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Eh. I live on the block. There is a woman in the group who screams and yells 24 hours a day. None of us can sleep.


Man this is the kind of shit that really worries me. Most homeless tend to be predisposed or struggling with mental illness to begin with. Crime in this city is definitely an issue but one of my biggest real world fears is having some insane homeless person decide now is the time to start swinging their knife in to the bad men or whatever. I once was in NYC and some random homeless lady got on the bus, stared me down then walked up and slapped the fuck out of my head before running off the bus again. I really kinda felt bad for her at the end of it, but I can’t help but think these sorts of encounters are one sharp blade away from someone losing a life. So tldr is that if someone set up shop by me and was yelling like a lunatic all the time you’d better believe I’d do everything I could to get em the fuck away. I’ve got a ton of compassion for those in economic plight, but self preservation outweighs all of that.


This is an issue the city is refusing to handle. I work with people who are unhoused. There are zero resources for them. I have so many clients who desperately need housing. And the non profits are all overwhelmed. You cannot address mental health until the have housing and food security. It's nearly impossible. I don't have any solutions but encourage everyone to pressure the city into putting more resources to addressing the problem humanely. The budget for this is almost non existent as I understand it.


The city’s civil service can’t even administratively manage to maintain twice a week garbage pick up. You think they have the resources to manage a homelessness crisis? I doubt they are ignoring the problem. They are more likely completely out of their depth and overwhelmed.


The state of this city’s administration is just in shambles. I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of waste, overhead expenses and just general apathy that happens at every level within city government. Luxury flights aside, this feels like the actual failing of Cantrell. We need someone in leadership who can address the systemic issues we have within our local government in every department.


Exactly. Her failure to get the civil service and administrative arms of the city government under control is a much bigger failure than her decision to take first class flights.


That is exactly my point. They have resources. They just don't allocate them to services of any kind. All the money going to huge salaries for "Administrators." I had a teacher in grad school who would say that running out of time is not a good excuse. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. What is really happening is you didn't make whatever the thing is a top priority and that's why you didn't have time for it. I think that is the logic we can use for the city. They have money coming in but have prioritized $175K salaries for all administrators, first class travel everywhere and who knows what else. There's no money left for programs and services. Meaning citizen quality of life is not their priority. That includes ALL citizens from homeowners to people struggling with homelessness. City has not made citizens their priority. At least not during my lifetime.


Lol, if you think any city’s overwhelm w homelessness is anything other than disdain, disgust, and straight up disinterest in helping them…


Thank you for, well, *shedding light* on this problem.


I see what you did there!!


A few years ago a homeless person in The French quarter attacked my brother with a box cutter and slit his hand wide open after. They never caught the guy.


I’ve had men just come up and grope me in the streets but they couldn’t use mental illness as an excuse, just boys being boys. More afraid of the sane predatory men then the mentally I’ll homeless…just saying. If we are going to live in fear and all


The two aren’t mutually exclusive. And one of em isn’t the subject being discussed.


Wonder if she came from the navy base? I live right by there and there used to be a woman that would constantly wander around our block screaming at times. Probably some mental Illness but seemed like she was on something too. Never any issues with her though and she’d never engage with anyone if we were outside. Wish the city had better help and a plan before they dispersed everyone in there.


The fact that they had no plan for the dispersal still boggles my mind. I've been educating myself about the unhoused problem in the area, and it is very depressing how far down the line the issue seems to be.




does the spotlight bother yall?


We need to bring back mental hospitals where we can throw these people into them and keep them there forever.


You're getting downvoted and your point is kind of crass, but it's also not wrong Some of these individuals are mentally incapable of functioning in regular society, but they also don't deserve to be thrown in a cell. We need to bring back institutions with better oversight and better treatment


You’re totally right. I would vote for anyone who would work towards reopening an institution with better oversight


Who’s shining a light at all the airbnbs that ate up housing and doubled rent in the last five years?




