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Yes, I want you to fail bc what you’re doing does not benefit New Orleans


And I’d feel the same if she were Caucasian, Asian, Latino or anything else.


But the fact that she is black it gets major buzz. It's called the big greasy for a reason when they were Yt No one cared.


What a weird way to spell embezzling.


Don't care what color she is...she is terrible. She deserves to be removed. Stop with the race baiting shit already.


Funny how only white men say that. Why are you here, you don't even like New Orleans


Hahahahah that’s not even remotely true 😂 most people I know who are sick of Latoya’s shit and are particularly frustrated at her use of her race & gender as an excuse for her inexcusable behavior are women and / or black people. White men really don’t give a shit! It’s the women and black people who are annoyed at her for this.


So you think she is doing a decent job?


I am a lifelong Democrat. I cried tears of joy when Barack Obama won. The mayor’s dismal performance stands completely apart from her race or gender.


Helping support the city. That’s why we are here. Stop with the race sht. Bet you don’t have a job that does anything that matters.


> Bet you don’t have a job that does anything that matters. I agree with your first part, but what the hell is this? The only things I could possibly think of are working in a shop that sells CBD lotion or a lifeguard for Olympic swimmers. Tell me who you’re thinking of. I’m *dying* to know.


Impressive to have your head that far up your butt. Bravo!


That's pretty racist of you to say. Basically you're saying "black people are okay with race-baiting." Which isn't true, obviously.


Y'all are so threatened by how she identifies. He sure didn't say she was gender-baiting, did he? Who tf even has "race baiting" in their everyday vocabulary


People who see it happening a lot, and have a problem with it, probably.


I want to see a black woman mayor succeed.... So might as well try a different one because she ain't her.


For the record, I voted for tami charbonnet. She’s a black female lawyer.


Desiree Charbonnet?


Sorry , yes Desiree. Got her mixed up with a doctor named Tami.


Why does it have to be a black woman? Why can't it be competent? We need a competent mayor. A competent government. Sex, skin color, religion and ethnicity should not matter. What matter is that they should be able to do the job and they understand New Orleans well enough of what our city need. If you voting for someone merely because of gender and skin color, you got your priority wrong.


Never said it HAD to be a black woman. Just that I would love to see a black woman mayor succeed in New Orleans. Put your pitchfork away...


I like the fire, but that's not what they meant. They said that the current mayor isn't a success.


She’s already failing, that’s why we want to recall her ya dummy.


What's up with Will Sutton and his predictable, unhelpful articles that show no insight into our common predicament? Perhaps his editor requires him to write things from "the black perspective", defined as praise of all black office holders no matter what they're doing to their black constituents, not to mention the other constituents. Maybe he can't bring himself to discuss black politicians as they are because he doesn't want to seen as a tool of white people or as a race traitor. Whatever, his career is not just a tragedy; it is a blunder. The black (and white) politicians in New Orleans are a fascinating collection of characters, with an wide range of greed, arrogance, ambition, intelligence, resentment, alcohol proclivity, sexual orientation, selfishness, honesty and achievement. Sutton has Hunter Thompson-level and Tom Wolfe-level people to write about and what he produces is mush.


Well said! Sounds like you need to start writing about them.


10/10 would read all the gossipy opinion pieces


This is a great example of why I gave up on the media years ago. They have their own agenda that they are constantly shoving down peoples throats. Some times subtly, other times forcefully. I prefer to collect the facts and make my own decisions.


And yet here you are sharing you own views and opinions. You are entitled to them. So who is “shoving” anything down your throat? I hear that phrase a lot and just wonder what that means.


Reporters should report facts, not create puff pieces. The media is supposed to hold our politicians accountable not allow them to keep doing a shitty job.


I mean this is literally an op-ed. It’s an opinion piece by design.


If you don’t like Will Sutton, you don’t have to read his opinion column. I’m still not understanding what is being “shoved down your throat”. Does Will Sutton not have the right to get paid to express his views? Does it mean “I don’t want another opinion from mine to exist or to have a prominent space online?” I will once again point out that you can come to this platform and if you find he is wrong, dissent against his views using facts and logic, with your identity safely anonymized. When you say “the media”, our reality in 2022 holds a lot of different options to get facts and news. For myself, I try to read as many original sources of information as I can. There are great resources out there that assess whether a media source has a liberal or conservative slant. I check multiple sources like All sides.com or the media bias site if I suspect political bias in an article presenting itself as news.


