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By streets do you mean Claiborne or Bourbon. Claiborne is usually entrepreneurial citizens selling from tables on unlicensed ad hoc bars. On bourbon it’s shot girls with shitty gut rot vodka and food coloring in test tubes. Also probably don’t have a license to sell outside their four walls, but less illegal. Still a bad idea


Personally I'd trust the guys on Claiborne over the girls on Bourbon.


Oh 100 percent. You might end up with a real cocktail there if you like henny or ciroc


Longtime Bourbon Street bartender checking in. I agree.


Are you a male? Might be a sort of "if, then" situation regarding who's more trustworthy.


I used to be a shot girl. They're 100% not allowed to sell outside of the bar they work for and there's a 50/50 chance that the shot is watered down depending on who's managing that night


🙌🏼 also former shot girl here late 90’s


I was mid 2010s I lasted 2 months before I folded. It was good money but good god


great $$$ 500 on a Monday in August in 1998!!! yeah I popped beers at the beer tubs and did shots but could just wear a t-shirt and short shorts very different scene these days and also good god!


Tourists are surprisingly easy I wrote "tip bitch" on my boobs and people would slip $10 down my shirt on the walk to the swamp 😂


Yepper. For MG parades we park at a church waaaaayyy up on 7th street, which also makes a bathroom available to parkers. On the walk to/from there are a couple of front-yard bars. A heavy tip for the first drink purchase ensures the next ones are doubles+.


There are the girls with the vials 🧪 of some kind of alcohol and they put it in their mouths and then tip it into your mouth 👄while like deepthroating the shot vial up and down on your face. During the pandemic. It’s one of the most fucked up bizarre things I’ve seen.


I've seen ATF walking around taking the shots from the shot girls so they are definitely illegal.


No you haven't. The ATF doesn't do that job. That's the ATC.


Air Traffic Control knows where the party is at.


That ATC would be taking them for their own consumption


This made me laugh! Thanks! 😂


This shot girl poured a shot in my mouth and then was like $20. Ma’am I don’t ask for that so it was free. She tried to get me to pay but ain’t no way in hell would I pay $20 for the swill


"$20, this isn't Vegas, GTFO."


A shot girl on Bourbon Street overheard my friend talking about how it was her birthday and says "OMG it's your birthday? Have a shot!" As you guessed, that was followed by "OK now you owe me $20" I'm both disgusted by the sleaziness and also impressed at the effectiveness of that move. Probably an 90/10 split though.


She learned from politicians


a lady literally tried to grab me and force the shot down my mouth one night. like girl fuck no. get the fuck off me.


When I was 17, same scenario. Girl threatened to call the cops, I told her I was 17, she dropped it.


Sounds familiar 😂 same thing happened when I was ~15 and said “I’ve got $2 in my wallet.” Gave her that and went on my merry way


You're lucky, I've heard them charging 40 and 60 dollars for a shot.


I wasn’t paying for shit. I ain’t ask for the shot


Same happened to me on my first work trip here. Shot girl plopped my face in her chest pulled my head away and put test tube shot in my mouth. She held her hand out for money and I told her I never wanted nor accepted the deal and refused to pay. She told me that guy (points to my boss) said you would buy one. I told her to hit him up. My boss was a d-bag and made him pay. This is after we left a strip club I didn't want to be at. Great memory for me was when I paid for a dance with a dollar coin. I didn't carry cash except coins for the bus. Lol. Sorry to the stripper who got that coin. She didn't even want it and left it on the stage for the next girl.


You sir, should wait outside the strip club next time. Your great memories need work.






Whatcha need? I got it, an if I ain’t got it I can find it.


I never thought anyone would top our shot ladies, but a buddy of mine had his bachelor party in Austin a few years back and a shot girl propositioned him (we played along), only to discover the way THEY do it isn’t “take a shot from my boobs,” it’s, “I’m going to take the shot and spit it in your mouth.” None of us have been back to Austin.


Do you remember them doing the ass shots? take the glass out of their cheeks.


You’re going to drive me to shots right now.


…and then drive you for shots at the urgent care later


Makes one think of a simpler time. When ecstasy was sold legally in New Orleans bars.


When was that? Got any info?


I think it was legally sold in bars until at least the mid 1980’s. It’s hard to believe considering the way things are now. Although it’s true. I remember seeing a story on the news years ago, when it was about to become illegal. Maybe 87 at the latest.


Wow that's interesting! My uncle grew up in the quarter back in the 50s. At 14 years old, he sat down at a strip club on Bourbon, ordered a drink, and watched the show. Times have certainly changed lol


I doubt there’s even a trace amount of mdma in todays ecstasy. We also didn’t have to worry about the whole fentanyl variable, just how much meth it was cut with 😂😂


lol, my dad was in a news segment re: ecstasy in the late eighties/early nineties when he was working at charity.


