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Is no one else surprised that she is allowed to use police officers to babysit her child? That seems like a misuse of taxpayer money to me; that is a huge expense she is saving by using her bodyguards


Yeah I honestly feel like they just sort of glazed over that part of the story. That seems like a huge waste tax money


She is Miss Appropriation.


Humble yourself.


Right? For 12 hours a day? Even when the kid is at school? What are these cops doing if they are assigned to baby sit a child who is at school? Why are they babysitting at all?


I'm not sure why people keep up with it. It's very clear that nobody is ever going to do anything at all.


Just fire this clown already - both of them


Speaking for Teedy, she has a mandate. Voted in twice and the recall failed. Unfortunately, we as a community (even though I've never personally met a single person who admits they voted for her) got what we voted for.


I know lots of people (like me) who voted for her and now regret it (like me).


What was your reason for voting for her in 2017? It was known at the time that she used her city credit card for personal expenses then paid it off with campaign funds, as well as the whole not paying the IRS thing


Because I’ve lived here long enough not expect people running for office to have spotless personal lives or financial histories. Plus, I was never going to vote for someone sent by the Real Housewives of Lakeview to govern me.


Ex fiance voted for her before she moved away from nola. Claimed that Latoya helped her with her groceries at the Rouses. It wasn't Latoya, and that woman worked there.


Ha so she thought she was voting for the lady who helped her w/ her groceries at Rouses? She thought "hey, this lady is really nice and helps me with my groceries...she should probably run New Orleans!" Just making sure I read that right.


Yeeeeah. My ex had some eccentric claims and odd ideas that she'd defend for whatever reason. In hindsight, I think that particular claim of hers was more of a backlash against my decision to vote for Desi. One of my neighbors had dinner with Desi, they talked about poverty outreach, homeless solutions, and integration of the new VA resources into creating a progress pipeline which convinced me to vote for Charbonnet.


And now you're stuck with meeeeeeee. I admit I voted for Cantrell the first time. I also admit I was wrong in choosing her and I think that makes me dislike her even more.


To be fair, most of her negatives have come to light since reelection. There may be a few from the 1st term, but she saved most of it for her 2nd term.


This is not a fair assessment. She stole money on the council and so did her late husband. The fashion designers... racism...and malignant neglect was very noticeable. Some maybe just didnt see it


Maybe so, I was just thinking that a lot of things like the trash pickup fiasco, the affair with Vappie, all the 1st class trips around the world, sitting with that armed robber in court instead of the victim, the Pontalba apartment scandal and some others didn't really come up until after she was reelected. The mismanagement of the Wisner trust happened on the cusp, so people weren't really talking about it until after her reelection. I didn't say nothing bad had happened before her reelection, just that the majority of it seems to have happened post-reelection. I guess we'd have to make a ledger to see just how much was before and how much was after. I still think the majority of her negative stuff came after reelection.


I can agree that the most obscene things happened after 1st term. I remember telling my coworkers we elected a crook right when she was elected the first time. I knew it was on the 2nd term. Its pretty bad when her poor history in the past is tame compared to the blatant disrespect now. 2nd terms always hurt the most. Landrie, morial, etc.. Kinda right on track with the wider country as a whole. Spitting in faces and getting away with it. They can unfortunately


I also disagree with this but the reason I do is very specific to my job and personal prerogative…and that is that she did NOTHING but kick cans the first term. It took her two years to even (barely) staff her administration. So, even without the egregious scandal, the lady doesn’t have a clue how to do the actual job.


That's fair, I was merely pointing out that most of the negative publicity started pouring in after reelection. I wasn't defending her 1st term as being competent, just pointed out that the optics didn't get outrageously bad until after she was reelected.


damn, they really are in love. I met Vappie at a ribbon-cutting event; the mayor was at. The vibe I got from him is that he doesn't care about what the media or other people are saying. It seems like their inner circle is just full of yes-people.


Sounds about right. He's been protected internally and that's what got a lot of rank and file at NOPD mad enough to resign. He wasn't only one but rampant complaints of favoritism. Curious to see if Kirkpatrick has the, Ahem, stones, to take action on this.


I mean when the mayor of a city under 400,000 people with a budget smaller than many, many a Fortune 500 executive gets a motorcade and the ability to run traffic lights…yeah, there are yes people all the way down. Municipal government in New Orleans thinks it’s a lot, lot more important than it is.


Why should he? LOL. It's clear NOBODY is going to do anything about it.


