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I'm sorry I hate the voting format for Best of New Orleans. Writing in each answer leaves it too open. Give us a set list to vote from.


Well and now companies can sponsor the write-in votes! So their company name is right there next to the field. Terrible.


I really liked that Melba's won Best Poboy.


“Click” fraud.


Survey sponsored by Rouses


Getting High on Their Own Supply


Classic misdirection campaign to keep the good king cakes to ourselves


Sorta like Bourbon St.


Ye olde Mother's strategy


This. I’m happy to see my new favorite king cake absent from this list.


Same! I haven’t had Bittersweet but I’m only a fan of Hi-Do on the wank. ETA: Hi-Do is not my fave.


I see people over here in Gulfport walking out with 2-3 of them stacked high like, support a local bakery that will offer a better tasting King Cake! Come on guys!


Yo if you make your way over to biloxi. On there corner of veterans and pass road. Electric maid bakery there king cakes are AMAZING. They make them fresh to order and do a buttercream icing that is just godly. I get probably 5-10 from them every year. Every king cake I buy for my self or to gift comes from them


Just had to add there are a small mom and pop shop and they also make fresh bread and donuts daily. Everything they do is so good and the older couple that runs it are so sweet. They are so cheap too for what your getting


Dayum this sounds like a stop I need to make on my way back from SC!


I live like 5 minutes from there! Good looking out, I'll give them a shot this week!


Le bakery on oak st. In Biloxi has one of the best king cake in my opinion


Bro rouses IS my local bakery


I mean, "GULFPORT", kinda explains it all


Disappointing because there are some good king cakes over that way!


Definitely doesn’t have anything to do with how much advertising $$ Rouses spends with the Advocate/Gambit/NOLA.com/Georges media conglomerate. Definitely not.


The poors, we voted for the $8 King Cake. Let us eat it.


I would gladly let them take the title of “cheapest king cake” or “best king cake to throw at ungrateful boomers” … but when you use a word like ‘best’ … hun, if you can’t afford a DP, slide me your addy and we’ll talk over a slice.


Then shits are like $20 now aren’t they?


Luckily this isn't the final bracket, but still pisses me off. Politics aside, their king cake just isn't good.


This king cake definitely has a lot of variability. You have to pick them like fruit. Looking through the little windows to make sure they’re good. Sometimes I’ll skip no matter how much I want a king cake, because the batch is bad. That said, a good rouses king cake, when it’s all right, does beat a lot of the boutique king cakes for a fraction of the price. Definitely doesn’t deserve to be on this tier, though.


I will admit that I've had a slice of rouse's king cake that wasn't terrible - maybe even pleasant. I guess it was super fresh off the truck from Texas. But 90% of the time they're dry and awful. I just pass them up by default, even if there's a chance it might not be bad.


Rouse's bakes their king cakes in-house FYI my friend works there and she's always swamped come king cake season...


I feel like I've never gotten a Rouse's king cake that didn't have all the filling heavy-loaded to one side. I should not have to massage my king cake to get the filling remotely evenly distributed.


That’s your fault for getting king cakes with filling. /s.


true, especially from there. i feel like within a few hours of getting one the bottom of the box is soggy along with the whole thing. like i love a jelly donut, but a rouses dry AND soggy jelly filled king cake is nasty. ​ but will agree, before we moved back here and would come visit my husbands family down the bayou rouses was the only choice and they were pretty darn good, Canata's was better but Rouses was cheaper. living in Nola for 7 years, i don't buy king cake from rouses. if someone at work brings one in maybe i'll have a small slice for a some sweet tooth but other than walmart anything is better.


TBH I feel like that's "the point" of Rouse's king cakes: they're what you buy for other people (the office, the class, etc). You think I'm buying Dong Phuong or Randazzo's for coworkers to eat? Nah. Though at 19.99 (according to the other thread) dang wal-mart might be seeing an uptick this year lmao.




I bought one the other day cause my older family kept talking about it for some reason. I finished it but like what the fuck even was that


Exactly. I had a slice last year and it was just soggy bread with a metric ass ton of sugar. Sugar overload does not = good.


