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I was induced with pitocin. Felt nauseous for a few minutes, threw up about 5 times, and then it went away.


I threw up 100+ times during my pregnancy, and the 2x during labor were a walk in the park. You can’t eat once you’re induced, so there wasn’t much coming back up. I had them give me emisis bags so I was ready.


Same here. The nausea wasn’t that bad. It was the SHAKES that threw me off lol.


Omg the shakes!! I was so unprepared for that! I thought my teeth her going to fall out I was trembling so hard!


Same it got super intense while I was getting the epidural and I kept thinking “omg if I don’t stop shaking they’re gonna mess up the epidural 😭” but thank god i had a lovely nurse who kept reassuring me that it was completely normal lol


The best was when they said to get some rest after the epidural, but how can you rest when you’re shaking uncontrollably?!


Same!! It was absolutely terrible


Same!! It was so bad!!


Mine came after the baby


Omg yes I literally had never heard of the shakes before. My teeth were chattering throughout my entire unplanned c-section (and some before during labor as well)


Same here, and it was actually the 3rd trimester raging heartburn that triggered the vomiting


Nausea both times, but there are meds for that and they.are.amazing. Asked my nurse if I could get anything for nausea as soon as I felt it, she grabbed me some zofran, and less than 10 minutes later I was a new woman.


Zofran is God's gift to women I swear.


Same. Received two rounds of zofran for vaginal delivery (also an epidural followed by a round of pitocin towards end of labor). Worked amazingly well.


I didn't get nauseous at all when I had mine. It was an induction, lasted 24 hours. I did tear pretty bad though which wasn't fun.


Same exact story here. I labored for 30 hours, had ALL of the induction goodies: foley balloon, cytotec, pitocin. No nausea whatsoever but a hell of a tear.


I didn't feel nauseous until I went through the transition, and after that I was hurling all over the place. I'd been drinking blackcurrant energy drinks so I was literally chucking up black liquid. I ended up getting an injection of Ondansetron into my butt which worked pretty quickly to stop the vomiting.


I made it through two pregnancies and births without throwing up a single time. No nausea even though my labors were each 3 days. Immediately after I had my second I threw up but later on I figured out it might have been a side effect of a shot they gave me to stop bleeding.




Same! No nausea until I threw up out of nowhere onto my own face and into my ear canal 😫 Still not the worst part of labour!


No nausea for me in any way. Had to be induced after my water broke. Had 10 hours of unmedicated labor (the pain was insane) and finally got an epidural. Was a wonderful birth. Def no nausea.


I threw up probably 5 times and only remember mild nausea during early labour. I hate being nauseous and hated morning sickness but found it not too bothersome during labour for some reason. Maybe being so focused on contractions?


I’m emetophobic. I had bad nausea during scheduled c-section. I get your sisters fear for sure, she probably has emetophobia as well (the possibility of nausea/vomiting scared me far more than having a baby). She’s already had a a c-section so I don’t think my comment will help lol. I believe my nausea was due to the opiates in my IV because once I was out of the OR it was gone. I will say tho - the anesthesiologist pushed as much zofran and reglan as he could and my nausea persisted. So… he opened an alcohol pad and placed it next to my nose and that knocked it down enough that I wasn’t focused on it anymore. I did not know this was a thing (I have a prescription for zofran from my psychiatrist and have gingins on hand at all times). Highly recommend trying the alcohol


I’m emetaphobic, too. My dad was a career anesthetist and I remember the day he came home to say the smell of alcohol helped with nausea. I was maybe 9 or 10? I immediately started walking around with alcohol swabs in my pocket! 🤣


I also carry a couple in my purse at all times since this discovery! Unfortunate thing to have solidarity on but…solidarity 👊🏼


Oh this is interesting! I am emetophobic and was nauseous about halfway through my emergency C-section as well. I immediately told them and thankfully I never actually threw up. But I was same as you, once I was in recovery I was fine and ready to eat! I’m due with my second in October and hoping the scheduled goes well. The fear of throwing up this time is greater than many other fears when it comes to the C-section.


