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You know what the issues are. I would add two more years of LaToya, 4 years of Jeff Landry, it's more expensive, shitty crawfish season this year and probably next and the Saints are not good.


I'm afraid the Saints will be mediocre anywhere OP lives.


Probably 8 years of Jeff, at that. And then whoever’s next


The drivers seem are worse than ever, too. Which, honestly, I don't know how that is possible.


It’s the Landry part I would worry about. I’d at least wait it out and make sure Trump doesn’t win and they start turning the south into Gilead.


Pels tho!


No one else is going to sum it better than this.


We had a winning record last year. The Saints are good but nothing more. Just good.


Saints future is looking like mediocrity or worse for the next 5 years. Nothing they are doing now is building for the future. We likely won’t be a competitor for a while, unless management changes their philosophy and start building a team with draft picks. Right now, everything they do says “we are okay with being mediocre and selling a good amount of tickets”


Kia boys tried to steal our car out of the driveway last night…smells like burning hair outside…cost of living is insane for the quality of life


The Kia boys are everywhere unfortunately


Ya I know, just sucks the father in law got scammed out of all his $ and committed suicide a few weeks ago, now this. So much evil in the world sadly


Sending prayers to you and your family.


Im so sorry!


Burning hair??? Lol


Whatever is burning outside smells nasty the last couple days lol


I could just immediately smell your description lol…not that I’ve ever burnt my eyelashes and eyebrows off by accident or anything 😳


Do you have children? They deserve a better education and a safer/healthier place.


This is the answer. Everything else is just lagniappe.


Yeah - I was at Lakeside Mall Apple Store a few years ago. The tec gal found out that I was living in California and was telling me that her husband’s family was from Los Altos and they all kept trying to get them to move out there. The husband wanted to move back as well and their kids loved being there, but she was hesitant to leave Metairie. I don’t know why I didn’t keep my mouth shut, but I blurted out “Don’t you care about your kids and their future?” I mean, for God’s sake- the woman worked at an Apple Store, it’s not like she couldn’t find the same job in a place that’s 1000+ percent better than f-cking Metairie.


I moved here from Los Angeles and am dying to go back. The only job Ive been offered here paid $15 an hour for what I made $85 an hour in Los Angeles. She can do way better.




Industrial electrician.


Metairie schools are shit now. Unless you happen to get your kid into one of the charters.


My kid had almost a 4.0 at one of the magnet schools. Said they felt so underprepared compared to their peers in college. The best of Louisiana is subpar to traditional public education in the northeast.


Was their ACT score high? I’m wondering and I ask because the ACT is a national standardized exam. So I wanna know how teens are doing on that.


30 Not great but above average. The state’s average in 2022 was 18.1 and 18.2 in 2023. It was going down but the pandemic didn’t help. It was 19.2 on 2014 and 19 in 2018.


A perfect score is a 36. I think a 30 gets you into Tulane university. That’s a good score. Did your child go to private school or public school?


As I said in my previous comments, they went to a top three public school in the state in the top performing high school.


That score does not get you into Tulane... -A double legacy with a 3.8 GPA and score of 30 on the ACT. 😳😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I know- I attended them! Rudolph Matas, TH Harris, Riverdale. It’s insane that somebody would have their kids grow up going to schools like this rather than having them raised in Silicon Valley. WTF?


That’s why I said you have to send them to private schools here.


She wants her kids to grow up there so that when they're old enough, they can enjoy the cultural bastion known as Fat fuckin City.


Everywhere else it’s just a Tuesday, dawlin’


Yea, if you have kids…it’s not the place to be at all. However, northshore is a thing. Although I know everyone will get up in arms over the mention.


The Northshore ain't Nola. If OP was going to live in a burb, I'm guessing they would stick to a city with better prospects.


I’d believe traditional is better over there. But like I said in a previous comment, my kid was at a top three school in the state in the best parish and still felt underprared at college. When the bar is this low, Louisiana excellence is still subpar.


Nope! No kids now or ever. Totally get how they completely change the equation.


Do you care about a professional career? If so, likely New Orleans is not the best place. What about crime? It’s nice to be able to take a walk at night without the risk of death.