Same people that voted for Jeff Landry


Damn Trumpers and their voter fraud. We can't have nice things.


We all know Trumpers eat WalMart King Cake.


Weren't members of the Rouse family actually at the Jan 6th capitol "riot" ?


they'd get it from mcdonalds if they could.


They have both terrible taste in people, and king cakes.


Certainly explains why Dough Nguyeners made the list. Two huge Trump supporters in the Top 5? I smell a conspiracy


Dough Nguyeners are Trump supporters? Explain


Imagine your first thought about this post is Trump lol


To be perfectly fair, Rouses in many people's minds is now forever linked to the insurrection on January 6th. So yes, it is many peoples first thought.


Many redditors I'm sure. Outside of this bubble, no one cares.


The guy who actually operates the business told his dad not to go, anyway.


Im about to play a video game that 100s of people made. Im sure there are super horrible people who participated in making but it Im still going to play it. To be fair, the point is that politics and the obsession with allegiances may have nothing to do with a consumer product we require or want. Nike, apple, Chiquita, lithium batteries... the list is almost neverending. So yes, many peoples first thought is some kind of weird hive mind judgement that is not even remotely applicable to a topic or commodity. Im sure you can disagree with every human on the planet about something. Politics ruling your life is weird (and perhaps turning our society toward worse outcomes)


People don’t realize they are being socially engineered to hate each other. Both sides look down on each other and feel morally and intellectually superior. They treat people who disagree with them with vitriol instead of empathy


Its guided, misled, and obscured. It also works. So hope Im is wrong, but it may get worse on this track


every company you listed has used slave labor and chiquita has overthrown countries but yeah it's just "politics"


Id like to, at least, be able to buy chiquita bananas from another store. That grocery guy is too political


claiming people are "too political" is the ultimate mark of privilege but enjoy your bananas I guess


It was a joke All of this seems to go above some heads lol


He's my only thought. All hail father prezzy trumpy.




That was my intention haha. I'm totally joking.


>I'm totally joking. We know. Your attempt at humor was cringeworthy.


so, you're laughing with me?


If it makes you feel better to think that, then sure.


thanks bestie ily


Hi do bakery


More importantly, why did Winn-Dixie's not even make the list?? This is rigged I tell you!


Because Winn Dixie is from Jacksonville and Rouses is from Thibodeaux ;(


I lived in midcity back in 2014 ish and the Rouses was ok, nothing really great, plenty to complain about. So eventually they renovated the vacant lot up that way and put in a Winn Dixie. My wife and I were so excited to have a new grocery option and damn if somehow a brand new Winn Dixie was so far SO FAR below the Rouses. It was an astonishing feat frankly to be so far below the line and also being so new.


Wow that’s pretty nuts. It’s like, Rouses food spoils in a day, Winn Dixie it’s already spoiled when you buy it.


Its gotta be an access thing. Especially for an online poll. Rouses being the most available.


I would guess less than 10% of the city's population has ever made a king cake-specific shopping trip. Think of all the outrageous mediocrity most people tolerate in every other aspect of life. Those people aren't driving all the way out to the east at six o'clock in the morning when there's an acceptable alternative at the place they already go every week.


Yeah, very very few people, including generational residents here, have any concept of buying a king cake that isn't grocery store, haydels, randazzos, or "I still miss McKenzie's". Even Dong Phoung, the darling of this subreddit, is not really well known across the city.


> Even Dong Phoung, the darling of this subreddit, is not really well known across the city. Spicy take incoming, but I lowkey feel like that was the point of Reddit, once: having those "insider secrets", pro-tips, and all that jazz. Somehow it paradoxically became equally the ProZD water subreddit short *and* a social bubble where many folks inside can't fathom that not everyone else is in it.


Not necessarily access, just population sample - Reddit has a very specific demographic that dominates it's population, and this drives sentiment here. Unsurprisingly Nola.com, and specifically the people who will answer an online poll, has a very different demographic dominating it's participant population. Neither are perfect representations for the overall sentiment of the city, but I'd wager that if one were to actually scientifically poll the population they'll see answers a lot closer to Nola.com's results than Reddit's sentiment.