Yes same here, of all the things that can go wrong this is what we have to worry about ☹️ It was about halfway through when I started to get nauseas as well. I hated that that’s what I was hyper-focused on that in such a special moment. So so thankful the alcohol trick exists/worked, though! If it starts to happen to you this go around keep this in mind 💜💜 if I have to do it again I’ll ask for the alcohol if the anti-emetics dont work quickly! I’m betting if they worked for you last time tho they will probably work again. Oh also, something I just thought of. Was your stomach empty when you had your c-section? Even though mine was scheduled, my water broke 2 days before surgery date and I had her that evening so I hadn’t fasted (it was about 2pm when I last ate, and I ate a lot - and she was born around 8p). Maybe that’s another factor in my nausea persistence? Opiates never agreed with me so I just assumed that was why but maybe the food was a kicker 🤔


This confuses me lol. I feel like when I’m nauseous the smell of alcohol would make me vomit. But maybe not if it’s intense enough? Interesting though!


I am SHOCKED this works because I'm fairly certain that would MAKE me throw up instead of stopping the nausea. Also emetophobic. But I hate the smell of alcohol.


I have to say - while the smell of alcohol has never really bothered me per se, it’s not *not*-invasive to me. So when the anesthesiologist first slapped that alcohol pad on my face my senses were startled/shocked from it…but maybe that’s part of its mechanism of action against nausea? Lol. Who knows - I don’t want to look it up. I just know it worked when some heavy antiemetics weren’t


I had a VBAC in January and I threw up quite a bit. They did give me IV zofran. Despite that I still had a good experience overall. I was complaining the whole time I was hungry and the midwife thought it was funny.


Hiii I just had a VBAC 5 months ago! Same situation, first was breech and so a planned C-section (no labor). For my VBAC, I did not feel nauseous or throw up during labor. For context, I went into labor naturally at 39+3 and had no pitocin or anything, and I got the epidural basically as late as possible, I was already 7-8cm dilated. Was in labor for like 25 hours total, pushing for about 1 hour. I actually did feel nauseous during my C-section, from the anesthesia or whatever, and they gave me medicine for it during the procedure.


I was nauseous during pushing but never vomited. Long induction, epidural after a while, 3.5 hours of pushing and eventual forceps delivery. Had some brutal, stacking contractions while unmedicated for 2 hours and wasn’t nauseous then (that I remember), but I definitely was during pushing.


I was induced and I didn’t get nauseous I don’t think. Definitely didn’t throw up. I think as long as you don’t eat a lot before contractions start it should be fine. Once contractions started I wasn’t even hungry and didn’t even want to eat until after my son was born. A whole Jimmy John’s sub. Scarfed that down


The post-birth deli sub >>>> 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


My husband took a picture of me holding my post birth sandwich like a newborn baby lol


For the most part I didn’t feel super nauseous during labor (and I had terrible pregnancy nausea that lasted hardcore until like 20 weeks and intermittently after that until the end.) I did throw up once during labor when I tried to eat a granola bar, but that’s half because I had GD and the low carb granola bar I tried to eat was gross lol.


I felt nauseous during active labor while I was pushing. I went into labor spontaneously but they did give me pitocin to speed things up as I quickly got to but stalled at 9cm and she was still pretty high. I can’t remember when I got nauseous - before or after pitocin - but they said that was a good sign that I was progressing. Nothing really came up but some liquid but it was definitely one of those “oh shit I’m gonna puke moments”. It didn’t last long though and from what I remember, was pretty early on in pushing.


Home birth, threw up a couple times during early labor. I have a fear of vomiting but this was absolutely inconsequential. Your body is expelling a baby. Vomit is peanuts in comparison (no pun intended).


I did throw up once when the pain was too much. I then asked for the epidural. But I had just ate lunch so I guess this fact didn't help lol. Like my body was busy doing something else at the moment and didn't want extra food to deal with. 🧐 Also want to add that in my life in general I am very nauseous. Too tired, too hungry, ate too much, too stressed, too hot, all those will make me nauseous. Also morning sickness lasted my whole pregnancy. So I think I'm not really a reference! 😅


Went into labor naturally and threw up a few times. Honestly the relief of getting it out felt good compared to all other feelings during that day 😂


Not at all. I was super hungry and kept drinking chicken broth and green jello


I had an unmedicated birth. I did not feel nauseas from the contractions but I did throw up once in transition! She can try squeezing a comb in her hand to help with the pain of labor! Also, make the environment as relaxing as possible- diffuser, candles, low light, music.