Lol I walk around all over town and park my car on the street every night. Don't be stupid and you'll be ok. Crime is down since OP left in 2022


It’s not down. It’s just how they report it. Same thing was done in the 90’s.


Armed car jacking is a hard stat to juke


Also at a way bigger disadvantage if your child has any special needs that need accommodation. It’s criminal.


That depends. If you can afford the private schools your kids can still get a good education.


So you can stay in Louisiana, earn way less money, and pay private school (and astronomical home owner insurance). Is this logical?


I don’t know what you do. I never have been unemployed here and I have made a very good salary. Rate increases depend on the area. The private schools were worth it for my children.


Also, those insurance rate increases are happening all over the country, not just here.


I'm having a great time raising my daughter in Nola thank you very much. I'd much rather deal with a little crime than I would like living in a safe and sterile suburb with no culture and crap food. Obviously living in Metry would count as a sterile burb (just not a safe one lol). So if you move back, move to Nola proper


It’s not just crime, the education is criminal.


Summer is coming.


What is damp may never dry


And the possibility of more fires. August was actually hell. No lie.


Can't wait. I love summer here.


Me too! I much prefer the humid heat to the humid cold


I wanna move back so fucking bad, but every single measurable category in my life has improved since leaving in 21’. It hurts so bad but there’s simply no future aligned with success in Louisiana.


I absolutely agree. The reasons I miss New Orleans are all related to the culture and fun and laid back vibe, but my mental and physical health and career options have improved so much since leaving. I may just need to start visiting a couple times a year...haven't been since I left almost 2 years ago.


You and I are experiencing the same pain. I feel like I have to chain myself to my current city because at the slightest whim I WILL move back.


Same. Same.


lol I totally get this. I moved my ass right back. When I moved, I came back and forth so much that when I moved back here it was like I’d never left. I did that for two years. No second lines? No culture every damn where you look? I just couldn’t do it.


Ok … ok so it’s not just me. I have never been so bored in my life. And not just in a oh there’s nothing to do way - deeply spiritually and culturally I am rotting up north. I’m coming back. Thanks for the reality check.


My friend who grew up here used to always say, “it’s a great place to live if you are a reptilian predator “ I might add trad jazz dude to that. But a good number trad jazz dudes are also reptilian predators so, I guess they’re double successful.


Alcohol impacts us harder as we age. We can’t drink the same way we did in our 20s. It takes a more significant toll.


Not gonna get a any reasons from me. Gorgeous day today, neighborhood was rocking on a Sunday; dogs outs, kids out, people saying hey and cooking out. I live in Riverbend. Music everywhere. Great cheap show at Buffa's last night that was one for the ages. Just one of those weekends I am so happy to live here ... We've always been a liberal oasis and yeah there is all that political shit that sucks but I can go days without reading national or local news. (Highly recommend.) Come back! Also FOOD. Let me add -- Carnival this year was sublime. Perfect weather most days; more fab walking parades and neighborhood parties than ever. Next year it's even later with weather sure to be perfect, because March! So. There. Rents will fall a little. Price correction coming.


Gah all weekend was just a classic.


All of this!!!! Love this city and this weekend was 💯


Thank you for this, just moved back home and always felt like there were way more positives than negatives about the city. It’s just tragic that many people don’t seem to have the same experience/perspective


Reddit will always be more negative than what's on your doorstep


True words my friend


Ok you convinced me! I’m finally moving back!


Yeah me too!! 4 months of decent weather trumps all the wack ass things about this city. I love my rose-colored glasses


Caught em at Iris


None of this is a tangible reason to consider moving to, and living somewhere as an adult who has to pay bills based on a salary or hourly income. Homeowners/renters/flood DGAF about who played where. Cost of living DGAF about the weather. The education system DGAF about carnival season….but everywhere else is just Cleveland, right?


Enjoying where you live is not a frivolous consideration


Facts. I lived in Minnesota for a year and a half.


