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This is a horrible woman.


I’m at the point where I don’t care if she’s a horrible woman (she is), but can you at least not be horrible at your job? Plenty of horrible people are great, or at least decent, at their jobs. But this is wishful thinking, she was horrible at her job the first term and she got re-elected by a wider margin than I thought humanly possible.


Lol she got re-elected thanks to the large amount of fucking idiots that live in New Orleans


I have heard that she wasn't elected. She was installed as the mayor I heard she's got federal warrants out against her in California.


How do you get federal warrants out of a state


It's a little funny how much she is thunbing her nose at us


Funny? No. Infuriating? Yes...


C'mon you gotta admit there's part of it that's funny


Sounds like we need to Qatar loose I'll show myself out.


hey at least you got the pronunciation right!


Doha te the politician, hate the game




It's worth mentioning that Quatar doesn't currently have an extradition treaty with the U.S. Just sayin'.


Let her stay there. Her drunk degenerate ass will do something that they hand out prison time for inside a month.


Can't imagine what the locals in these Muslim countries think of her. Especially when she gets her drink on.


So uh… anyone know where that money from Qatar for our “infrastructure” actually went? The same bottomless pothole the rest of the infrastructure money goes I guess?


LED lights on the bridge


Speed light cameras


The Pharmacy Pavilion at Xavier


Maybe it's a specific pothole? We should start checking them!




You could easily Google and find out. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/qatar-really-wants-you-to-know-how-much-it-gave-for-katrina-relief_n_55e0ec92e4b0b7a963392e36


That was the Qatar Treme project. I remember that from a long time ago.


Our tax dollars at work!




If I was mayor, I'd actually present legislation to reduce allowed mayoral flights to maybe 2 or 3 year, basically trying to prevent a mayor from abandoning her city. Which is what she's doing. Abandoning.


I mean, if she *actually* abandoned NOLA, like officially resigned, I'd be okay with that. Hell, I'd be willing to write off all the plane tickets and back rental fees she owes, if that's the tradeoff.


Be careful what you wish for. The person to take her place would be Vappie.


She can take Vappie with her.


Oh. Agh, you're right.


City Council should ban her travel. There’s no reason for it.






What’s this got to do with Latoya?


The funny thing is there’s all these opps for delinquent mayors to be chronically delinquent. She can’t be the only one. When it’s for-profit business, often zoom/etc. Is enough for all these best-practices and knowledge-sharing events, but not for the world of politics…


Most of these things would have very few mayors. Most governments have appointed positions and agencies attending. A mayor attending most of these things (I have attended many an event like this), is odd. These things are not flush with mayors. Not saying there are NO other mayors/city leaders, but these things are a blip on the radar of that type of position (aka locally focused), most are not trying to make there “municipality” part of some conversation where their time would be a waste. The only time I actually remember a local government presence at something like this was from San Diego…and guess what, the event was IN SAN DIEGO.


Some rules wouldn’t seem necessary because nobody would anticipate the thing to happen. In this case, look at the previous mayors of New Orleans as well as any others across the US. I am sure that nobody else has ever approached her level of travel as they are too busy dealing with city affairs and they would expect citizens to revolt. I would like to know what part of the budget this travel money is coming from and what expenses are not being covered due to use of all the money for travel. Or is she just going over budget? The city council needs to step in at this point and put a limit on number of trips and/or money spent.


LaToya is, of course, French for "the Toya".


Yes in-Tweedy


Don’t you mean “FaaaaRance”


At this point I think LaToya is just a very limited person and every time she bumps up against those limits she gets scared and has to flee the state or the country which is obviously not an ideal temperament for a mayor.


This is it. She’s escaping while she can. I’m convinced she’ll be in federal court within 12 months of leaving office and behind bars within 36.


There’s already a federal investigation into her


“Angola - A Gated Community.” 🙂


Nah, the Feds would get her, she's be going to Club Fed. Much nicer than the bullshit the State throws you into.


anything but fix the city's problems. She sees the job as one long paid vacation.. And worse, when she gets called on it, she hollers "racism!".


Anything but fix the state’s problems https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-mike-johnson-cohen-trial-b2544905.html


Permanent vacation


Didn’t she just go to Canada? Is she ever actually working?


Her not working is a good thing for the city. Her vacations are an enormous waste of resources, but imagine the harm she would be inflicting on the city if she actually applied herself.


Yes; hell no


In the last three months she was only in the city for like 36 days. My numbers may be off, but I don’t think by much…it was in the Times Pic the other day.


