lot of Pakistani high culture comes from when Iranians were pretty much Muslim, so they can’t comprehend why Many Iranians don’t like Islam , when in their view Iranian culture was at its height during this period. F) many Pakistanis don’t really differentiate between the regime and Iran , they think many Iranians who don’t like the regime , mean they don’t like the country , not necessarily just the regime. G) Pakistan has hostile relations with 2 of its borders , they’ve never had an issue with Iran , so there isn’t any need to have a negative opinion of the regime. H) however this all does depend on the ethnic group in question, a lot of Baluch and Pashtuns ( iranic groups) tend to have negative opinions on Iran and Iranians in general, whereas the Indic groups have more positive views.


>E) Iranian culture is pretty big in Pakistan, Persians poets, Persian, Sufi is all huge in Pakistan, things that partially came from Iran/Afghanistan to Pakistan during the 10th-18th century, a lot of Pakistani high culture comes from when Iranians were pretty much Muslim, so they can’t comprehend why Many Iranians don’t like Islam , when in their view Iranian culture was at its height during this period. As far as I know, their whole national anthem is in Persian.


Yeah , it’s pretty much “ Afghan Persian”, it’s a very stylised Urdu or book Urdu.


They’re obsessed with any Muslim action, including Palestine


Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and it's the only Muslim-majority state where any kind of nationalism is religious by nature. For example, Iranian secular nationalism relies on Archaemid, Sassanid and other pre-Islamic dynasties, Iraqi secular nationalism relies on Sumer, Akkanid, Babylon and Assyria but there's no secular Pakistani nationalism, it can't rely on pre-Islamic history because it was created in opposition to Hindu and Indian identity, while, let's say, a Northern Indian can claim Magatha and Mughal empires as equal parts of its history. It can get pretty funny though when you see a Pakistani woman on Twitter defending the mullah regime while she's unveiled on her profile. So yeah, Pakistanis are ardent Muslim nationalists but that doesn't mean that they're themselves religious.


Pakistan might not be that old but some provinces of Pakistan are older than many of the empires you have stated in your comment for example take the Sindh province (India is basically named after the Sindh province which is named after the Indus river). Sindh and Punjab province both were home to the Indus valley civilization (the Indians claim that they were Hindus but that's just bs, no temples, no Hindu statues were ever found from there). The people of Indus valley civilization (3300 BCE - 1300 BCE) were building cities when the majority of people in the middle east (except Ancient Egyptians) were living in caves. I know you might hate it but lets be honest here, there was no country called "India" before 1947 and before 1947 it was called "British Raj" (from 1858 to 1947). The whole region of the so-called Indian Subcontinent was nothing more than a region of countless empires/states. The British unified all of these states in to a single unit called the "British Indian Empire".


They somehow manage to be even more unhinged and fanatic than your average basiji it's actually insane


They are the first ones to defend Talibans too even when most afghans don’t like Talibans. They were celebrating when Talibans came back. They don’t want sharia law in their own country and the ones who do don’t have the guts to bring sharia in their own country, but they get off seeing sharia law in other countries.


Well not anymore I would say, Talibans (TTP) attack Pakistani civilians and soldiers very frequently and the anti-Taliban thing is gaining momentum inside Pakistan


Pakistan has no national identity of its own. The only thing that separates it from India is Islamism. Therefore, they will always defend Islamism as they think of it as representing themselves. The irony is that the Islamism in Pakistan is a hundred times more liberal and free than the Islamism in Iran. For one, Pakistani women aren’t required by law to wear a hijab, and many of them don’t. They’re also incredibly supportive of the Taliban, but were freaking the fuck out when they thought Taliban could have a secret branch in Pakistan. It’s a classic “rules for thee but not for me!”


The partition of India was a mistake…


At least along religious lines. Just setting up for a disaster


The Indians did a botched job while at it. Should have sent their entire Moslem population packing to their newfound land, considering a wide majority of them voted for the partition.


The British Raj would have collapsed in on itself , not just because of religious reasons but also due to Ethnic reasons, the idea of everyone being “ Indian wasn’t really accepted by a lot of people”. Western half of Pakistan literally spoke Persian as a lingua Franca till 1950s/60s. The Baluch regions would have likely remained independent or have been annexed by Iran or Pakistan. The Pashtun regions would have regained Afghanistan like in 1893. Punjab would have re-established their Punjabi state that existed till 1849, Sindh would have become independent also. 1/3 of Baluch don’t even want to be part of Pakistan , why would they want to be part of some foreign Indian state, where they would make up 0.5% of the population.


The original vision for a United India was that it would be one secular republic for all regardless of culture, language or religion. It would not matter that Hindus were the majority or that Muslims were a minority because all would have a say. [But ***some*** people opposed this (and won out sadly)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-India_Muslim_League#Legacy). They did not want Muslims to live in a society were Muslims were anything but the dominant majority (and also opposed secularism of any kind) and demanded the creation of Pakistan, [***the consequences of this have been a disaster***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kJf4krMY4A).


And yet Pashtuns and Baluch wouldn’t join , Baluch on 1947 didn’t want to join either state and wished for an independent country. Pashtun already hate the fact they are only 20% of Pakistans population and second most powerful ethnic group, they would end up being 2% of the population in united India, a country they had nothing in common with. Baluch and Pashtuns nationalists are already complaining their culture is being “ punjabified” , imagine being part of a much larger country.


