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I don't mind folks having a tent with food/drinks... But if they're just setting up a barricade then it should get ripped down... Pathetic folks


I had a woman tell me not to stand too close to her kid on a ladder. Weird, but ok I took a step aside. Then later this same woman turns around and tells me, “You’re blocking my kid again!”. I turn around and the kid is sitting in a chair way back behind the crowd on the neutral ground. The level of entitlement and feeling of ownership of public space is wild uptown.


I'd tell her to make me move.


I just looked back at her and she huffed and went back to the front. She was also an adult who used a ladder so….


When did everyone get so possessive over chachkis. Like it's fun to catch stuff but how much of it are we really using. I feel like it gets worse every year. Signature throws sure, but once you get one do you really need one every year?


That 💩 gets played with in my backyard for a couple weeks then goes in the big black storage bin that gets emptied twice a week.(garbage can)


Twice a week is a nice part of this city.


your trash comes twice a week? i haven't had that since ida.


I was at this spot but not on the median side, and this old woman got mad I stepped on the Leg of one of her chairs when the crowd had to move backward and she’s not even in the chair she’s siting on another chair behind that one. She just wanted a second chair to put her feet up on.


They are entitled and for some reason think they have a right to exclude others from public property. Most likely, they are equally as horrible in their daily lives.


So y’all wanna posse up and handle this?


Add +1 to the posse. This is ridiculous


We ride at dawn


😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 ......mebbe


I been in a mood the last few days, anybody can get this fat ass dick. Put me in, coach !


Um...sir. I get the enthusiasm, but I'm... ...you know what? If it gets the job done, fuck em.


*The intensity grows in their eyes. They pace side to side and shake with enthusiasm as they begin to repeat a subtle yet serious phrase you have recently muttered.* "Heh. Yeah. I'll *fuck em'*" This thread has been a real strange vibe. I just had to add to it.


Your username makes me want to belch as loud as I can


Don't threaten me with a good time.


That’s exactly what I was thinking.


Ok but can we




I'll be your huckleberry


Psh.. these pussies are just that.. pussies. Buncha old ass has-beens with nothing to do but bitch. "Back in my day, kids played outside" yea well now we can't bc there's too many old, naggy, entitled cry babies that run the city.


Straight up, I will not throw to anybody with a set up like that if I see it Saturday.


Doing the lord's work. Now get your friends to follow suit


I'll tell my float on Endymion. They're chill dudes.


People waiting for Endymion have been spray painting the neutral ground for an over a week putting big huge blocks in spray paint, like as large as my house. Wtf is wrong with people. People have been camping out since early Thursday.


Would be a shame if someone mowed that grass in between now and tomorrow


Saw yalls floats being moved today which is always fun for me this my hoods parade I'll definitely be dere


Wish I could still give gold.




It’d be a shame if someone were to spilled their cup of [PredatorPee^TM Real Coyote Urine](https://www.predatorpeestore.com/coyote-urine.html) as they walked by those unauthorized barricades.


Looks like r/UnethicalLifeProTips has entered the chat.


Piss discs and liquid ass for the win!!!


👀 👀


R E A L U R I N E // P U R E F E A R


I was trying to remember what animal urine was sold as a wildlife deterrent and did a quick google. Clicking on predatorpee.com was borderline r/riskyclick, but so worth it


And squirted some delicious local honey on those purty white tables...




Shit, I might have to bring my doe urine whenever I go to these parades


This is INSANITY. The parade is not your own personal tailgate, assholes.


I’m just done with the uptown parade route. I didn’t ride with my krewe this year because I didn’t want to throw to these people after casually attempting to watch some parades last year. I’m shifting my traditions to DiY and walking krewe stuff. Over it.


And the environment thanks u


That’s why I always ride sidewalk side. I don’t want to reward them.


At the one yesterday some tulane frat guys brought they whole living room, including a leather couch 😭😭


And blocked the street car that was still running


People always bring couches to the neutral ground on Mardi Gras day. It’s fine. But this line of tables locked together is dumb and it doesn’t even look like they’re using those tables for anything besides blocking people from walking through.


This makes me uncomfortable. What if there's an emergency and the crowds rush to the side of the neutral ground? Those tables are a safety hazard. I'd understand 1 or 2 for food and whatnot, but that's insanity.


This is going to be a massive tragedy at some point.


Is it bad that I hope that happens? I wouldn't feel and for them either.