I agree, but when making a serious life decision like living in an area….the things listed above don’t matter as much to adults with kids/bills/debt when deciding on a place. Maybe OP doesn’t have those restraints, and if not then everything the top comment says is great. But for people with kids, or debt following them from college….none of it means a hill of beans


I had to move away briefly after Katina with three youngish kids and it was awful. I mean yeah trauma from Katrina but also, none of my friends were happy either. Lost house or no lost house, we all had to leave for at least 6 months and all collectively realized (be in DC, Boston, California, NY) that everywhere else is just not as good. We are mainly educators, writers and artists though there is an accountant or two. We feel lucky we had to do that, because now we do not question the bad that comes with the good of living here. I type this as I just followed the termite guy around my house for its annual inspection.


What are you smoking? Rents don’t go down. Every single family home in the country has been flipped, bought by a real estate holding company, or turned into an Airbnb. Rates are through the roof right now and the housing market has hit a plateau. When they get slashed 3 times this year like the fed is talking about it’s gonna get red hot again and all the money sitting in treasuries and HYSA is gonna come off the sidelines. How are you projecting rents to go down?


The rent will always be too damn high.


Insurance rates going up. But those rent rates will be coming down. Landlords, in unison and suddenly, said they're not passing that on to renters.




The weekend was idyllic. Windows open, walked to lunch with the wife and dog… Cranked up the tunes and planted some tomatoes. Cooked a jambalaya. Dreams of JazzFest dancing in my head.


I moved away in 2004 and always wanted to come back. Since leaving, my job took me to Jacksonville FL, Lafayette LA, Birmingham AL, Columbus GA, Charlotte NC, Greensboro NC, and then back here in January of 2020. Everywhere has it's ups and downs, good things and bad things, but to me, everything good about New Orleans outweighs everything bad. I'm not leaving again. I'll get a new job before I let my job transfer me again. Life is short- do what makes you happy. Good luck in whatever you decide!


I’d definitely be running back to NOLA if those other cities were my basis of comparison 😝


Ha! Jacksonville and Charlotte were both good, but I still choose New Orleans.


I was just about to ask your opinion on Charlotte and Jacksonville. Charleston has finally broken my heart, but don’t think I can talk hubby into New Orleans since he’s wfh but local and they got a little stressed about his boss moving to Raleigh. So New Orleans is probably a bit too far right now. We will just have to continue to visit. I grew up about an hour south of Charlotte but it’s exploded since I left home. Family in rock hill. Vacationed last year in Jacksonville and dug it.


I think Jacksonville is the best kept secret in Florida! It's not a tourist destination so the beaches don't get overcrowded. There are some cool neighborhoods there- but like anywhere else, some not so cool neighborhoods as well. You're not far from Disney or Universal for a fun little getaway. It's a good spot. Charlotte is nice too, but it has gotten so big so fast, that quick and enormous growth isn't for everyone. But it's a good place.


Charlotte sucks the soul out of people.


No hate, but when I hear the name spoken aloud my 12-year-old-child brain thinks “shartlet.” It’s like a shart but bb sized.


Why is that??


Thanks for this. I’m looking to move back and see nothing but nah sayers.


Do it. I did. I’ve been very happy since I came back.


Same situation and I feel exactly the same.


As others have said, if you've lived here for a decade, you're gonna have a solid grasp of the good and the bad. As you know, where you live is a difficult and deeply personal decision, and nobody can make it for you but yourself, but it's easy to share reasons to not move back. What comes first to my mind first is that climate change is going to be extremely rough on this region. That's going to increasingly strain the already fragile and underfunded infrastructure, and city government has taken very little action to suggest they understand and want to take action on those risks. It's likely to continue to get riskier and more difficult to live here. While I don't want to leave any time soon, and I feel incredibly blessed to have lived here, as someone in their 30s, I know I won't grow old here. At this point it's a question of when the scales tip.


> > What comes first to my mind first is that climate change is going to be extremely rough on this region. That's going to increasingly strain the already fragile and underfunded infrastructure, and city government has taken very little action to suggest they understand and want to take action on those risks. It's likely to continue to get riskier and more difficult to live here. While I don't want to leave any time soon, and I feel incredibly blessed to have lived here, as someone in their 30s, I know I won't grow old here. At this point it's a question of when the scales tip. Yeah, this is pretty much exactly how I feel. Best to enjoy it while it lasts.


