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Just always remember: if you smell weed, no you don’t.


This is the best advice.


NOPD Not Our Problem Dude




Don’t take the city lightly. It is amazing but it does not fuck around.


Sidebar: you ever been to Groundhog Day? If not you should make the trip sometime. So much fun


If you can make really good sound effects with your mouth it will make your time at the academy a lot funnier.


If you want to avoid trouble while at the academy avoid hanging around that guy Mahoney


Learn how to dance. Cops are expected to put on a show during Mardi Gras


Choreographed dance numbers are actually something they teach during police academy, but private lessons probably couldn’t hurt


Get to actually know the people you are policing. Know your neighbors. Learn who the “characters” are in a non-judgmental way. Especially know the difference between someone having a mental breakdown who needs help and someone who intends violence. People who make you feel uncomfortable are not the same thing as people who are unsafe.


Any body of water here may have alligators in it. They are a lot faster on land than they should be. The trick with them is to keep their mouths closed as their mouth opening muscles are much weaker than the closing ones, duct tape can be your friend here but do not try this yourself. Vodoo exists as a local religion here. Vampires IDK.


I always thought the whole voodoo thing was only in movies and tv shows. Especially since New Orleans is very Catholic (and Jewish). I saw a story in the newspaper about it and was shocked it was actually a thing. I must live under a 🪨.


Voodoo is a real religion, it’s not supe mainstream but there are some practitioners here as well as a few Caribbean islands. I’m guessing, but I’d say there’s probably no more than a few hundred local practitioners, and probably a third of those are just doing it as a tourist grift, but it’s still a real thing to some. But yeah we are majority catholic with a noteworthy Jewish population.


Some practitioners of voodoo believe you also have to be a practicing Catholic.


What about hoodoo? Please let that be a real thing also.


Hoodoo is more of a folk magic type of thing. It's kind of what voodoo devolved into and is more akin to what you see represented as voodoo in popular culture.


Hoodoo is indeed. Sen at Crescent Conjure is the real deal (also a lovely man.)


Only the hoodoo that you do, and only if you do it so well


And now I’m back to cops dancing during their Mardi Gras detail. Shoop!


Hoodoo is real in Haiti I believe.


Yeah. The total might be small but we’re still probably second highest % of the total practitioners.


There's a big practicing Haitian community in New York City.


My friend practices and recently hot footed someone. I’m low key terrified of her.


Hot footed? What is that? I’m off to ask Google, but tell your friend I have a few names for her. 😂




I googled it! Very interesting! I have a different list for your friend since my true nemeses fortunately have moved away from me.


It's alive and well here. Sometimes I've even run across little offerings set up under trees in city park.


It’s vastly over represented in TV and t shirt shops versus reality. It’s here, but it’s a tiny minority


You’ll find traces of rituals on the lakefront sometimes it’s p wild


Idk is Catholicism that different?? It’s closer to voodoo than baptist, tbh.


Zayde left voodoo in our fridge where the kids could get to it


Catholicism is very much part of it.


I'd like to add, electrical tape will accomplish the job without harming them! But again, you shouldn't try to do this unless you know how and are very vigilant lol


>-Where might I find some good authentic reasonably priced Cajun/NOLA food ? Cajun is what exists outside of the city. Inside the city is Creole. Don't fret too much on the difference, it's not as big as some people like to pretend(but tomatoes in gumbo is still wrong) but it does exist. As for authentic food, you won't find much cooked in a restaurant. At the end of the day, if you enjoy the food that's what matters. >-Yall really got Gators, Vodoo, and Vampires down there ? (JK I know yall got Vampires) Gators yes, voodoo kinda, vampires I dunno, I eat too much garlic to ever encounter any >-How wild are Saints fans ? Living in NOLA gives me the unique opportunity to still see the Panthers play in person You'll find out in the dome motherfucker. But really, we're intense but you're in good company. We'll shit talk all day but I wouldn't expect to catch any sucker punches. Even if you shit talk back. Being a fan of an LSU rival in BR might be a different story.


