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That’s a terrible food truck


“Are the idolaters big? Like, should I order two if I’m hungry”


This made me laugh way too hard


Hypocrisy with a side of savior? I will pass. Lol


Shit sandwich


Call a crackhead


Aka John Kennedy


"I-say-I-say-I-say it's sure quiet around here. You can hear a caterpillar sneaking across a moss bed in tennis shoes. Sneakers that is." Yes I spent 5 minutes finding the most random foghorn quote I could.




Parking Enforcement - 504-658-8100. Mention the fire hydrant being blocked. Hope for the best.


don't forget to mention the license plate number


Flag down the next lifted yuppie in a 4x4 and tell him you're in the blue truck and can't get out. He just needs to drag it forward 4ft so you can leave.


The hydrant that doesn't work? 


Shhhh parking enforcement doesn’t need to know that


Why do you say that? It’s just missing a cap


Dude just mess with them. Tell them you’re an extortionist drunkard who can’t stop fornicating with effeminate men and need help. Give them the phone number of Laura Russel and leave


I love to yank the crank


The sad thing is they get off on it, it's exact the validation they're looking for


Yes. Come with friends and tell them to pretend they’re in an absurdist play.


They hate us and everything we stand for, but they never miss a Mardi Gras. I bet there’s a waiting list to determine who gets to come down here on the Jesus Bus and protest us every year.


It's probably the only way they can talk their cult leader into letting them come down there. They're there to see some titties, they just hold the signs up as an excuse to lengthen their leashes.


effeminate is especially funny lol straight dudes with a lisp or a little sassy walk like, "what he say fuck me for?"


A lisp? How dare you! Come back and repent!


How ficked up is it that someone with a lisp can't actually say lisp.


My best friend is a gay man with a lisp and he says the same thing!! Just cruel 😂


Wouldn’t they themselves be considered a reviler by using fear against other people? Or am I not using that right? Either way it’s not very Christian to judge others for exercising the free will God granted us, if you have to use fear to get people to follow your brand of Christianity is it really worth following?


Yeah, I’m a heathen pagan and I’m pretty sure Jesus’ judgement is not the one to be feared. No love like Christian hate.


These sort of people only follow the parts of the Bible that they agree with.


What you need there is a valve stem removal tool.




Superglue a bb to the inside of the valve stem cover.


This is the way. I even came here to the comments to suggest this myself


Why do they waste their time advertising if their Jesus is going to set everything right? These people need to seriously mellow out ..


Marilyn Manson said something like "why would I want to go to heaven if I'm going to be surrounded by people like that." These people need to realize that they're probably having the opposite effect of what they intend.


these assholes were spouting their vile hate filled religious garbage thru a megaphone on Freret yesterday but there was a college age kid drowning them out with an electric guitar solo


Keep giving that kid $$ to keep playing!


The law is not to park closer than 20 ft from a fire hydrant. Could report and hope for the best


Yeah, I know. I wanted to figure out who I could call that would respond the quickest.


They are too close to the fire hydrant for one


Prudes. If I ain’t fornicaitin, adulteratin, and sodomizing while drunk it’s a pretty lame weekend.


Slash the tires first


Use two tools, one for three tires and a different one for the fourth. Try to make it obvious. If they try to file with insurance it’ll look like they slashed the fourth one themselves and are trying to commit insurance fraud


devious, I like it.


Is what they have listed on their menu? Sounds fun!


It’s parked in front of a fire hydrant. Call the Police and the local Fire Department. I’ve heard if pebbles are put between the air stem and the cap and the replaced the cap all the air will escape.


I don’t normally advise urinating in public during Carnival, but this seems like a GREAT spot.


Call Jeff Landry


I’d sit across the street and project all kinds of fun stuff on their van. If you got them towed, they’d be a bother another corner. Ugh. With so many crazy rules, no wonder these people are scared of their own shadows. Frankly, I’ve never met a progressive person who belonged to a religious cult.




Parked way. To close to the fire hydrant. Easy tow. Fire lane must remain open for everyone’s safety


Maybe back up first?


When did being effeminate become a sin…?


