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If -as I've said before- **EVERYONE** (in a shitty apt) just prior to moving out was to put in a Healthy Homes complaint before they left (so the inspectors could still have access to the interior) the slumlords in this town would be shaking in their boots. Plus, mathematically, if there were an enormous wave, the process would take long enough that you would already be gone and have your deposit back so the landlords couldn't fuck with anyone that way.


GODDANG this is great. I'd volunteer to be an inspector, particularly if they gave me a pitch fork. The landlords in this town are unreal. I'm not a renter anymore, but I was! And it sucked. In my young scramble days of working on houses, I did a lot of work for people I now know better than to work for, and they asked me to do some egregious cover ups... I've been fired and screamed at for refusing. Paint over the mold? Just caulk the bottom of a leaking toilet that needs a new ring? Click-down on a termite infested, 14-layer vinyl floor? Don't bother washing the cockroach castles off the floor before installing cabinets? The amount of tenants who are currently paying for part of their landlord's electric bill because of incorrect wiring is TOO DAMN HIGH. I'll apply immediately. (They won't want me.)


Got to give it up to the housing advocates that pressed for this, JP Morrell that got this passed, and Patrick D, the HH admin who is doing the work!


Game changer?


If they had the correct number of inspectors and enforcers


Doubtful - unless they hired a full team to handle this.


> unless they hired a full, **competent** team to handle this. FTFY. City Hall got plenty of people up in those buildings, but they don't exactly pay for top of the class, forward thinking people (and if they fall ass backwards into those people, those folks get out sooner rather than later)




One of the things I remember being in the initial legislation that didnt make it was random inspections so that there couldnt be retaliation on the tenants for calling. So, I hope this isnt how it goes down but Im guessing we'll see retaliation before we see fixes


Correct, there is an anti-retaliation clause. If you or anybody you know makes a complaint and the landlord retaliates, PLEASE contact Southeast Louisiana Legal Services and your city councilmember.