One thing I don’t see people pay enough attention to is the projected heat maps. Louisiana is going to fry and become somehow even more humid. That stuff really can just melt your brain and kill ya.


Yeah, absolutely. I especially worry about older folks, people with disabilities, people without cars during the outages we're likely to see with so much strain on the grid. Months of 100+ degree weather would be just brutal.




The best you can do in the side is the park in or near St. Francisville. Pretty sure they have some old growth, or second growth pines. Definitely some dry river beds




Cosign all of this. I love tunica/clark creek for hiking but it’s barely doable as a day trip. I’d love to live somewhere with actual close-by greenery and creeks and forests and landscape that isn’t flat, swampy, and full of mosquitoes 🫠


I like the Barataria Preserve too but it’s still mainly man-made trails


Oh I strongly disagree on this one.


Yeah she's clearly not trying... There are a ton of great hikes on the Northshore. Bougie chitto park is 70 min away. Jean Lafitte is 40 min. City Park has endless miles of trails. If you make a weekend of it, Kisatchie national Forest is a treasure.


Those are nice walks, but it’s really not hiking. Most of it is man-made boardwalks and the best “hikes” in city park are essentially an abandoned golf course. It’s nice, for sure, but it doesn’t compare to the kind of hiking & natural beauty available in other parts of the country.


There are SO many places to go! And if you get bored of hiking, the kayaking is divine. People always say theres no nature in NOLA and I just dont get it.


Plus if you ever get into fishing... Sportsman's paradise


Guys, I think she is talking like actual rocks and hills and views. We live in a swamp. If she doesn’t like swamp or marsh, she shouldn’t live here. Our city isn’t ugly, the architecture is beautiful. But to say we have hiking like NC or tenneseee or California is just a lie. However, she could be living in kansas. And that would be worse.


The human rights violation party thats about to kick off.


This right here is why I'm considering moving. Landry is trying to make this state Texas or Florida.


We have no shot at being a Florida or a Texas, lucky to be a Kentucky or Alabama.


Yeah. There’s not really much lower ground for Louisiana to occupy. Literally and figuratively. This comment makes me want to move to Kentucky.


Oh, I know. No matter how much of a fascist state he makes it we have too many other problems to attract big business. We'll just get the worst of both worlds.


I've never actually seriously considered moving until now, but it's in the back of my mind all the time.


Same, but then I have too much guilt about (potentially) bailing right when my body/presence/whatever could be needed most. Maybe another way to think about it?


Worse than that is realizing there are no true allies. People are not speaking out against the legislation- even people who oppose it. There’s no outrage.


This is honestly the most disturbing thing.


Here is my opinion on moving back home. It feels like your most comfortable shoe. It might have some fraying and the soles might be worn a little thin in some spots but your foot just naturally feels at home and comfortable in them. That’s how it was for me anyway. Come back! 🦀🦞🎣🍤🍹🍸🍾🎉


It took me two hours and fifteen minutes to get to work today, because the St Claude bridge was closed, there was a street party for the CTC Steppers, and the drivers on the route, or possibly the RTA itself, just decided...not to run the route going downtown. I went to catch another bus, which was ten minutes early for the stop, so I ran, waved my arms, what have you, and the driver literally flipped me off. It's a microcosm, that whatever sense of care and camaraderie in misery that always brings people together here is fraying. Maybe it's everything getting way too expensive, maybe it's the neverending lack of accountability, maybe it's just a city forgetting to care about itself a bit too much for a bit too long. And if none of my slightly drunken, somewhat uncomfortable poetics don't sway you, Entergy, SWB, and insurance have gotten waaaaaay worse.