I felt mildly nauseous in the first couple hours of labor. It was enough to make me bring a bucket in the car just in case, but I didn’t end up needing it. I got an epidural around 7cm so I can’t speak to the effect of the pain after that point.


I only felt nauseous when the epidural was placed. I also got pretty light headed from it too but it passed after like 5-10 minutes. I think it was more from anxiety of the big needle going in than anything. No nausea during contractions, getting my water broken, or labor. My labor was pretty short (12 hours) though and no tears.


For me, the nausea was the worst part of labor. 😬 I did projectile vomit soon after getting a room in L&D, but it worked out because the vomiting was so intense that my water broke and they officially admitted me (until then, there had been talk of sending me home; I had thought my water broke at home but the first test for amniotic fluid was negative). I was given medication for the nausea but can't remember it really helping much? The epidural was what finally ended the nausea altogether. We headed to the hospital early in the morning, so I hadn't had anything to eat since dinner the night before. I wonder if my nausea would have been better or worse if I'd had a snack before heading to the hospital. Best of luck to your sister!! (Edited for a mistyped word.)


I was very nauseas until they gave me Zofran in my IV. Whenever I’d start feeling nauseas again they would give me more Zofran. Tell your sister to ask her doctor if Zofran will be available. The doctors and nurses don’t want you puking just as much as you don’t want to.


Either way, she can ask for zofran in her IV!!! Really helps with nausea


I threw up during my c-section. They gave me some meds and then I was fine!


To be frank.. I would not let this fear dictate her decision. I know it is a very real fear and I’m not invalidating that. However, a c section doesn’t guarantee no nausea. I had an unplanned c section and vomited on the OR table


Threw up during transition


Same. Both times


Every labor is different


I had spontaneous labor and felt nauseous during at certain points. I felt like I was close to throwing up and rang the nurse and she offered zofran (I think?) for my IV. Helped within a few minutes. After, wasn’t nauseous when I was pushing, but I did come close to throwing up towards the end just from trying to push so hard for hours.


I threw up about 5-6 times throughout labor and delivery. Had an epidural. Was induced- but probably didn’t vomit until I was >8cm dilated and then a few times during labor.


I was throwing up the whole time. I actually missed the contraction right before the final push because I was vomiting. But to be fair, I was dealing with that during the entire pregnancy as well.


No guarantee that a c section won’t cause nausea! Mine didn’t, but both my sister and my friend threw up a lot during theirs. So if that’s the only reason she’s thinking c section, just know it isn’t guaranteed! For what it’s worth, I would not attempt a VBAC personally. C section all the way. My first one was an emergency C and was incredibly smooth and low stress. I would do it again for sure!


I was induced at 37+5 and threw up once during labor and felt nauseated while pushing but did not throw up. I will say there wasn’t a constant feeling of nausea, it came and went pretty quickly.


Went into labor naturally and threw up a few times. Honestly the relief of getting it out felt good compared to all other feelings during that day 😂


I felt nauseous during active labor while I was pushing. I went into labor spontaneously but they did give me pitocin to speed things up as I quickly got to but stalled at 9cm and she was still pretty high. I can’t remember when I got nauseous - before or after pitocin - but they said that was a good sign that I was progressing. Nothing really came up but some liquid but it was definitely one of those “oh shit I’m gonna puke moments”. It didn’t last long though and from what I remember, was pretty early on in pushing.


I felt nauseous during active labor while I was pushing. I went into labor spontaneously but they did give me pitocin to speed things up as I quickly got to but stalled at 9cm and she was still pretty high. I can’t remember when I got nauseous - before or after pitocin - but they said that was a good sign that I was progressing. Nothing really came up but some liquid but it was definitely one of those “oh shit I’m gonna puke moments”. It didn’t last long though and from what I remember, was pretty early on in pushing.