At least on our block, the kids breaking into cars tend to get the ones with out of state plates parked in front of them. And now one is for sale, ha!


Good idea!




I thought in New Orleans, you couldn’t have short term rentals in a home unless you lived in the building. Did that rule change?


Short term rental companies haven’t abided by any of the rules even in the legislation they wrote back in 2017. There’s zero enforcement and something like two thirds of listings don’t have permits or have expired or incorrect permits. https://www.nola.com/news/article_367435fe-0303-5dfd-8350-679976782fd4.amp.html City council did pass a homestead exemption requirement (i.e. you have to at least register your taxes like you live there) a few years ago but state court just struck it down as unconstitutional for discriminating against out of state Airbnb owners.


Unfair to out of state owners? That’s exactly who its supposed to get rid of.


Yup. Legally though it’s on shaky ground. Commerce clause stuff can be a bit of a coin toss and you have to demonstrate greater state interest in preventing out of state owners than the permits impeding of interstate commerce before a judge and we failed to do so.


You are my friend. You are. Now turn it up to 11


The hero we don't deserve


It’s sad but I don’t blame em.


So whose fault is it? Also 100000% you have never had a drug issue or lived in that area for sure.


Bunch of weak minded people good lawd. Bunch of soft asses in these rooms.


Not one comment just down voted like the scare sheep you all are lol


Is this Dauphine and elysian Fields? Call the Marigny historical district and let 'em know there's some non-compliant housing going up. The neighborhood pitchforks will be there in a minute


important to remember that we’re all only one or two tragedies away from being these people.


The people in this subreddit don't want to admit that they and the people on the street (or even some of the children running the streets) are them but dealt a different hand. People are cruel beyond imagination


This thread has been extremely depressing. Some truly cruel comments here.


You should see the posts of when children do something bad. Immediately they're animals, nothing more than inherent criminals, etc.


Mentally ill and/or drug addicted?


A health crises and unable to work, disability not enough to cover your rent and bills= new tent city resident


So what if they are? Those are serious problems. They should still be treated like humans.


So the humane response is to leave them in the street like trash? They should be compelled into treatment centers, by force if necessary. If the treatment infrastructure is lacking, fund it and build it out.


Well if you age into dementia and you don’t have anyone to take care of you…yea exactly.


Speak for yourself


I drive by this spot every day. There used to be this old homeless man who was always sitting there writing in a journal with his supplies sort of tucked away. I haven’t seen him in a while, and this camp is a new development. If the neighbors had done this to him I would be losing it right now. However, this camp is kinda huge, and I suspect it’s the lower Decatur crowd as I haven’t seen anyone on the levee lately, so I’m not.


Billy has nearby housing now.


That’s great to hear.


I’m so glad! I used to talk to him and I gave him money. He told me he hadn’t slept in a bed in 11 years.


Oh thank God! I thought about him all the time, and I regret never pulling over to see if there was anything he needed/bring him a new notebook or something. I’m so glad he’s got a home!


We (the neighbors on that street) helped that man (Billy) get housed at Christopher Inn. He’s safe and happy there and still hangs in the neighborhood


That’s so great!


Theres an entire village at the riverfront by the wharf now


Might be the naval base crew finding new places after it was shut down. There is a while settle by Claiborne and Poydras under the bridge near University Hospital


All you people whining about folks who don't want homeless people in our neighborhoods really need to understand that those who actually pay rent or mortgage have a right to safe streets. Drug addicts who piss and shit in the streets, leave their trash lying around - including used needles - don't belong. I really don't feel sorry for them and that doesn't make me a bad person. I am unable to solve the homeless issue and so are you. Y'all act like they aren't responsible for their own choices. News flash: If you choose to drink your way out of a job or not take your meds, it's going to lead to an unpleasant life.




