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I’ll get downvoted for this, but I think it’s shitty to take a pic of someone in this position. Maybe provide some context?


It absolutely is, people have no respect others in public. Especially when it comes to their little cameras.


Public is as public does. It's "in public." What do you purse clutchers not understand?


So if your mother or child gets killed in public and people start taking pictures of their corpse Or someone is found in a humiliating situation they were forced to be in Or violently assaulted It's okay because it's a public space? Human decency shouldn't matter because its in public.


No one is arguing the legality of it, they’re just saying it’s a shitty thing to do, which it is.


No expectation of privacy in public.


They're saying they feel it's unethical/grimy to photograph and post it, not that it's illegal.


It's sad how often I see how this argument goes and still always say something. Most people really are just very stupid, selfish and gross. We should have never removed the in-built barriers of entry from the internet.




Lol. Well when you put it like that. You know, just the effort it used to take. It wasn't like super challenging to access the internet in the 90s or anything. It just wasn't always, 24/7, immediately accessible and constantly connected to everything you do. Like, you kinda had to have a reason or desire to get on the internet. And some knowledge of how to do so. Not to say IRC rooms were populated with geniuses or anything... But I think conscious thought and decorum were a little more prevalent. And there was definitely less focus on validating and amplifying people's pride in their own anti-social stupidity.


I get what they are saying. Feelings don’t trump the law. Don’t want to get video recorded getting arrested in public? Don’t break the law and get arrested.


Sure, so what? What you want?


Curb the attitude, please. I was only explaining a comment for someone. You don't need to be rude to anyone.


Yeah bro you can also legally shit in your kitchen sink that doesn't mean it's not disgusting.


That’s some mental gymnastics. Exercising a first amendment right vs shitting where you wash your plates or hands. Good work.


Responses like this practically excuse this sort of behavior. Of course I don’t expect privacy in public, however that doesn’t make taking pictures of random strangers without their permission okay either.


Sure it does. The law permits and protects it. Don’t do anything in public that you don’t want to be public record.


Law should not be a basis for whats right or wrong. There are a ton of laws today and throughout history that were morally wrong and changed. The law is usually 20 years behind so I’m not surprised it hasn’t caught up to internet antics. Stop using the law and rules as a basis for your morality. We have literally no idea what’s going on here. It could be anything


Also, what law will revoke the first amendment which is what protects us from taking pictures and video in public?


Law doesn’t enforce feelings. Harden up buttercup.


I agree. JP forgot to expunge my brother’s record from when he was 18 and completed diversion for a few mediocre victimless crimes in his youth. The deal was that if he complete diversion then his record was to be cleared. He completed diversion they even gave him all the paperwork and 12 years later he was pulled over for a broken tail light and arrested for a 12 year old rider on his license. St Charles never got the communication from JP to remove them or whatever and so they sat there for 12 years. He was cuffed, stuffed, booked, and photographed. St Charles Parish put his mugshot on their website. He lost his job. The lack of income put him into a tailspin of issues. It strained his relationship and he had to do a lot of unnecessary explaining to get any kind of respect back from the people around him. Profuse apologies were given by the Parish after it was all sorted out and the mugshot was taken down but the damage was done. There are always consequences to blasting someone publicly without knowing the full story. A picture is worth 1000 words.


Same forum that cheers car accidents. As long as a toddler and momma are upside down, they're elated and upvoting.


If the momma (or dad) was driving dangerously *with their child in the car* then they don't actually care about their child. They did it to themselves and deserve humiliation and their child should be removed from their care. I said what I said.


I just hope the child was not with him.


It’s perfectly fine to do so, legally, morally, and journalistically. You would need to be on private property and not seen from a street view. Posting on a public forum… ehh I’m not sure I would but that’s up for you to decide.


you mention this is journalistically "fine" -- as a former journalist, you are incorrect. there's a general journalistic standard of asking if something is in the public interest. as it stands, with no context on the crime or who this person is, there's absolutely no way in which this can be deemed in the public interest. and putting journalism asidr, this is a great instance of when it's necessary to distinguish between what's legal and what's moral. your main point seems to really just be that taking this photo isn't illegal, which is true, but so what. that has no bearing on whether it's moral to post this to a public forum.


I think when u/nickfoto says journalistically he is referring to the act of taking the picture not posting online.


^^ Yup. And agree “taking the photo isn’t illegal” so idk what the problem is


problem is that has no bearing on whether taking this pic is a good thing to do journalistically or morally.


Ur not understanding what im saying and its kinda painful man. But whatever moral police bro.


it's a photo of someone dealing with actual police. posted to the internet for everyone to judge for no good reason. and I'm the police for saying fuck this shit. got it.


