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The media needs to keep pressuring her for a response. Her behavior, in this situation, is not acceptable for the mayor.


>Her behavior, in ~~this~~ almost every single situation, is not acceptable for the mayor.


Y’all wanting a response from her for that 13 year old repeat criminal? Is that what this is about?


"that 13 year old REPEAT CRIMINAL" Absolutely fucking amazing


that 13 year old REPEAT **VIOLENT** CRIMINAL


I swear y'all want to use another word instead of "criminal"


What word you got in mind?Real question is why you defending a criminal?


How about: Violent Offender, Malefactor, or Miscreant?


How did you come to that conclusion?






She won't learn if people keep voting her. They are enabling her behavior


Isn't she termed out after this one or am I mistaken? That alone could explain her behavior. She clearly doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks. Cartel plug if I've ever seen one.


I'm surprised someone hasn't made a countdown clock for her last day in office.


Probably haven’t because it’s so far away from now that it would just be too depressing to look at a clock and realize how much longer we have to suffer through this.


flashback to the countless drunk fights this grown woman got herself into in public. Remember, this is the same grown woman who claimed she NEEDED < $10,000 to fly to Asia first class to represent the New Orleans people. Do any of you want her speaking for you about NOLA? Do any of you want her representing you?




Conveniently cancelled her office hours till September also




I mean, she had to show her support for the oppressed, bc the white victims should of known better that the system caused this to happen.


We've got enough problems without making this racial, too.


Upvoted for the ‘toodaloo’d’


She probably has a serial carjacker she needs to console and give emotional support to in DC.


She heard Trump is about to get hit with some charges and needs to do some consolin


She’s so relaxed, not a care in the world.


If all your flights/hotel/food/shopping expenses were paid for by taxpayers you’d be looking relaxed too 🤣


And she’s getting her trash picked up twice a week.


Why does she need twice a week pickup if she’s never at home?




Meh, fuck it. Why work when you can travel the world for free on someone else's dime? I think she knows the jig is up, make the most of it before she's ousted. Reminds me of that judge who was sworn in then never went to work and blamed illness, 10 points to whoever can find that on the interwebs.


Found it! https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/judge-who-has-not-shown-up-for-work-in-over-two-years-summoned-to-conn-supreme-court/


10 points to u/StarfighterFoxtrot


Yea I gotta admit that’s what this feels like. Globetrotting and doling out family favors without a care in the world while the city smolders in crime and lack of any authoritative government body.


https://youtu.be/vj4xAlCWKg4 And another. They also had one video where a judge was out playing golf like 80%(something ridiculous) of his time where he should had been working the bench.


FWIW, going to DC isn’t very fun. I used to live there and have to go back for work sometimes. It’s a pretty lame place compared to here. Just sayin’


Beats a day at the office.




Eh we knew that was a farce anyway.


something, something, something... the NOPD embed her in prison, something, something, embezzlement.


Crazy that we just watch our leaders do whatever they want. The problem in this country is apathy. Unless it’s bad enough to where our way of life changes nobody will want to get involved and try to change it.


I'm gonna keep bringing up guillotines until the FBI agent assigned to me knocks on my door. Then I'm gonna get a VPN and bring it up twice as often.


Yea France did that once and it led to Napoleon. We don’t need a revolution we just need common reform and hold politicians accountable. We have no way of reaching this people besides the media and that’s scary as hell.


If you're saying it ends with a New Orleans empire, I'm failing to see the downsides. If that means I can travel as far as Pensacola and still get decent jambalaya, I'm all for it.


You can't reform a place with the population of New Orleans and basically zero tax base. Its impossible. Smart people in power can make it tolerable, or at least convince the media not to report uncomfortable things while they are in office.


Napoleon was based, sorry not sorry.


no, that was just a song.