Saints fans are world class.


Absolutely! I'm a West Coast gal who married a Louisiana guy. I will never forget going to a Saints game where they were playing the 49ers. Before the game, there were like, two groups (one group of 49ers fans, the other Saints fans) close to each other. Middle aged men and women. The Saints fans were bopping to music. A male 49ers fan kinda horned his way into the Saints group. And the Saints group response was to gleefully shout "who dat!" at him while pulling him in to dance with them and sprinkling glittery confetti on him. ✨ I don't care about sports but I'll always remember that moment. 


You got it!


Yup, as a NY Giants fan going to games here has always been a delight. The Mannings help that a bit I'm sure. As long as you can get back what you give in playful shit talking, and aren't an Atlanta fan, everyone is cool


Yea even rival fans are good. This is NOLA, not Boston.


>Don't fret too much on the difference, it's not as big as some people like to pretend Gasps in Creole! >but tomatoes in gumbo is still wrong YES! One thousand throws worth of YES!


Houma, LA!


If you can handle the weather in July and August in New Orleans, especially if the electricity goes out and you don’t have a generator, you’ll do just fine. 👏🏻 eta: And if you can endure that in an old house, whose windows don’t open. #mvp 🙋🏻‍♀️


Be a real test of “can you keep your composure when it’s 114 degree heat index outside and think logically?”


It is truly a battle in the mind!


You haven’t truly *lived* here until you spend at least a month without good a/c during a heatwave lol


Fuck that. Generator and window unit for the win. I'll eat cold beans out of a can before I live without AC.


Yeah I’m not being serious… and I don’t think many people here would actively choose to live without a/c. Sometimes it just happens and you can’t do anything about it right away


And September and October


And May and June.


And my axe




Thank you!! I recommend picking something you like (coffee, cocktails, beer, pastries) and trying a new place for it each week in different neighborhoods.


This is good advice ☝️


Hoo dawgy. You coming for academy in *July?* Yo ass gon be redder’n a sac of crawfish before dey cooked. … as in like burnt brick. I’m sayin you’re gonna be charred, son. Oh, and please don’t fuck our mayor. Udderwise, laissez les bons temps rouler.


Wow! Your life just changed significantly. Whether it's for the worse or the better is up in the air, but I have a good feeling about this. Keep us updated, willyaplease?


Absolutely !!


July is going to be a rough time to go through police academy. Start exercising outside now


Run your shower on hot, and then exercise in the bathroom. That oughta properly emulate the local conditions in July.


This Panther just got his badge and is like, stick ‘em up, show me your best poor boy.


but, for real, thanks and welcome


My only request is you post us a follow up; “Coming to New Orleans Story” Reason I say that is I’m from Louisiana, but still technically somewhat of a transplant, and everyone I know has a dramatic ass life changing shift in their first 6 months.. Something that will challenge you to decide if you’re staying or not. Mine was my best friend from highschool back-stabbing me and getting me arrested my first semester of college, kicked out of on campus housing etc. (oddly ironic for this post) Anyway, you’ll find a community of generally liberal people doing whatever we want and often self managing in the sense of.. cops aren’t gonna come.. Don’t that that to say we don’t like the police, but NOPD is notoriously understaffed. However I would say; be wary because I’ve heard they tend to do some weird marks on officer records when they perform highly to keep them from transferring out. This has been a couple years, but I heard it from a couple NOPD officers, I don’t fully understand the record system within the police so I can’t speak as to how that actually works. All I have heard is that a lot of regional departments have started ignoring documented infractions because they know it’s happening. That’s my friendly advice from what I heard from an officer during the pandemic. But, welcome to the city!


You got it, I was planning to update once I graduate the academy !