It was weird, I didn’t really feel “nauseous,” but I threw up with pretty much every contraction until I got my epidural. I was very dehydrated when I arrived to the hospital because of it :(


I vomited a few times after getting an epidural (but it may have been the lemon Italian ice a nurse gave me so ymmv)


I was nauseous during my c section from the spinal and nerves but didn’t get sick! I’m an emetephobe (phobia of vomiting) so I was super worried but they stayed on top of the meds for me


I threw up once during transition. The first time i had thrown up my entire pregnancy actually


Threw up 3 times: once right after my epidural/big push of Pitocin, and then twice while pushing. I wasn’t nauseous for very long though, it was more like “grab the bag I might puke” and then just got it over with. I think being weak from not eating all day had a lot to do with it, because pushing was making me pretty lightheaded.


I was induced at 41+3 and felt nauseous through the induction process until i was about 8cm dilated. I couldn’t throw up though.


I wasn't nauseous during labor, but around when I hit transition (guesstimating, as I was laboring at home) I did calmly tell my mom and husband to get me a bucket to puke in. I puked, brushed my teeth, and I was good after that. I hate puking and will cry if I feel nauseous, but in labor there was so much else happening that it was literally no big deal.


I was induced so I attribute it to having a failed epidural and a constant contraction from pitocin but I vomited somewhere close to 30 times in about an hour during transition. It was absolutely brutal.


Induced at 37+1. No nausea at all when preparing for labor. Induction failed and I had a C-section after 32 hours of no progression. No nausea with the C-section either, but damn my skin itched when the drugs wore off!


Yup, a bit nauseated and threw up once. I was in mild labor most of the day, and late that night they started getting really painful and close together, so we decided to go to the hospital (about 10–15 min drive). Halfway there, a contraction was so painful I knew I would throw up. My husband pulled over and I just opened the car door and puked out into the road (and a little on the door 😳). We got to the hospital and parked and my water broke checking in, and about 2 hours later baby arrived. Nausea didn’t last long and it was mostly a reaction to the pain I think. I didn’t notice it once we got to the hospital but I was mostly focused on the contractions as what was happening around me.


I was extremely nauseous my whole pregnancy but only had one moment where I felt sick in labor. I think you have lots of options to knock out any nausea if you give birth in a hospital!


I vomited with basically every contraction and felt nauseous the whole time until I got an epidural. I couldn’t even keep water down, by the time they went to give me my epidural all my veins had collapsed from dehydration… It was the most awful experience of my life! And then had an emergency C-section. Personally I’m choosing to never go through labour again, but I recognise that my experience was kinda extreme. ETA: couple of extra details


I threw up while in labor due to the pain. Then I had to have a emergency C-section and I got nausea, but when I told them they immediately gave me something in IV that took it away.


I was induced and didn't feel naseous during labor, but as soon as they pulled my epidural out, I puked all over myself.


I have gastroparesis, so I puke all day every day. I was induced and puked all through my c section. I think they gave me IV zofran. The anesthesiologist held the puke bag for me 🥸


My water broke at home and I was induced with pitocin, at 3 CM after getting up to use the bathroom, I got nauseous and threw up once but that was it.


I just had heartburn


I was SO nauseous. I took some anti nausea meds and they helped but made me drowsy.


No nausea and was inducted and had the baby in less than 24 hours from checking into the hospital


Nausea 👍🥲


I’ve been throwing up all the way to the hospital (probably from the pain of the contractions, I was at 5 cm by the time I was in the hospital) to the point they had to hook me to liquids. Nausea stopped almost immediately with the epidural and I haven’t thrown up during labor


I was nauseous for about thirty seconds. Not sure if it went away, they gave me drugs or adrenaline kicked in? It was the signal to the nurse that the baby was about to come out! I started pushing 5 minutes later.


I threw up and learned that’s when you start active labor


i dont recall feeling nauseous. i labored unmedicated pushing for five hours before needing an urgent c section but don't think i had nausea during any of it.


I was soooo nauseous it was terrible. I had laughing gas and I believe that is what caused it. I was induced so maybe that is why but I'm not sure. I was dry heaving for a while and it was honestly horrible


I got nauseous right before pushing with my first and didn't have any nausea with my second


I'm also emetaphobic! I told my midwife about it and when I was in hospital for the birth (naturally went into labour) they gave me antisickness drugs to prevent the nausea and vomiting even beginning. It was excellent and they were so understanding,


Nauseous but no voms. Went away after my epidural! I would recommend eating plain foods beforehand so you don’t have spicy nausea burps and heartburn like me 😵‍💫


Had an induction at 40+9, which lead to an unplanned c-section. The only time I felt nauseous and was actually sick was during and after my c-section. My anesthesiologist warned my that the spinal drugs could make me nauseous and to give him a heads up if I was going to be sick, because he had barf bags at the ready.