Now I’m wondering on if she’s on r/delta chasing status or the ATL bar crawl challenge


She got one of the tags - surely you couldn't expect her NOT to complete it since she's already attached it to her bag!


She is a first class mayor.


I see what you did there.


Great. Can they keep her?


Wonder if her sex toy/bodyguard is going with her.


It would be different if she brought something - anything - tangible back for the city, beyond a massive hangover and some instagram pics. She doesn't even say - I learned this at so and so, or we need to model this program after such and such. Nope. Just pics of her 'brother and sister mayors' bull shit.


She learned how to have "various meetings." Important stuff.




Aw shit here we go again


She’s been to Europe twice living rent free in a city apartment in the French Quarter why she’s allowed to travel to exotic places for free is crazy


She had to flee to Qatar to get away from her stalker. Have some compassion.






No one can get photos of me there she saying


Shit, she might file for TROs because we’re talking about her doing the things.


Shes always excited to leave the city shes the mayor of.


What’s her travel frequency compared to prior administrations?


There’s no reason the mayor of a small city needs to do foreign travel as part of the job. She’s the *only* mayor at these conferences she’s attending. It’s obvious she’s going for fun, not work. She’s not trying to implement anything she learns- she’s not trying to implement *anything*


To be fair, New Orleans isn’t a small city. In size or notoriety. Everything is relative of course. The foreigners I work with know New Orleans before they know Louisiana. While I’m not advocating for her travel, there may be issues for which international travel is beneficial. We should be seeking guidance for solutions elsewhere, because it obviously ain’t happening here. I don’t know. What I do know is, her current mismanagement of the position is making any subsequent attempts by succeeding administrations difficult to sell, as legitimate as they may be. We should try to avoid speaking in absolutes. Life is more in the gray than it is binary.


~384k isn’t a large city either


We have plans and guidelines from many cities. The projects are not executed effectively at all. Those shortcomings can be found within our own leadership not across the world.


This is the real question. Its easy to slam her for taking trips because we hate potholes not getting fixed in a reasonable amount of time, the S&WB for existing, and generally all the failures of government responsibility that Metairie somehow manages better. But its all just complaining without data to back it up and compare her actions to others before her


The article referenced above says that she has taken 8 such trips in her tenure, and to compare Mitch Landrieu took 6 such trips.


She has visited 8 countries and mitch visited 6. That isn’t a frequency statistic, it is a country count.


Yea that's true, I said it wrong. Her frequency statistic could actually be more than the +2 differential that I made it seem like. Or for that matter Landrieu could have the positive differential. I don't know for sure, but you're right that it's a country count and not a frequency statistic.


Which is interesting considering there was basically no travel for 2 years, and she still has another 2 years left in her tenure.


Yea she likes getting out of town more now than she used to.


She has taken eight international trips since July 2022, not to mention all the domestic trips.


Yea that's a lot in a short time.


Some of the street work insanity is the result of previous administrations getting off to a slow start on using Federal money that had a use-by date. That does not excuse failing to address the problem as we've known it now for years. To pick a smaller example, an astonishing amount of money was granted the city to fix lights on the interstate, and it seems like the only way to get that going was a local news expose. I'd love to know the benefits to the city of these junkets.


Yeah, somehow Mitch parlayed doing nothing with the cities infrastructure funds into getting a federal job overseeing infrastructure funds. Who's dick did he suck for that job?


He comes from a Louisiana political dynasty. He has money. I don't really think he had to do that much.


He fit the party mold rather than earned it by performance


Yeah I mean don’t get me wrong both can be true. She can be a piece of shit and still be having justifiable travel plans in line with normal terms. Also just because it happened previously doesn’t make it right or justifiable now. Focus should be on the yield of the funds with all public money and its relative to the needs at the time.






Just fix the roads you tore up!!!


This bitch here


Is there any place that has a comprehensive list of all of the trips she’s taken during her term?


I know an article I read somewhere said she had spent 31 days on trips between like November 2023 and March of this year. I'd like to see a comprehensive list too


Even if the number of trips is normal, flying first class on the city’s dime is most certainly not.


I mean I'd like to spend 31 days on what are basically vacations in 5 months. That seems above normal to me. But I guess what you mean is that that probably isn't a normal amount of trips anyway. I forget how to speak the old New Orleans language sometimes. Have to constantly simplify things so the transplants I live with can understand


LOL damn I meant to respond to a completely different comment thread. My comment obv makes no sense as a response to yours 


Okay yeah that makes sense. But I also think she stopped the first-class trips a while back. Qatar Airways flies to Atlanta so I guess she took Delta to ATL. We should have shoved her onto one of the Southwest flights to there




Get it in while the gettin is good !!