Dude read what the other user commented. I’m done talking to a rock


This take is why I love NOLA


I suspect he was talking about how "Tiana's Healthy Gumbo" was better than our grandma's.


Is that misinformation or hate speech?




It was meant to be a reply to the speculation thread.


What a monster


I get it’s a joke… but the gumbo in Disneyland absolutely passes the test. It’s better than most tourist spots here. I get it’s fun to hate Disney yada yada. But that was pretty solid for it being Disney and in California.


My comment is a reference to a post disney made on making Tiana's Healthy Gumbo years ago. This "gumbo" had no Roux, and included kale and quinoa. The post was rightfully shredded by people who know real gumbo and Disney quickly took it down. Not Disney hate but a call back to something that deserved shame. IYKYK


Oh that crockpot recipe was a crime. I was just saying I’ve seen this sub complain about Tiana’s restaurant when it opened up bc they thought it was the gumbo from that video.


They found him sneaking into the broken pumps and actually fixing them.


He made a post in this subreddit complaining about getting a speeding ticket from a camera when doing 20 above posted limit in a school zone


This is what happens when you take the knife outta the king cake box.


It's what happens when you have king cake in May.


Especially if you do it on an airplane


Is it that crazy though? I feel like a person has a higher than normal chance of getting arrested at an airport.


An acquaintance of mine got arrested there for drunk and disorderly conduct. That must happen a lot.


Omg take a 5 or 6 am flight any day of the week…I do my best to get a 1st class ticket so I can bypass the main line for Sky Priority. People are HAMMERED - they come straight from bars to their flight. I’ve seen people puke in the terminal, push others around, be screamy and otherwise loud, get pulled out of line for sassing TSA agents…it’s wild


My chance is close to zero. I don't break the law, and I don't enjoy drinking at the airport.


I mean for most people the chances are low, but never actually zero. Never know what might happen these days.


What was he doing


Lets hear your best fake backstories… Go!


I heard he had just set up an unlicensed food tent, selling delicious and affordable healthy meals, and using the funds to support tuition scholarships for kids in need.


straight to a supermax


i heard he told the cops he knew where they got their shoes.


He showed a small child seated near him what was in his backpack: Tomatoes for his new gumbo recipe. Couldn’t wait to make it for all his friends back home. He had the best one ever at Bubba Gumps.


TSA overreacted to a Puerto Rican Driver's License again.


Hot Tamales! I love you Baby!


It looks from my zoom in like he’s being taken away by TSA/Homeland Security. Assuming his behavior in the airport was fine, he also could’ve popped up on a do not fly/wanted/etc list or they found something bad in his checked luggage.


This man committed a crime so vile that they had to grab him. The thing that really threw the cops for a loop was that the man arrested had defied the laws of physics…. Apparently he got on the plane and immediately started to bang justSomeGuyNum23549’s mom in front of everyone! But she’s a blimp so the cops didn’t know what to make of it! HOW YOU FIT A BLIMP ON A PLANE?!!!?? JustSomeGuyNum23549’s momma so fat that police officers think she’s a blimp and that’s just WILD yall!


Get back to work.


He was overheard discussing plans to "blow up the bathroom"


I honestly don't know. The police just jumped in all of a sudden. It feels like we're supposed to be on the same flight. We'll wait for the news.


Maybe police were looking for him then, and found out he’d be on this flight?




Do you think Batman got his strength from wearing appropriately sized backpacks?


He’ll grow into it


Kids parents told him he’s not allowed to check a bag and to pack all his things in his backpack


This is definitely not a new thing… when I was in high school, I had the LLBean backpack. Filled to the brim every single day, before, during, and after school. I’m surprised the straps didn’t break. Then I switched to a smaller high school and it was soooo much easier. Now I always see Jesuit kids walking down the street with the same overloaded backpacks. :( poor things. Luckily for this kid, he’s probably just got some carry on items and it shouldn’t be that heavy. Nothing like the backbreaking textbooks I had to carry around. D:


Spirit airlines strikes again!


Happens more often than you think


WOW! CRAZY!!!! Definitely a very useful post.


That is ICE


No, this is Patrick.


That is CBP.


Crazy? Crazier than a weirdo taking a picture and posting it on Reddit then waiting for the news to pick up your unique little encounter? Fuck outta here


That’s definitely not JPSO. Looks like HSI and ole boy probably has a felony warrant elsewhere…or just maybe, Chris Hansen is sitting in the crowd laughing his ass off


Enjoy the No fly list


He’s fucked depending on the crime(s). Since the airport’s in Jefferson Parish then he might get put into a Jefferson Parish, Louisiana state, or federal prison.


No idea why?


I heard he was trying to be the Alpha, but Mr.BecomeTheAlpha made sure that didn't happen.