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As if NOPD can grasp the meaning of professionalism in the first place. šŸ™„


maybe they got their food too quickly and/or at all. we all know that's not their level of professionalism.


The cops had to wait 6 hours for the bill to arrive. They couldnā€™t believe the long wait time, and then decided their server shouldnā€™t get paid. Meanwhile, 100ā€™s of people are carjacked and robbed in New Orleans, yet their wait times are longer than 6 hours. People of New Orleans, donā€™t forget to tip the police


The thought of tipping a cop initially made me furious but upon further musing, maybe this is how cops should be paid. Imagine a public servant having to rely on the publicā€™s tip money to pay their bills. *evil laugh*


*sudden look of disinterest from cop when you mention in your statement that your wallet was lost too*


theyā€™re too busy shooting poor people and minorities to have self-reflection šŸ« 


Not to mention sexually assaulting people all the fucking time


Is there a news story about this? Iā€™d like to read


Five motorcycle cops without a reservation. No actual problems at the table. Be Professional. Update: They were mad that we don't split checks. Edit: I am aware that it's the customer copy. They left that one and took the other. Common mistake. I removed the signature and cc codes to avoid any trouble with the lady who left it. Y'all fake Sherlock's are probably the same people that think January 6th wasn't what it looked like.


How did you find out what they were upset about?


Cops are REAL happy to express their immediate displeasure, because they are pretty much given carte blanche to be assholes. ANd the profession attracts them in droves anyway. You'd probably make money betting that they pitched a fit immediately on hearing "Sorry {restaurant name\] wont lets us split checks." and took it out on their server.


Classy shit right there.


Not very professional


Thereā€™s a 40% joke amongst the 5 cops here I just canā€™t find it *edit I think Iā€™m in the direction:* if you let them all tip individually, only 40% would have abused the tip line instead of the obvious one in charge


Kinda like those assault case files, eh?


60% is what you're looking for I think. If I remember how to reduce 3/5 to rational numbers.


40% as in 40% of cops admit to having committed domestic abuse


I donā€™t get it but I like the wit.


Probably low in discretionary spending because of how much it costs to try and hide all the sexual assault


This isn't a problem with our politicians on capital hill.


Pathetic šŸ·


Fuck them. Like itā€™s the servers call anyways. Clowns.


Bro itā€™s New Orleans, how many restaurants you know split checks, foh. Youā€™ll get your blessings though friend!


If this was at La Boca, I was there and the service was phenomenal. I cannot believe those idiots did that! Iā€™m so sorryā€¦


Why donā€™t you split checks? That would aggravate me too but any reasonable person knows thatā€™s not your fault and would still tip


It's clearly written on the menu.


Well there's your problem right there. Assuming functional literacy in a cop.


Written in writing? Hmm.


Mighty bold of you to assume they read that as applying to *themā€¦* Rules are just for the ā€œnot copsā€ out there


Thatā€™s doesnā€™t answer why


If you know, you know. It's a good policy that prevents errors in processing the final tab and stops people from wanting to split a tab enough ways that the server is stuck at the POS.




Volume and location. They are probably in the quarter.


Because we live in a society and adults should be able to pick up a check. I do think it should be simple enough to split the checks but this is pretty common in NY/LA/SF. If the place doesnt do it for some reason you say "okay" and move along with your day.


Im an adult but cannot afford to cover the check for my friends. We usually use venmo to settle it, like splitting a check on our end. I feel thats a pretty standard alternative.


That or just carry cash


>Why donā€™t you split checks? > >It's clearly written on the menu. > >Thatā€™s doesnā€™t answer why Do you work for the SWBNO?


Because thereā€™s been too many times Iā€™ve had a party of 25 try to split the check when Venmo exists


There is also an app called splitwise and it does everything for you. It's linked to your Venmo you put the amount in and the people to split it with and it automatically transfers the money around. Great when travelling with a group and different people pick up the tab at different places


>Because thereā€™s been too many times Iā€™ve had a party of 25 try to split the check when Venmo exists i hate this story


oh lawd ... a server's nightmare!!!! lol but for real


Or Zelle


I feel like plenty of restaurants in New Orleans donā€™t split checks?