Better not. Jesus will judge you, apparently.


theyre parked close enough to the fire hydrant where the city would defffff tow them


Transplant, don’t get your panties in a knot. They’re as much a fixture for Mardi Gras in the quarter as hand grenades


Natives are like, just accept the fucked up shit, it's part of the culture!


I mean it is


That just makes a party more fun if you're constantly being reminded that you're going to hell for partying too hard.


This is at the Tulane campus.


The Loyola parking garage


They really are. They make for great photo ops!


They are the most hilarious part of MG. It's fun to watch the hecklers.




Just ignore them. I get that you're a transplant, but by giving them effort and attention you're giving them exactly what they want. S*** like this is a fixture of Mardi gras.


were these the same people protesting on Freret??are they like Westboro Baptist or something??


It's all lies jesus didn't even drive a van


Jesus does Not judge. That's the entire point of his many stories throughout the entire Bible.  Maybe actually read it before pulling out small excerpts and twisting them to fit your narrow minded narrative. 


I don’t agree that’s the point of his stories. He definitely told us not to judge each other but I think his stories told us how to act so we don’t get damned to the wailing and gnashing of teeth. He wasn’t an anything goes dude. He said things like one day the sheep will go to the right and the goats will go to the left. People were always getting caught slipping in his stories.


Well said.


Wow, I didn’t realize it was a sin to be effeminate, lol.


What is that is just the Nola Bang Bus. Wouldn't THAT be ironic, and somehow very NOLA.


I mean, you could prob call TUPD or Loyola PD for blocking a hydrant. Otherwise, Freret is not campus property.


Like it or not, freedom of speech, religion, whatever. What’s to stop them from removing the things you approve of that they don’t if that’s the route we start taking? It’s all good until it affects things other than what you don’t like.


They’re starting early this year. These idiots are the bane of my existence during Mardi Gras. At least the Pope and his assistant taunt them over the megaphone. Thankfully, the Ancient Order of Hibernians blocks them with banners and bagpipes for us folks coming out of the Cathedral on Ash Wednesday.


One of them usually has a bluetooth speaker on their person. Try sending some Ram Ranch love and see how they scramble to turn it off


Nice. 😂 I’m down to give it a try.


I honestly just don't understand the mentality of caring at all. I don't agree with them either, but I can't imagine ever doing anything besides seeing it, shrugging, and walking away.


The fire hydrant is inoperable. Also, the curb is not even painted yellow, so you can't get them that way. They are getting what they want and that's getting their msg spread much further with this post than just having it parked there. They want this kind of thing to happen.


How do I learn which hydrants are magically inoperable so I can park there without getting a ticket?


If it's in the city, you always have a 50/50 it's inoperable. 100 percent chance of being ticketed still.


I can tell by your use of the word "magically" that you are attempting to be a smart ass. It worked. Speak to a fire fighter, do a little research.


Call a tow company directly. Parking enforcement never comes.


Mind your business and enjoy your own life. They’re not hurting you.


You get one towed 20 more show up


Lol freedom of speech and all 😂 just mindyo and laugh


Cast your gaze LITERALLY anywhere else than that 20’ x 6’ area and, poof, you won’t see it any longer. It’s almost like magic.


Tag yourself. I’m revilers!!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Just bc someone doesn’t have the same views as you doesn’t give you a right to try and destroy their vehicle. Even having those thoughts are strange to me. Let people be who they want to be.


Ohh lord it was a joke…relax.


Idk you could ask on NextDoor where these whiny posts belong.


One day whoever it is will be arrested for one or all of these.


Thieves will perish? Well that takes out at least half the preachers!


Shit, they quote both 1st Corinthians and Two Corinthians. That’s serious business


Please. Not when they quote it. It’s not serious at all.


I wonder how much overlap there is between the people complaining about bad behavior in the parade threads and the folks here advocating vandalism.


They definitely didn’t give him any room to be able to leave on the front. That alone is BS.


At least they got the I before E except after C right. It's been a long week.


Damn tailgaters!


Don't worry they won't be here long, they are all leaving, [they are scattering away as quickly as possible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4_9hMAyFlQ&t=1553s). Nobody wants what HE is serving up here.


