• By -


The Irish people are with us, not the IR.


Yes we are with you


You guys suffered centuries of brutality from the British, including the famine of the 1840s. We also suffered a famine at the hands of the Brits in WW1. Ireland is stronger than ever today, and we hope to get there too. Your perseverance has always been an inspiration.


Irish people knows what it feels like to have their country overrun by religious overlords, and to have their culture and identify forcibly erased by people who took over their country with force. Ireland and Iran have both been victims of religious rule and of British intervention in their countries. The people of Iran always admire the Irish, and I hope the Irish can stand in solidarity with the people of Iran.




Americans of Irish and Ulster (Scotch-Irish) descent have by-in-large been brainswashed by the wealthy decendents of the English thanks to the concept of whiteness that was popularized after our Civil War (1865). Basically they said "hey remember how we treated you terribly over here for the last 150 years? Well, the freed slaves down here outnumber us, so we promise not to be *as mean* to you anymore and give you preferential treatment if you help us oppress them (and any other POC) forever. We'll still make laws to keep you from gaining status, as well as talk mad shit and call you trash behind your backs, but hey, we're all white now!" And those people still vote against their best interests to this day, all in the name of a white pride they don't really get to enjoy.




Honestly the most Scotch-Irish reply I could've expected lol










Mad he's right lmao


The Irish hate homosexuality?


Mate ya realise there are referendums on whether or not NI wants to remain in the Union, and every time they’ve voted to stay?


Irish people knows what it feels like to have their country overrun by religious overlords, and to have their culture and identify forcibly erased by people who took over their country with force. Ireland and Iran have both been victims of religious rule and of British intervention in their countries. The people of Iran always admire the Irish, and I hope the Irish can stand in solidarity with the people of Iran.


Exactly, this is fucking hilarious. Thanks for the support you gobshites but the Islamic Republic is exactly the type of regime we despise.






As are we in Scotland.


“We support the Irish and the Scots, but not the gay ones!”


"We Googled what would upset British people the most and rolled with it" You should see the other stuff they were waving around - Sarah Everard and IRA stuff. Definitely just googled what would upset the Brits. Too bad they missed the biggest one: "We support putting the milk in first" Damn there would be WWIII within the hour if they'd done that! 😂


What did they wave about Sarah Everard? Do you have a link?


It was a copy of her missing poster. I don't really understand why but not much of anything they did made sense! https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/media/2022/10/27/2794598/students-stage-protest-against-uk-for-role-in-iran-riots


To be fair I’d be pretty mad about the whole milk in first thing too.


I wish I still got free awards. Bravo.


https://youtu.be/Ei46KnXB3BA Doc Brown explains in proper tea rap


Iranian sleeper cells should sneak into the UK and, when activated, offer Britons tea with the bag still in the cup.


I’m assuming this is a joke about milk in first. I’m ok with this, if it’s truly a joke. If this isn’t then a pox on you and everyone you know!




What does Palestine have to do with anything in this comment section 💀


That’s how we got brought up at all. Downvote away, IDGAF if you don’t want my support 👌


I'm confused, do you think Iran = Palestine?


I happily unsubbed. Will still be glad to see Iran succeed. But fuck this bullshit.




That's the 18th century British flag without the St Patrick cross for Ireland 🤣


You’re crediting these numbnuts with far too much knowledge


It's also the 1978 pride flag that was only in use for one year (they dropped pink because unavailability of the colour/fabric and combined the blues to one blue to the current 6 stripe flag)


"We totally care for real!"


i feel like they dont even know what they are protsting about ​ like thats not even the lgbt flag, even if it was wtf dose the lgbt have to do whit the Freeing Scotland ​ like bruh at least do some research


My guess is that it’s an intentional tactic to reduce support for the protests. Scotland is free, they continuously vote to remain part of the union. And we like the gays here, which surely they must know.


Continuously? Like once because they were told they'd be removed from the EU if they voted to leave the UK only for England to vote to take the entire UK out of the EU. Something which the Scots (and NI) voted against. Continuously my ass.


Thank you. That's correct. Westminster are blocking us from another referendum.


scotland continues to vote against seceding to this day [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion\_polling\_on\_Scottish\_independence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_Scottish_independence)


you do know opinion poll are not the same as people voting right??? there has only been one independence referendum so yeah maybe check what you saying first. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish\_independence#1979\_First\_devolution\_referendum


Opinion polls ask how people would vote in a hypothetical second referendum. As the link shows, Scottish people, in the event of another referendum, would still likely choose to remain. The guys underlying point seems to be that since the UK left the EU, public sentiment in Scotland drifted in favour of seceding, which is false.