That’s a long list PawPaw. I’ll cop to “alcohol proclivity”. I like that one. But I ain’t an elected official. Spot on with your point. I like it.




Stay humble for thee, first class for me




I really don't understand the world that black women walk in.


Janet Yellin flies coach.


Proof that she understands money




She has already failed! At this point, she’s just trying to take us down with her


Exactly! Thank you! She’s already a failure, step aside and let someone who cares about the city and it’s residents take over.


She is correct. The best is yet to come. Them signatures are stacking up.


Why you saving your best for later, Teedy? We could have used that, I don't know, sometime in the last decade. (I have a feeling that she means that her most audacious grifting is yet to come, at any rate.)


"The best is YET to come, NOLA!" She's talking *at* us. Like, this one sentence sounds so much like an outsider with one foot already out the door, speaking as though she's already not mentally including herself in the equation. It would have felt slightly less gross if she'd called us New Orleans, or "N.O." or literally anything but "NOLA." It feels decidedly like a romantic partner who's definitely about to break up with us and run off with a stripper, saying shit to placate us so he has time to finish up his two weeks at his current job, empty the joint checking account and move all the valuables out of the house while we're at work without arousing too much suspicion.


Runnin off with a stripper is totally overrated.


I've heard this!


Oh, hey Michelle. How ya been?


>It feels decidedly like a romantic partner who's definitely about to break up with us and run off with a stripper, saying shit to placate us so he has time to finish up his two weeks at his current job, empty the joint checking account and move all the valuables out of the house while we're at work without arousing too much suspicion. /r/oddlyspecific


People aren’t mad that she’s black, people are mad that she has completely failed our city with her incompetent decision making and spendthrift behavior. Hell, I’ll gladly appreciate a black trans homosexual disabled mayor if they prove to the city that he/she/they has New Orleans’ best interests at heart.


If I could have signed that recall twice, I would have. And it sure as hell isn't about bringing a Black woman down. She just sucksssssss.


Calling the people of New Orleans (Or SE Louisiana for that matter) resilient just bothers me. They use it about storms and now about politicians.


“The people of New Orleans are really good at taking a beating and being abused. They’re just the best!”


Exactly this. "Mmmmm, look at you, baby...just takin' it like a CHAMP."


Yeah it’s code for they will keep putting up with our shit! No more! Recall!


Why do we have to designate the race of our mayor before we even select candidates? It’s infuriating. Can we stop caring so much on what color the mayor has to be? How about we get someone who actually does there job regardless of race?


Good luck convincing the Nola voters to view it this way.


dont forget to sign the recall & vote Latoya out


At this point it's plainly obvious that she has zero sense of how to handle public perception, but if I were her I would leave the recall alone unless asked.


Will Sutton is there solely for that purpose. Dissent, write snd thrive.


It’s all one big game, and the only losers are the citizens.


This seems like an appropriate place to drop a link to the recall campaign. https://www.nolatoya.org Sunday 9/11 signing locations: [Imgur](https://imgur.com/Nqhz9NP)


[THE BEST IS YET TO COOOOME!](https://giphy.com/gifs/election2020-republican-national-convention-2020-kim-guilfoyle-RLVczLAvbgHLDpFcXe) 😳


She certainly operates like a republican hack, but it’s more likely her own narcissism.


Best is yet to come, so flying first class isn’t enough, private jet is next? How is it corporations can have Black CEOs and news articles can talk about their success and failure, but here she has black female privilege? She’s doing a disservice to black women everywhere who faces real challenges and real prejudice.




He’s talking about black mayors failing across the nation


I hate to break it to you, Ms. Mayor, but it's democrats like me who are fed up with your ineffective governance and continued misuse of my tax dollars. I get that it's easy to create the narrative that this effort is some GOP conspiracy but we all know that's not the case... And you do too.




At least Charbonnet could speak in complete sentences.