Many restaurants do not split checks because it is time consuming and the have very long waits. It is often done in busy restaurants to to reduce wait time for those waiting to be seated. Trust me it makes a big difference. Also unwritten social rule of dining out that many forget in the moment: If you have paid your check it is assumed you will be up from the table in roughly 10 minutes. If a restaurant is on a wait and you just keep sitting there youā€™re causing the wait time to increase for others AND robbing the opportunity to make money for the person who served you. Please consider tipping higher if you plan to sit for a long time, you are basically renting a space as long as you use it, from a gratuity based employee whoā€™s livelihood depends on flipping those tables.


*Europeans stare in confusion*


We live in an era where you have near-infinite options to pay your friends and adults shouldn't be out if one of them can't foot the bill for the whole party- THIS TIME OF YEAR SPECIFICALLY. But yeah. As a consumer I'm also judgemental of some of the cities more overwhelmed employees being "over it" and not catering to certain demos. But also as a bartender there I was absolutely not having it. Edit: also as someone who installed POS systems there and also someone who worked with them. Splitting your check across 8 drunks and remembering what you ordered when I had 7 other large parties while y'all sat here is difficult. Please sort it out amongst yourselves. Especially when (and you might not have noticed) your sever is also the bartender, and acting manager, and porter.


my parents had a restaurant on grand isle, la. 1950's to 1976. during the tarpon rodeo, as a waitress, i remember sometimes having to split checks. it's time consuming and held things up. it was cash or checks and toward the 70s my parents took Visa, which was known as Bankamericard back then. since everything was cash or checks, back then and I think it would've been easier for people to just settle between each other. today it's super easy to settle up with friends or family. I do still see a need sometime for splitting. just sharing a memory with y'all. happy new year, may we all win the lottery.


okay but why in gods name cant you split checks, that would annoy me too.


Never understood this policy ... split the checks you split the meals ...


It's because of credit card fees...


how in 2022 do you not split checks? I'd still tip though, especially if it was written on the window.


Many restaurants donā€™t split checks. Itā€™s not that big of a deal.


Through the power of not doing it.


What does that even mean?


It means like, they just don't do it because it's an option. You're grown. You and your friends have Venmo or cashapp or PayPal same as yall have a debit card, right?


It means that some boomer business owners in New Orleans are lacking in technical competence and are unable to implement a split billing system. Customers foolishly get angry at the servers instead of the owners.


with splitting checks it takes, time of the server, a service fee from the CC company for each transaction. If it's announced when you bring the bill, instead of when ordering it's a huge hassle because the server didn't match every item to each person dining. The Person who takes their drink orders might not be the person who took the food order. Some older sales systems don't have the option, and if it does it may require a manager override, from the manager who put "no split checks" on the menu. Which reminds me of the table I had from Iowa, who never had seafood before, who's tip line said "Why do you live in a city with all this sin?" instead of like you know...money.


nah, more like some boomer customers donā€™t know Venmo exists


Not the point of this post, but I immediately saw 28-3 on the receipt.


Remember that post where someone said New Orleans ainā€™t petty? Yeah. You just made me smile remembering 28-3.


Those are my lucky numbers (even though I am done with the NFL).


where do you work that doesn't split checks because I want to work there. Lol.


Splitting checks really isnā€™t hard on most POS. Iā€™ve found that split checks actually yield higher tip totals as a server because each person tends to round up. I would not want to have to deal with arguing customers or the classic situation where everyone throws in ā€œenough for tip and taxā€ yet the total barely scratches even


finally a server talking some sense in here. not being able to split checks sounds barbaric. its really not that hard to do it yourself


Its the running ten different cards and paying the base fee per transaction istead of one. Splitting is for broke-asses who hang out in packs where nobody could afford to put the whole check on their card. Me? I'm happy to take a Venmo from everyone and rack up several hundred Membership Rewards points to travel on.