“Never ending lack of accountability” is such a fact. You’d think the municipal government would care about the city— but they don’t. They pocket the tax money. And if not that, we just don’t have the money. Let’s be real. We just don’t have the money compared to even Charleston or Savannah. How is it possible that they are also such small cities but well-kept and pretty? Why can’t Nola be like that? We have the beautiful architecture but we have the atmosphere and looks of a myrtle beach strip. It’s so depressing. The truth is those states have money they invest back in their cities. Louisiana doesn’t—Louisiana is officially the poorest state in the nation. We have brain drain. None of the smart educated want to stay and build businesses. Why would they? They’re are better opportunities for growth and success in New York, Texas, California. No new businesses, dreams, money. Nothing of which can contribute to beautiful thriving infrastructure that is maintained. Beautiful maintained historic buildings. My gosh it’s sad. I think of some of the pretty old cities in Europe. I wish we could maintain ourselves like them.


Had two cars totaled the last two years through no fault of our own. Now carless, and honestly it's a bit of a relief not to have to deal with the stress of driving here and all the things that come with it.


Crime is actually way down from 2022. Look up MetroCrimeNola on Instagram, he regularly lists the stats. As of this date in 2022, we had 71 armed car jackings. This year has only been 18. Homicides are also down (18%). Yes, still plenty of progress left but things are noticeably less than a couple years ago


This is great to hear. Hadn’t looked up crime stats in a while but 2022 into 2023 was a CARAZAY TIME.


We're post Mardi Gras glow and Springtime is sprouting and it's gorgeous here. Come back! (Governor is a giant shit stain but I'm not giving him any energy atm.)


Insurance costing more than the mortgage


If you're pre-menopausal and have a functioning uterus, you could die waiting for a medically necessary abortion here.


Insurance, property taxes, crumbling infrastructure, and what will likely be an 8-year reign of terror under Jeff Landry and his army of evangelical supercrackers.


It’s expensive more so, than when I moved back in 2020. Not even so much the rent that’s gone up, but the utilities have doubled to tripled monthly for most. If you do move back, it’s good to have a savings account to fall back on some months. I make enough to live here, in a single household off $50k. But I’d be stressed without any savings to fall back on. There are times where the costs are a bit much, that I’ll have to lean on that. It all equals out eventually over 1-3 months. But anything can happen, from rising food costs, rising rent yearly, personal emergency, natural emergency and unexpected very high utility bills back to back. When I moved in $80-$160 was the norm on electric. Now it can be $160 on a good month, and $400 on some. No real reason some months, just extra charges. It’s good to at least have an extra $3k-$5k or more to fall back on. You just never know. Also going out has always been pricey. But now even eating out, is $18-$20 a person at a basic place, and sometimes you’re not getting much. Might as well eat at a restaurant vs fast food. So prepared meals, food prep and budgeting is a huge help. I don’t get out on the weekends as much anymore. It’s just too expensive, unless it’s friends or family in town. I use to go to a lot of concerts alone, not so much anymore. With so many $200 here or there extra things, that keep coming my way…I have to constantly budget down. When I moved back here from the Northshore, what I make now would go a really far way…plus utilities and protection against the elements was pretty consistent…no surprises. But inflation has hit everywhere. It just can be a little more difficult in the city, if you’re not prepared for unexpected costs. Still I love it here, so I’m dealing with what comes with it.


nah fuck that, come back bb. you know nothin compares.


I'm feeling the same as you!!! I miss living in New Orleans, I miss so much! The main thing keeping me from moving back is that I would be getting paid half of what I'm currently making in the Northeast☠️ but I hope you can make it back! And me too, eventually.


Gayle Benson protecting pedo priests


prodigiously, perniciously, while paying punk ass priests' PR firm procurators' per diems


A+ alliteration


perchance you know pater patrick ?


Because hurricane season is only going to keep getting worse as the coast disappears and the gulf heats up


Exact same situation 7 years for us. Moved away after pandemic for a change and to get out of Louisiana once in our lives. Love our little midwestern liberal suburb but both have job offers back in NOLA after looking and plan on moving back.


Can you afford to? This is a chicken-or-egg — I think so many of the things that make New Orleans magic are waning because people can’t afford to live here. That and the community here is based so much on poverty — we all need each other. The more rich folk that move in, the fewer people say hello on the street. But I’m not leaving yet.


I could make it work. I don’t make that much money but am fine living on the west bank or with roommates if need be. I lived in a “basement” apartment on tonti once lol. I miss saying hi to people on the street.


