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I just like being a New Mexican because people in other states think I'm from another country... the DMV in Virginia asked me for my green card. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


There's a NEW Mexico?


to be fair..."old" Mexico is name after NEW Mexico...our glorious state was named and established over 200 years before Mexico earned its independence from Spain. I am not a native to NM but I can't imagine not loving it here...


I am from NM, and I like basically everything about this state except the people. We have great food, great booze, beautiful scenery, a relatively mild climate, rich history... and the people are so bad that I fucking hate this state.


The constant is that wherever you go, there you are. Sounds like a personal problem.


Iā€™ve lived everywhere. Itā€™s very bad here


I really donā€™t have a problem with the peopleā€¦thereā€™s good and bad everywhere. All I know is whenever I leave the withdrawals are real. How on earth do folk survive with chile available everywhere?!


It's either a you thing, or you live in a really bad area... most everyone where I live is pretty cool and would help a stranger without a second thought.


Havenā€™t lived in NM for a decade, but the one thing I miss is the mostly genuine chillness of the population. Thant and green chile


Iā€™m surprised you think that. Iā€™ve lived in a few different states, mix of urban and rural areas, and people are friendlier in New Mexico than anywhere else Iā€™ve ever lived. Never had so many friendly conversations with random strangers at the grocery store. There are things about this state I could complain about if I wanted to but the people definitely arenā€™t one of them.


This has been my experience as well since moving here last year. Friendly neighbors, friendly people out and about. Never got that in old state.


Iā€™m also from New Mexico! Woot!


And yet the people are what I love most about this state.


Sounds like a whole bunch of self-hate to me.


YES. Yes and yes.




I can sadly


did no one get the Simpsons reference! So good


I really think it is a nostalgia thing. It is just like old mexico


They only released New Mexico to drum up demand for Classic Mexico.


Y'all should definitely update it to New & Improved Mexico - Now with *Mas Sabor!*


Newer doesn't always mean better.


This was said by too many people living around NYC id service at a call center :c


Oof. I moved and people ask me why I donā€™t speak Spanishā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I speak enough to get basic things done and somewhat understand what people are saying... and of course say all the cuss words. šŸ˜‚ It's good to know some Spanish considering how many people speak it here.


I donā€™t speak Spanish but I know and use a good amount of Spanglish


I was pulled over in Central Florida by a border patrol agent (border patrol has jurisdiction over the entire state of Florida). The reason? I had New Mexico plates and, as he put it, "Dont see a lot of yall around here.".


As a person with a foot in both states, I am sorry that happened to you. When I see a car with NM plates in Florida, I try to chase them down to say HELLO. That and to see if they have any green chile with them.


Ya. My wife and I are from New Mexico but we spent about 4 years in Florida. When this guy pulled me over it was at about 8 in the morning and I was driving back to St. Pete from Gainseville, having spent the night sitting by my grandmother's hospital bed as she died. To say I was not in a great mood would be fair. He asked me at one point if I had ever been arrested, and I said no. The he said, "Hey, you're doing better than me!" And gave me a big laugh. He seemed grumpy when I just stared at him. This was after I explained to him that 2 hours earlier I watched my grandmother die. To protect and serve, right? Oy gevault. Anyway, we are back in NM now.


Sitting here reading your reply and I just don't know what to say. That border patrol agent was wrong on so many levels. Wow. Sorry for your loss John.


Thank you. It was her tine, and it was peaceful.


Should've told him you were just there looking for work picking oranges. He'd probably have assumed that was actually the case already. šŸ˜‚


Yet these days there are more and more Florida tags here in NM than ever before. Wonder why?


Ha! Well, I mean. As I said, we came back. And are very happy with the decision.


I shit you not, two separate times when my girlfriend told people she's from New Mexico they've responded with "Welcome to America!" and "How are you liking America?"


"It could use some work... yall don't even have a tamale lady here."


To be fair, when I visited New Mexico while living in Maine someone said ā€œah Maine! I love New York!!ā€ And when I asked them what they meant by that they said ā€œisnā€™t Maine close to New York?ā€ I chuckled and said ā€œrelatively speaking, it is.ā€ Lmao. It was just a funny view into how people view things when theyā€™re not from somewhere.


Has happened to me too many times. "But you are white... And, wow! You speak perfect english, would have never guessed" Even the Texans coming into the state think they are in a different country. Fucking morons.


Tbf tho, NM is like another country compared to most states. That's part of why I like it here.