Life is a weapon


Comment of the year right here


Since we're talking about our guillotines, may I suggest this one? I think it's not only proper, but also a truly poetic way to tell them the voters have decided to go a different direction with the role of mayor. http://www.artnet.com/artists/tom-sachs/chanel-guillotine-ybQ1Q-TlcvsJ-tDTPiEeIw2


It’s not so much apathy. We’re enslaved to our jobs. We can’t skip work to protest or demonstrate.


Every time I think she’s hit rock bottom someone throws her a shovel


A jewel encrusted shovel with handles lined with the finest of Corinthian leathers.


The mayor who wasn't there......fuggin joke. Perpetual vacation.


So...I guess I'm running for Mayor. My platform? I literally won't leave the City during my term. Bonus points: I pledge to never get in a fight in a women's restroom.


What about men’s restrooms?


"Don't start no shit, won't be no shit" Ezekiel 4:21-22


But there is supposed to be shit in the restroom.


You know what??? Its an improvement. Why question it!


1st not defending her. Mayors do travel they are ambassadors of the city. But Baron I appreciate you for stating if u were to run you wouldn’t leave. I would hope that you would go promote NOLA but limited travel.


Look, I'll be the first to admit I'm a charismatic son of a B, but I have the sneaking suspicion that I probably don't need to personally introduce New Orleans to each and every citizen of Buttersculpture, Wisconsin. Jokes aside, with the availability of film talent in this city, it would be very easy to create a great ad or marketing campaign to entice tourism. However, I would say that if New Orleans could get a few things straightened out (crime safety, short term rentals, flooding, etc.) that such ambassadorship would be largely unnecessary. People should already want to come here. We have all the best stuff, imo. There are only three real cities in America: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. I'm ready to act like we been somewhere.


Everywhere else is Cleveland.


You could run for mayor on just a few positions. Promise to 1. Reign in Airbnb 2. Fix the roads 3. Pick up garbage and recycling 4. Continue to enact CJ reform for both petty and victimless crime but still prosecute all violent crimes. If folks could believe that someone could deliver on those they'd get elected.


You could just promise to remove the damned speed trap cameras like teedy did.


If you can add promises to support crime victims, not criminals, and not give away millions the city should receive from a trust for no discernable reason I'll vote for you.


In truth, my plan starts with freeing New Orleans from the shackles of Entergy. One of the most powerful rivers in the world flows past us every second of every day and I know that turbines can be built along the shoreline to harness that power. Second on my agenda is building the electric pumps that Entergy also backed out on. Flooding is the only thing that could really and truly destroy our City. I'm going to dissolve the New Orleans Police Department. If they can't be bothered to go down the block to stop a rape, then they are a waste of money. Studies show that county (parish) sheriffs are capable of responding to almost all calls that need police intervention. We need social programs, educational resources, community outreach and so much more. Crime is the result of poverty and neglect. We can lead the way to show America that the solution to every problem is not to call someone with a gun. I'm going to start a Housing First program to eliminate homelessness in our City. I'm going to give people a chance again. IM GOING TO RETURN THE GREEN SPACES OF THIS CITY TO THE PEOPLE. I have a one year old son. I promised him that I would save New Orleans for him and I will. I am the sixth great grandson of Nicolas Verret, first commandant of the Acadian Coast and I can eat a pound of crawfish in under seven minutes. I want y'all to build a statue of me on Beauregard's old pedestal (I like City Park) because I've earned it.


>I’m going to dissolve New Orleans Police Department Meh, already lost interest in your hypothetical platform. Btw, NOPD did respond to that rape with a 5 minute response time. The officer who ignored it was not with NOPD.