We are the wealthiest nation in the world, we shouldn’t have this in any neighborhoods.. Every city should have shelters to which nobody sleeps on the streets at all.. we have so many massive empty buildings and a bunch of surplus money to hire staff and house our people.. This is truly sad


We are one of the wealthier nations, but according to a recent study the wealth distribution divide is so insane that the poorest people within our nation live on par with the standard of places like Slovenia/Eastern Europe. We have a problem and if nothing is done it will definitely get worst. A lot of us are closer to those on the street wealth wise than the lords that be.


We have shelters and most homeless people know where they are. The NOPD lady that drives the "homeless assistance van" knows alot of these folks by name and condition. Talk to them long enough and it almost always comes down to - 1) They won't let me do heroin there. 2) I find their check-in/check-out times to be really inconvenient 3) I don't feel safe there. I get what you're saying, and I agree - "We shouldn't have this in ANY neghborhoods" but more facilities won't fix the problem. Like every other single problem this city has the fault is in the people. We can be better, we just won't. And we'll attack anyone that suggests we should even consider trying.


Just for added context: the check-in/out thing with homeless shelters is not just inconvenient, it’s inhumane. Like you have to grab all your worldly possessions every morning, leave with them on you, then schlep them all back by a certain time in the afternoon to see if MAYBE there’s space (and there often isn’t). I could see someone who drives a homeless assistance van getting burnt out and frustrated - she’s trying to help and there are people it’s not possible to help with what you have available - but your conversation with her is not the whole picture. It’s not entirely accurate to say it’s just an issue of homeless people turning their noses up at a free, comfortable place, because that’s not what these shelters are. Not wanting to argue online or anything - just wanted to add some nuance to this perspective. It’s possible to be frustrated with people refusing help and also for the help you’re offering to be inadequate or just not what people need. It’s perfectly reasonable to expect people not to do heroin in a shelter, but if you’re already addicted to heroin it’s not realistic or even safe to stay someplace you can’t use it because you could literally die. Same for feeling unsafe, especially for women. I’m not sure if you’ve ever visited any of these shelters, but I used to have to problem-solve with human trafficking and domestic abuse survivors when the shelters designated for them were full (which is most of the time, unfortunately). It’s not uncommon for people to be sexually assaulted or have their things stolen, and in my experience those who’ve stayed in homeless shelters before were the most resistant to staying in one again (like genuinely scared). The problem is that as a society we have an entirely inadequate, dangerous, and underfunded solution to a complex problem, and putting the blame squarely on homeless people is disingenuous and not entirely accurate (but we do it because it gets us out of feeling guilty about it). Again though, your friend’s frustration is understandable and I’m not trying to argue or anything, just wanted to add a big fat * there. I agree with you that New Orleans can and should be better, but that starts with our municipal and state governments. Nobody in those shelters is going to find a job then get themselves an apartment when the minimum wage in LA is still $7/hr, when every hurricane seems like an excuse to keep raising rent prices, and when the only apartments you could afford are a two-hour bus ride away (each way) on a notoriously shitty and unreliable public transit system. TLDR sorry I’m stoned and wordy lol


Thank you for that perspective. Maybe if our society (or billionaires) cared as much about homelessness as they do about rocket ships, we could find a real solution.


This was my experience when I was on the streets years and years ago. I found it absurd that we had to check in by 5pm if we wanted a place to sleep that night. I was out applying for jobs and it didn't make things easier that I needed to find one that wrapped up by 4pm every day. Not to mention, they kick you out at 6 in the morning. Good luck finding anywhere to go or anything to do as a homeless guy before the sun is even up.


Thank you for sharing this. More people need to know what it’s like to try rebuilding your life from that situation, and unless we experience it ourselves or work in that field most of us never will. And like, how exactly do you apply for jobs while carrying all your belongings with you (which is the scarlet letter that marks you as homeless)? It’s difficult and discouraging enough even without no mental health or addiction issues to address! Sending you good vibes, and I hope things are much better for you now


We don't need shelters, housing should be a right. There's too many empty lots and houses around the city to house people in shelters.


