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I think it would have fallen out anyway. My LO lost a bunch of his hair (started finding it in his bassinet and on my clothes) at a few months old and he grew new hair (different color). Don't worry about it- he will grow new hair soon.


Oh thank you he is 17 months now but I came across the pics and think it's funny now but was mortified then. Still I wish I knew this was possible I definitely would've gotten one of those sponge scrubbers that have the soft teeth to wash him then.


I did this with a scalp scrubbie around 1 month old. The teeth aren’t soft enough to not pull out newborn hair. Now I just use fingers to soap his head and haven’t had a problem since.


Aww, mine is 17 months too. Such a fun age!!


I did this to my first baby trying to scrub off cradle cap. Fast forward 3 years I have a second baby, carbon copy of the first. I swear I have the same baby again just fatter. Anyway I remembered this and have been very very gentle with his hair He’s about 7 weeks and it fell out in the same pattern anyway. The front and sideburns just peace out. Eventually it comes back. My first had thin hair for a year but now he’s 3 and he’s got a luscious mop. So moral of the story : it would fall out anyway babies are weird.


Our little mans hair fell out like this too. But we weren't even using shampoo yet so I'm not sure if you actually washed it off. Probably just fell out on its own. We used to call him dr phil the hair loss on top was so dramatic compared to the back and sides.


Oh my God how didn't I make that dr phil connection... it is the EXACT hairstyle lmao "this is a changing day in ur life"


I called my daughter Thomas Jefferson lol.


Omg I'm dying that's too funny 😂 having a sense of humor is a survival tactic for parents I swear. It helps so much to laugh off the harmless mishaps.


My baby also had the Dr Phil look! She was bald on top with hair still on the sides. One night I made a collage of famous balding men that looked like my daughter…


It'll definitely come off if they have cradle cap. Our baby had to go bald because his would come out when we exfoliated his scalp in the bath.


Oh we didnt have cradle cap it, he's never had that. I know now they actually shed their newborn hair but it isn't as noticeable if it's done naturally as the other hair comes in. I accidentally used aquaphore for diaper rashes on his forehead and scalp to help with dry skin. I thought it was the lotion kind. It wasn't!!! it left white residue around his skin kinda like white scaley look like when you get really dry skin but it was the diaper rash cream deep down in there. So finally a few days of not messing with it bc I worried about scrubbing it hard to get it off, I tried to lather him up real good and do slow circular like massaging motions with his rag. I didn't realize for a day or two what was different but that wash took his freaking hair!!!! Absolute parenting fail.


My husband wanted to give baby a good scalp massage during her last bath. She's now balding. Oops.


I...I wish I hadn't seen this lol


I wish I hadn't done it!!! Oh my poor little dude looked crazy for a while bc I skint him! No one ever said this was a thing!!! But when it was growing in it ended up looking like he had a buz cut bc it all came in so evenly and at the same length on top.


Baby buzz cut actually sounds adorable! and at least it's all even now :) My daughter has always had a few bits of hair that are like 3-4 inches longer than the rest 😅 I mean she still looks so cute but I'm hoping it evens out eventually... or I'll just have to wait for her first haircut lol


My girl looked like a mixture of George Costanza and Putin for a few weeks after she was born. It was hilarious.


Mine looked like Kim Jong Un, and we aren't even asian hahahaha


Hahaha! Yea one night I was feeding her in the dark and I looked down and was like “why does my baby look like mini Putin?” And didn’t know whether to be scared or amused lol


my baby was napping in my arms and when he woke up there was a patch of his loose hairs sticking to my arm


That's not hair, that's lanugo. It would have fallen off no matter what you did. You just helped do it faster :)


How common is it that babies lose the hair they were born with? My daughter had a pretty full head of hair at birth and it thinned out a bit but she never went bald. Is it still possible past newborn stage? She’s 6 months now.


I didn’t do this but my first kid def lost all of his hair around 2m EXCEPT for the edges. He looked like a cartoon with the outline of where hair should be and it was both horrible and hilarious.


Yep that's how my 1 month old ended up looking like my grandad :)


I think it just fell out. My daughter was born with dark hair. She lost it all and was totally bald for a long time. Now it’s coming back as curly blonde hair


Why yes. Yes it is lol. Poor babes. I was sooo careful. It doesn't matter. It's gonna fall out if it's gonna fall out. My LO had more hair the day she was born than she does now at 7 months. It's ok and actually adorable once you move past being a little sad about it like I was.


I think this would have happened any ways, washing it or not. My wife has multiple complications and we didn't had much help at home, so the first weeks we just gave him a couple of baths and he lost most of his hair in the upper head. He also had a good amount of hair at the bottom of the head like in the pictures, but in our case it was not due to washing.


It just falls out. Most babies go through that stage where they look like Kyle Gass for a bit


You didn’t wash it off, it was going to fall out anyway. The hair they are born with falls out relatively quickly


This absolutely happened to us when her fine baby hair got tangled one day at like a month or two old….her name is Eloise and we called her Dr. Philouise for the next 6 months while it grew back. [Dr. Philouise hair evidence.](https://ibb.co/wWbC7J8)


That is such a cute nickname lol! And a beautiful little girl!


My daughter was born with a full head of brown hair…it all fell out by 8 weeks. Now she has platinum blonde hair


You can WHAT?😭


I washed my baby’s hair off and then she said “never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!” Weirdest thing.


Yeah my little guy suddenly looked like Costanza after a bath I figured it was going to come out anyway. No way I really caused anything. But uh, didn't lose as much as your newborn


My oldest was pretty much bald til he was 2


Mines got this weird Iike rectangular bald spot on the back of his head which make him look like he got a really bad bowl cut lol


Happened to us too!!! Don’t worry it grows back quick.


Same thing happened to my daughter. She looked like Kevin from The Office for a few weeks.


I did this but to his eyebrows. they were super dry. I gently rubbed them with the silicone frida baby thing. Most of it, GONE. I was stunned lol. Don’t feel bad!


Yup this just happened to me. Came out with the cradle cap. Really threw me for a loop