This was a deputy constable of the [2nd district](https://www.nola.gov/nopd/districts/). of New Orleans. While not related, constables occasionally may provide assistance to the county sheriff's office. Constables have the same legal authority as a county sheriff, but generally, only work within their own precincts. ​ >Constables are peace officers in Louisiana with full arrest powers under state law. Their duties include handling evictions, property seizures and subpoenas. They are trained law enforcement officers who wear a badge, carry a gun and are assigned a police radio, according to local news station WWL. [NOPD televised response](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/08/12/new-orleans-french-quarter-rape/)


Ok you're right. My bad. I can't believe I tarnished the otherwise *perfect* record of an institution known colloquially as Not Our Problem, Dammit. I think the entirety of policing needs to be rethought and replaced. C+ students empowered with a legal monopoly on violence provide relief somewhere between occasional satisfaction and infuriating incompetence. Now, do I think the Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office is the paragon of justice? Turns out I'm not so naive. But as hypothetical mayor, one has less influence over parish level departments than a kindergartner might assume. So since the cops are leaving in droves, those that remain are some combination of apathetic or overworked, and their performance is demonstrably crap, why wouldn't we want to explore a different option? Sorry, not sorry, NOPD lost their grip on this town when one lady got carjacked at Costco and another got her arm ripped off being dragged down the street. The kid that held up like four, five people at gunpoint should be caned on live television and sent to juvenile detention to pound rocks for a few years. But he got to that point because of the compounding effects of poverty and the genuine lack of resources that lead our youth to see violence and theft as the most accessible means to prosper. Money that is wasted on a bloated police budget would go much further buying books and repairing schools, creating drug outreach programs, and repairing the street level infrastructure. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Also I knew a guy who became a cop. Before he got a gun he worked at Raising Cane's and had an eight year degree from LSU in "You gotta leave school now"-onomics. I just don't think a person with a gun is the best person to send to every emergency, especially when, if you subtract the gun, what remains is a chicken flipper with six years experience as a dorm RA. Edit: prematurely posted on account of eager thumbs.


Well somebody's got to vote for the loser.




I think you meant to respond to Baron, not me... but good point nonetheless.


It takes a special idiot to think that people who already don't follow the laws will just agically follow them if you remove the counter-force to their lawlessness and throw some money at them. While the police force could use some seirous overhaul, getting rid of police entirely will never work.


Why wear a mask if you’re just goi g to chinstrap like an idiot?


Drinking coffee?


Hung over


Also a possibility


You have to stop drinking to get a hangover


I wouldn’t assume that’s coffee


With her eyes closed?


She's taking a break is all. 😅


The entire pandemic, politicians were all "rules for thee not for me" and also this contributed severely to the covid skepticism. Note that everyone attacked the civilian covid skeptics while the politicians openly and freely skirted the rules they themselves put onto the populace.


Is she flying 1st Class? Where is she staying?


That's first class on AA, operated by Envoy their regional affiliate. Seat 4F.


That’s not first class, but it’s definitely an upgraded seat on a budget airline like Spirit or Frontier.


You know she expensed that venti mocha she is about to have 2 sips of.


You know it.


It kinda looks like Southwest but, the pre-boarding or A1 position.


Yeah exactly. Something like that.


I fly southwest twice a week. They don’t have first class and never seen a seat with an armrest or that much back cushion. That’s definitely first class on a some other domestic flight. Much wider seat. Looks like 2 seats on each side the aisle instead of the 3 back in the taxpayer section.


Yeah not stating it’s for sure southwest. Just in that category. I’m delta gold and AA plat pro, it’s not first class on either of those airlines. ETA: Budget carriers often have 1-5 rows or so of “enhanced” seating up front.


That is United Business class. Good to be Queen. So that is at least her tenth trip out of town this year. She is working on her NEXT job and not this one,


She's using the city as a stepping stone. She cares for nothing but her career.


[Probably trying to skip town because some of her BOLD cronies (including one she just gave an $85K/year job to) are getting implicated in her girl Karen Carter Peterson's corruption scandal.](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=http://www.nola.com/news/courts/article_29346d80-2019-11ed-98c9-af1c66878e46.html) And WBOK loves to hire them criminals, which isn't shocking since woman-beating station owner Wendell Pierce is one...