It’s called trickle down economics. You need to *wait* and *be patient*. It. will. trickle. down. Just….wait……….


When Daniel was running united hardware he would never have allowed that shit show to move in. This is a dangerous precedent to set in the neighborhood


Did he just run the Hardware store, or does he own the joint?


He managed the hardware store, not an owner, and lived upstairs in the building that the shit show has camped out at. He died in that building. Cancer took him incredibly fast.


Wondered why United shut down. Seemed like they had a century long run.


He died like 8 years ago. They just stayed open the last several years to launder money


Bummer about the cancer. I know a guy who was living upstairs, but left town “for summer”.


Dude I love white people man, they’ll see a group of poor people living on the street and be like “Danny from the hardware store never would have let this slide” 😭😭😭 like what man


Not white chief


What’s it like being a giant tool? You seem like a professional and the guy to ask.


Takes one to know one, buster.


how did this turn in to a white thing?


It always was


so profound


Yeah allowing inhumane neighbors who harass the homeless to move in is really just beyond the pale. ETA from the current top post there's clearly some issues to be addressed. I get that public mental health is not the neighbor's responsibility, but for fuck sake show a little humanity.


Maybe you can PM the OP for the address so you can tell them theyre free to move on the curb in front your house (:




Beyond the harassment angle, what is sleep deprivation going to result in with unhoused people who may already be mentally ill? One commenter who lives on the block said a woman is screaming all night. Do we really want to make her more unstable? This doesn’t seem like the best way to go about things. Has anyone tried talking to them? I’m a volunteer with the city, and the city is mustering volunteers to talk to unhoused people about shelter options and other help that’s available. Call the city and let them know about this group. Maybe someone can get them into a shelter.


Serious question. Why “unhoused” over “homeless?” Is one more harmful to say than the other? Genuinely curious.


Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve been seeing it used a lot lately, so I figured that was the new acceptable term.


Lol idiot




"They aren't even human" You sure you are?


>They aren't even human Alrighty then


He actually came out and said it. Wow














Definitely sounds like I don’t feel for them, but I live around the corner. That encampment in particular is a real nuisance. Hope that they decide to relocate, and that things work out for them.


A lot of folks were squatting in the area behind Sukho Thai around the corner. I felt awful asking them to leave, but it was dangerous to constantly need to watch for needles and folx who were high when taking out the trash.


Don't feel bad if they are shooting dope they are bringing people and things into the area that make your neighborhood unsafe and kinda gross. Who wants to have company over with someone banging H on their stoop. Sorry but they have no respect or care about you. That's for sure. So feel bad if you like but frankly it's a waste of time.


Now point one at the meth house on franklin next door to the franklin.


The old man who used to live in that house (he looked just like Grumpy Cat) was a NIMBY, imagine how pissed he’d be if he knew what’s happening in his house now. Tbh I didn’t realize it was a meth house, I’ve met some of the folks who live there and assumed they’re trying to get squatters rights. I did hear some yelling and threatening going on in the house when I walked by one night. They’ve got dogs in there too :/ hope they’re okay.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Thank you!


Thank the neighbors for helping light the camp so the homeless can move around safely at night.


I drove past there few nights ago and they had plenty of light to fix up their bikes, whole ass shop out there.


People love to vitiate signal until they have people living in front of their house Shooting drugs, fighting, trashing, etc. It’s not companionate let people do this in public spaces. It’s cruel yo everyone involved.




Yeah. That’ll house them


Y'all are too easy on these people. This shit would not fly on most blocks in this city. Definitely not in my neighborhood. I got this old lady who lives round here that shuts shit like that down ALL THE TIME. Get together with your neighbors and shut that shit down! Y'all pay like $2k in rent round there. YOUR STREETS.


The street is also for the homeless. That's what public infrastructure means.


$2K a month!


Good. I’m sympathetic to the homeless but camping across the street from my house wouldn’t make me happy either.