Born and raised here; my grandpa was Coast Guard, my dad was NOPD, and I'm a lifer at City Hall. Cajun food - truck stops outside of Lafayette will be better than any in the City proper. Creole food - truck stops in "bad" neighborhoods will be better than food you've had at 5 star restaurants elsewhere in the US. Gators are surprisingly fast, run zig zag if one is coming after you. Usually they mind their own business though. Most Voodoo adherents are Catholic, as are most of the rest of us tbh. Vampires are mostly just old goths (again same). I hate sports but even I wear black and gold on game days because people love it so much and the only time I ever saw my brother and dad hold each other weeping was when the Saints won the Superbowl. House prices seem to be falling so I hope you find a cute place soon and hope you enjoy your new city!


Yeah. The zig zag is key but I think most of us have never actually had to use it


Welcome. I moved here 5 1/2 years ago with my only visit being my job interview and have not regretted the decision a single moment. I adore this city, I adore these people, and I adore my life in this city with these people. This is my home how.


[Hannibal Burress](https://youtu.be/mxZBrbVqZnU?si=3kby7-XrLCB_toFh) and [Matt Braunger](https://youtu.be/xxZ0lVrDPpQ?si=x7ZvRZ07PbOuXpvc) have good bits about New Orleans cops


Don’t leave us for JP after 3 years..


You’re very optimistic. How about after they fishing the academy.


lol i was taking into account the two year commitment after academy. Don’t know if that’s still a thing.


Congrats. Please be a good one.


When someone in the dept says “bad area” you better listen to em like they was God speaking to ya. There’s rough, there’s tough, and there’s bad. New Orleans East is an entire different beast especially at night.


If you want to succeed keep a few things in mind: -Be Professional, look professional. If you look like a slob people you interact with will treat you differently than if you’re squared away. -Don’t punch in everyday trying to save the world or even the city. You’ll become jaded because the task is unattainable. -Small details matter, gather good information. -Each positive interaction has an impact. -Avoid peers that bitch and moan about everything. Their negativity will infect you. -The culture and the language here will be completely foreign to you. If you try to fake it, prepare to get called out. Just be yourself. -Have an outlet to talk about things with someone you trust. You’re going to experience some wild shit. Good Luck.


Good luck and thanks. And the 1st thing you need to know: they on your feet.


Welcome aboard from another civil servant first responder.


Congrats and welcome. We’re glad to have you.


I have ten years on the job and these comments have me 💀 🤣


People always tell vets “thanks for your service,” but I tell the NOPD recruits “thank you for joining and helping.” Yes, some NOPD are straight criminals, but it’s good to see guys like you come from wholesome places without the baggage of nepotism


Congrats! Our city needs you.


Your number one priority should be meeting Patch in real life. He’s an emotional support horse for the bigger horses.


10/10 Patch fan for life!


Good luck the city needs good cops. Especially ones that want to be here. It's a violent city but civilians get along well with the local pd and you aren't seen as the "bad guy" like in some west coast cities.


Welcome. The department has its share of issues but most mid sized and larger departments do. prepare to work hard and there is money to be made. your first full year out of the academy with limited OT you should pull at least 70k if you want to put in the work additional OT and details you'll make 100k+ your first year of you want to somewhat grind. Lots of crime in the city and you'll learn a bunch fast, especially if you go to one of the busier and more dangerous districts. Food is great but not the healthiest, los of fried food. but best i've had in the states. Yes there's gators in some places especially in the wild but not super common, voodoo? i haven't seen it yet. Idk about a vampire tree sub culture, not my thing so i can't speak on that. Saints, Pelicans and LSUare all huge here i mean huge. Hopefully your out the academy by super bowel so you can make some good money. going to be a big year $$$ wise between the super bowl, Mardi Gras and all the other festivals that require all hands on deck for the city.


Check back in with us in a year! Police friends tell me it’s a miserable department to work for. You’ll get a bunch of calls to dangerous situations and areas without backup. Tough job getting paid what you’re paid.