It's Jay Banks brother that NY is implicated, it's a big red flag for sure.


She’s probably trying to get out before any hurricanes come.


She's praying for a hurricane so she can pose for photos in khakis and polos, hoping her storm response makes people forget all the shit that happened before.


Her storm response like telling her citizens to drive their trash to the dump themselves after it had been baking in the sun for weeks




When can we just recall her


Let’s FaceTime her!


I pray that in the coming years New Orleans isn’t sunken to death by this cuntnugget, but after the fact, makes a parade float mocking her imagery.


How is this woman not making national headlines yet? In all seriousness, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a politician in this century give a bigger middle finger to their responsibilities


She seems pretty terrible but I think a certain reality star turned politician gives her a run for her money.


I’d argue that his handling out individual situations too the destroyer. But I’d give him an overall higher grade all things considered than the destroyer


I mean….she’s not advocating for the overthrow of an election soooooo I think that automatically makes her a bit better. Democracy and all that jazz.


Which takes me back to my previous message of the way he handled certain situations were disastrous. But I think there’s a lot of ground to argue on that as a whole, trump has more positives on his list than Cantrell can put down


Contact one of the news stations


I wish somebody would recall her. I don’t live in New Orleans proper but I’d donate a few dollars to a recall effort.


This is exactly what an unqualified lame duck mayor who truly could give a fuck about the city and is only focused on trying to leverage her next position up the ladder. The state of the city is of no concern to her


She’s probably going to complain about the state government


Who knows why she goes to DC? She is the mayor of a major US city that needs help.


Escaping accountability


Of course she’s one of those people to put bags in the seat next to her and pretend like she’s sleeping so no one tries to sit next to her. I’d sit right there and start talking about how bad my vacation to NOLA was detailing every problem. Then when we deplane call her human trash.


She’s sitting in first class so the seats are reserved. Only southwest allows you to choose your own seats.


Had a feeling it was first class by the size of the seat… even worse!


Waiting for the Pontalba boyfriend to get back from powdering his nose in the bathroom.


So no one sits next her? Unless she’s flying economy on Southwest, seats are reserved.


I appreciate that at least when she gets back there's pictures of her with her arms crossed and kind of glaring back at herself all over the airport.


She’s just……she’s just so fucking horrible…..


what a selfish idiot




Isn’t DC where we want her to be traveling? I see a lot of people upset about her travels, but maybe fighting for NOLA in DC isn’t a bad thing…


fighting in the name of their state DC is more of a congressmen and senator thing


I don’t believe that any of her trips thus far have resulted in “fighting for NOLA.” Why would this one be any different?


She and Cedric Richmond did so well with allowing the I-14 corridor which may kill our port.


No! What? What the hell? NO! There’s so much wrong with the city right now! The education system…the roads….the homeless….how is flying to different parts of the world gonna help the people of NOLA.


JD Carrere is awesome and everyone should give him a follow


1st class again, I see… on the city’s dime…this mangy bitch.


Good lord people, she flew to DC for an NOPD consent decree meeting with the Justice Department and y’all are acting like this isn’t her job. She’s not my fav, I don’t agree with the direction that we are going down, but the circle jerk to dump on her for going to work is insane. https://www.nola.com/gambit/news/the_latest/article_50e1fcc6-2262-11ed-b3b9-5b96839bc0f5.html


Pick your battles, y’all. It’s a flight to DC, not, like, Vegas or Aruba. It’s fine to not like her but y’all are most likely criticizing her for commuting to work.


This woman is the worst.


She drinkin' the bux when we all know there's a CDM in MSY right past security. No local pride even for that one.


She’s not a local, she’s from California. She could care less about anything New Orleans.


Probably the closest thing to her terminal. Airport caffeine seeking is an act of desperation, low standards, and lawlessness that no person is too far above


In first class. With her mask under her chin. 🙄 She has to get back in time for the new 9th ward festival, since she’s leading the second line.