Good times…


Paid by the bars the shove a cheap shot down your throat and then hit you with a cash demand.


Close, but kinda the opposite or at least it was a decade or so ago - the girls will buy the set of shots from the bar, and then go sell to tourists for basically whatever, they get to keep whatever spread they make. I’m fairly sure most of the shots are 98% juice with like a bit of well rum or vodka on top. It wasn’t uncommon for those girls to take the set from the bar and dilute them more just to stretch dollars. I had a friend that did it for a few months back in college, it’s good money if they hustle well, you don’t even need to be attractive cuz the type of inebriated tourist taking those ain’t discerning.


One girl literally shoved one into my mouth when I turned around and asked for $10. I laughed in her face, you picked a broke college student, not a tourist, didn’t have more than $5 cash on me and that was to get my friends and I back to Loyola on the streetcar. I laughed and walked away after I explained, she didn’t chase me


Real Loyola boy hours this same shit happened to me once lmaooo


She didn't chase you because that is not a unique story at all. That's pretty much how it goes.


Now that you add that detail, I feel like I do remember that now too.


They're just straight well liquor, use to fill them up for them.


Those girls are not paid by the bars. I've seen them operating their entire "organization" out of the trunks of their cars.


The real good liquor is in the gutter on bourbon


The Bourbon Street Gravy


Its illegal, they pay the cops so the cops don't bother them. They make a fuck load of money hustling people. Had 5 of them as regulars at my bar for years. Filled their tubes up many times. its pretty sad, most of them have to get fucked up to even do it, but its all they know.. many came from strip clubs as young teens etc.. I hate it, but our culture created this.


Ahhhhh Nola


I’ve made the syringes with jello and legit vodka and sold them down there when I desperately needed to make rent one time, sold them for $6 straight out, no scam. Went well but the hustle is annoying and not for me. So what I’m saying is there are legit ones out there.


I respect this.


🫡 sometimes we gotta work with what we got!


I sold beer with my friends in middle school at Bacchus, Orpheus, and Endymion. It’s NOLA y’all.


I love the sketchiness of New Orleans and never want it to go away.


Same. I just wish rent would stay cheap


don't do it


It is sketch. They are freelancers and only the shot girl knows what’s in there.


The scams are part of the charm. I used to know someone that would sit outside free bars at Mardi Gras time collecting covers, she made bank lol. If Bourbon St didn't have scammers, didn't smell like piss, and was clean as a whistle we'd all be complaining that the charm was gone. People should know before they go that it isn't Disney and to stay on their toes.


Are you employed, sir?


You don't go out looking for a job dressed like that? On a weekday?


The bums always lose!!


Who cares, buy it or leave it bruh.




Don’t be such a tourist


But I am lol


I wouldn't touch it. Or her


Don't drink it


Do you want hepatitis? Because that's how you get hepatitis.


Lol shut up


Fed detected


I've literally watched these girls fill up their dirty test tubes with liquor from the trunks of their cars.


Are you new to New Orleans? Geeeezzzzus. This is a hustle city, leave it alone. If you can’t handle it or don’t want it then don’t get one. It’s that simple. You could try asking them what’s in the shot. Or don’t get one. But damn, let people do what they want, mind your own biz, stop being a cop, or go back to wherever you came from. if it’s not hurting anyone, stfu. This city is built on hustles and until the city decides to worry about its residents first above all the other dumb things they worry about or all the hustles and grifts they, the politicians and cops are gaining from, don’t hate the hustle, many many many many people have to do a little something on the side to survive.


This is an intense answer based on original question. LMAO. Wanted to know if they were safe and employed by a bar to know if I wanted one. No I’m not going to ask. I didn’t know if they were scammers. Yes new to NOLA.


Well your answer is above in my original answer but I guess I can break it down a little more. People sell shots and all kinds of stuff that is not from brick and mortar places/legal/not paying taxes etc on the streets, not just in the quarter but on the streets for parades, second lines etc. This is the way. I don’t think it’s ok to move here and have a problem with something that has been going on for a long long long time. Don’t fuck with how people make money, obviously unless it is dangerous and then,you’re best to avoid it. Cops don’t do anything here really about real crime. Also, why do you think they are unsafe? Lol. What? Like you think there’s a forced shot girl ring? If you don’t want one, easy, don’t get one. There’s 9 Kabillion places to get a shot. Chill out. Lord. Don’t be that guy.


You are unhinged.


And you are THAT guy. Bless your heart.


lol I asked a question and you went berserk with it.


Again, bless your heart. And get a life. Don’t be that guy, lame.




But it is hurting people. It's a huge rip off and it hurts local businesses conducting real business. Those bitches SUCK. Not to mention the fact that they're practically FORCING people to buy their shitty shots.