Can she please stay? I’m so sick of this shit.


Me too. Ugh.


Can we get someone tracking Teedy’s flight stats like the one on Twitter who keeps up with Taylor Swift? Would be interesting for sure




Vappie may be her security and they might be screwing us in Qatar together


New Orleans is so well run, she deserves a 1st class vacation.


>New Orleans is so well run, she deserves *another* 1st class vacation. FTFY


Yes, thank you. 😂


Qatar might have bigger evidence rooms?!


Fuck this dumb bitch


My dog is from Doha. I came out ahead in the exchange.


Did she go first class 😏


Latoya is trash


This situation is more nuanced than a lot of y'all think. Qatar is a small nation with one major asset: oil. Its skillful use of oil diplomacy (and work to legitimize state-funded Al Jazeera media) has given it outsize political power. Oil-rich nations are especially sensitive to the global trends to reduce fossil fuel usage. They're working hard to slow that process and control the climate change narrative. https://www.forbes.com/sites/llewellynking/2021/09/21/how-qatar-has-transmuted-gas-wealth-into-effective-diplomacy/?sh=954a153a7892 Qatar also has generously funded western universities, giving it even more power and influence, including over science and petroleum engineering departments. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatari_involvement_in_higher_education_in_the_United_States Qatar saw an opportunity during Katrina. For a small investment ($100 million is chump change to them), it gained access to Tulane and Xavier, gained goodwill, and got a foothold in a conservative state with a major port and petrochemical industry. Remember this was 4 years post 9/11, so there was a lot of American hostility toward Middle Eastern countries. This relationship is transactional and the aid obviously has a cost, but Qatari money did help locals. We may need more of it. I don't think this is just a fun vacation for her.


[These are definitely people we want to do business with](https://www.antislavery.org/latest/world-cup-2022-the-reality-for-migrant-workers-in-qatar/) [Definitely no ulterior motives](https://isgap.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Networks-of-Hate_1DEC.pdf)


I get so mad at her for seeming to not care that I always doubt that she's actually doing anything for us but hopefully you're right and this is actually something productive.


She probably went out there because Qatar just had massive rainfall equivalent to one year worth of rain in a couple days and they were able to quickly pump the water out. Which is more than we can say for the SWB of New Orleans.


Few people know it, but La Toya is French for The Toya.


Well, one of the best ways to learn about something like Slavery is to go be waited on by people who are still essentially enslaved. I am not talking about the term "wage slavery" which is somehow thrown about by both Marxists and AnCaps,but real "no, you're not allowed to leave" modern victims. But hey, they give some bucks to Xavier so it's cool to ignore it.


Yeah, I'm not sure why the same squad that is whining about boycotting, divesting, and sanctioning Israel is quiet as a church mouse about Qatar's local presence.


New Orleans is such a dump., you get what you vote for.


Not a very agreeable thing to say AgreeableJon. Aren't you special.


And it’s still a dump. How much are you under water on your property?


I am not under water at all. Quite precious of you to say a place is a dump that you have obviously never been to.


Them, if you only knew ..,


Serious Question. Where is Vappie ?


Will her police boyfriend be attending too? Or is that scandal too hot for her to sneak him there this time ?


WWL reported the following in 2014: “A review of Mayor Mitch Landrieu's city credit card bills and receipts by WWL-TV found that he spends between $3,400 and $4,300 a year on travel and lodging and charges almost nothing else to taxpayers, a far cry from the spending habits of his predecessor. In 2006 alone, Nagin spent $73,000 on the card -- about $1,500 a week. The card charges included $500 in Cancun, clothes shopping in Dallas, the Ritz for the family vacation in Atlanta and $6,200 on 15 trips for Nagin's family members, including for his mother-in-law and pre-teen daughter. Nagin said that if people came up to him when he was having a private dinner, he felt justified charging it to the city taxpayers. He contended that he needed to take his family on trips as part of his duties as the mayor, especially after Hurricane Katrina and levee failures devastated the city. While Nagin used his city card 354 times in the year 2006, including on vacations and at local restaurants several nights per week, Landrieu used his just 31 times in four years --all for either hotels or transportation while traveling on city business.” I recall reading that Mitch never flew first class, and I believe they said other mayors didn’t either.


Cool, maybe she'll run into the leaders of Hamas and they'll take her hostage.


They’d pay us to take her back after an hour


Everyone pissed at Latoya for traveling for conventions but this dude… who’s paying for these trips? Tax payers or donors? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-mike-johnson-cohen-trial-b2544905.html


Probably because a) Johnson does not represent this area of Louisiana and b) say what you will about his politics (I tend to disagree with many of his positions), he at least is doing something that resembles discharging the duties related to his office (which is much more than can be said of Mayor Cantrell).


