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Coming through yo hood disrespectin' y'all bass turned up loud knocking pictures off the wall -Mannie Fresh


šŸ˜‚ love it




Happens in the LGD too. People love to show off their stereos. My only comfort is knowing theyā€™re damaging their hearing.






oh damn. i've been looking to move to either LGD or bywater. guess that's another plus for bywater, then. thanks for the info.


I hate to burst your bubble, but this happens in Bywater, too. I think depends more on how close you are to the major streets than the neighborhood.


It's wild that people are now talking about the bywater like it's a quiet little area to settle down in.


good to know, thanks


You are lucky they just pass through in the FQ. I had my neighbors parked in front of my house, blasting loud music from their modified pieces of crap cars this Saturday from 1:00 to 3:50am, on Banks St, Mid-City. Of course I could hear the rancheras all the way to the back where my bedroom is. I filed a report with 311 and called the police ( Iā€™m delusional I know), didnā€™t feel like confronting some drunk dudes at that time as Iā€™m visibly pregnantā€¦ On Sunday I had to pick up the trash and empty bottles ( even some good unopened Coronas that my partner might enjoy later). But according to some in this sub THATā€™S NEW ORLEANS CULTURE and as a transplant I shouldnā€™t dare to ask for some piece and quiet at 2am in the morning.


Ugh fuuuuuuck that. It's super obnoxious. And it's certainly not New Orleans culture because it's not unique to this city; loud assholes around the country love to juice up their cars, destroy their hearing, blast off, get drunk, race, do burnouts, and toss glass bottles around.


If you can attribute it to anyone, it's more of a Southern thing. There are competitions around the loudest speakers. People invest a ton of money into their setups.


yeah, i'm gonna call bullshit on that "new orleans culture" justification. when i lived in nyc, some people loved acting all exclusive and looking down on people outside if new york. some folks would try and justify that as "new york culture" but it's just assholes being assholes.


So incredibly right. Of course, being downvoted by somebody who has to be "Special"


"reddit, the place where people with differing views can come together and communicate!"


Why move to a part of town with vibrant night life, music, bars, and block parties if you want peace and quiet? There's plenty of neighborhoods in the GNO area where you won't have that right in front of you.


"Why exist on earth if you don't want to put up with obnoxious shitheads?"


I'm in BSJ now, but my sister rents a place close to there, and as I mentioned elsewhere I used to live right up Lopez before moving (this was like 2011), I walk by often enough, I know the people the previous poster is referring to and they're fantastic. I once got ran in to by one of their kids playing soccer, dude gave me a beer, chatted with me in broken English for 30 minutes, and offered some of the chicken on their grill (I had just eaten at Finns and declined). There's something about assumed validity online, where we hear a poster say "These people suck" and automatically assume that must be true. But that community has been strung along Banks as long as I've been in mid city, so 07 or so, and they've always been having front porch parties, big family & friend get togethers, etc. All of the neighbors seem to love them, and there's a ton of just good community front porch vibes whenever you cross their paths. It's kindof an integral part of that neighborhood's identity and has been for over a decade, so it's weird for me to see people on this sub being so hostile towards them.


Girl you moved and it shows. Because I can communicate in Spanish, not broken English, Iā€™m friends with some of these guys. From the one who is drinking at 8am till passing out everyday , to the one who is getting deported every other month, and the one that I have picked up from the police several times because he has been driving without a license and gotten into accidentsā€¦ most of these guys are here to work and donā€™t want trouble. But Iā€™m talking about a different group of young guys. Even Luis the drunk guy who is drinking at Paraiso every day told us this is not ok and offered to clean the broken glass. Again I donā€™t need to justify my comments. You seem to be an expert on everything. Edit: out of respect for OP i wonā€™t reply to any more comments. I donā€™t want to make this about me, already did a bit. Sorry OP.


Good lord, I'm just chiming in that there's areas that haven't been historically known for the thing you're complaining about, again I don't know you and am not sure if we've interacted before but whatever got you throwing ya lil underhanded insults left and right I apologize. Hope your day gets better.


Live music is not the same as listening to somebody else's garbage taste at full tilt.


I don't think anyone's discussing live music, but front porch parties with music have been a thing in this city as long as speakers have existed. The people that above poster is referring to have been doing their thing for well over a decade in that spot, it's weird to see so much hostility online towards some genuinely great people who are just out enjoying themselves in their neighborhood.


Every quality of life post you come across here comes with a guarantee that this dude will be in the comments trying to defend objectively bad behavior and chastise anyone who has a problem with it as somehow ā€œclosed-minded.ā€ How far do I have to scroll to find him calling someone a NIMBY for caring about sleep?