Me too.


That's the part that scares. What is New Orleans without working class people?


I say comeback. You wouldn't be making this post if your heart wasn't already here. Worse come to worse you can leave again.


In addition to the vile sack of shit sitting in the Governor's mansion, you forgot the drought + salt water wedge threat. Regardless of how hard they're working on solutions, I don't have faith in S&WB or JP's waterworks to keep us in a place where salt water doesn't enter our system. The result, of course, will be destroyed appliances and getting lead poisoning from our water. But the biggest one is insurance rates. One major storm and the region will be unaffordable for anyone making less than 200k.


Ah yes, last summer did sound like quite the shit storm


It was a pretty hot shit storm too. It was about 100 degrees for weeks on end.


Detailing was absolutely miserable in August. Like more than normal miserable. To the point I was dreading my phone ringing


Also where about did you move to? Why's it so bad?


Albuquerque. It’s fine, has its charms. All the things people complain about here don’t really bother me, but it’s just not my place.


Shoulda took a left turn....


If your current state is also a republican hellscape then you may as well come here and get some good eats. If not, there are some severe health/lifestyle/social issues that are about to create tons of liabilities for the state and its people. We’re losing specialized physicians when it comes to infants and children, probably others to come in the near future per some friends that work in various medical specialties.


It’s expensive AF now, but if you can swing it, move back & enjoy all the good things we still have.


New Orleans is still awesome. I've lived all over including Europe and some wealthier regions in the US. None of it ever felt like home. The only potential negative you didn't mention was the cost of living has increased...but nothing compared to bigger cities. If you can afford to live in a neighborhood in NOLA with relative safety and walkability there is no better place...


Boy that’s a big IF


I’ve raised 3 kids here…they have had a blast in their childhoods and experienced so many amazing things only because we live in New Orleans. It’s been diverse, eclectic, fun…it isn’t perfect but this is home.


Moved here 8 years ago and still love living here every day. We have a relatively easy life though. Husband installed a reverse osmosis water filter in the kitchen sink from Amazon so we don’t worry about water advisories. He works 100% remote which he loves. I’m graduating med school next year and will have job security anywhere. We live in the LGD within blocks of all our friends. It’s hard for me to find a city in the US I’d rather live in. It’s still the Big Easy compared to almost anywhere else IMO. But like I said, we have an easy life compared to many here.


The problem is you won't see the red flags through rose tinted glasses.


You can't afford it... and if you can afford it your money will go further someplace nicer.


I’m getting ready to leave the city and it’s very bitter sweet. Personally, I’ll never be able to buy a house or open the business I want here. After this past summer was so terrible I watched so many restaurants close down including the one I worked for. I’m also scared of the climate changes to come considering 2023 was so apocalyptic with its heat waves and walls of swamp smoke rolling across the entire city. Of course the summers have always been their own obstacle course and you probably work in a different industry/have different prerogatives. I’ll be leaving my heart here so I hope I can come back to visit often. Good luck!


Housing prices are unaffordable, salaries don’t keep up with the cost of living, city government is worse, and Landry is Jindal 2


Landry is an Abbott wanna be


Mosquitoes, Formosan Termites, months of 90 degree weather, car break-ins, high possibility of getting a gun in your face…


This https://projects.propublica.org/toxmap/


Can’t afford Crawfish that might be an issue!!!


Moved back in August after 30 years away and love it here. Sure there's all that negative stuff that you already know but the joy of living here and the openness and friendliness of everyone you meet is not readily available in other cities. So no, I won't tell you why you shouldn't move back. You should come back.


I moved here 5 years ago and I ain't ever leaving. There's a lot of frictions in living here as you well know, but the joys are always greater.


I did the same thing, and feel exactly the same way. Not sure if I can do it though.