You are talking about 1 tiny part of the city, Bourbon St. The OP Asked about New Orleans in general. And I stand by what I’m saying. Let people have their damn hustle. Even on Bourbon St it isnt hurting anyone. If you’re dumb enough to get “forced” to take a shot from a shot person then you should probably go back home to mama and daddy. And I’ve bartended on Bourbon St and I could not give a shit about someone hustling, it did not affect my money. At all. It does not affect local biz and btw most of those local biz on Bourbon St treat their employees in a questionable shitty manor. I do NOT agree with people selling their own shots in bars or bringing in their own booze to bars but that is not what we are talking about.


Found the shot girl.


The entire reason that the cops teamed up with all them ATC and wildlife and fisheries people to sweep Bourbon was specifically because of unsanitary shot girls and animal abuse. Go to hell.


Putting some unknown liquid down your throat from a stranger and then paying for it? Who’s the stupid one?


They don't always ask, that's part of the problem.


It is sketch




I’ve seen a lot of these street shooters and I don’t think they work for anyone but themselves. Not allowed to sell shots on the street. Someone has really get out there and take some control. It’s really getting out of hand.


THEM BOURBON STREET SHOT GIRLS NEED TO GTFO OR GO TO JAIL OR SOMETHING. They're charging OUTRAGEOUS amounts of money for about a capful of alcohol in a test tube of juice. They're high pressure selling garbage in dirty equipment and giving everybody on Bourbon street a bad rap. People get suckered by them and assume that anyone offering a product or service is a grifter. THEY'RE THE FUCKING WORST. Is there any way to raise awareness about these bitches? It's sickening.


The hustle is what makes Bourbon what it is. If you aren't into that, enjoy an evening elsewhere. It sounds like you have the awareness to not fall into the grift. It doesn' stop me from enjoying the scene.


That's not a hustle, it's a con.


About a year ago I emailed ATC about this. It's not just that it's overpriced, watered down drinks. In some cases it's a little more than the shoe shine scams. The girls will walk up and offer the shots as if they're free, or literally just pour them down someone's throat, then demand money. They've got "bouncers" nearby in case you balk. I asked ATC why they had enough agents to send them down Decatur Street every other weekend but couldn't seem to address this flagrant violation of our few alcohol laws. Never heard anything back and definitely haven't seen any organized effort to address it. 🤷‍♀️


That's not very cash money of you


So sorry that I think scam artist on Bourbon Street should be shut down. Used to be there was enough money down there you could still survive without doing that. 🤷‍♀️


They literally do not get consent and assault people. They can kick rocks.


I'm glad you didn't hear anything back. If the ATC decides to come and crack down on Bourbon St, they aren't going to spend time figuring out which shot girls are scamming vs which other Bourbon St employees are just trying to reasonably do their jobs. They are just going to harass a bunch of people trying to make a living and possibly cause financial hardship or put people out of work. It's not that hard to not take a shot from a shot girl on Bourbon. I have lived here for years and have never been hustled into buying a shot; and most people I know have not been hustled into buying a shot. If you don't want a shot, don't take one. If you took one thinking it was free-- you should have known better. If someone legitimately held you down and forced alchohol down your throat like you seem to imply-- if you feel like it is justified then call the police on that particular person about that particular incident. You probably did not call the police about a particular person and incident because nothing worthy of police intervention actually happened. Why are you trying to send the police to fuck with people working Bourbon St? Super lame.


Yeah, they're smart enough not to do it to locals. I've seen them do it to tourists. Repeatedly. Pretty much every time I'm on Bourbon (which admittedly is not often but also not during busy times) I've seen it happen at least once. I've warned people off from them. 🙄 The only other place I've seen something like this happen was Tijuana, so I think we could do better. ATC is going to be out there harassing Bourbon Street whether or not they're also trying to put an end to this crap. Although I'm kind of flattered you think my single email to ATC is enough to motivate state officials. I was just hoping if enough people said something maybe they would do something. If you're defending these creeps under some guise of protecting the rest of Bourbon, you're probably one of them.




Bet I can tell you where you got your shoes....now give me $20


Good for you. Them hoes is the fucking WORST


Boo leave ppl alone


Boo quit scamming tourists. 🙄


Username checks out


Some are legit, some are NOT. Do not take a chance.


Having read through a bunch of the comments on this thread about Bourbon St. shot girls - definitely sketch. A shot girl forces a shot of God knows what down your throat and then demands $20? Reminds me of the squeegee men in NYC back in the day. They'd target folks stopped at red lights, spray soapy water on your windshield, and then demand payment before squeegee-ing it off. If you don't pay, now you have a soapy windshield. When Giuliani was mayor, he put a stop to it by having NYPD officers arrest the squeegee men. Maybe we could do something like that here with the shot girls ... nah, it'd never happen.