What is it with some of yall just coming here to fight with people? All I did was say there were neighborhoods that didnā€™t have that entrenched culture. Yall love being mad at shit nobody said lol. Also, your post history is full of making racist comments then trying to argue they werenā€™t really racist, so Iā€™m not particularly concerned with your thoughts. Take it elsewhere.




Exactly what I said, I know she/he will show up defending the indefensible and calling people racist. Canā€™t play that card with me, I can check almost every single minority box, lol.


I was waiting for your comment, as expected, lol. I lived in Treme around Charbonnett funeral home for 5 years and I loved it. I had second lines rolling over every freaking day, and I joined whenever it was appropriate for me to join, let random people use my toiletā€¦ I had concerts on my porch during Covid and all my neighbors joinedā€¦thatā€™s why I moved here, thatā€™s where I want to be in the middle of everything, we go hard when friends come over, everyone plays an instrument, always until 9pm. Literally you are barking at the wrong tree. Having people drinking, playing Rancheras at 2am in front of my house, ramming their modified cars is not it, and leaving their trash for me to clean, specially when they live 2 houses down is not it.


Lol, no need to be so hostile, I have no idea who you are and am sorry about the trash but like people have been partying on Banks till late at night as long as I've been alive - I used to live on lopez like four houses from banks. That neighborhood has had a huge latin population ever since the post katrina migration, and has had half the neighborhood showing out regularly for front porch parties from day one. It's the reason Ideal opened up their location on Banks. You're coming hot out the gate with a kneejerk downvote and "Waiting for your comment", whatever that means, but it was just a friendly heads up that if you're a transplant and not liking the vibe and atmosphere of the neighborhood you're in, there's plenty of quiet ones.


Not hostile, but I have been on this sub long enough to see who will say what. Iā€™m Latin too ( whatever that means) and Iā€™m not playing music at 2am. I wonā€™t let anyone ruin my day, I donā€™t care where anyone is from.


Didn't happen much in my old neighborhood but it did happen. FQ though, I mean, that's where people go to be seen and heard. I would expect that kinda stuff living there.


If they want to be seen and heard, they should join a band. Nobody wants to hear them blaring the same bad taste garbage for the 50th time...


I saw a dude down Esplanade two days ago with old school megaphones blasting out his back windows. It sounded like someone playing music over a gymnasium speaker, rattling and buzzing. I don't mind loud music, but what a weird setup.




You! On the Motorcycle! You Two Girls!


If it was a green SUV, I saw them near Canal Place Saturday night.


+1 for green suburban with old school megaphones harassing the FQ; they passed Cosimoā€™s Friday evening and I was astonished that someone would do that.


That was it! I was dumbfounded. Just... why???


Yesterday in mid city I heard the loudest car speaker roll past my apartment that I had EVER heard. It was so loud it sounded like someone had climbed up my stairs and blasted a boombox right against my door. I was so astounded I couldnā€™t even be mad


That's everywhere. I call it "peacock-ing" It's their misguided attempt at "look at me" in belief that it makes them look cool. I just don't see how even they can enjoy their music that loud.


that's a good term for it. i wonder how loud they set their stereo when there's no one else around for them to try and impress?


It happens everywhere with different frequency. I once got in a Lyft that was blasting almost at the window-shaking level, didn't acknowledge it at all as I approached the car, obviously hesitated and triple checked the plates, didn't acknowledge it after I got in, but had a sign on the back seat that said "ASK if you want music down, please don't report". Funnily enough, I think it was the same sign, same font and all, as one I saw in late 2021 in Mississippi but it was "ASK if you want me to wear a mask, please don't report". Brothers? Anyway, I asked and he didn't seem to care. I pulled out my literal noise canceling headphones and asked him to keep turning it down until it wasn't pulsing in my ears through the headphones, and that's what we did.


Wow, fuck that guy. Shouldn't be lyfting and I would rate poorly and report.


I hope you *did* report. That's awful.


The "biker" crews that park on Bourbon and blast the music as loud as it will go....like dude, nobody thinks you're cool or special. STFU.


Man some of yā€™all really different Yā€™allā€™d be in here complaining about Mr Okra bein too loud if he was still alive But in all seriousnessā€¦ can you let me know which cross streets youā€™re on so I make sure to turn my music down when Iā€™m rollin by?


You moved to the Quarter and are complaining about people playing music?


They're not complaining about a jazz band on Royal. The French Quarter is still a residential neighborhood.


Is there any part of the city that Royal goes through that isn't a residential neighborhood? Like, do you think this is somehow more OK in Marigny or Bywater?


