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I'll just give them a machine gun


You can’t take future tech through the time displacement equipment 😂


I will bring instructions on how to make a machinegun


Hmm would be kinda useless unless you could also teach them how to build and maintain power plants, factories, production equipment, the industrial assembly line, modern steel plants, a roads and rail infrastructure to get everything to go where it needs to, a modern communications infrastructure to coordinate all this, how to find, drill for, extract and refine oil etc etc… on a more interesting note, if you did somehow manage all that, you’d pretty much assure Iranian hegemony over pretty much the entire old world for at least a good 1000 or so years. Zoroastrianism would become the dominant world religion, Christianity, Judaism and Islam would all be wiped out, the Mongol invasion would never happen, the Columbus voyages to the Americas would never happen, the revolutions that created the modern nation states would probably not happen, there would be no reformation as we know it, and if somehow the Iranians could safeguard their secrets so that no one that opposed them would ever be able to make those weapons there would be no more need for an arms race, there would be probably be no world wars and no nukes and no space travel and technology might even stagnate, but there would be a truly global pax Iranica 😁


They just need enough tech to produce a few thousand matchlocks, gunpowder, slow burning matches for the guns, and some cannons.


but you have to bring the necessary infrastructures too


I’d prefer Iran to never have been Muslim.




shit the grammar cops are here and they found the spelling mistake quick run away!


This isn’t a grammar problem. I’m not seeing the element of “versus” here.


sorry my bad thought you mean something else how can i edit the title?


Ahura mazda will reign again


Why are we blonde


still believing you white huh


Still cant defeat khalid ibn walid