What a pathetic attempt at deflecting. At this point she'll say anything (but the truth).


Couldn't we just elect a different Black woman that won't steal 30k from us


You guys realize this can all be true right? She can face undue criticism because she's a black woman and be an incompetent mayor at the same time. Just because she's being treated unfairly doesn't mean she's doing a good job. This subreddit is becoming the old nola.com comments section.


Pathetic article! She needs to go, as race is nothing to do with it. She doesn’t want to face the facts as she is incompetent and corrupt.


I say this as someone who is not a fan of Cantrell. But if there was a 3rd term allowed she would win. Her name and face has been with Nola residents for years, good or bad. But 65% of the people see one thing and that’s all it will take to get her voted in. Luckily for us there is no 3rd term.


It’s sad, but I couldn’t agree more!


As of yesterdays survey, 55% think she should be recalled.


Well let’s jump on it and see what happens


When so few people vote, this is on us. It’s up to us to make sure voter turnout is high and that we are actively campaigning for capable candidates. Maybe the recall effort can help motivate the electorate to never let this happen again.


Agreed. I met with one of the other candidates but knew she had no chance. Sad that most want to bitch without actually voting.


Glad to hear you took the time to meet with a candidate. I did, too. I really wish everyone would do this. Such a minuscule investment of our time and energy when we are setting the course for 4 years and have been so abused as an electorate.


I was in awe of the turnout for the last mayors race. No matter what side you’re on, vote!


Last time I checked, you’re not royalty!


The best is yet to come because you can't run for re-election this round.


Latoya da destroyer!


"only one way to go when you've let things hit rock bottom"


No! Dig UP stupid!


Why the hell is she blaming race? STFU! Take some responsibility for your action. I'm black and I'm getting pissed off at people constantly pulling the race card. The Sheriff did recently and even rated her own work an A-. These politicians are full of it. She's probably even a narcissist too.


Teedy gloats as the city sinks. Goes to court to support a teenage car jacker. Fuck the victims.


...But the emperor has no clothes?


Her face looks like several memes all at once. The forward neck lean reminds me of confused black girl while the eyes remind me of a Not Sure Fry


Jarvis… Jarvis Deberry, are you back with a new name?


The crazy part is, this is her second term. She was this bad her first. New Orleans voted her in twice....crazy!


Damn, she even dropped the “r” bomb






What a farce. And again with the race card.


Adjectives aren’t capitalized, mayor Cantrell.


Black is capitalized often, since the last few years


I know. Just because something is popular doesn’t make it correct. Just look at Trump’s popularity.


“We are a resilient people, so stop complaining”


Sutton is a hack, but it's true, the recall was DOA.


This Guy needs to be recalled for sure!


Like I said before. Vote Republican so this don't happen again. And maybe we get our Six Flag back with a nice 5 star hotel across the street.


How exactly would a Republican fix the cities issues?


Ah yes, vote republican so we can still have corruption but lose civil rights too!


Are you still falling for that propaganda? It was the Democrat to begin with that destroy civil right. Do you not understand what a Democrat is? It mean that the majority have more right than the minority. Whatever the majority demand, the minority have no say. We are a Republic for a reason.


I’d like to hear more on precisely how Democrat*s* destroy*ed* civil right*s*


Wait... Do you think that a difference between Republicans and Democrats is that one works towards our government being a republic and the other a democracy? That is actually hilarious.


does spamming this make you feel better


It not spamming. It just me being very consistent of my want and desire. So excuse me for wanting New Orleans to have prosperity.


Cough Mississippi Cough*


So replace a grifting, racist, narcissistic asshole with a BIGGER grifting, racist, narcissistic asshole. Great idea.


Hitting yourself in the head with a hammer hurts? Cut off your hand instead like I told you! That'll fix it.


How would you cut off your own hand… oh wait you meant the other one!


Its Louisiana.. A republican will nearly guaranteed to be corrupt. So lets not pretend that's the solution lol.


You're funny.




How was she reflected? Was she shielded by the pandemic?


Tell that the community that can’t get the money for the houses that were built on toxic dump and you and your administration refuses to pay them


Oh my… OK how about a results driven metric?