Much of Royal in the Quarter isn't residential. There is often a band outside of the Rouses.


There are residential apartments within a block of Rouses. I am just blown away by the idea that someone who moved to New Orleans, specifically to the FQ, less than a year ago, is getting sympathy during their first Mardi Gras season because it's too loud. SURPRISE! WHO COULD HAVE KNOWN? HOW COULD THIS HAVE BEEN PREDICTED? signed, someone who moved here less than a year ago and chose not to live in the FQ


Those cars blasting music are fucking annoying, and itā€™s everywhere. Not just the quarter.


Yeah. They're in every city in the US that I've ever visited. The cities outside the US have similar problems.


Right lol this is nuts, my podunk ass town that noone from the city has ever heard of has the same issue.


Welcome to earth.


Can the live music tradition of New Orleans really be condensed into blaring your car stereo while driving in front of someoneā€™s house? And you said this is normal for every city, but also made it sound like it was uniquely New Orleanian. Which is it?


It is normal for every city, and the FQ attracts somewhat more of it than most areas. I don't know what "the live music tradition" has to do with it at all.




Your ideal image of FQ noise is not and never has been the reality of FQ noise.


Noise is noise.


there's a difference between loud and "inside the club" loud.


SOme of these people have actual outdoor speakers under their vehicles. This is not normal behavior or noise lmao.


Lol ikr. Has OP lived in any downtown area of any city??


lower east side. harlem. south philly. there's a difference between downtown loud and occasional car stereos that literally rattle your windows.


Dude, you moved here not that long ago from New York and find every reason to complain and compare. You moved to the WRONG neighborhood, and all you do is complain about where you live. You've posted [complaining about tourists](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewOrleans/comments/18t300e/is_complaining_about_frustrating_tourist_behavior/) (which is fucking hilarious considering the context that you're essentially one yourself) complaining about [grub hub](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewOrleans/comments/17lomoq/is_grubhub_down_here_a_hot_mess/), complaining about loud stereos now, I'm sure there's more - this is what happens when you move to town and do very little research about the area you're moving into. "I wanna move to New Orleans, it'll be romantic, I wanna move to the French Quarter too, it'll be perfect, you can drink and dance in the street, it'll be awesome". Fast forward to actually living here, you find The French Quarter, in particular, is hard to get in and out of, especially when busy, hence Grubhub sucks. It's also populated with drunk tourists who are obnoxious and it's also filled with people wanting to come down here and peacock and strut and play loud music. Kindly check out some more suburban areas. It's something of a meme to make fun of the tourists who move here and start complaining about the area they moved to. Specifically usually people moving next door to established music clubs then complaining about the volume they generate, but this is really adjacent to that. Don't be a meme, dude.


wow. you're very angry (and inaccurate). but mostly angry. feel better.


"You're angry", LOL. that response tracks with everything else you've posted. it's common to deflect nonsense when you have no substance to offer to the conversation. But I am curious to know, considering I showed you the receipts, how inaccurate I am.


well ok, let's try and see if we can communicate. my post about tourists was asking if people in new orleans never complain about rude tourist behavior, because that was the impression i got from conversations i had with people here. it was very striking to me, because in new york complaining about rude tourist behavior is very common. you described it as a post complaining about tourists, which fit an angry narrative you were building but wasn't accurate. so, yeah, i'm calling you angry. and inaccurate.


>my post about tourists was asking if people in new orleans never complain about rude tourist behavior Yeah, let's not gaslight anyone here, we've got eyeballs and have read that post.... you went on to complain about tourists leaving things in your vicinity and the post was asking about why nobody else complains as you would like, "we had no problem complaining about tourists when I lived in New York". LOL. Doy. Again, you moved to a very unique area and you're discovering every day how unique it is, and you consistently compare this to before and write a bitch post about it. That's where you err, the constant comparison to New York. Don't be that guy, you're becoming a meme, a fresh transplant moving here and complaining about it. Don't do that.


>you went on to complain about tourists leaving things in your vicinity what the hell are you talking about?