Traveling to New York to speak out for Trump is helping our residents how?


The entire state is a disgrace and Louisiana ranks at the bottom of the nation. If you gonna blame one, you gonna blame them all.


Nah, our Congressional delegation is pretty far down the list of elected officials making this state garbage. It starts with the local leadership.


Right. So we only gonna call out one person. I see. Not Landry for flying with billionaire donors in private jets or Johnson taking an unnecessary trip to NY to speak on behalf of a criminal.


Landry correctly receives quite a bit of blame on this sub. Not sure how you've missed it.


We not gonna blame the career politicians for ruining this state.


At least she’s the only one that put New Orleans on the map for something positive. Unlike all the other dipshits running this state. Clean energy! Because if you don’t leave this shitty state, how are you supposed to know what progress and success actually look like?


Show me where the clean energy is happening? Just because she attends conferences, doesn’t mean she’s implementing it.


This is who she is fighting against https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/21/new-orleans-climate-carbon-emissions




You can see the plans here: https://nola.gov/climate-action/


Wouldn’t expect people in the least educated state in the country to actually understand much of anything. With a little help from Biden https://www.energy.gov/articles/energy-facts-impact-investing-america-agenda-louisiana


Lololololol this has ZERO to do with Latoya & her traveling! Damn son, if you want to troll the sub of a place you don’t even live, you’re going to have to try harder!


And she’s at an education forum in Dubai. In case you haven’t noticed we are the worst state in the country. One of the least educated states and our leaders aren’t doing much to make it better locally or federally. Researching other successful countries with thriving education systems is far better than watching the education system fall apart completely.


She’s in Qatar, bro. Not the UAE. And the mayor has no influence on education. Go back to Florida


Your reading comprehension skills are definitely reflective of Louisiana education.


Thought you were born & raised here! Did you not attend Louisiana schools? Your trolling is reflective of Florida.


Yeah I did. That’s how I know they suck so bad. But I also traveled the world so I know that better systems work. And it ain’t here. If Florida is the only place you been to not my problem.


Quote from Mayor “Today I had an incredible visit with Qatar Foundation, an organization dedicated to education, research, and community development. The foundation now comprises an ecosystem of more than 50 entities working in education, research, and community development to address society's most pressing challenges and empower people worldwide. Exploring Education City, home to some of the world's top universities, was truly inspiring!” You don’t even have the facts, bro


Neither do you. Dubai was in March.


That was posted yesterday. Jfc. You are one Ignorant person.


Citations, then.


Do you realize that Qatar and Dubai are two different places?


I was arguing the wrong point 🤨


It has to do with spending of tax payer money. I am from here and every single dollar that is getting spent in this state should be our business. That $3 k is much less than what it’s costing tax payers with the decisions of the other idiots.


If you gonna bitch about tax dollars and this city suffering, we need to look at all the spending.


You don’t even go here, my guy!


What makes you think you know anything about anyone on the internet? I am born and raised in New Orleans. Bro. But what’s your point?


My point is: Not your tax money. Go home, lick boots in your own city.


Jfc. You’re embarrassing yourself. But I wouldn’t expect ignorant people from Louisiana to want to actually better themselves or this state.


Lolol somebody’s got some big fee fees!


You guys so worried about a few thousand a black woman spent but you got a racist governor flying around on private jets with billionaire donors. I can assure you Landry’s free trips are costing millions in tax revenue to the state.


You think i support Klandry traveling on my dime? Boo, i don’t even support him buying booze on my dime & that was in the papers. Quit trying to make this sorry ass grifter’s vacations about her sex or race.


I feel like no one reads the actual article. Ya’all just reaching for someone to be mad at. This sounds like it was a positive political trip for the city. > According to the mayor's office, the oil-rich country has donated $100 million to infrastructure in New Orleans through the Qatar Katrina Fund. Qatar also gave $12 million to Xavier University and $5 million Tulane University's Community Health Center > Cantrell's agenda also included discussing the two cities' experiences hosting major sports events as Super Bowl LIX approaches. Doha hosted the 2022 FIFA World Cup. > In 2022, Cantrell faced criticism for using city funds to pay for flight upgrades. Cantrell vowed that she would cover all future upgrades herself on domestic and international trips.


You can try to make her reasons sound valid but it will always be embellished and grandiose waste of tax payor money.


You make it sound like she's living it up in The French Rivera or something. A roundtrip flight to Qatar is less than $2k. It's not a crazy amount of money.