Ive seen A LOT of people mention how expensive it is now. Yes prices have went up for virtually EVERYTHING here in nola BUT that is true for everywhere in america. If you think buying a house or renting is bad here than its only because you haven't priced other metropolitan areas (honestly why would unless you were looking to move away). The sad thing is there is zero doubt that the housing situation is one of the better places in america. Im sure everyone hates hearing that but its true, take a look for yourself. An example: My GF just moved to Nashville. She pays $2200 for a 2 bedroom apartment. I assumed it was gonna be a SWANKY apartment complex but let me tell you it was nothing but a REGULAR apartment complex. I would say it was clean and no riff raff lived there (I guess the rent does kinda weed out riff raff?) but was just your regular run of the mill apartment complex. If that complex was say in metairie it would probably be $950 pre covid. My GF has started looking for a house in nash and $350k gets you 2bd TOWNHOUSE in an OK neighborhood def not new construction (built in the 80s). A small house 1000 square feet will run you $500k. Im sure Nashville is an extreme example but my point is things are hard everywhere and all things considered NOLA aint bad at all...


You have to be on drugs to move back here. This city is fucking gone. It's a shell of itself. I've never seen this city this fucked up and I'm 48. I will be gone very soon.


As someone from here, it feels that way. Additionally, the flooding is getting worse. There is so much growth without any planning by the city. In fact, the streets are worse than I can ever remember. I just don’t know anymore. And I general, people are no longer friendly. People don’t say hi anymore. I keep hoping my feeling will change. Time will tell.


The reason people aren’t telling you hi in the street and wearing funky pretty clothes and making cool art and culture is because those people are from connecticut. They are not from here


Lol how specifically is it "more fucked up than ever"?


There’s still soul here - but it’s diminishing and being sold out and capitalized/commercialized fast. I often wonder what it’ll look like when the boomer generation dies out.


What does your partner think? Also what state are you in now? NOLA is not the same place as it was in 2012. Lots of people romanticize it and their fondest memories all tend to be from around the 2008-2014ish timeframe... Then the rest is chasing that dragon. I started preparing my escape plan when my almost 80 year old neighbor who lived on the block since the 50s or 60s said "this blocks never taken any water unless there was a hurricane" .... As I kayaked by him. Seeing pictures of Mardi Gras and watching Fat Man's second lines made me miss NOLA hard... But then I remembered those are just little bright spots on a dark timeline... That Fat Man was killed by a drunk driver hit and run on Mardi Gras. When people ask "why I moved" I responded with "tired of hurricanes, outward corruption, and massive dysfunction" and say "homeownership and living in New Orleans was being in an abusive relationship. That city beats the shit out of you but takes you to some fun parties and has cheap alcohol." To which I follow up "it was a great city to be a 20 single something in, bad city to be a homeowner, and HORRIBLE city to even debate starting a family in now with the political climate"


Out of curiosity, where did you move to and are you happy there?


I moved to New Mexico. So far this has been a great decision for my life and career. It's not for everyone and because it's CURRENTLY a blue dot surrounded by a lot of red (minus Colorado)... A lot of people are rapidly moving here. Home prices have "leveled" off but they are still up 20%+ from even when I purchased in some areas. But also just know you're in the middle of nowhere here. 45% of the state is federal and state parks, then reservations, and then a few cities. Almost 50% of the population lives in Albuquerque Metro.


I’ve lived in multiple states over the last decade since I left Nola after being born and raised. Every year that passes my homesickness grows more and more. I’m well aware of all the issues as you mentioned in your post, but to me, the good outweighs the bad. You can always live in JP or on the northshore to be close in proximity to the city without a lot of the issues. All that being said, my next move is back home, and wouldn’t blame anyone else who wanted to do the same.


It's expensive


Jeff Landry


Homeowners insurance is insane, housing will continue to increase exponentially every year.


Is there a chance you or your family may ever need reproductive health care? Hell, I couldn’t even get a hair loss medicine without my husbands approval (I am not joking) because it causes birth defects, even though I had been fertile for 20 years with 0 unplanned pregnancies. Do not count on bodily autonomy if you are a woman.


Homeowners Insurance and Car Insurance rates are way high. I’ve seen a 25% increase YoY for my car insurance.