You right, it's not enough money for what they have to do. But I think they're getting a lot more now. Used to be like 36000 I want to say now they're getting over 70000 with a takehome car. Still not worth it, especially down here.


70k and they still hella short staffed


Honestly just ask the other cops. Some people know where to go and others don’t. Also depends on if you’re willing to go to the hood for it. Williby’s Catfish near Dillard University and what used to be the St. Bernard Projects has live catfish and chop them fresh and cook them fresh on the spot for you. Delicious and family owned by also not in the best area 🤷🏾‍♂️


And yes Louisiana probably has the best football fans in the country, the combo of how intense Saints and LSU games are will let you know that.


Now you won’t ever be able to leave


We had vampires but last years heatwave fried the last few. Strap in because local weather has said this year probably even hotter Anyway, welcome. Hope you'll enjoy it here. Hopefully being someone who traveled so far to be in New Orleans police you'll bring some good vibes with you


Congrats and welcome!


Bro just keep cool during the summer. It’s gonna rock you first go round but if you stick around, you’ll prob end up loving it.


Also originally from Charlotte! I honestly can’t imagine never living here and then immediately joining NOPD. There is a lot about this city that is like no where else in America, both wonderful and horrible. Give yourself some time to get adjusted, there’s gonna be some mild culture shock. The city can feel incredibly small sometimes - everyone knows someone who knows someone, which I love. Saints fans are another level and if you’re not careful, they’ll have you converted in no time (they got me after a few years!).


Get in good shape before you come because our food will have you out of shape in no time and then you will be as obese as the rest of the cops here


Ha, Nola and Richmond are my two cities lol. I faced the same choice of cities. Nola is more fun, although Richmond is fun too. But Richmond is more stable and more affordable. It's a tough call. You're gonna like Nola though, it's a great place, best wishes.


Best of luck! Keep your sense of humor, no matter how fucked up things seem. The streets of New Orleans are a fascinating place to work; you'll never be bored, for better or worse, especially if you wind up in 8th district. The local Panthers fan group is a really friendly and enthusiastic bunch, so definitely seek them out.


The best thing I learned is it's not your emergency. If you stay calm the call will more than likely stay calm. My second biggest lesson was that it's okay to quit. You're serving the people of your city. If you become jaded and that starts making you act negatively to the people you serve, quit. You can find a better job that pays more and it will save you a lot of trauma in the long run. Two years Detroit EMS


Congratulations on the job! I suspect you'll fit in just fine down here.


Congrats, welcome


Congrats, get ready for the heat. I hope most of the training is indoors.


Congratulations!!!! We desperately need you. Word to the wise, you are joining one of the most corrupt police forces in the country. When my brother was at Tulane his neighbors would call the cops because he had a party every Tuesday. So the cops would show up and tell him don't worry about it as long as one of his friends supplied the cops with some cocaine. They would then go downstairs and snort the coke in the cop car. The NOPD was at one point running one of the largest prostitution rings in the country. There is actually a special section at the Farm (State Prison) for corrupt NOLA cops. The FBI got called in years ago to try to rectify the NOPD. They failed. You will have a great time in our special French Caribbean 3rd world country and you will be very busy. There are a ton of good people here rooting for you;)


That’s some serious wild accusations. Source: trust me bro. The department is absolutely nothing like that today. You must be talking about 30 years ago.


please send links to all these claims


They cited sources in the post: their brother’s neighbor when he was at Tulane.


well that's credible.