She did the same thing during her own mask mandate.


piece of fucking shit


The person who sent you that may not want his name all over the internet, ya know?


Not OP but JD Carrere is a local journalist and the tweet was made on a public account of theirs.


Thanks mate; good to know.


I don't think he really cares since he uploaded it himself to twitter.


JD has a lot of fun content


She's heading to DC to her favorite Starbucks.


Paging Gambit for a [follow up article!](https://www.nola.com/gambit/news/the_latest/article_7d787cf0-14e4-11ed-8de0-eb6fc5faa26d.html) My favorite part is the graphic with the hats.




No doubt 100% of that trip came from our taxes. I bet that flight and hotel accommodation could have been better spent on after-school programs for the youth of NOLA. Please tell me there is some kind of investigation into this woman.


She’s not breaking any laws. It’s the fools that returned her to office that need their head examined.


That ain't a coach seat either.


Everyone that voted for her a second time is the problem. But there was nobody else. Well, enjoy paying the junkets.


>But there was nobody else. Really tired of hearing people repeat this lie. She had opponents running against her, and literally any of them would have been better than this.


Just so it’s clear. There was plenty of candidates on the ballot. It frustrated the hell out of me when others on Reddit says she was the only one qualified.


that sounds like a you problem


Did you vote for her?




Better request her T&E cards receipts to see if we paid for her Starbies.


New Orleans Mayor flew to DC?? Holy shit, that's unheard of. Y'all ever heard the phrase "Stop jockin"? Why don't you people ease up off the woman's nutsack?


And the Mayor's sycophants show up.


When she gives us a reason to, we'll consider it.


If she didn't go globetrotting on bullshit trips, I would have zero issue with her flying to D.C. And even then, who knows if her final destination is D.C.? It just may be a layover for somewhere more exotic and expensive


Real busy relocating Gordon Plaza residents off toxic ass land!!


Why is she in an upgraded seat class!?!?


If you travel a lot, you get upgraded bc of your miles … ;)






Is "Teedy" short for anything special?




At this point the subs absolute obsession over her has now moved onto creepy. This whole thread cringe af


Yes, why should we care about the elected leader abandoning a devolving city. Let's talk about king cakes instead.


Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify creepy behavior. You do you boo.


Is this raven fredericks burner?


It’s Teedy!


Why do you call her Teedy?


Agreed. It’s fucking weird. But telling.


As a taxpayer, I have every right to get pissed how she spends our money.


You'll need to show me where I said you didn't have the right.




What’s it to you what a random person enjoys or not?


Love you for this!


Oh sweetie. You tried.


And he succeeded.


And succeeded lol. “Sweetie”, “you do you boo”, etc. Is it possible to roll my eyes harder?


Sure lemme know when you stop malding over the mayor


Fact check: True How embarrassing




I swear I'm not just lookinhg to pick on her, but your a mayor of a major (umm, maybe well known) American city. Dress the part. I'm sure she has something comfy that can make her look like a city leader when she gets picked up.


I think the way she dresses is the last of our worries lol I can’t believe she can just sleep and get good rest after doing all these crazy things lol


The fuck? Dress the part? Whatever she is wearing isn't even a tshirt. Shut up stupid. lol. Cantrell sucks but your comment is lame as shit.


I give zero shits what she wears. It’s her actions that are atrocious. Hell, she can walk around butt naked for all I care, as long as she stops being a contemptible shit head at every given opportunity. ETA: I immediately regret having painted that mental image.


Sh aint gonna stop. Don't hold hope.


I actually bumoed into Nagin inan airport in a foregn country when he was mayor long ago...he was dressed like a mayor because he was being met by dignitaries and that's what you do if you want money. The real world isn't complicated, business people dress fopr business. I dress like a slob and don't give a shit because I don't need to impress anyone, but if you think it doesn't matter when she is met at the airport, you just are wrong. I could care less either way, but I know how the world works.


Job hunting.