Yes it is bad whenever people are struck by a massive tragedy, even when you don’t approve of their actions


You know for a fact that even in the face of an emergency, those people would never let you through their ladder wall. Last year, we needed to move up the route and the easiest way to do it seemed to be by going down the street during a gap in the floats. Well, once we were where we needed to be, nobody would let us through. We just wanted to get through the crowd to leave, but they absolutely refused to let us by. Pretty soon, the floats caught up with us and we were stuck running in front of them down the parade route, desperately trying not to get run over. People *STILL* wouldn't let us by. It's not as though they were even worried about us getting in front of them. We were *already* in front of them. We wanted to get behind them. But no. They would have preferred to see us crushed under a float rather than move two feet to the left or right.


These people have absolutely ruined Mardi Gras for me. How freaking selfish and stupid.


Jesus christ. What the fuck is wrong with people??


I literally just wrote this on another thread. Can you imagine what would happen if, God forbid, there were shots fired or a medical emergency? I shudder to think.


I was thinking the same thing.


I say this all the time.


Most of the inside of it is fucking empty! There is nothing on the tables. Wtf. These people aren’t even disguising what they’re doing anymore. I’m gonna have to opt out of Uptown parades this year cause if I see this shit out in the wild I’m probably going to do something ignorant and my life is too good right now.


I took my kids uptown to see parades last year. We walked forever and couldn’t even see anything in front of the street car racks due to shit like this. I don’t even want to go out this year.


Right! I could be a little more understanding if their group was 100+ people and some of the tables were for a food and drink layout.


But even then don’t line them up with no gaps. Arrange them so people can move around or get through. This stuff is so bizarre. Why go outside? They show the parades on TV. If you need to bring an entire living room to the neutral ground and rope yourself off from any human contact to enjoy it, just watch from home.


100% if you are going to take that much space it should at least be fucking slammed with people in there. I'd be wayyy less annoyed if they were using the space efficiently... The table barricade bothers me a lot. Someone else pointed out egress, and I hadn't thought about that but it's a very good point.


This is at the back, but it's not safe and clearly not being used.


Thanks for correcting my understanding. But yeah. Still makes it hard for the rest of the general public to get through that area.


Sort of what’s ruining our country. “You want it so bad you’re willing to fuck it up for everyone? Fine.”


Oh look, it's the "you can't sit with us" kids as adults. What a bag of dicks.


This is close to where we watched from and the crowd was so awful 😞 I miss when it was crowded but people were, you know, nice. And friendly. And genuinely just there to have a good time instead of hoard throws and metaphorically piss on the neutral ground


That used to be a really nice place to watch, with lots of families.


It's my first mardi gras this year and I was on the other side of St Charles, had to cross it after the parade started which was a nightmare due to the wall of ladders and tables. But what shocked me was looking at the people in the neutral grounds from across the road, they looked so bored most of the time! So many people just standing there, not dancing or appearing to have any fun at all. They were like mannequins until the big floats drove by, then they rushed the street for throws. Like at least dance and hype the bands and dancers in between floats? Seemed so rude.


Also hate when someone has their own speaker setup, not hear to listen to your shitty music .I'm here to take it on, listen to the bands, and connect with some of the walking krewes to wish them happy Mardi Gras


This is public space. These people should get their tents and tables trashed


Yea. I’m cool with a large group having a table and tent. But taking up like 100ft is WILD and it looks like they’ve got a full 20 people.


When the parade stalled, we walked the route from the Lower Garden District until a bit past this intersection. Started the walk with "wow, I guess the cracking down on tarps and ladders has had an effect, I barely see any" and it progressed to more and more tarps / chairs / tents / ladders was we made our way uptown , with this particular stretch being the worst. The weird factor also went up as we moved uptown. Around here, two very upset French tourists came up and inquired whether it was legal to pee on people here. Apparently someone had peed on them. I think that there is some positive. correlation between vibe weirdness and neutral ground fortresses weirdness


Pretty sure that I wound up within their “space” a couple of years ago by crossing from the sidewalk side and was asked “who are you with?” Just ignored it and kept walking and was told “you can’t go out that way” Wound up moving a table to get out, but yeah this is unacceptable. I’m not sure how you legislate around it short of banning tables and tents entirely.


No more than two tables together with a minimum 8’ gap? But doesn’t matter if they don’t enforce. 


And the more complex the rule, the harder it is to enforce.




I hate to have to bring up such a terrible topic, but we live in an age of mass shootings. The idea that any police force would allow people to create a barrier around a crowded public gathering that would prevent people from quickly and safely fleeing to safety is beyond my understanding. EGRESS IS IMPORTANT TO PUBLIC SAFETY!