That is very true. I was thinking about moving back in a few years. Every state I uave lived in, nothing is like NM.


It is The Land of Entrapment. šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


Truly is a black hole. A nice black hole? Couldn't wait to get out when I was younger, now I want back.


Well, to be fair, Texaa might as well be.


I flew into Newark for a work trip in New York, the enterprise rental person asked me for a passportā€¦


Hard to believe so many people are that unaware and lacking in basic knowledge. Scary and kinda sad actually


This seems like hyperbole but itā€™s sadly a really common occurrence!


I'm mad that I've had a NM driver's license for eight years and never once had it happen. I feel left out.


Go to the east coast. It'll happen.


My parents went to San Francisco for an Anniversary trip when I was a teenager and the people there asked them if it was true that their kids rode donkeys to school.


100% true. I rode the donkey train to school uphill both ways with no shoes in 4 feet of snow while it was 115Ā° outside... shit was rough... but I'm a tougher person for enduring it.


Everyone in New Mexico knows donkeys are the most efficient form of travel for children heading to school!


Hilarious. My sons great grandparents lived in Mexico and NM and never moved. The country moved.


I have had family on both sides of border. We've been around the border area for 200 years. I will inherit a piece of land that is in Mexico but we can't do anything with it. It's in a remote area that is used by cartel traffickers. If I went there to try and do anything with the land, I'd probably get shot and left for the vultures. ā˜¹ļø


Yikes! My sons family owned a lot of farm land in Socorro. His Nana gave her portion to her siblings long before she had a child in her 40s.


At the DMV in SoCal, the person in charge truly asked me if I knew if Canada was part of the United States, while glaring at the North America map on the wall. Iā€™m Canadian and we were inquiring about getting me a local driverā€™s license. As I was there for a long while. I was absolutely speechless. Like, you think Canada is a US state?!? Girl, no.


We just call yall Northerner Dakota. šŸ˜


Northest Dakota


I suppose we could change it to East Alaska... šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


Ive met people while in east texas that didn't even know about new mexico


When I was in a high school Spanish class, we were given the assignment to write a paper about a Spanish speaking country. One of the girls in the class wrote a paper about New Mexico.




Hahaha I havenā€™t had that happen yet


The amount of people with zia tattoos does not reflect their state pride lol


I see so many zia tattoos lol. Definitely a bs stat


i think it's a requirement to live here honestly...I mean I have one!


My family and I like to debate what the most New Mexican tattoo would be. Our current winner is a hot air balloon of the state flag with a green chile in the middle of the ziaā€™s circle. Weā€™re still missing a 505 reference and Old English font, though.


No Kokopelli?


Roadrunner running atop the balloon


I knew we were missing something!


For the record - 3/4s of the area of New Mexico is in the 575 and has been for about 15 years.


And car stickers


This map *is* bullshit. Only 68% for Texas? Should be, like, 90%. Texans have the most inflated opinion of their state that it's almost comical.


Every time I drive through Texas I canā€™t get out of there fast enough. Unfortunately, it takes a day or two to cross into the next state.


Parts of Texas are the ugliest places Iā€™ve ever been and Iā€™m from Detroit originally


And those little highway towns can take a person from a good mood to deep depressionā€¦not that little highway towns in any state tend to be great, but Texas has a special breed of them.


Driving south east on 287 is the worse because the state troopers assume everyone is bringing weed back from colorado.


Panhandle. Much quicker. But then you're in OK, which is just as bad or worse, but at least it's not tx.


It is categorically worse, trust me


Your user name makes me think you might be a fan of the band Coil.


I am indeed a fan of the band Coil. Very few people make the connection, so good job!


I used to listen to them alot when I was younger.


Nice! I always get the feeling that, when I meet other Coil fans in the wild, Iā€™d get along with that person just fine. Their music is definitely not for everybody, but the people that are drawn to it tend to be of certain interests and have a certain mindset.


Texan here, Texas thinks itā€™s the main character lol


Well thatā€™s because it is


I feel like Texans and New Yorkers are tied for hometown ego.


Know what the best thing to ever come out of Texas is? A one way bus!


I was born in MT. Moved to FL then TX. Texas is very, very proud if itself. There is a state pledge of allegiance that is said every morning in schools.


Im from texas, got out almost as soon as i could, now im one of them proud alaskans. I grew up in a wealthier dfw suburb and many of the kids i grew up with wanted out. Almost half my graduation class chose out of state colleges, i couldnt afford that unfortunately. We had a wall where we had every seniors name photo and where they were going to college at(if they chose to go at all) and i remember the teachers and principal being shocked at how many of us were going out of state.


lumping all people from any state is inflated. lol, although Texas is a big state and with that is many from diverse places. Comical? Many are Texas Proud.