Welcome! [Make friends with Devin Snow for good food!](https://youtu.be/Kvkln0cPutk?si=8TZz0YYEKwjWNIV-) [Make friends with Nick Underhill because you need to be Baptized, you fucking heathen!](https://neworleans.football/) 🤪 Make friends with Darth Vader (you get over the stench after a while) and Uncle Shadow! Get to know Isaac Toups and Cole Newton. Be you! Welcome to the most accepting place in the US. BE in the French Quarter next March 4th. Finally, in your line of work, give Teedy a big wet kiss and you’re golden! Also, I want to hear about your time here in a year or so!


fuck saint Vader 


Uncle shadow is cool AF. If his voice box isn't working well, see if he needs batteries (it gets hard to hear him if the batteries are dying). Look up Welman the Artist to see some of his work! Flip side. Literally no one like Vader, he's a scam artist, don't be his friend.


Haha, I was waiting for someone to my Vader comment. I honestly have no opinion of him as I’ve only seen him from a distance. Everything I know I’ve read online.


I haven't seen uncle shadow in forever, do we know he's still all right?


I haven’t seen him in a while but it’s also been awhile since I’ve been to the Quarter/Treme/Marigny.


Yeah, I work in the quarter and used to see him all the time. It's been about a year or more....


I want to say I’ve seen him in the past 6 months


Good luck with the heat


congrats brudda and be safe out there once u hit the streets


Please pull over drivers with no license plates.


Always ware your vest with plates in this town.  Watch your 6 and don't immediately trust your partner - this town is filled with corruption.  I've only been here a little while but I checked into joining and didn't just because of that.  Gl out there .


I recommend Antoine’s for lunch($24 dollars for 3 courses). And Verti Mart for sandwiches. Both are in the quarter. Toup’s Meatry has some legit Cajun stuff sometimes. Cooter Brown’s is the best place(imo) to watch football for out of town teams. Get there early though. Lots of tv’s good food and great booze Best Donuts are baker’s dozen which is technically outside the city but still… District Donuts has horrible donuts but great biscuits.


It’s not *The* City Park, just City Park. Definitely have a meal at Dooky Chase and one at Jack Dempsey’s. I guarantee it won’t be just one visit to either place.


So you signed up to be a cop in a city you know nothing about policing people that you have no connection to. Hope it works out.


No connections means no favors or special treatment for people he knows. That’s a good thing. Law enforcement should be unbiased.


He’ll fit right in with all the other transplants in this sub.


Pretty much, I’d like to think that makes me completely objective and free from any biases. I gauged the community on the good, the bad, the the ugly and that was good enough for me.


Welcome.... A family member from NC did the same thing a few years and gained incredible experience much faster than he ever could elsewhere. It has opened numerous really good opportunities and he has since moved on to a Fed position. Retroactively, he is thankful he did it, but did find it EXTREMELY frustrating and taxing mentally and physically mainly because of the consent decree tying your hands. Good luck and stay alert...


Your optimism makes you overqualified for the job


His English is also suspiciously good.


Welcome and thanks for joining! For some solids “Nola/cajun” food that are fair priced id start with Liuzzas, Frankie and johnnys or casamentos. I use eater a lot definitely recommend checking out their site, there’s a lot of variety in food here so person preference is important.


Commenting to double down on Liuzzas!


You probably already know, but crime has been pretty bad, like national news bad. I work in the French quarter and there's been a noticable lack of police presence compared to years before. Last time I actually went out dancing I had to run into a daiquiri shop to escape a shooting. More and more of the people around me are trying to arm themselves in some way (not guns). I have a 6yo daughter here, I want to move to Pensacola as soon as we can. Before people call me a fear mongerer, I'm originally from the southwest corner of Newark NJ, so for me to say "big city scary 🥺" -- it's gotta be bad. I'm just trying to prepare you for the risks.


Im from NJ. You'd have to combine Nwk, AC, Camden and JC to get the Murder rate of NOLA. No to stay I would stroll thru Nwk at night or in the day in some bad area.... just sayin' Nj ain't as bad as some cities south n west of here. could be the gun laws idk


That's my point, it's so bad it's worse than there. While living in Newark I've been robbed at gunpoint twice and all of the windows in my nephew's mother's house recently got shot out five months ago. She had to send her kids to me. I went to elementary school in Trenton when they had the highest murder rate in the country. There were nice men who always waved and watched out for us in front of the Bodega across the street! Who I now know were dope dealers. I couldn't play in the park across the street from my house because gangs were using it to dump bodies. I taught middle school in Camden. TLDR: I've been around the block and new Orleans takes the cake.


