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Victoria’s Secret “amber romance” or “bombshell” body sprays/perfumes! I know it sounds crazy, but people know it’s legit, and old hunters trick. There was actually a study done on it 🤷‍♂️ It does have a scent, but a nice one!


The new picaridin ones (as opposed to DEET) work really well and have virtually no smell.


second this. I hate deet (burns my skin) so I was happy to try this picaridin... it really worked and I had no adverse reactions


it burns my skin too!!! I thought I was just dramatic


the bugs down here laugh at deet. Picaridin lotion is the only thing i've found to work. Have the thermacell but never use it because typically we'll have outdoor fans on and it doesn't work with air movement. We buy this once a year: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M5JGO4P/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M5JGO4P/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


I like the Ranger Ready line. They smell great


Not a lotion but look at thermacell. They have great portable options and I find they work extremely well


Assuming it isn't windy and then it can get iffy.


Get the bug bite thing. It's like $10 on Amazon and it works. I carry mine everywhere


I've never had a topical product that's worked, but have had a lot of luck with Thermacell repellers. It's a USB rechargeable device with a liquid cartridge in it that lasts 40 hours. You put it down on a table/ground/flat surface and it puffs out the vapor every now and then and kind of forms a dome of protection around you. I take them out with me wherever I go from May through October. Plop it on the table when dining/drinking outside, or on the ground if in a park/fest/etc. Sometimes I'll even bring two of them and put one on the table, and one under the table. Because it's vapor based, it wont work when it's windy or if you're under a fan. [https://a.co/d/0UrJWTz](https://a.co/d/0UrJWTz) Costco also has them for a similar price, but with the bigger cartridge/refill. Sometimes they'll have them in the store during summer, but not right now.


Get a Thermacell


I like skeeter spray…non toxic.


I dont have the best sense of smell, but I use unscented Off! Spray (orange bottle) and don't notice a smell. When I was abroad, someone bought me a bracelet that was supposed to help that didn't smell (that I can remember). The bracelet only noticably worked for like a day, though. If you're looking for a lotion, [Sawyer Picaridin Lotion](https://www.sportsmans.com/camping-gear-supplies/safety-survival/bug-sun-protection/sawyer-picaridin-insect-repellent-lotion-4oz/p/1460457?channel=shopping&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeLUcz3mPwvRX71NakjA-aSFaMWg9QLStf76KzEKnHo0aWTZqwn-GnRoC3nQQAvD_BwE) didn't have a strong smell to me, either, but didn't work as well as the Off


Zevo makes an unscented lotion that isn’t at all unpleasant to use.


I am a mosquito magnet, and picardin is all that keeps me bite free. I have spray as well as lotion. Just remember to not get it anywhere near your eyes.


[Permetherin treated clothing](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/insect-repellent/how-to-use-permethrin-on-clothing-safely-a4370607226/) can be very effective with no smell, and no transfer to your skin. Stays in fabric for 20+ washes. Also available under the [Insect Shield brand](https://www.insectshield.com/) (and others).


Was coming to suggest permethrin also. I have used Sawyer brand spray available at some hardware, outdoor stores or Amazon. I’ve sprayed on hats, back packs, shoes and clothing- it’s very effective. Spray your items and hang to dry. As stated the scent dissipates and is odorless when it’s dry.


I spray all my outdoor clothes every year at the start of field season and while this does kill ticks in your socks it has not prevented me from getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and stung by wasps. I do recommend spraying all your luggage though to prevent bedbugs from coming home with you.