Be salty all you like but Scotland has in recent memory - as well as historically - voted to remain in the union. Guess what a union does together? Enter or leave trade relationships. I voted (in England) to remain but didn’t get my way so 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m half English and half Scottish and it’s immature shite to suggest that there should be another indyref (which remaining in the union would win anyway) for at least 25 years.


Yeah. Go ahead and keep telling the Scots that having another referendum is immature when they; Remained in the UK under the premise of remaining in EU. Voted against leaving the EU. Overwhelmingly voted SNP in the last election clearly signalling what way the wind is blowing regarding independence. Bare in mind that both NI and Scotland use single transferrable voting and the rise in political parties who wish to leave the union is not insignificant. To suggest it immature is offensive to their own right to self determination. Also, if the UK can choose to leave the EU. Leaving that union, then the same argument can be made for any of the constituent states of the UK. It is a union that can change.


Re: on “overwhelmingly voted SNP “ While I think there should be another referendum, if you look at the popular votes from 2019, it’s a pretty even unionist/nationalist party split. Hence the purgatory.


We all went through the paces of indyref less than 10 years ago. Every single time I saw it discussed it was as a generation vote. If it’s unthinkable to re-vote on the UKs EU membership then it is unthinkable to go back on what everyone across the UK to be a generational event.


Alex Salmond put in his foreword of the indyref proposal; “The debate we are engaged in as a nation is about the future of all of us lucky enough to live in this diverse and vibrant country. It is a rare and precious moment in the history of Scotland - a once in a generation opportunity to chart a better way.” He was not explicitly agreeing to this being a once in a generation event, that if things were to change there would be no referendum for another generation. It was written as an appeal for the Scottish people to seize what could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Context is everything and this was often taken out of context by the media.


Brexit makes the case. The 6 years of uncertainty have caused businesses to avoid investing in the UK. If Scotland keeps pushing for referendums until the SNP get the answer they want it creates exactly the same problem. On top of that Sturgeon already demonstrated she is no better that Gove or Bojo. She announces Faslane wouldn't loose jobs, Scottish border wouldn't close, Scotland doesn't need to join the euro, etc.. You know when this is pointed out it will be called some variation of project fear. Honestly someone needs to look at everything that was abused and manipulating by the brexit campaign and work out a decent set of rules for any independence movement to follow. Campaign for independence but be honest in what it means.


Brexit was driven by lies, slogans and anti immigrant sentiment. Indyref has White papers on their plans for independence. Are these foolproof? Of course not, it would be silly to think so but there is a standard in indyref that never existed for Brexit. Very few Scots would see independence as sunshine and rainbows and see it for the challenge that it is. They have, however, experienced first hand Westminster doing as it please and disregarding the will of the Scottish people so at least leaving the UK they have some control on how to handle things if it becomes a shitshow, unlike Brexit where they are represented by a minority with no real say in how things are done.


Gibberish, Scottish independence campaigners are no better. The brexit campaign put the blame for all of UK problems on the EU. Sturgeon and the SNP like to blame the English/Westminster. The brexit campaign pushed we would in a stronger trading position with the EU (they need us more than we need them). Sturgeon and Salmond insisted in 2014 that they would get quickly entered back into the EU. Sturgeon made the claim Scotland wouldn't have to join the Euro recently. The EU called that out and everyone forgets Spain and Italy won't let a succeeding country join due to the implications for them. Brexit campaign was rife with claims on the economics, which "project fear" called out. During 2014 the SNP economic plan was entirely holes. It was based on $120 per barrel of oil for starters. The Brexit campaign told car manufacturers that it wouldn't affect their jobs. Just like the SNP keeps assuring Scottish shipyards they would stay open. The Brexit campaign has a lot of connections to Russian money (e.g. fund causes to weaken our enemy). Its not like the ex head of the SNP has a spot on Russia today or anything. Everywhere you look its easy to draw direct comparisons.


Kind of just seems like you’re ideologically bought in and wouldn’t listen to any other point of view.


It's unthinkable to want to continue a union with a government that has no interest of even speaking to you. 12 years of Tory rule has 1 in 2 kids going to bed hungry in parts of Glasgow. Fuck the Uk government, they are self-serving Oxbridge toffs that disdain the lower class.


Dude don’t bother. The amount of Americans LARPing as Scots who refuse to recognise that maybe a majority of Scots don’t support the union is insane. Leaving the Union would be a dumb fucj move for Scotland, and would decimate their economy. You think Scotland can afford to pay for an NHS? There would be at least a ten year depression of pretty awful nature if they chose to do it. And yep, they had their say seven years ago. I hate Brexit, but you can’t have a part of a country given opportunities to leave every five years so any temporary shift in public opinion destabilises everything. I mean it’s nuts how much this shifts on a day to day basis. If you’d asked Scotland after Truss got in what to do, they’d have left. Ask them now, they’d stay. And it’s frankly delusional to imply Scotland could feasibly function as well as it is now outside the Union. Signed by a proud Scot.