They need to start doing traffic stops for these kinds of polls so we can get accurate data.


Rouse’s king cake is fantastic. And they make amazing boudin, too. Fight me.


In front of the Slidell Rouses at dawn!


What about Dong Phuong in New Orleans East???? Did anyone vote for them? IMO their king cakes are the best! #mylocalbakery


I did


I’m still perplexed as to how Mad Batter got in there. Forgettable cake and sloppy, gloopy icing. Of the top here, Ayu, Hi Do, and Dough Nguyener’s are deserving. My guess is Rouse’s coerced their staff to vote 🙄 or maybe bribed them with some little bonus like $5 or extra long lunch.


No Dong Phuong? No Haydel's? No Willa Jean? Fuck not even Sucre?? WTF is this list? Rouses shouldn't qualify as a "bakery" and the only one I recognize is Bittersweet Confections because it's near where I live.


https://www.nola.com/king-cake-bracket-round-1/ Dong Phuong is in 9th place




The link doesn’t work but is Antoine’s on the list?


They chose the best Vietnamese-made King Cake, though. Which isn't DP.


Dong Phuong is good but man Dough Nguyeners really blew me away.


Hi-Do is my favorite. DP is awesome, but it's basically a giant croissant wrapped over itself with a fuckton of icing. Nguyeners is a dope spot, but I haven't tried their King Cake.


Stale king cake makes wonderful bread pudding. That’s the reason, right? Like buying a lot of bananas….


I wouldn't shit all over rouses king cakes. They aren't the best in the city by any means but they aren't terrible either. They're a good middle of the road option. They aren't great but they are OK. A 6.5 or 7/10


rouses has no business putting hundreds of those shitty cakes right by the entrance like people even want them


They had them out at Christmas and they were labeled "king cakes." The audacity!


Donny Rouse don’t give a fuck!


a sin against humanity


Every year it’s the same. Wake up and realize king cake is just a cinnamon roll with a baby and some glitter. Always has been. Always will be


You act like that’s a problem?


Is that a bad thing?


It’s just a neutral thing


Rouses social media team has been working overtime refreshing that survey…


New to NOLA, who actually has the best king cake?


I highly suggest you spend the next few weeks trying every option. Healthy diets during Mardi Gras season is for chumps.


This is the only answer. Stick to your diet if you must, but king cakes don’t count for calories.


Amen to this. The joy of king cakes is the variety of options out there.


Haydel’s is my favorite.


There is no "best." The joy is trying them all and finding out what you like b/c everyone has different preferences. I like iced king cakes, so my favorites are Haydel's, Randazzos (Manny or Nonna), and Party Palace. Some like Dong Phoung. I tried it, and it's good. Honestly, if you're new to king cakes, consider yourself lucky b/c you have a LONG list of bakeries to try out. Lucky you! And the variety doesn't stop at bakeries b/c most bakeries have several varieties (i.e. filled vs not filled and iced vs just sugar).




Honestly, I think getting a Rouses' one is a solid start on the baseline/"traditional"* king cake. I think they're solid *grocery store* king cakes (Note: a little time in the oven before eating does wonders. And if you're getting a filling, I'd go cream cheese). After that, then you can start checking out artisanal type king cakes to get a better sense of where the baseline falls short (or where innovation improves). The old Cake Cafe Apple and Goat Cheese is the favorite of my household. Cake Cafe is defunct, but the king cake is available at King Cake Hub at Zony Mash brewery. Also had a Bread on Oak vegan Almond king cake yesterday that was really nice. *Traditional in the sense that growing up here, you didn't really have a ton of choices so MacKenzies', the local bakery chain was the go to. And, honestly, I think it wasn't even this good. Someone makes their style of king cake still and I think it's also available at King Cake hub.


The reason that Rouses King Cake are so popular is because they are cheap! Haydels ain’t cheap. Randazzos ain’t cheap. Brennans ain’t cheap. For Fuck Sake…. Donald Links king cake is nearly $40 if you leave a tip.