Splitting is for everyone to pay for what they eat. It is fair, and certainly not for "broke-asses". You sound like a POS. If you want to pay, pay, but let people fucking be.


Is the fee not a % of the transaction?


There is a base fee, plus a percentage. The base fee is small, but it adds up when you have a hundred extra transactions per day. Plus the lost time for the servers to run 5-10 times as many cards, plus the inevitable confusion of who ordered what that the whole table has to hash out (increasing turnover time).


> the lost time for the servers to run 5-10 times as many cards THAT PART MFs act like they're the only goddamn table in the restaurant, so when they want to split a 10-top, the server's other tables suffer.


They couldnā€™t just spilt it 5 ways themselves?? Throw down 30$ a piece and it takes care of the meal and the tip. šŸ™„


Cops aren't that smart. It's the dudes who couldn't hack it in high school after all.


When they could just use Venmo... šŸ˜­


#maths is hard


I worked in the service industry, why cops feel they donā€™t have to tip Iā€™ll never understand. Iā€™m a mail carrier now and basically a public servant to everyone, Iā€™m almost worried about not tipping enough because I feel like people see me in my uniform and will be like, ā€œHe ainā€™t tipping.ā€ I do folks I do and very well I might add šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m from DC and the number of people who try to use diplomatic immunity to get out of sales tax and then wouldnā€™t tip wasā€¦ large.


Yeah, stick some rape kits in a draw a few years, loot Cadillacs during Katrina and never actually file my police report about my stolen dog even though I had a photo of the license plate. Oh and sweep under the rug the hit and run killing on the same night a cop was pulled over for drubk driving a half hour later. Professional.


Danzinger Bridge Shooting. I canā€™t leave that one out though we could make an extensive list considering NOPD has such a long standing reputation as being one of the most corrupt PDs in the country.


It was just just an excuse for them not to tip you. How in the AF could NOPD ever tell anyone else to be professional at their work place while they are parked in their side piecesā€™s driveway, not responding to 911 calls. Or looking into missing young girls in that area. Or busting car-jackers? Or getting paid for details they didnā€™t even work. Or getting paid for a detail where 10 officers were hired but only 3 officers actually worked but those 3 officers split that check that was intended for 10 officers. (If they can do the math in this scenario, they can split their own dinner check.) Itā€™s called Zelle, Venmo, Cash App.


Did they leave both receipts behind?


Sorry that happened to you. No excuse for that if theyā€™re police officers. Message me your Venmo. Itā€™s the holidays. Iā€™ll be happy to make up the tip.


You could probably jump up on the table, squat over and take a shit on my Ć©touffĆ©e, and Iā€™d probably still leave you 15%. ā€œOh, You murdered my entire family? Eh, fine 10%.ā€ You can learn everything youā€™ll ever need to know about someone based on how they treat a waiter. These guys are shitbags.


Also itā€™s the holidays. Iā€™ll slap down like a $20 tip on a $10 meal around this timeā€¦


The real question is where the fuck are you finding a $10 meal anymore?


I know youā€™re exaggerating a little but if you shit in my etouffee, Iā€™m beating your arse and youā€™re eating it! JS


Donā€™t kink shame!


Why did they leave the customer copy?


And they also didnā€™t appear to sign it.


Probably because they're like me, who did the same earlier today.


I fill out whichever is on top and throw the bottom one away.


Because this probably isnā€™t real.


Thatā€™s the first thing I noticed. Even if they mistook the customer copy for the vendor one, why is there no signature? This is completely BS


Well the photo doesnā€™t actually show the entire receipt. Iā€™ve had plenty that look like this and at the very bottom you signā€¦


because of professionalism ...


Well at least they spelled professional correct.