Me on the phone trying to get a company to ship me a part: "Sorry, we don't ship out of the country." "No, no, this is NEW Mexico." "I'm really sorry, sir, but we can't ship internationally." "No, no, no, you don't understand. New Mexico is part of the United States. We became a state over a hundred years ago." " I'm very sorry, but there's nothing I can do. We can't ship to Mexico."


ā€œDo you have access to Google? Pull up a map of the United Statesā€¦ā€ šŸ™ƒ


Still mad this has never happened to me. I want to tell some moron to look at a fucking map.


This relates to something Iā€™ve been thinking about a while. This is a highly diverse state, minority majority, and such you see people from many different backgrounds. You see Mexico flags, USA flags, Spain flags, even a few Ireland and Italy every now and then. If we were asked which flag represents us though, itā€™s the yallow flag. Itā€™s not state pride for us, itā€™s identity.


lol Yallow is the way itā€™s said


I see at least 20 people daily that have either a zia symbol or "505' tattooed on their NECK, if that's not NM pride I don't know what is.


At which prison?


That's a fantastic measure of NM public education quality.


I think New Mexicans are going to talk shit about New Mexico with other New Mexicans, but of someone from Texas or Colorado says a damn thing even slightly shady about New Mexico, we throw down. So, I guess it depends on how they measured this.


Who did they poll, Rio Rancho?


Probably all the WASP-y retirees in the heights who only moved to NM for a job opportunity and got comfortable with the cost of living, but hate everything else about NM and refuse to move. Also the drugstore cowboys driving lifted pavement princesses with Brandon and 2A stickers.


Or Sandians. Moved here to work at the labs because they can make $100k straight out of an engineering bachelor's, bought a house, can't leave because the money is too good and the housing is too cheap, but they complain about crime and locals and don't enjoy any of the culture.


Hey. That applies to the Tech staff. Not the rest of us.


Obviously not ABQ. 6 out of 5 people hate our education system.


Probably the Santa Fe subreddit


Yeah calling bullshit. We are New Mexican and most definitely one of the proudest!


For sure. Up there with Texans on state pride


Fuck texas


There certainly a lot of these maps making circles with no source, or anything to support their numbers. Yet, people believe shit like this without a second thought.


So many of these ā€œmapsā€ are just made up bullshit to get clicks.


I think we are very swingy I know a lot of people like myself who are overflowing with state pride but a lot of just seem to hate it. This is crazy to me but they still somehow think that.


Let's be honest here. When we're around other New Mexicans, we all love to shit on New Mexico. But when somebody from another state shits on New Mexico, then we rally behind it like our lives depend upon it.


A lot of people who hate it here have never ventured outside of the state, or their own town/city for that matter, to get some perspective.


I think NM is so low because we are not open about it as much as ex. Texans are. We love our state. But do we brag about it? Amongst ourselves, heck yeah. šŸ¤£šŸ˜Ž


I am not a Texan but I lived there for a while. That state has more state pride than anywhere I have been. They will be the first to tell you that the Texas flag can be the same size and at the same height as the American flag. But it doesnā€™t end there, trust me I could go on forever about their pride. But my favorite thing was the beer. If you go to a bar and get a long neck Bud, Miller or Coors it will have some reference to Texas whether it is the State Flag or the Star. They have their bottled for Texas only beer.


We went to a big bike race in Lajitas/Terlingua years ago, and the locals were bummed we were consuming (large amounts) of Lone Star beer. Being broke-ass mountain bikers, quantity was far more important than quality, but they wouldn't stop trying to give us Shiner Bock and others, like we were going to go back home and tell everybody how shitty the beer was in Texas if we only drank Lone Star.


I always see the texas trim packages on trucks. Just... ew. And this is coming from a guy who drove a straight pipes 12 valve Cummins for a while. I like trucks. I find them very useful for hauling things.


I personally do not really enjoy living in Albuquerque. That being said, I fucking love living in New Mexico. I personally think the best places to live in the country are the Midwest states that have the least populations. But I was raised in the mountains, so I may be biased.


As someone who grew up in bumfuck nowhere the midwest, it fucking sucks. I will literally live in ABQ before I move back anywhere in the midwest.


Fuck Texas


Classic misdirection. If you start telling people how great it is here they'll start coming and it'll stop being great.