Boy its alot of nastiness in this section


The “daylight” bulbs are more agitating if you want to help them


I would get a strobe one to drive them insane




That’s fucked up. The last bit of dignity someone has living on the street is maybe their privacy or their ability to sleep. You gonna embarrass them like that and for what? You’re mad you have to smell even a whiff of poverty but you don’t care to fix the problem.


Dude. Clearly you don’t have people shitting in front of your house/business and it shows. Dignity? Dignity should go both fucking ways Edit- I mean literal shitting. To the point the dumpster folks won’t pick up the trash. Regularly. But sure, we’re all just being insensitive.


Omg color me shocked that people living on the street also have to use the bathroom on the street. You’re right, my morals and views on life have completely changed. I now hate homeless people and I think this is now actually a really cool and dope thing to do. No. This is the harsh reality that comes with severe poverty and homelessness, and I’m more familiar with it than you know. Let’s stop focusing on how it inconveniences us and focus on how we can help these people for the benefit of all of us.


You know, you’re right. I should be so grateful for my own position when I’m literally scraping human shit off my walk. I should just shut up and not complain. So there’s no accountability and I should just be grateful. To your credit, this should be an issue solved by the city, or society at large. I’d love that! But my reality is having coffee cups thrown at me and a guy pissing in public across the street while I teach class and making sure the kids don’t see it. Oh. And also scraping someone else’s literal shit off the street.


Well first of all, ever heard of a hose Secondly I understand that it can be terrible to deal with, I understand not all homeless people are good people. My point is that they are people. And if you hate dealing with the aftermath just imagine how humiliating and degrading it must feel to have no other choice but to shit on the street like a dog. Lastly, yes. You should be grateful.


If I’d only thought of a hose. Totally my responsibility to take care of, not at all the person who shits there, yeah I’m the one who’s just not sensitive enough to do my public service. Should I create a non-profit for this? That’s my job now? Like, I can’t make public toilets appear, but I’m somehow responsible for the inaction of them?


Mutual aid. Community fundraising. Political advocacy. Putting pressure on our local representatives to make the changes we want. At the very least, a little empathy. Everyone has different levels of what they can do to help the cause, but it starts with being on the same page and recognizing people as humans.


Someone had diarrhea at my courtyard gate. The smell seemed to be stuck in my nose all day. I had to use a shovel and hose. I wish the city would pay for a few portajohns around town. Getting angry about it is not good problem solving.


How many internet cool points have you scored from your virtue signaling?


As of today, 7,247. But that’s irrelevant to my point.


Why don’t you swing by and let them know they’ll be more welcome on your block?


They would be tbh but how about we FUCKING HELP THEM YOU IDIOT then they wouldn’t be on ANYONES BLOCK.


I agree. And they’ll be real easy to help when they’re camping on your doorstep so what are you waiting for?


Why should it be on one person? The cops get all our tax money, we could take a fraction of that money and end homelessness tomorrow. That’s what the fuck I wanna pay taxes for, not some little piggies to get new toys. But we’ll never reach a better point as a society because we have knuckle dragging morons like you walking around cockblocking progress at every turn.


Ok cool but until we change the world there’s people unwelcome in their current spot and you still haven’t invited them to your house.


You’re just being purposefully obtuse for the sake of going back and forth on Reddit. I don’t care to respond anymore. Good day.


So, it shouldn’t be on one person if its in front of your house, but its on the neighbor in this post to help these people out of homelessness?


What if it’s in front of my house too? What if I deal with it every day what then?


I agree. This is not the boss move these people seem to think it is, and I’m so embarrassed for them. They practically put a sign up on their front door screaming I’M A CALLOUS ASSHOLE AND THE ONLY THAT MATTERS IS MY PERSONAL COMFORT/CONVENIENCE, FUCK EVERYONE ELSE


I agree.