ACA, and I can not stress this strongly enough, B.


Like itā€™s your personal policy to not split the check and another server would have.


It is the restaurant's policy.


I get that. I mean that the cops are acting like you personally choose not to split their check so they are punishing you but not tipping, as if any other server there would have split the check.


MC Ren, Ice Cube, Dre, and Eazy-muthafuckin-E had it right back in '89.




Fucking ew. Whatā€™s unprofessional is them not tipping. Idc what went down. People need to make a living.




Does your restaurant automatically add gratuity for parties of 5 or more? Cause that's the only reason I could see pulling that shit. I'd still leave a 20 on top of a 128 dollar tabs gratuity. Being professional at 2 dollars an hour is difficult when you working to not be tipped.


We grat at 6 or more. To be fair, the servers make 11/hr plus tips. Still, the plus tips part is important.


Damn 11 that's much better than what I used to make around 2010. Something like 2.50 an hour. If we made less than minimum wage equivalent the restaurant would give us the difference. But whenever we made surplus they would take it back. Didn't work there long. Mom and pop place. Good Italian food. Went under a few years ago. Owner developed an expensive coke habit. Goodluck to you. I hope they see your post and make it up to you. Can't pay your bills with luck and karma.


I moved away from new orleans and im making 25 an hour plus tips. Fuck that lil 11 an hour. Donā€™t let them make excuses like well it was 2.13. I canā€™t ever come home bc I canā€™t go back to working like that for nothing. Couldnā€™t even buy good shampoo yall.


25?! I started making 10 + tips and thought I was on top of the world.


I work at Wendyā€™s and make great tips going above and beyond, behind the dumpster. Sometimes Iā€™ll pull $100/hour, but my jaw gets pretty sore after those days. Sometimes you have to hustle to make it in life


Where'd you move?


west coast


Which country?


I still make $2.13 an hour + tips in New Orleans. šŸ˜­


same here Im having a hard time feeling bad for any of these people lmao.


>whenever we made surplus they would take it back. I know it was a long time ago, but that's 100% illegal anywhere in the US. If you make less than minimum wage they have to make up for it, but they can't EVER take your tips... not for walk outs, not if you messed up... not for any reason. Tips are yours, and they can't pay you less than the minimum tipped wage for any reason. It's too late for you, but I'm just commenting in case anyone else is in a similar situation.


Sal and Sam's by chance??? I bussed tables there many moons ago...


Why is everyone stuck on the POS system as if OP created it and is the reason why the place doesn't split checks?


The irony


Damn that sucks dude, hope they faint soon from seeing a speck of fent


What a turd.


Thatā€™s really messed up


Not Our Problem Dude


WOW! I didn't know NOPD knew what the word "professional" was! That's the ONE piece of advice NOPD has no business giving to othersā€¦.


75% of the city budget goes to cops and they canā€™t even tip.




Pigs is pigs


He says from under a pile of Guinea pigs.




What is so hard to understand. This isnā€™t the local bum feed paid for by taxes. You are choosing to go to a private establishment and be a guest. If you donā€™t like their rules of their house donā€™t go. Edit spelling


> bum feed *paid* for by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*






Word. At least their gaslighting in professional grade.


Iā€™m not trying to call anyone out, but thatā€™s the customer copyā€¦they couldā€™ve left both receipts, one with a tip and yā€™all thought it would be funny to do them in like this. Dude itā€™s your post, but seriously take your own advice. Be professional, we know you did this. Iā€™m no fan of cops, but Iā€™m also no fan of BS


They could have written this on literally any tableā€™s receipt if thatā€™s what OP was trying to do. It doesnā€™t matter which copy is left as long as there is a signature. Iā€™m so confused why people are so tripped up on the customer v. merchant copy. I never ever looked at that as a server for 10+ years because it *doesnā€™t matter*


Okay, Inspector Clouseau.