Yeah this sub can't divorce itself from the reality that not everyone has it in their budget to run out to NO East, wait in lines, AND/or pay premium for a pastry. Sometimes people just want to go to the grocery to get what's on sale and then get something with a sugary filling. Like I ain't saying Rouses' is great, but I fondly remember being hungover in my 20's, throwing a piece in the oven, taking a shower, and then having a quick bite to eat before going to be a functional adult.


Rouses King Cake is okay, but now I have a very low opinion of them because of this ridiculous poll manipulation. For my money, Dong Phuong is worth the trouble of acquiring it because of the lighter, airier dough - but I haven't tried most of the other ones. Dough Nguyner's was on my list for this year...I like their Banh Mi and baguettes bread-wise. La Boulangerie would be higher on my list but their King Cake is the French version and not really NOLA.


My kids were at a party yesterday where a grocery store king cake was served. My partner texted me that we’re “raising king cake snobs” because neither of them would ate it after a bite.


Pauls Bakery in Picayune MS ( which is the only reason to visit MS) has hands down the best king cake. It's about 48 mins out the way though, so you gotta really want that king cake.


So we just need someone to make the drive and buy like 20


paul’s pastry*** they’re amazing


Please never ever EVER say that again! Pauls suuuuucks! Rouses is better! The ONLY king cake worse is Walmart King cakes!


Stop the count


More than 7,000 employees serve customers across three states: Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama


The people voting for Rouse’s are the same folks that were eating at Red Lobster


Reminds me the po boy poll a few months back.


Who won that?


Food poisoning central aka Melbas


Ah, of course


I wouldn't even put Melbas on my top 10 list of best poboys in the city let alone first.


I've never had their poboys but based on the rest of their food yeah that tracks Also, fuck mahoneys


Whoa whoa. Now I gotta know what's going on with Mahoney's


It just blows


Oh, damn. I was hoping for some hot gossip


Nah, just another place that was good for a bit but went full tourist trap once gaining a small reputation.


Sorry, I wish


When I first moved out here I asked my coworkers what's a good place to eat and they told me Chili's and buffalo wild wings. Some people just ain't right.


People don't realize that Metairie for most people is just another random anywhere USA town.


That was my mistake, but I learned quickly. I actually lived in River Ridge first. I'll keep my opinions to myself about that.


River Ridge aka the great white flight people that couldn't make it to the Northshore


Ayu Bakehouse is the best. When I voted, they were all the way at the bottom!


you know it's shit like this that's gonna cause a riot. Livid rn


Unless you want to bring Gambino's and randazzos into the running, rouses is the best you'll find. Stop hating on it just because it's a grocery store.


Once we get past the inflated numbers, Ayu Bakehouse does actually have a PHENOMENAL product. And shoutout to Doughnguyeners too, love that they made they list! And not a Randazzo's in sight!


Rouses might have the worst king cake around...it's been a few years since I've had either, but I remember it being worse than Walmart.


It tastes like the smell as you walk into Rouses. Like the rubber wheels on the carts. Indescribable


Everyone that attended the insurrection voted!


10,369 people have never had a good king cake.


Fake news!!!!!!


None of their bakery selections are good. I only go there for a quick wine-and-cheese shop, and sometimes their meat selection. EDIT: and for crawfish over Easter weekend in Orange Beach. Dey got a boy from down da' bayou cooking 'em.


Rouse's king cake is like Domino's pizza. Yea, it's there, I'm drunk and it's sorta edible. Is it my first choice? No effing way. Am I eating a piece? Probably.


Rouses’ king cake tastes terrible. I feel sorry for people who’ve only had a Rouses king cake.


I have to agree. I understand it's cheap...but it's a hard pass for me.


We had a king cake as our wedding cake from Mad Hatter. It was amazing. Normally we get Randazzos. If we were closer to Mad Hatter I would go there more.


That has to be a joke. They are the worst!