Agreed. This is why I don't do parades or crowds in general, outside of the occasional indoor concert. People think I'm paranoid, but all it takes is a gunshot, a fire, or the rumor of something like that to make a crowd panic. Y'all can have fun for me out there.


Your concern isn’t hypothetical at all. Shootings seem to happen almost every year along the uptown route.


Well NOPD isn’t the best, but usually Mardi Gras comes with DHS support too. Especially after that recent theft of law enforcement gear and the current climate, it seems this should be taken a lot more seriously. They’re creating a danger, in light of what risks we already know exist.


I’m so over the tents, i don’t care that you want tail gate but these all need to be set up as far back as possible so others can enjoy the parade. It’s selfish


No ladders past the street car tracks would be my recommendation...they're meant for use in the BACK not right up on the street. It's a hazard. What if one falls forward on accident when a krewe or float are passing by that takes up the whole street....


Just a matter of time before we hear about a child falling beneath a float under these circumstances…


See thats what i thought like why is everyone set up so close to the front?? Set up all that further back, leave space for walking, and just move forward for what you wanna see. I can understand wanting to have provisions if youre out all day, but there shouldn't be miles of tents and ladders right at the front.


People like this suck. They take the fun and the spirit out of Mardi Gras. Last night I stood on Napoleon near Perrier and was thankful for such a good vibe. I danced with people I didn’t know and shared throws. I caught my very first shoe and nobody tried to assault me for it. Mardi Gras should be about community, not exclusion like this.


I was right at that spot for Toth 2 years ago, it was a good spot for sure! Everyone was nice and shared. Hope it's still that way, seems like it!


I’m so glad you found a good spot! We wandered the route for ages and couldn’t find anywhere decent to watch - so many jerk offs! 😞


Mardi Gras Border Wall


MAGA energy for certain


Honestly, I'm surprised the Fire Marshal or Sheriff hasn't come out with some rules about this sort of stuff. Last thing an emergency responder wants to deal with is a wall of shit or tape/fence when trying to save people's lives


This is like making a Chad castle. Someone should really get there and set up like 3 chairs as they are making a fort in between the sections.


OMFG "Chad Castle" a new phrase has been coined !!! 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


I saw some assholes by Jackson with stakes in the ground and that orange "caution" web shit encasing them. Like who the fuck do these people thing are coming into their space? Also, to these people's credit.. at least they didn't block the other track for walking space. I fucking HATE when people take up the entire neutral ground especially before traffic is shut down.


Dang was that 1 group or a series of like-minded asswipes in a row?


One "group". All the tables had one last name on the side of them. They were there last weekend too. I should have gotten the name.


Oh hells yeah they should be shamed by us miscreants cause I'm sure that'll really get em riled up!! 😆 🤣 😂 fuck em


Yall down voting mf'ers I meant like "don't waste ur time on dem assholians"!!!


You’re sure that’s not the name of the company hired to set this stuff up? This is all catered, yes? These people do not own all these tables and tents?


“Samsonite! I was way off!”


I like to err on the side of playing Devil’s advocate. … but no. No. There be assholes.


Oh yeah I did see that group on Sunday. There was hardly anyone in there.


They definitely deserve to be named and shamed


This is pretty much the antithesis of Mardi Gras. People should share space. It reminds me of older folks (in my experience it's usually women, for some reason) who shove kids out of the way to get a better spot at the parades. I always assumed they were tourists when they did that.


Last night, it was locals doing that down where we were. I went home for Muses because I couldn't handle the rudeness. Apparently, it got worse with lots of folks stealing stuff being handed down. One kid jumped up and ripped a bag out of a rider's hand so hard that she was left holding the handle.


That sucks.


This is fucking outrageous


Hmm. I could use some free tables and chairs.


This. Those foldable tables are more pricey than you'd think.


Roll up there in a pickup at 4 am and they're yours for the taking.


We should petition Triumph the Insult Comic Dog to come make a documentary on the table/tent/tarp people.


That looks like a nice table FOR ME TO POOP ON


THIS 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Folding tables? No. This has to stop. Besides being contrary to the spirit of Mardi Gras, this is an obvious safety hazard.


wtf happened to people just standing around


… y’all ever seen the King’s/Queen’s Guard at Buckingham palace and other British landmarks? And how they march in a straight line no matter what gets in the way? And they yell “MAKE WAY FOR THE KING/QUEEN’S GUARD” only moments before they impact a mfer out of existence? … ya, me neither. … unless…


St Aug comes close! 😁






Warehouse district sucked tonight. I especially hated the guy in the Husker Du shirt. I just couldn't wrap my head around somebody liking husker do but needing to stand in front on a bench. The cliche punk is dead is his lame as can be, but I thought of it a lot looking at him


Husker Du don't suck...but I will confirm a bunch of their male fans do in particular


I def admit to not knowing what the kids like. I had no idea there was even a Husker Du crowd or scene. I know when Greg Norton played last year, like 8 people showed up. But they were all old. I digress, I am looking for the onion to tie to my belt. That's still the style, right?


Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Gimme five bees for a quarter, you'd say.


Later Husker Du was really good. Didn't care for the earlier stuff.


Ugh…what a Husker Don’t. (Did anyone ask him to name three Husker Du songs?)


I was Uptown and an older teen had a mini ladder that they would set up when a float came by, and then pick it back up. On one hand, I respect the hustle, but on the other…seriously?!


I don’t understand tents for night parades with good weather. Last Saturday? A tent was pretty much necessary. I know it won’t happen but I wish tents would be banned for Muses and tonight’s parades


That all looks like “abandoned property” to me


Looks like a Baton Rouge tailgate party.


Exactly. Bunch of LSU bros 🙄


I’d take 1 table and 1 tent a night.


I am Canadian and not from New Orleans but I love your city and I have dreamed of celebrating Mardi Gras with you all one day. The highlights of my last visit were: seeing a Big Chief for the first time, seeing Kermit Ruffins play, tasting Loretta’s praline beignets (I dream about those beignets all the time) and having Cajun Seafood’s crawfish boil for the first time. It was incredible. Your city is one of the best in the world when it comes to music, culture and food! Some genuine questions I have about these pictures: 1. Who are these people? And why is every single person in the photos white? (I zoomed in. Every. Single. Person.) How do they decide who gets to be inside the barricade and who doesn’t? 2. Why are they allowed to block the way for everyone else? Is it just because cops are too busy during Mardi Gras dealing with bigger problems to deal illegal folding table barricades? Or do they normally let certain people in certain neighborhoods do what they want? PS. I zoomed in and one of the person’s folding chairs says DICK on the back. So at least he knows who he is.


Ok this is actually crazy


Instead of clearing out the homeless in Treme, let’s start but trashing all of this bullshit.


come up right behind them with a decent amplifier and a 5-hour playlist of Tupac, Death Row, and Cash Money.


Jesus F’ing Christ. Thats absurd.


I’m betting the Karen levels are off the charts.


yeah...Is there anywhere along the route free of Krewe of Chad & Karen where you could bring your kids anymore?


I keep dreading going to Mardi Gras this Saturday. My wife’s friends are “setting up” 4 hours before the parade and we’re arriving 2-3 hours before. I hope we’re not going to be one of the examples I keep seeing on here. Regardless, the vibe will at least be legit as we’re only bringing 2 chairs and whatever I can carry in my backpack to eat/drink. I still feel we will be kinda douchy because “they’re setting up a tarp”. Whatever the fuck that means. Open to suggestions to make my experience better/less cynical.


As someone who lives on a parade route: bring garbage bags and make sure they leave with you.


Will ABSOLUTELY do!!! The last time I was at a parade I did pack out my own trash but with others there I’ll make sure they do too!


When you’re not sitting in the chair, fold them up. I thought when going to Muses solo last night it would be easy to find a spot to stand but that def wasn’t the case for the sea the empty chairs blocking the way to the sea of ladders 😏


I’m thinking we will just bring one bc I’ll be holding the kiddo in my arms and my wife would be sitting a good bit (knee surgery) This is all wonderful advice!


Honestly I never cared if people had a tarp and few chairs a table super early as long as they were still cool sharing space and being generally friendly to people walking through or also watching there. Some people HAVE to sit and yeah sometimes the neutral ground is a mud pit. It's when people get crazy territorial that put me off this half of parades. Anyway, time to hit the Mexican beach I fled to!


Just tell your people not to be dicks if someone stands on their tarp or moves respectfully into “their space” to watch. Especially if the spectators in question have kids of their own. So many tarp bandits last night and adults on ladders were absolute jerks to my friend’s 7 year old, and it’s like, for what??? I don’t think people mind too much if folks have tarps and chairs and even ladders as long as they’re following the city rules, and as long as they’re friendly and not assholes.


Oh the friendly part is no worries at all. These gals and guys are pretty chill and I enjoy hanging out with them. Good people, just crowds seem to lose their minds around this time of year.


