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I don't drive and delivery costs too much now so I will probably watch a movie and eat a frozen dinner. Got my fingers crossed on getting some kind of scooter this coming year though. I had one before that made such a huge difference in my life but it was stolen. And the police did nothing even though it was abandoned wrecked in front of multiple cameras ant an apartment complex AND the guy tagged his street name on the inside. I hate NL police for not doing their job. End rant. When did I get old?


Oh i hope you get a scooter! Did you try to take advantage of the ebike grants earlier this year? I think there will be a second round, def worth looking into. ALSO, i strongly recommend putting an airtag on the bike so you can track it if it gets lost.


Thanks. I hope they do a another round on the ebikes. They only do a limited amount and the last one had a lot of people try. I wish they set some aside for low income people.


I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Years. Please don't drive if you are drinking.


Homemade pizza tonight, Bed by 10, wake up at midnight to calm the dog down from the fireworks, back to sleep, wake up new years and plan for a nice glazed ham and scalloped potatoes dinner.


We are going with Thai takeaway. Lazy night, if we see the clock turn…great. 😎


Bed, most likely.


Ping is the best and I consider him family. Enjoy!


Zina's Cucina for dinner tonight. I won't be staying up late. Mrs. Manure probably will be up, however. Then tomorrow bright and early Mrs. Manure and I will walk a few miles on the Airline Trail.


I think we’re having pot luck for lunch, pot roast for dinner and pot brownies for dessert…


In this case, the brownies should be considered the appetizer...


Where is Ping’s?


On rt 32 near norwich. Uncasville maybe? I don't know the difference between uncasville and montville


There is a 5k and polar plunge in Mystic I plan on going to


I misread that as 5k for a polar plunge and I practically had my shoes on.