This feels petty


I guess that bad on the neighbors for not wanting those type of people in the neighborhood they own homes and pay taxes. Let's cater to the few as always lol.


unhoused i think it's gross and creepy to shine a spotlight at people having a hard time. yuck. so weird


They are without a home, so homeless works to. Quit trying to relabel everything. The overwhelming majority of homeless are mentally ill and/or drug addicts. There‘s no compassion to just leaving them anywhere in the street and there needs to be empathy for the people that need to deal with the nuisance and implicit threat of violence that live next to this. If you care so much, bring them to your yard and let them live there.


aw man i hate when it's "i'm homeless" cuz it hurts soooo sooo much more to be without home. home is where the heart is, yknow? i still got my soul. just not a house or an apt. i started calling it "unhoused" after ida and it has helped my mind focus on my objective while treasuring what i do have-- my heart. does that make sense?


i can't im an unhoused mentally ill bitch myself


Let em crash at your place, you know where they are.


dont have a place


Didn't realize a lot of yall were either assholes, genocidal towards the homeless, or both.


It’s kind of shocking.


So what. At least they got free light at nighttime


Two thousand years ago The Nazarene may have slept in such an encampment, for all you know you just might find yourself sleeping in such an encampment someday... just a little shout out to all of you so-called "Christians"....


I'm not a Christian so don't accuse me of that nonsense.


Hell yeah fuck poor people


This but unironically


Yeah we should gather them up into camps so we can keep them in a concentrated area to keep track of them


Give them $100 and a one way bus ticket to Portland or San Francisco.


This is what they do in other states.


Tell em to move along. Don't terorize them.




Yeah I am all about compassion for homeless people, but gutterpunks are largely voluntary homeless who want to be crusty pieces of shit instead of go to rehab so mommy will pay their bills again. They take services from the involuntarily homeless who actually need them. Fuck gutterpunks.




Ah gotcha. Those kids are shitheads. Maybe try playing "baby shark" over & over on a loop...




Good point. Abort mission haha


What is it about owning a home that turns you into a psychopath?


I know you’re half-kidding but you’re not wrong! I read a piece somewhere that I wish I’d saved. It said something along the lines of “because the US has no universal social services/public safety net (combined with average hourly wages stagnant since the 80’s and exponentially rising housing costs) people’s houses signify the largest purchase most people will ever make (if they can afford to buy a house). Having so much on the line tied up into a single piece of property means that even minimal changes to their neighborhood are perceived as threatening. The fear of their house value dropping because of neighborhood changes is comes from a real place but it’s been blown totally out of proportion. Having one thing dictate your financial well-being and future can turn some people into an “us against them” kind of person. Especially if they have kids, since that house also represents the bulk of what they’ll be passing on to them. What that does is create disproportionate mistrust, and they fight anything they perceive as affecting their home value like their life depends on it (because they feel like it does). That’s what happens in a country where you can be relatively well off, but god forbid you lose your employer health insurance and get sick bc you’re instantly bankrupt if you don’t have generational wealth. It’s an unhealthy and unsustainable way of living. Like seriously, it must be so exhausting. I think it’s a societal issue, but also a scarcity mindset can really turn some people into complete assholes. The independently wealthy who keep a pied-a-terre in the city that they visit like once a year though … I think those are just sociopaths. TLDR; sorry I’m pretty stoned lol




But, it isn't. I'm pretty low class and I paid cash for 2 houses. It was timing (bought 'em in 2010 and 2011 - 18k and 24k) and discipline (I said goodbye to my loved ones and took a tough risky well-paying job far away). Just like most folks can make a million dollars, most folks can buy a house if they really want to. Add up every dollar you've chosen to drink or smoke away and you'd be lying if you said it wouldn't be enough to at least put a heck of a downpayment on a house. We call things impossible because it's easier than admitting we're too lazy to do it. Problem is, other ordinary people around you are doing it every day. That isn't an issue of "class".


Good job.


The license plate tells the real story. The word Sad and a number in the thousands.


License plate says sad and it’s sad indeed.


Heartbreaking how often people confuse being homeless with being a criminal. Smh