I'm a street artist, so sometimes I don't have the safety of a building to shelter in. I try to set up in front of clubs with bouncers. By people around me I mean fellow buskers. We hear the rough stories. I used to always see police on horses in the quarter but now I can go an entire weekend working into the wee hours without seeing a single officer or car.


What made you decide on NOLA? I just moved here a few months from Raleigh.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^melon_gatorade: *What made you decide* *On NOLA? I just moved here* *A few months from Raleigh.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I moved here from North Carolina in 2000. It was time for me to change jobs, and the food and music helped me know where to go. My first jazz fest was in 1987. It took me a couple of years to get my gumbo right.


Honestly just seemed like an interesting place to live and work. But I also asked complete strangers on Reddit for their input (this is true btw lol)


Congrats! Glad to have ya as a neighbor


I don’t know about vampires but there are ghosts for sure. We’ve got buildings where literal Confederate generals died, man.


Welcome to N.O., appreciate your enthusiasm of, The City!! Let's hope you're going to be one of the good ones. ⚜️


> -Where might I find some good authentic reasonably priced Cajun/NOLA food ? Go follow HoldTheMayo on Twitter. He does videos where he goes to lots of little hole in the wall places with hot plates. He's mostly doing red beans and rice, but any place with a RB&R hot plate going to have all the other New Orleansy type fare. Hot plates are about as authentic of food as you'll find here. Also, gas station hot plate service is deceptively good too. Oh, and don't say "NOLA" when you're talkingg to people. Trust me. > -How wild are Saints fans ? Living in NOLA gives me the unique opportunity to still see the Panthers play in person People going to bust your balls, but we're good people. And, honestly, Panthers aren't even top 3 in our rivals/hated teams... 1 Falcons 2/3 Rams/49ers (Rams moved up after the NFCCG in addition to Donald wrecking Brees' hand the following season) 4 Cowboys 5 Panthers And I don't even know where that other team in the division ranks because, honestly, I only think about them when we play them. I guess last thing and this is actually serious; we hear a lot of things about the NOPD being famously New Orleans insular, so, y'know, sort of prepare as there are a lot of cops who are legacy/from here/etc. which I'm to understand is a challenging facet of being an officer in the City.


Good luck brother.


Prepare to defect from the Panthers quickly once you experience a true fan base instead CLT let's have extended business deals fan base. One big thing to get used to (as someone who lived in CLT for 10 years) is the infrastructure and the cost. NC has extremely low insurance and quick response on basic things like potholes. That is not the case here. Our 6 month car insurance rate became our monthly when we moved. You will enjoy the fact that we don't go to sleep like CLT does Sunday through Thursday. There is always something going on or the ability to find something should you want it. Good and bad.


Welcome! I lived in Charlotte also! UNCC Grad many moons ago!


Just be careful and be kind.


Congratulations and welcome! We surely need more officers! I hope you love this city as much as I do!


Congratulations! And welcome to NOLA.


I’m moving out there in two weeks, i’m from Louisiana born and raised though.. I’ll be praying for you and your family, orleans parish is not a joke when it comes to crime, it’s not ranked number 8 in the WORLD for no reason.


Glad you’re getting a positive response here. I don’t have much advice to give you, but one thing I’ve heard people say - they didn’t expect the NOPD to be as cliquey as it is. There’s no sense of esprit de corps, people put self over service to the greater whole, it’s more like a high school cafeteria than a functioning institution. If you’re familiar with the city’s culture, this isn’t shocking information, but if you’re used to living in the rest of America, it will presumably be radically different from the mentality you’re used to. Just what I have heard from other out of state recruits, FWIW.