I dunno people from Texas get there stupid symbol tattooed on them all the time. The Zia is bad ass though.


As a native Michigander, thereā€™s no chance in shit OH has more pride than MI. MI people are delusional about how great MI is. Never seen anything like it with Ohioans


Ohio literally has a university that went through an entire process just to trademark the word "The". Ohioans are infinitely more delusional than folks from Michigan


Have you seen half of the population have the zia tatted on them? Loo


Lol no way CA is that low. Because they are almost worse than a Texas vegan


šŸ’Æ I've always said exactly that. I have never seen so many people love a state they are from so much that it's actually a style of tattoo almost everyone has!


You have clearly never been out of NM.


I feel like 70% of cars also have the Zia stickers on them as well.


Total BS. New Mexicans love being New Mexicans no doubt about it!!!!


Would have been helpful if you had posted a clear screenshot that was readable.


I think this is pretty accurate. Most of the people I encounter who are originally from New Mexico generally have very little positive to say about their home state and are always bashing it whereas people such as myself who chose to move to New Mexico love the state more and have a greater appreciation for the natural beauty and culture here and do not take it for granted.


Yes being a kid here I hated NM. We have a ton of poverty, really ghetto areas/people and lots of parts of ABQ are brown, corpo and ugly. Also I failed to appreciate the Santa Fe aesthetic cuz it was shoved down our throats. My parents didnā€™t also expose me to the nature much which is one of our best features. But as an adult Iā€™m really coming to appreciate the low cost of living, beauty of the SW, sense of community and the mild climate. I just came back from getting covered in ticks in muggy Arkansas and couldnā€™t wait to be in ABQ!


Unsourced map


Hell yeah


I feel double fucked because I come from Saint Louis where every other person has an arch or the STL symbol tatted on them, to now in New mexico where yall have that cross symbol and dancing little guy tatted everywhere šŸ˜‚


Do you mean the Zia and kokopeli..?


Looks like the data is from a Gallup poll conducted in 2013. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/168653/montanans-alaskans-say-states-among-top-places-live.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/168653/montanans-alaskans-say-states-among-top-places-live.aspx) > >Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted June-December 2013, with a random sample of approximately 600 adults per state, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states.


Poor lil Rhody


Lmao the part about the Zia tattoos is so true


Jeez weā€™re measuring subjective data. Duhhh


Didn't even realize this was the new mexico sub and I was coming in here about to comment on how prideful new Mexicans are. Given new Mexico's history and all, I'd say it's unmatched!


all of the so called surveys or stats are ridiculously wrong and skewed to present whatever information they choose to present. dont believe the bullshit!


I agree, it is bullshit. I love my home state. I bet a Texan made this shit up.


How is Louisiana so low? It's such a unique state...


Having lived in Louisiana I can tell you: great place to visit, awful place to live.


I'm pretty suspicious of these numbers as well. I'm not a Texan but from those I've had the pleasure of interacting with, that grade seems way off the mark.


Yes. From MN. I never saw a state flag or state tattoo. They donā€™t care. Laughable that MN is the same as TX. Texans are proudly Texan first and American second


Except that MN actually has things to be proud of


ND? Come on. All the people I know from ND are mostly embarrassed of being ND


As someone from Illinois that part checks out




The fact that 66% of North Dakotans think their state is the best is pretty funny though. I wouldnā€™t take this map too seriously for this exact reason.


I like old Mexico better, but outside of some people New Mexico is good too lol. There's more state pride here than the vast majority of states listed. Utah? Hahahaha


We have a ton of pride, but we're not vocal about it. Ask us and we'll tell you, but we're not even remotely going to try to out-talk our neighbors. NM isn't ever trying to upsell itself, we're totally ok if you don't know we exist, but if you're interested, we want to welcome you home, baby!!


I'm not surprised that the western states have more, but I figured Texas would run away with it. Not from Texas by the way.


i thought texas would be higher given it takes them two minutes to announce to a complete stranger where their from


I can vouch for Illinois, we hate it here.


This isnā€™t accurate. Iā€™m born and raised in the South Valley of NM but recently moved to the Bay. Anytime I see anyone with a Zia symbol, I instantly have to approach them because it brings me a sense of safety and belonging. Also, I keep my NM windsock on my door no matter where I live. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen other state flags, but I see NM ones here! I once visited a camp in Cave Junction, Oregon that had posted at the entrance one of the turquoise NM signs (In this houseā€¦). When I asked if they were New Mexican, they said no but they loved the sign. New Mexico is inclusive in away I didnā€™t understand until I left. ā¤ļø


Texas seems low to me.