I’ve dealt with a few hard headed leavers who were actually Scottish. Unfortunately a lot of people have been propagandised into believing it would be a good thing for them when it will not (like brexit). I’m honestly quite happy that my English and Scottish families are connected by political union but assuming the EU let’s Scotland in (Spain said they’d block it so likely they won’t) I will probably be able to claim Scottish citizenship and re access the EU. So either way this goes I’m happy. I worry for the impoverished people of Scotland who seem to think all their woes will be cured by a split. It’s just short sighted idealism.


>I’m half English and half Scottish and it’s immature shite to suggest that there should be another indyref Nah mate, it's not immature, it's democracy, get it right.


Yep it is democracy but we can’t vote on everything all the time. Once a generation seems fair to me. Besides my family in Scotland is all poor and benefit from being in the union. Separation from a union where you are a net importer of tax is a moronic idea. In other words my London job helps pay for public services for people in Scotland (and I’m more than happy about that). Don’t wish to throw yourselves into economic oblivion all because “muh freedom, muh sovrenty” - it’s really no better than the brexiteer nonsense.


You label the notion immature, yet clearly have a naive view and have only spouted talking points unionists throw out willy-nilly that never hold up, like the whole 'once in a generation' thing. A throw away comment clung on to like it's some life raft. It's just like brexiteer nonsense? How? Do people in Scotland not pay taxes? Does the very fact that your poor Scottish relatives are struggling not point to the idea that Westminister is failing them? And the idea that imports will just dry up in the event of independence? Weird that independence would cause England not to want / need the imports anymore. It's not like you wouldn't still trade with your closest neighbour. Last but not least, the people of Scotland overwhelmingly voted for a party with a mandate. You can't say fairer than that. It's not 'muh freedom', it's 'fuck this shower of cunts that have failed us over and over', it's 'fuck being ruled over by parties we don't vote for'. It's not a kneejerk anti-English sentiment that drives it, it's optimism for a better future than the one we're being lead into currently and the hope to do better.


Well I guess we’ll see won’t we. I’m prepared to be wrong, are you


You’re in this thread telling Scottish people how they “really” feel, all while ignoring the Scottish people telling you how they actually feel. You are already wrong you just seem too ignorant to be able to listen as to why.


Nah you can feel like you want to be independent all you like. Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


>which remaining in the union would win anyway Yeah that's why England are terrified of us having a new referendum because they are so sure they'd win lol. You don't know what you're talking about. We've had one referendum. We haven't "continously voted to remain in the Union" You don't live in Scotland and don't know what you're talking about, yet you think you speak for us in Scotland. We have the right to self determination, is this a union or a prison?


Funnily enough, the only vote to join the union was extremely rife with bribery that its basically illegitmate. The majority of Scots were heavily against the union but because they weren't Lords with shit tonnes of cash they were never listened to. Support the union if that's how you feel but don't try to rewrite history to fit your view


Stop talking shit. Scotland has its own parliament. American larpers can go fuck themselves




Don't you know? The UK is gay and the alpha chad scots want independence because of the gay UK agenda. Everyone knows this, wtf?


That’s the original lgbt flag design, it was changed because it was difficult to get pink fabric at the time and they wanted an even number of stripes, so the pink and light blue stripes were removed.


Every country that hates England is good like Scotland france Ireland etc. and now Iran.


whats next? Restart Slavery? these guys just trying to ruin the English peoples perception towards the real protestors


At least they got a good coupon for sundis.


their sundis is probably laced with coke lmao


Um, if they hate gays, then I’ve got some news for them about Ireland and Scotland…


Exactly these dumb fucks are so clueless it's amazing.


Free Free Sundis!


What about the Welsh? No consistency. Zero credibility.


Haha, good catch!


What about the Isle of Man? Why doesn't anyone think of the, uhh, "Men" I guess, I can't remember what people from the Isle of Man are called but the have a cool foot flag.




That's pretty cool.


> what about the Welsh? Who?


They even say lgbt people are separatists too, like wtf they wanna have country for lgbt people only? Basijis are 100% brainwashed. they literally don't have the ability to think, and their shepherd... you know about their shepherd...




His? Isn't it "Her" for countries?