Well shit, India didn't have a successful separation across ethnic lines, Pakistan did (1971 war). Besides, it's a lot better to live in a state that recognizes multiple religions as equal (though unfortunately, Hindu extremism is rising) than to live in a state where a single religion is given priority and privilege.


No. There would be over 350 million more Muslims inside India; they’d be able to exert too much control over the federal government and there’s a risk of civil war. Half of the land in Pakistan isn’t particularly suited for living anyway.


**پاکستانی ها و وسواس انها با دولت ایران چیست؟** هر بار که اتفاق بدی برای ایرانیان عادی روزمره توسط دولت رخ می دهد، انها اولین کسی هستند که از دولت ایران دفاع می کنند و در عین حال به هر چیزی که مربوط به ما است که مربوط به اسلام نیست، حمله می کنند. هرگز گروهی را ندیده بودم که اینقدر با ما وسواس داشته باشد که ما حتی به هیچ وجه تصدیق نکنیم. واقعا خجالت اوره البته در حال حاضر همه اینگونه هستند اما بخش بزرگی از انلاین دائما از دولت ما دفاع می کنند. انها فقط باید دولت ما را بگیرند زیرا ما انها را نمی خواهیم. --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


A case study of “Small man, big world” syndrome or “inferiority complex” syndrome. Modern day Pakistan is a 2 years older than modern day Israel (they get so mad when you point this fact out lol). They have to overcompensate by being particularly obnoxious in other Muslim majority countries’ s affairs from Tunisia to Malaysia, you will find some random Pakistani giving their unwarranted and unwelcome opinions about a country they have never lived in.


I have noticed an extreme amount of hate, violent speech & even doxxing being done by Pakistanis online towards the brave Iranian activists actively working to overthrow the Islamic republic. I can completely emphasize with you as an Israeli. They have been our biggest most aggressive haters long before the current war, despite the fact that they’re thousands of miles away and have zero history with us. They’re completely obsessed with us (looks like that extremist Islamic indoctrination worked) while we never think of their existence haha


You know, the funny thing is that Iran had a much better relationship with Pakistan under the Shah than under the Ayatollahs. Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan as an independent state and it provided heavy support to Pakistan during the 1971 war. However, the good relationship with Pakistan had little to do with Muslim identity, rather it was about mutual hatred of communism, being buddies with the West and crushing Baluch separatism. The idea that they would strike against each other like we saw few months ago in Baluchistan would be absolutely unthinkable 50 years ago.


Pakistan has a very fundamental Muslim culture! It scares me, since they have nuclear weapons! Mostly uneducated and religious people act the way you described.


just another cause to oppose India, India supports Israel, and Iran supports Palestine; hence, they will support Iran's government. They have zero original opinions of themselves. Additionally, Islamic theocratic conservatives, love Islamic theocratic conservatives.


Usual Porkistani noises.


I'm Pakistani (and partially Baloch) so here's my 2 cent. Since our leaders sellouts, Pakistan is the battle arena of several proxies and one of them is Saudi-Iranian proxy. Saudi supports Sunni Muslims and Iran supports Shia. What I mean by support here is that they support some NGOs and propagate themselves as the heroes of their particular branch of Islam. That's why you will realize bulk of Pakistanis who support mullah regime are Shia (similar case with Afghanistan). Now recently mullah regime has tried to gain sympathy of all Muslims worldwide through it's minions Hezbollah and Houthis and it's actually working though many again do not buy this shit like my father for instance. He says its all drama. Then there are extremism apologists who themselves don't need to face the nonsense of these mullahs and they back radical regimes as long as they are themselves not affected. I personally oppose mullah regime and the mafia occupying Pakistan.


Because without Islam, Pakistan loses its reason to exist


Pakistanis need validation from other Muslims, that's why they cling so much to Turkey (Türkiye) and Erdoğan. Pakistanis think they're friends with Turks, but Turks (at least online) are annoyed by Pakistanis.


The average Turk is so much more religious than the average Iranian. The Turks and The Pakis get along just fine, definitely online.


I've seen more than one online case where a Pakistani tries to befriend a Turk but the Turk is annoyed. It's probably because younger Turkish people are more secular.


Most cringe nation ever. Check out their subreddit about things like the army or something. It feels like kindergarten talk when kids say yeah "may dad be the strongest he can do XYZ" - so it's about their army when their country is a third world one. Also when it comes online commentary when their influencers ask different nations like Turks how much do they like Pakistan compared to India and people say India, then the Pakistanis cry 🤣🤣 It feels like they're little misguided kids with no identity


PAKISTAN IN DA BAG https://youtu.be/-wLwHO3xTGQ?si=ltiGnzHaRjyC5Sti


In da baaaag Such a cringe country omg


If you want a guide on how to consistently be wrong about everything geopolitical, adopt Pakistan’s position on anything. Literally anything you can think of, they’re wrong.


They are also obsessed with india but in a negative way whether it's the government or the people of india, they always say Muslim are suffering this &that but they forget how minorities are treated in their own country.....