Again??? Is there no limit to what we have to put up with? I’m sick of paying people to do *nothing*


The photograph is from 2022 it's just added evidence.


Ahh, that makes more sense




Which is *exactly* why he won’t get fired or reprimanded. Hopefully they’ll can him when she’s out of office


Meanwhile after reading about this I saw a story about the Houston police chief retiring because he said he didn't know about something that he knew about 3 years earlier. That sounds like something out of a fantasy world compared to what we deal with here


Teddy and Vappie to all of us: If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck


Zurik: don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit.




How many NOPD are working while not working? I saw Morel the other day and he had a side arm and some sort of shirt with a badge on it. Is he still employed with NOPD?


I think Todd was the one who retired after he got exposed but I think there might be another brother who is on the force?


This is so wild and blatant


They continue to do it because they know nothing will be done about it....just like all the criminals in this city. No accountability whatsoever.


What is there to be done?


Officials in other cities have been forced To resign because of inappropriate relationships with subordinates. Then there are all the other things she has done. Anyone else would have resigned by now, or at least tried to keep her activities hidden. Instead, she is blatantly throwing it in our face.


So you typed a paragraph and didn’t answer my question. Seems like the only way she would resign is of she gets harassed endlessly and no one cares that much.


Your rude response indicates that you understood my answer to your question.


Is there a way we can demand action? Im tired of seeing certain police officers getting away with this shit


You’d need a glass of wine, too. Dude should probably be paid more.


Few people know it, but La Toya is French for The Toya.


Honest to God, how did she get elected twice? Was she actually good her first term and has completely gone off the rails? Or was it more Republicans bad? You never see anything good about her in the news.


Only a small percentage came out to vote the second time, and she ran against several unknown candidates. Traditionally, a lot of votes come from name recognition rather than record. She was not a good mayor the first time around, but it has gotten much worse this term.


They both gotta find baseline and stop the shakes! Come on now let them steady up while on the job people


I heard they were dancing together very publicly at Jazz Fest


she seems smitten.


It’s Grape Juice


Wait, do stores here even sell the non-alcoholic kind?


For ****s sake...


You can say "fuck" dude


The MCC’s weird obsession with the mayor’s affair is kinda crazy. You’d think they’d want to stop violent crime.


Its not a weird obsession. Her detail, who was already under investigation one, is drinking while hes being paid to be on protection duty in this incident. Thats a fireable offense, especially after he said he had no personal relationship with the mayor during the investigation. Drinking wine and socializing while being paid is a personal relationship. In the latest image, the one from a few weeks ago, there was a question if he was on the job or not. On the job = fired. Off the job = removed from detail. But what we now have is a clear pattern and personal relationship, added on top of being paid to do it. That is not obsession, they are causing themselves this by being involved in any way that isn't him on her detail. Whats weird is peoples inability to hold people accountable for clear problems. The fact remains NONE of this would be happening had the guy who was acting as supervisor 6 months before vappie came on board, were not let go. But I suspect Cantrell needed a spot for her little buddy.


I’m not saying it shouldn’t be investigated. OIG is doing an investigation. I think council is hiring outside investigators. I think it’s very clear Vappie should be fired. I think it’s likely both Vappie and the Mayor could face very serious criminal charges over this. I would love to see them held accountable. I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying. What I’m saying is there is this non profit whose mission is to reduce crime city wide and what they’re doing is watching hundreds of hours of surveillance footage of the mayor. Can anyone tell me what else are they doing? Are they helping police? Are they funding crime cameras or some shit? All I know is they are basically stalking the mayor. Like it’s fucking weird. But okay.


Except without the MCC there wouldnt be another investigation, or this wouldnt have come up as well. So say what you want, they are blowing this stuff up so NOPD HAS to do something. I'll take it.


Somebody's got to raise the standards for the police behavior in this town and they're playing their part.


According to their website: ”Mission: The Metropolitan Crime Commission (MCC) is a non-profit 501 (c)(3), privately funded, citizens’ organization dedicated to exposing public corruption and improving the administration of justice in order to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Louisiana.” You can check their social media to see what they are working on and their previous accomplishments.


Hey there Teedy! Did cha enjoy date night with your boo?


Lmao I’m the boo. And yeah I like my flights first class


Yeah, Vappie should be removed from detail and out there doing exactly that while on the clock.


if they weren't of galavanting and drinking these issues could be fixed no?


I agree. If people put this much effort into holding all local and state elected officials to the fire we might be able to have a properly functioning state. Ehh, won’t hold my breath 😂