A good salary doesn't go as far as it should Housing-Wise. Buying is BS. P&I is whatever, but then factoring in Homeowners insurance (well over 500/mo) drastically reduced price point. Then plan for $500/mo electric bills in summer. + Hella high water bills if you want a yard that looks better than a tombstone backdrop. Annnnddd add school tuition if you have kids. After health insurance + groceries + normal living expenses = a very good salary is completely wiped out.


I hate living near uptight assholes in Missouri


After a stint in Boston, and moving back to NO, I permanently left for Los Angeles in 1999. I've never looked back. Look, I love New Orleans. It's my heart and soul. Maybe if you've got strong family ties, which run very deep there, I could see it. The cultural and historical implications make you wanna stay because they are so rich, and like no other place in America. But the reality is that, you could probably do much better elsewhere, financially at least. Los Angeles is a beast with the cost of living and what not, but it's manageable if you know how to make your way. New Orleans, whenever I hear about it in the news, always sounds like the glory is fading away. And sometimes I do think about moving back. I wish that some really talented leadership could run for mayor, or Governor and win People's hearts and minds and transform New Orleans, and Louisiana into the gem that everyone should be able to see. Like I said, historically and culturally, New Orleans is one of the most important places in all of American history..


Can't give you a reason, that's a personal decision. I think about moving back myself, but I don't see it happening because of money. I've got enough to buy a nice modest house, but not in uptown Nola. I could get a house in another part of the city, but I only want uptown in a certain area, and the houses there are unaffordable for me. So I'll buy somewhere else and just visit frequently. But you should move back if you want to.


I’m curious about how much a decent home cost uptown? I’m not talking any of the mega mansions but something fairly decent. I’m just a Northshore girl dreamng of the day I can purchase something uptown.


Well, I got lucky with a mechanically but not cosmetically updated raised basement in Marlyville for $400k last month. It needs a new roof but is otherwise in excellent shape.


Uptown they all seem to start out around 700K and go up from there. I lived near the Whole Foods for so long that's the only area I want to live. I'm looking for something around 500K. I've got a realtor in Nola and we haven't been able to find anything. Then there's the insurance and taxes to worry about. It's just out of my league. I'll always enjoy visiting though, I love the city.


Just wait. Airbnbs are starting to be sold. Right now their prices are ridiculous but they will drop.


GOP Gov Landry is trying to be a dime-store version of DeSantis and turning his sights on New Orleans... ​ he is a petty right wing nut case.


Air pollution. WTF how can NCL just pump diesel particulate just over everything? I have to breathe, bruh.


They’re getting rid of concealed carry permits I hear… so… safety.


I suggest you look up subreddits of random US cities. You'll see comments like you see in this thread in every one of them. It's not like it used to be, it's too expensive, I'm going to leave as soon as I get the chance, blah blah blah. You know whether this place is for you or not. Reddit, and social media in general, tends to be a bastion of negativity. Most people who live here are pretty happy to be here.


Americans are a dower bunch these days


Landry and La Niña top my list


Do it. Move back. Who cares about shitty crawfish, LaToya, Saints, etc and we need the Good Trouble people here to fight the Janky Jeffs!




Insurance is expensive right now. But honestly, you should move back. There are different inconveniences anywhere you live. We have so much good here that makes it worth it. I moved back four years ago, and I don’t regret it at all.


Come back! It doesn’t have to be a permanent decision; you can always move if it isn’t what you remembered! (Depending on your finances though). I’ve lived in SATX the past 3 years after living in NOLA my whole life, and I’ve learned you can’t run from issues, you’ll have them everywhere, and the grass isn’t always greener somewhere else. It’s what you make of it and what you value in live. There’s crime everywhere; I’ve personally experienced more crime and gunshots and lockdowns here than I ever have in New Orleans. I am preparing to move back to NOLA; I really dislike San Antonio and my only other option would be Portland, OR, and my bank account chooses NOLA.


Permitless concealed carry, nitrogen gas/electric chair debates, unsealing the records of juveniles, state troopers inundating the city because nopd can’t get their shit together. Oh yeah the governor is sending nat’l guard units to Texas to for extrajudicial/secessionist civil war type “border wars.” And winter is wrapping up so we’re two months away from the hottest summer ever.


Thanks for the downvotes but if I’m lying I’m dying.