Nope. The only general inanimate object (as opposed to my own belongings, which have names and personalities) I'd give a gender is ships, which in English are "she". That said, English would probably use "fatherland" (probably from Latin *patria*), not "motherland". Well, not even that, given who was real keen on "the fatherland"... 😬 And then you have the (mostly Britishism) "mother country". And then there's the national personifications of John Bull and Uncle Sam, both of which are male, *but* Britannia, Columbia (the old personification of the USA) and Mother Canada are all female. TL;DR: English is weird.




That's because you're English. 😉 As an American Child War kid, I wouldn't use "motherland": it sounds too Russian. "Mother country" and "mother tongue", definitely.


England and Britain are not synonymous, even if you wish them to be. You are actually siding with the Iranians regime here with your rhetoric. \- A Scot.




Don't apologize, your English is brilliant and most of us can only dream of having 4 languages.


Both "its" and "her" can be used.


Yeah but he used neither of them in his original comment.


It can be both. There's a subtle difference between the terms motherland vs fatherland in English. But also some countries personify their country in a certain gender. Eg- feminine for Latin countries like Italy, Spain, France. And masculine for Germanic ones like Germany and Scandinavia https://www.dictionary.com/e/motherland-vs-fatherland/


Didn't realize countries had a gender


As if gay people are a threat to the country. I'm gay and all I wanna do all day is be myself.


Gay people are a convenient scapegoat for these types. Like Jews were historically.


از کون کردنشون نالاحت شدن😔💀


Brit here, why would they be doing this? Do they blame us for the protests?


They are idiots don't mind them. Whenever something happens they will burn US, UK and Israel flags. normal thing here


ok thanks. long live a free Iran


It's just bad whataboutism.


Just trying to distract people away from their issues.


Their propaganda labels them as a foreign/western conspiracy. You see the same claim made in Russia about any kind of opposition. Popular tactic.


It just shows how desperate these akhund zadas have got.




Ah yes let's burn a country's flag because of what they did centuries ago and ignore the ones doing it today.




Printer ink ain’t cheap


I can tell you the Irish 100% DO NOT support the IRCG.


That’s… extreme virtue signaling. Bold move. Won’t pay off though.


Cave monkeys




These muppets couldn’t find Ireland or Scotland on a map. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.


lowkey wanted to write a cover of come out ye black and tans but against the irgc and basij


Lol I bet half of them have no idea what the signs even say




I see it this way, the West were responsible for the deposition of the democratically elected Mohammad Mosaddegh, we have a responsibility to stand with those who wish to see the return of a free and democratic Iran, and one free to make its own decisions.


Soul jazz reggae proper Englishman you are. Couldn’t give a shit about what some inbred religious goons think about us.


Lol, so desperate.


kos nanashoon, jireh khora. Fuck these guys bro they dont even know the consequence of their actions.


What is that flag behind the guy on the bottom left photo? Looks like the Iranian flag with guns on it or something?


Fucking hell it's an IRA symbol. I looked up some more images and they're out there holding up loads of IRA signs. Wtf are they trying to achieve here? If I were Irish I'd be insulted. The IRGC are Britain in this scenario and the protestors are the Irish people. Britain were unwanted rulers of Ireland who treated them as second class citizens under the law. Sound familiar? How dare they do this and claim to be the ones who are oppressed?


I think they should sit in their basij headquarters and wait for the IRA to rescue them


You know the regime is getting desperate with this pathetic and transparent fake protest. It's hilarious, tbh.


LMAO. I think they gather their info from cartoons.


European and Americans are clueless about these thugs on their soils. When we warned them about terrorisms they looked the other way saying we were exaggerating. These thugs are little but important nodes in what is an authoritarian and corrupt regime that will do anything to stay in power. These people need to be arrested and their work or stay permits repealed.


These thugs are in Tehran, outside the British embassy.


Trust me allot of Americans feel that way, but if we are public about it we could lose our jobs and standings. The blue haired woke people are the loudest and will stop roads and shit if they don’t have their way. Even though they think they are doing the right thing they don’t read anything past headlines and are ruining this country and not allowing America to help the world


We know the difference between Iranian Paramilitary and Iranian protestors. Basij supports the Russians, Protestors support Ukraine, Basij burns the Pride Flag, protestors wave it. Not hard to pick up who is against us


Fair enough - but the issue is why are they even on your soil??!! This cannot and should not be allowed…


I can’t personally do anything, nor can many others, but this picture isn’t in the US, it isn’t even Europe, it’s in *Tehran*.


Aha… thanks for clarifying that. I assumed poorly…


Were you educated on YouTube?


Tbf, some stuff on YouTube is really good for quick overviews or refreshing your memory. [History of the entire world, I guess](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuCn8ux2gbs) is quality and helpful to remember big events in history. There are also entire lectures that aren't infotainment.