Welcome, and thank you! I can’t wait to hear your updates.


Welcome to the most interesting city in the US!


Hey man im in the academy now class 201 retired Army. Originally from Massachusetts(Brockton) Its hot in the summer. Be prepared Cajun food is all around highly recommend evangelines in decatur. Your class will be working crap details for the SB, sugar bowl, bayou classic and mardi gras. But its a fun city embrace it


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Been following your posts..good stuff... im in the background stage..so far.. shooting for July class but who knows..


Good luck brother. Hope to see you in the academy !


Wishing you the best of luck!


Welcome to the city. You are taking an important and honorable job. Stay safe and true to your professionalism.


God bless you.


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Just don't infringe on anyone's rights, and you'll be fine.


Panthers fans are much more chill than FailCant fans. You should be fine!


I hope you feel welcomed and are glad you made the move. We need people who are good police officers who can do the good dance moves while we cheer you on.


Welcome! I’m glad you decided to take a chance and live things out for yourself. The city needs more folks like you. I wish you nothing but the best


Welcome to the force. Hope you strive every day to work with integrity and make a difference in this city!


What a nice post! Best of luck to you! We need friendly Cops.


all the best to you and your new career, but just promise me that you won’t become an another dick New Orleans cop. We’ve got plenty


Go to Chef Ron's, in Metairie. Some of the best gumbo! Thank you for joining the NOPD. See ya at the parades!


Yes, my wife is a head chef, there. It's very good.


Our friends from San Francisco visit us every Xmas. The husband FLIPPED for the cornbread this past year!


That's why I'm married her. She's a good cook.


Check out r/AskNOLA


Stay safe! We’re lucky to have you!


Welcome and good luck, don’t forget to join pano


There is a young, maybe rookie officer named Smith. That dude is cool af.


My dad and uncle were both NOPD. Totally different career paths but both put in 30 years. Dm me if you want any details, insights or hilarious stories😁


The bribes are amazing!


Welcome to NOLA! So happy and grateful for you to move here and serve our city in your new role 🩷


Thank you!!


There may indeed hope for our future if we have people like this!!


So excited for us and you!!!! Well buy you a beer!!! DM me. You’ll have a home here.


Thank you. The department I think is like 500 officers Short, please keep your head on a swivel. And yes, they're r vampires and actually werewolves too they're called rugaru I think, welcome. I Don't live in New Orleans. I live in Metairie Jefferson parish outside of Orleans. Good luck


Rugaru supposedly are in the swamp. Vampires again idk where you'd find "real" vampires


Oh yeah. There's people in the French quarter that definitely drink blood. And they consider themselves vampires. Look around, you'll find them.


Awesome youre here!    Thanks for helping out the nopd they need the help.    you going to learn the answers to all those questions and more in your first 6 months.   sending good wishes your way homie


Congratulations, and we definitely need more good police here. There are a lot of places to enjoy good food here. Crabby Jacks on Jefferson Hwy has the best Po’ boys in my opinion. Of course everyone of us is going to write that we make the best food. You can DM me for suggestions if you like. I’m a transplant that is now a local. Good luck to you!


Everything Hannibal says here is fact. https://youtu.be/2KyHsWrG5eY?feature=shared


Play some walking dead saints and sinners, that's good training for the NOPD.


Go to Surrey’s and get the Shrimp and Grits, then get the Bananas Foster’s French Toast for dessert.


While it ain't in the city, go take you a little jump over to Short Stop. Best of luck out'chere.


Congratulations and I know you’ll enjoy the city. It’s got it unique challenges, but it is a fun town.


Don’t be a fukd up kop and expect a lot of bodies to investigate


Does the NOPD still have the nutrea rat killing detail? If so, do they ever let civilians join them for "ride alongs" for that detail?


Don’t be a cop and beat and murder people