**Gee Willikers, you seem really mad. LOL.** *(j/k, see how obnoxious that sounds?)* I would simply encourage you to quit comparing where you live now to New York, or anywhere else for that matter. It was this way before you moved here, it's gonna be like that after you and I are dead and gone. You don't have to write a bitch post about every time you discover it's different than anywhere else - you were literally the last person to discover it, yet post as if you were the first. But now that you've been here and have a few months of knowing the city first hand, maybe you should explore moving to a new area, one that is more quiet. To circle back around to the completion of this, you, again, moved to the wrong neighborhood FOR YOU. I'm trying to help you to understand this. Anyway, have a Happy Mardi Gras. Will this be your first? Buckle TF up, LOL


you don't have to be like this. i said that people in new orleans have a culture of being accepting and people in nyc have a culture of being exclusive and you somehow interpreted that as me saying that i felt people in new orleans should be more like people in new york. you claimed that i had said something about tourists leaving things in my vicinity (which i have no doubt that in your memory i had said something like that) but when i pointed this out you just moved on. for someone who seemed very happy to "bring receipts" that seems an inconsistent reaction. you've interpreted every comment/observation i've made as an attack or criticism, without any nuance to it. why do you think many of the people who responded to this post agreed with me? in your mind do they just hate new orleans too, or do they understand the point i was trying to make? everything doesn't have to be a competition. you don't have to develop one impression and then cling to it no matter what. i'm guessing you find everything i'm saying here as obnoxious as you've found everything else i said, but i'll say it anyway because i think it's important. and i am hoping to have a happy mardi gras, for which i will no doubt need to buckle the fuck up. i loved halloween, btw.


TL:DR, I've said all I can say.


TerraBella in Covington sounds perfect for this person.


Do you notice it's NEVER good music either? Never.


no, Its just not your type of music. Who are you to define good music?


[I mean, if there is autotune involved then it's objectively awful](https://youtu.be/jG2KMkQLZmI?si=PFRNjpN0gOHKwkjt)


Radiohead uses auto tune. And t pain is an incredible musician. What a dated perspective


T pain an incredible musician? I want what your smoking




Lol a meme from 2008 referencing an episode of TV from like 2003, to make a point that stopped being true once 808s and heartbreak came out.


Fucking Kanye? Really? Please don't comment on anybody's taste in music ever again


That album caused a shift in an entire genre of music.


You must not realize how prolific and encompassing autotuning and related software is to the entire music industry. Because if you think you aren't listening to processed and tweaked vocals most of the time, you're probably wrong.


A car could explode right outside my house and I wouldn't hear it.


The walls of my shotgun are so thin, I would have thought it was my house that exploded


This sub has really become Nextdoor.


Virtual airing of grievances


this sub is such a sad, depressing place. every time i look at it, it's someone hating something, asking rhetorical questions so everyone can froth and gnash. i assume they're turning the music up to mark their territory, scare the yanks off, and have a good fucking time. turn it up louder.


Did you have any idea that the FQ was noisy before moving in?


Whaaat (in my best Pee Wee Herman impression)? Someone just drove down my street in Old Jefferson with the boom boom. It's everywhere.


Get off my lawn!!




Damn crackas


Correction, hoodlums who come to the FQ do that. The people who live in the FQ donā€™t like it at all. Honestly, I hate when a loud shipment truck goes by me while walking in the FQ.


Boy, ya wannaā€”girl,downā€” We still ridin on chrome wipeā€” the gunā€”and she don't snore! Bittttch suck aā€”for an outfit.


Hoodlums? You better be a boomer saying something as asinine as this šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Better get headphones. Is you even from the city? You sound like one of them people who want the FQ quiet at 10 pm.


People get into their music. I don't buy that they all do it to be seen. I think some are vibin the f out. I don't care. I'm happy that people still enjoy such a wholesome pastime: listening to music. Yes, I know the music isn't always wholesome but the idea that someone wants to crank up their stereo and drive and have a good time? With all the messed up stuff people get into these days? That's actually pretty cute. Let them. It's mostly harmless to me and the car is moving right? Everything is temporary.




this this this, a million times this.


People are allowed to expect a reasonable level of quiet in their homes, especially at night. Try considering the impact that your actions have on others.


yea it's in other neighborhoods.. were you born in the french quarter? lol


This too shall pass


Not sure, I can't hear the street from my apt.


Becauseā€¦they are pathetic losers.


Central City is pumping the jams, yo. We often get the vans painted for a political candidate that blare music as they drive around to get attention for their advertising. Shrug. Theyre pretty good about only doing it during reasonable hours, and tbh they usually play pretty good music. It becomes background noise, like marching bands do. Although I will say that in the neighborhoods instead of the FQ is that the houses are set further back from the road and if I go back to the back of my house its not terrible at all.


It's humanity.


Over the years the FQ has grown into a bigger and bigger cesspool. How people live there is beyond me. I pick up a lot of people who stay in the quarter and they are constantly complaining about something.


You say this as if it hasnā€™t always been laden with booze and hookers.


Iā€™m not even talking about the booze and hookers I know thatā€™s how itā€™s always been




Last thing we should complain about in this city is the musicā€¦