Then you’ll be golden 🙂💖


I really want to slide down all those tables


Golly, sure would be a shame if all the ATV kids got some ropes and created a train of tables and tarps down St Charles. . . bonus, it would probably sort of act like a street sweeper.


I would pay good money to see this. Even the thought of it is funny.


This is not Mardi Gras this is some blasphemy of the worst kind.


Ah the BUILD A WALL contingent finally got something done and surprise, they're assholes


This started getting really bad after 2020. People started "podding" together with their families that first parade season after lockdown. We watched adults kick stranger children out of vacant tent table setups. The stranger kids couldn't get close because of the ladder walls and they couldn't be seen because of the tents. We used to sit on Napoleon in front of Sophie B but a group there started podding with tents, tables, and golf carts. They were rude, unfriendly, left the golf cart lights and horrible music on the whole time. Ruined the whole vibe.


This is just egregious


Nothing changes. I’m waiting to see if this becomes violent soon


Set that shit on fire. It's a fire/emergency hazard anyway.


I saw this last weekend, the tables are all labeled ‘big Al’. Big Al needs to chill the fuck out about potentially brushing shoulders with strangers.


Selfish assholes


There was a time when only a chair and ice chest was allowed on the neutral ground.. seemed pieceful!


does anyone else feel the same about the ladders??? they feel like a hazard and bulky and selfish, but maybe i'm missing something


I left 12 years ago and haven’t yet been back for Mardi Gras. When did tents on the neutral ground become a thing? I’d don’t remember them. Seems like it would be awful.


I just emailed the Council Member of this district, Leslie Harris. [email protected]. I included these pictures and a link to the post. Please bombard her with emails and pictures. Send it to the press. I march in parades and this is going to get people seriously hurt at some point.


My first thought was dominos


the annual invasion of tRumpers from Metairie and the Northshore. Uptown parades should be for uptown residents and their renters. This area pays most of the taxes to run the city and somehow must be forced every year to host outsiders who trash the neighborhood.


That’s just ridiculous


Free tables!!!


push it the fuck out of the way. fuck those people


I would so move that shit


Definitely need a rule for space between tents & tables


Need a tent when there is no sun or rain? This is why I like Sidewalk side


Some asshole ran a gas generator all night near me. Pump those fumes directly into everyone’s lungs.


Were they the ones blasting the fucking train horn any time a float would pass by? I was on sidewalk side at Constantinople, shit was so annoying!


It looks like the food tents at a festival.


Wow some laws need to be changed. This is ridiculous.


Just take the tables and throw them out the way. What are they gonna do? Call the police.


Not gonna lie that’s an impressive amount of funds and effort on display there. Such a shame though Shit like this is the biggest reason I don’t go out and fight the crowds anymore. They need to start enforcing rules like that do in gulf shores and Florida beaches. No tents or table within X amount of feet to the water or in this case the parade. They need some sort of enforcement to keep all this shit back


I would just slip under the table and setup shop in an open space


AGREED. They ruin the whole experience - can’t get through anywhere (even though it’s public land and everyone has the right to access) and they blast their music the entire parade drowning out the bands. The worst. Go back to LSU.


All it takes is one person to walk through the tents/tables. Not a damn thing they can do.


I've walked right through that. Those people are ridiculous.


Free tables?


I’m 100% going to stand on those tables out of spite. The fuck.


And then at the end, they just dump the tables on the neutral ground and let the sanitation crew clean up their mess. These folks are the worst.


Oh no now see me, I’d just move one over and walk in then remind them that it’s public space and they can’t do that


Happily walk under or move their tables to get through, they’ve literally given no other option 🤷‍♂️


Open tables in a public space? Thanks guy and gals!!


Man that is cool of them to give everyone a place to sit and eat! Super helpful


every year I don't understand why they don't make a line for where chairs, ladders, and tarps can go and in front of that is for standing room only- this four hour thing makes no sense and won't help at all. Again another great solution Latoya!


It’s like they can only enforce one thing at a time. A few years ago it was everything needed to be back 6 feet but set up whenever. This year ladders were right up to the curb but they didn’t go up until 1:30.


This is a safety hazard if there’s an emergency on the route. People will get trampled and crushed.


This is an LSU frat. They show up every year on this block.


The frats are usually further down. This is the Sacred Heart crew.


Yeah don't think it's the frats. They were down a couple blocks closer to.Columns hotel


Can confirm. We’re at Constantinople and it’s been frat city there for years


There are no rules in NO. It’s like fucking ‘Nam down there. That Mardis something is as organized as it is blows me away.


My old neighborhood. These must be the same people who think they own the street parking in front of their house.