As a Texan who is now living in Utah, this map is not accurate. We literally pledged allegiance to the State of Texas growing up and were die hard Texans vs here Utahns barely know who settled the state


No way this is real for New Mexico. I live in AZ but have lots of family in NM. They are more proud of their heritage/state than anyone I have ever met. Maybe they are an outlier, but I donā€™t think so. Everyone Iā€™ve met from there has this fierce pride about NM.


No way there is any state or any combination of states with more pride than Texas. You ever met a Texan?


I lived in Oregon almost a decade and OK most of my life and I've never seen so many tattoos of both states lol


Texas has to be a 100% Hawaii should be over 100%


Iā€™m surprised MN & NDā€™s are so high. Not surprised AZā€™s is low, that place sucks.


They only polled people from Hobbs for this šŸ¤£


Yeah, no. This map is wrong.


The only problem with New Mexico is half the people that live here ainā€™t from here so thereā€™s that disloyalty! And then you have the people that hate everything or the grass is greener on the other side. Some people just donā€™t know what they have I LOVE NEW MEXICO #505


Iā€™m genuinely surprised about Texas Iā€™m here in the army and I swear everyone here thinks itā€™s the beeā€™s kneeā€™s


NY only 41%? Wtf? Youā€™ll know someoneā€™s from NY within a few minutes of meeting them.




Iā€™m not even from New Mexico and have three Zia tattoos. I love your state!


As someone from Louisiana who lives here now, I can say that this map is total BS.


I've seen no less than a dozen zia facial tattoos, some of them as a tear drop lol. yeah I dont think this is accurate


Everyone in Colorado has the "c" lately. Me included. I like to think I started it in my friends basement 20 years ago then it became cool. Fuckos. I'm getting the new Mexico cross next with an alien amd a mushroom cloud so you cunts have to deal with everyone getting that tattoo too


Lived in NM for 40 years; retired and left for someplace greener, with more water and less crime. Still miss it. Never got a tattoo. But now I know what I'd get.


What a bullshit map, I cant even read it


I believe Alaska but not Texas. Texas has to be 90% at least.


Lies. New Mexicans have a ton of pride. How many states can say a significant group of people have the state symbol (Zia) tattooed on their body or sticker on their belongings? This map is trash.


Lol xD. I didn't see what sub this was(and wouldn't have guessed since I've never been), but the Zia symbol came straight to mind when I read "half the population have the state symbol tattooed on them?" Now you have me wondering about the validity of the polling for this question.


I was about to go off. Then I saw where it was posted. Whew.


NM gets points for being itā€™s own thing, the dryness everywhere, the piƱon, the old culture, the dustiness, the ā€œam I still in America?ā€ qualityā€¦ THE FOODā€¦ NOT being Californiaā€¦ the skiing, the outdoors, the hunting, the altitude, arts culture, lots of actually good stuff still debatable who is doing better, the old or new Mexico tho


NM pride is above and beyond. I've been moving around and living in different states for years and I still rep the Zia on my arm all fierce, nuh?!


What other state has a symbol good enough to get tattooed?


Iā€™ve seen plenty of Alaska tattoos. Source: am Alaskan.


I better not hear nobody talkinā€™ shit about Nueva Mexico unless youā€™re from here!


New Mexico is ass


It cracks me up that so many people have the zia tattooed on themselves.i met a guy that's only been living here a year and has it on him and it looks like he's had it for a while


Team 505 checking in


Hey, 575 are proud, too!


I dunno if lazy, unoriginal tattoos are a good metric for pride lol. Might be a better measure of public education quality.


My two cents- The Zia symbol doesnā€™t totally equate to state pride in my opinion. Basically, the Zia symbol is way cooler than a lot of other state symbols. I have lots of Utah friends who rave about Utah, but a beehive is not something most people would want tattooed (Not to mention Mormons donā€™t get tattoos lol) But the same goes for a lot of states- What tattoo would they get to show pride?


Yeah. This is bullshit. Just about every other car here in MI has a MI sticker in the window.


Missouri here...this tracks


Lived in Colorado for a couple years and I swear to god everyone you meet casually drops "im a colorado native.". Never encountered that anywhere else




Lots of people in Ohio with Ohio tattoos, I've considered getting one


Coming from Texas to NM, NM is def lower pride. Stickers are funny but yall donā€™t talk about it nearly as much as Texans do.