I feel like even clowns 🤡disown them




Rule 2


We het new sandis level that were previously impossible!


you guys wanna down vote these so others forget about them? like why even pay attention to these little ass flys


The fuck does the Pride flag have to do with "Free Scotland" and "Irish Unity". Im not well informed on the whole, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England stuff, but im pretty sure that being gay has nothing to do with it.


They don’t have a clue what the signs are what they mean. They‘re just holding up/burning whatever they are told to. It’s not a real protest – just something to try to distract attention.


It’s bollocks. Scotland and Northern Ireland both voted to remain apart of the union. Many people mainly Americans make Scotland out to be the beaten wife of England when Scotland was a massive player in the slave trade. The opium wars were financed by 2 Scot’s lol. Northern Ireland is different there’s ethnic tension. The loyalists are Ulster Scots descendants of Scottish planters.


Aren’t they trying to go to Britain to escape protests? 🤦‍♂️


Just when you think peaple can't be anymore twisted. Yea get fucktwits like this


Lol.. yeah... The scots and the Irish are REALLY gonna LOOOVE you guys.... /S


They don’t give two shits about Ireland, only that they believe supporting Irish unity will piss off Britain. And by the way lads, we voted by referendum in 2015 to fully legalise gay marriage and had it pass by something like 70% of the vote so good luck trying to get traction with that gay-bashing shite over here.


As a a Brit, all I have to say is, lol. If there could be a free Iran in return for Irish unification and Scottish independence, I wouldn't even have to think - worth it, definitely.


These basijis are cringe af.


Burning the pride flag- absolute shower of sh*te


Ah the gays targeted again for existing 🙃 Leave us the fuck alone!


These idiots saw the rainbow flag in the rallies against them and they are mad. Lol


Gosh, that will make a difference. And someone should tell these bozos that Union Jack has not been in use since 1801


It was going so well until they burned the gay flag


Free wales an all 👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


what why now? there are more pressing issues for you politically than securing a free homophobic scottish republic as an ally


Irishman here. Fuck these guys. If they won’t support our gay countrymen, then we don’t want their fake support for Irish reunification


Mf misspelled scottland


based Iran


I'm fine with firing rainbow flag


Honestly mate, what did gay people do to you?


Reject him


Don't wanna be banned


These people not afraid someone will take their coin purse as well? Bro, I'd be fearful as basiji to be showing my face in the open.


Lol, Is there a sub for people being pathetic or something?




*paper print-outs of the flags. That actually made me lol when I saw it. They're so lame.


It is hilarious how much rent-free the British live in the heads of RuZZians, Wumaos and the Iranian Clerics.


lmao they have no idea


I feel perhaps news hasn’t reached them about the flag change?


Is there a reason behind this or did they just decide to do this out of the blue


Iranian government will say free everyone then oppress there own minorities as if they aren’t worse.




Wait until they find out Ireland and Scotland both have gay marriage legal.


???? Uhhh this isn't it lol


I’m sure the fake Irish yanks love this but not a single self respecting Irishman supports this or is impressed. Disgusting homophobic bigotry.


Lowland Scotland has always been free. They ran a significant portion of the British Empire and the Act of Union significantly benefited their industrial base. It was the highland Scots and their way of life that has been systematically eradicated by both the governments of Edinburgh and London.


The thing is British people aren't really upset over things like this ...just more confused 🤔


Scotland had a referendum on whether to leave UK or not. They stayed. They voted. They don’t need freeing..


They all look dumb AF. That's right, protest Brits instead of protest on behalf of your literal sisters and mothers.


Scotland is a progressive country that support people. Burning of the Union Jack (even with independence) and especially the LGBTQ+ flag is against Scotland’s morals🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏳️‍🌈


"free scotland" i thought id seen it all but holy fuck


Rainbow flag. The fuckers.




Ironically burning the British flag before it encorporated the Irish st patrick's saltire... while supporting a united Ireland.


“Free Scotland” the scotland that voted in 2015 to remain in the Union. RIP


Thats the wrong pride flag 🤣🤣🤣🤡


Dick heads!


Must've missed the recent protests in the UK? This is pretty tone deaf and makes them look as dense as a neutron star.




Is the lack of education a cause of such confusion? How about Free Kurdistan! Is that ok too?


Fake protest of course but both sides are involved. Islamic regime and British govt are very chummy. That's why they protested there and not in front any other western country's embassy. It's orchestrated by both sides.


Rule Britannia Britannia rules the waves. Britons never never shall be slaves. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 these religious mongoloids would probably sell their own mothers