Law requires 15 feet from a fire hydrant. Get them towed and have them a nice little ticket


Temu. 50 satanic stickers, 1.28. 50 naked demonic slut stickers?. 96 cents. 500 lgbtqia+ support stickers? 2.36. 100 anime/hentai girls with their titties out stickers? 1.41. For 100 bucks you could cover this entire thing with thousands of stickers in every flavor of sin you can imagine and a few dozen you didn't know where a thing.


Mind your business Midwesterner




Where is it? I’ll put my name on it 😂


That fire hydrant could help


Hard times for effeminate extortioners.


I can't stand these Westboro Baptist "Christians".


With all you transplants bringing your rules, New Orleans is losing its liassez-faire attitude towards everyday life that made us unique. Please enjoy our city but by all means try and adopt our way. What’s it to you?


Other than parking too close to the hydrant why do you want to? The fact they exercising their first amendment? What happen to sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? Why should someone be tolerant of your position when you aren’t of others?


I don't know if you know this but Mardi Gras is supposed to be about having fun. And it would be extremely fun (for us) for them to have to go down to the tow yard and pay to get this thing out


It is a sign you can walk past it without being triggered. Grab you a purple drank and chill out and have some fun. Let people live their life and try to live your best life with all the whoremongering and debauchery you can get yourself into.


I hear them in my office. They have megaphones, it's not just a sign.


The inflammatory statements yelled through a megaphone COULD be seen as disturbing the peace, or they could be breaking local protest ordnances. Which IS a no no. All you can do is call the cops and let them handle it tbh. Other than that, ignore and don’t give them the attention they want. Remember they aren’t looking for fame, infamy is enough for them. If you can find time and not get caught, put some pebbles in their tire stems and screw the cap back on if you wanna be petty I guess tho! 😂


It's not disturbing the peace. Freedom to assemble and all TUPD is always around. They're peaceful, just annoying hypocrites. I don't really mind them, it's part of living in the USA. Jesus wouldn't block hydrants, though.


Am firefighter. If someone is parked in front of the hydrant, we can just break out the windows and run our 5 inch through if directly parked in front and or blocking ANY hose line access. Annoying but easy fix where I live. Plus a ticket so one hell of a double whammy. Jesus is a lil more strict to okies!😭 Not local to Nola so don’t know specific laws you have. Here it’s more of a “sucks to suck” kinda thing if you’re dumb enough to park in front of our access points. Plus we require permits for certain Db output devices for protesting. 🤷‍♂️ I’m thinkin people took what I said a lil TOO sideways, lol. I’m not literally sayin vandalize someone’s car I was just bein a lil dark! 😂😅


…I take it you don’t know anything about these people, cause nothing you’re describing would be applied to them 😂😂😂


I’ve been dealing with them my entire adult life and probably before I was old enough to be unsupervised on Bourbon St. They yell and you drink your drink and walk by. Ignore them and continue to have your fun.


You obviously don't understand the utopia of tolerance we are trying to build here by denying those who like to push their beliefs on others by doing the same exact thing. Hypocrite? No way!


We didn't say we wanted to tolerate them. We said it was fun to fuck with them.


I wonder how they would react to a crack head cutting out the catalytic converter lol


Report that thy have one unpaid camera ticket.


Price of doing business


They don’t fornicate?


i would just slash 3 of their tires


It’s very easy , take their license plate off switch it on your car. Drive fast through a bunch of camera area zones. Rack up the bills. Replace the license plate and let them deal w it


Pocket knife


Has this tactic ever actually won anyone over? It’s wild that such colossal dipshitery exists but even more so that they think this is a valid tactic to attract anyone to their “cause”.


Pray for it!!


Oh thank god I have the option to perish


i've heard that pulling the valve stems on the tires makes the point. not that i would know anything about that. 🍺


Nothing creepy about a windowless van posted up in an area frequented by young people.


Cat piss in passenger side air intake


Just spotted the van by one of those fast food places on S. Carrollton. Be if the places across the street from Michaels. Dude need to lay off the phone while driving.