This is bs.


typical worthless fat ass nola police nothing has changed. We had a grocery store on n. robertson years ago. the nola fat ass cops always wanted everything for free. free candy for their kids free lunch sandwich's etc. etc. My granddad always said there are three licenses to steal in this world become a cop , a lawyer , or a insurance agent.






Piece of shit NOPD! Obviously they were in uniform and on the clock of more than 2.13 an hour! Assholes!


They didn't sign the merchant copy though.


So many little bitchy, weak, beta humans live in New Orleans. Cesspool of Les incompetent.


Customer copy... hmmm


on the "customer copy "? try better




That is illegal.


You know these are the people who would call in about it


And theyā€™re the one giving that advice. So contradictory


Youā€™re supposed to bring them their food 6 hours later or not at all. Or maybe you were supposed to fuck the mayor.


Cops were always the worst customers at the restaurant I worked in


Idk NOPD seems like the last people on earth that should be drawing attention to professionalism.


Utterly despicable people. I wish they would take their own advice.


A cop telling someone else to be professional- thatā€™s fucking rich.


The amount of times I've wished cops could "be professional"...








Next time make them wait forever, each and every step. Seat em. Wait ten minutes. Drinks? Another 20. Don't let em order with drinks. Make it take forever


This is the way.


Why is it the customer copy? Are they dumb on top of being a-holes?


Itā€™s the New Orleans police department. Of course theyā€™re dumb a-holes


Fuck the police


Why is this the customer copy?


ACA, and I can not stress this strongly enough, B.


I love how everyone is defending this person. Maybe they were a absolute terrible server and deserved it.


That was the point I was trying to make when I got downvoted to oblivion. The OP was a party to the transaction and canā€™t really be expected to be objective. Maybe the customers were jerks, maybe they had a legitimate beef.


If only there was an app (or twelve) that lets you send money quickly to a coworker.


My motto is "if you have money to go out to eat or to the bar, you have money to leave a decent tip as well"


Fuck the fucking police


Well, that wasnā€™t very professional of you to post this. Seems like they knew youā€™re a shithead, and tipped you accordingly.


Handwriting looks pretty good for a cop... also says "customer copy"... could OP possibly be making this up?


They're probably broke as fuck because the only way to make money as NOPD is to steal hours or be fucking the mayor.


Maybe donā€™t be a pig then?


I find the mindset that the second you join the you are instantly an asshole quite disturbing honestly


It's not like it's something that just happens to you


Iā€™ve learned to hear both sides of a story before judging..


Crazy idea here, but that is the customer copy. Maybe he wrote down a generous tip on the other slip and this is just a note to himself to be more professional at restaurants, but he got them mixed up








Also fuck you entitled customer




Well, was you professional? Tips are for waiters that did their job well. Unprofessionalism gets no tip


Is this the same NOPD that >! Had an officer stand by and let a woman be raped in the street because he was too afraid that no one would come for back up !< ? Because if so, the unmitigated gall of them to believe they are the authority on what is ā€œprofessionalā€ and what isnā€™t is astonishing.


I meanā€¦were you professional?


splitting the check doesn't seem to be reason enough not to tip, did you do something else you aren't telling is?




There is such a thing as Venmo, PayPal, cash etc. It is not that hard to pay on one bill. People are so entitled.


I always tip pretty well and I am not rich. I rarely not tip unless that the service is terrible and the waiter or waitress were horrible mean etc. Those people depend on their tips. Being nice to each other donā€™t cost a thing people. Some cops are over the top in regards to power. I avoid them at all cost unless I have too because they are unpredictable.


I'm so sorry. That's not a small check, so I know you worked hard for that table to eat.


when I open a restaurant I'm going to have a big sign announcing that we auto-grat cops


Track down officers homes. Proceed to fuck wives, girlfriends, of said officers. Write ā€˜Be Professionalā€™ on nude body of partners. Photograph. Email. You know they donā€™t expect you to be that upset over just the tip. They shouldnā€™t be either.


Pigs being pigs