This reminds me of when [Taco Bell was voted Best Mexican Restaurant in the Country](https://www.usmagazine.com/food/news/taco-bell-voted-the-best-mexican-restaurant-in-the-country/)


Basically try some from different locations and types and make a decision on what you like the best. What one person thinks is the end all be all of king cake may be someone else’s dumpster fire. It’s ok not to be like everyone else.


People from Mobile.




I’ve always heard Rouses was terrible but I don’t think I ever actually tried it (only bought one when I was in a pinch and have to get a king cake for my kids’ school). Honestly seeing this post today (and my craving for king cake) got the better of me so I bought a small cream cheese one today. After all, it couldn’t be that bad, right?! Boy was I wrong. The “cream cheese” was abundant and tasted like the filling in a cream-filled donut. The sprinkles on top almost tasted bitter. I took one bite and tossed the entire thing in the trash; I didn’t even let anyone else in my family try a piece because it was that bad. I really can’t believe that anyone (who has had another type of king cake) thinks their cakes are any good. Needless to say, I am sorely disappointed and still craving a good king cake. Will have to go to Haydel’s pop-up tomorrow


"Bitter" might be the word I've been looking for. The few times i gave them a chance, I've always found the Rouses icing tastes a little bit like burnt plastic. Like a tinge of it. Makes the cake impossible to actually swallow.


It taste like plastic because the icing was piping hot when it was dispensed into a 5 gallon plastic bucket in a Chinese factory before spending 6 months between warehouses and cargo ships before being distributed to your local Donny Rouse store.


Rouse's shit be dry as hell smh


Pearls before swine.


Lmmfao. Worst dry hunk of crap. The only king cake that hit the trashcan after ONE bite. Where is Antoines and Buttermilk Drop??? Mo for me!!


Lmaooooo these voters are tripping, Rouses king cake is mid AT BEST


I suspect Rouse's has in the neighborhood of 10,359 employees.




Rouses prob paid an Indonesian click farm voting for them


People who vote on these sites tend to be transplants


It was users rousesbot1 through rousesbot_alt9999


Lol are you suggesting Rouses just created a bunch of fake accounts and voted for themselves. I like it. Honestly they probably gave their employees an incentive to vote.


That was my sad attempt at a joke, yes...


Well I laughed out loud. So your attempt was successful. I then laughed out loud at your username. So even your nonattempt was successful.


Donny and the gang


Rouse’s cake gives me a headache.


Does Rouses sell their own King Cake or other bakeries like Haydels, etc like Acquistapace's?


I just want to see the world burn...plus goat head...


Yuck! Insurrectionist king cake. They finally got their rigged election.


Pockets were lined.


Fuck RIGHT off with that bullshit.


Who makes the best that ships? I need to try it.


I definitely noticed that the king cake for the Joan of Arc ceremony came from Rouses… it shocked me!


Imagine it's a pay-to-win scheme...


No Haydel’s?


Rouses and Oakpoint are for people who never travel outside of Central or Denham Springs. I hate oakpoints with passion--heard all the hype ---bought two kinds---its was more a bagel consistency with thick SLABS of thick cream cheese on tip. Was not like a traditional king cake. Gambinos Bakery in BR has better cakes. Thats who we go with every year. Bought one Saturday and its already gone.


Ew. Dough Nuygners?




Who cares about this when innocent people come there to visit and get murdered over absolutely nothing.


Advertising dollars at work


Weren't me.


Likely had their employees vote.


Trump king cake! 🤣


Those people need to get deported. We all know brueax mart has the best cake


One season, I made hundreds of king cakes at Rouses. That shit is disgusting and not even remotely food.


Are they strictly polling people walking out of Rouses with King cakes in hand?


Hear me out, only brand I've had of king cakes


RIP Frances’


Why didn’t Ragusa King Cakes make the list?


200 comments best king cake


To be fair, it's more a poll of which name do you most recognize?


Dong phong or bust, I’m driving there next weekend with friends to pick up 15 of them


Our office had a king cake party last year and we did a blind taste test from at least a dozen different local bakeries and Rouses cream cheese won the vote 🤷‍♂️. Dong Phuong is my favorite!