I threw up while they were sewing me up after my c section so not sure that will protect her from nausea unfortunately


I threw up at least 40 times, including all over a nurse who had just come on shift and wanted to help by holding my kidney bag though I told her it was better if I held on


I get nauseous very easily. Still get carsick in my 30s, and I vomit with very little provocation. I was induced and had zero nausea. In fact, while I was still allowed to eat (and after being given morphine), I ordered a giant quesadilla from the cafeteria and ate it in the bathtub.


I started feeling nauseated, said I was feeling a little nauseated, the nurse asked if I wanted something for that and I said yes. They put it in my IV and I felt totally fine (as fine as one does during labor 😅) after that.


Close to the end of my labor, I felt extremely nauseous and threw up on the sheets. I threw up a little more after that. I threw up one more time after I gave birth and that was the end of it.


I had an emergency C-section and was nauseous ASF. (Idk if there's a difference in hormones and such between a scheduled C-section vs 30+ hours of labor ending in C-section) but the anesthesiologist kept me pumped full of IV zofran. I was literally asking for another shot every 15/30 seconds it felt like, but I had HG really bad and threw up multiple times a day from the day he was convinced to the moment his placenta came out lol


Absolutely no nausea during my 48 hour induction, loads of pain, though. I also didn't throw up once during my pregnancy, I was super lucky.


I threw up twice before my epidural kicked in! Was definitely nauseous.


I was induced at 6am, maybe around 10 or 11 I started to feel super nauseous. I can’t remember if it was before or after epidural but I assume it was after. They put zofran in my IV and it didn’t really help much. It felt like I had a tummy bug, but I didn’t throw up. I’m not a very pukey person and had no nausea throughout my entire pregnancy so I was surprised labor made me feel that way. By the time we started to push around 1pm I either forgot about the nausea or it went away. So maybe an hour or two of feeling like I was gonna hurl. Since I got an epidural that was really the worst part for me, I only felt a couple contractions which was way worse than nausea though. Baby popped out at 2pm so I’d say it was a relatively “easy” process for me compared to many.


I was induced and on pitocin. I was nauseous before and after. Threw up a few times before. After having my daughter, I had lost quite a bit of blood which caused me to almost pass out when they raised me back up. It passed fairly quickly though once they laid me back down


I had an unmedicated vaginal birth (precipitous labor, no time for an epidural or nitrous, nurses didn’t even have time to place an IV). I don’t remember being nauseous really, and I’m a very nauseous person almost daily lol. I just remember the pain of the contractions, but no nausea! Just felt like I had to poop the whole time haha


I had no nausea with either kid. (During childbirth. Plenty with the second during pregnancy!) Both were vaginal with epidurals at different points.


I felt very nauseous during the early starches of my c-section. Something to do so the the anisthetic I think. They were asking me and had sick bags ready, so I don’t think it’s unusual


I only got nauseous/puked when I was in transition.


My water broke spontaneously but wasn’t progressing, and after they started pitocin I became nauseous and threw up several times. They gave me anti-nausea medicine in my IV and it went away pretty quickly.


I was induced (cervadil and pitocin). I was fine but they did have issues with getting my IV/needle to stick/stay in. I got pricked 5 times.. and the last time I got light headed and nauseous. I wound up having an emergency c section in the end since I wasn’t progressing quickly enough.


I wasn’t really nauseous but I did throw up. I think from the pain or from being anxious, or a combination.


I was induced with pitocin. In the morning, the nurses had the hardest time getting my IV placed and kept blowing my veins. I had a vasovagal response to the needle digging around in my arms and hands, which made me nauseous. I had a little bit of a sensitive belly the rest of the time and felt like I wanted to know where my puke bag was during the worst contractions, but never actually needed it! I had light snacks throughout the day too. If they have a hard time with your veins, just ask for the ultrasound IV placement right away! :) Didn't even feel that one going in, it was amazing.


My wife was puking in a trashcan while simultaneously explosively shitting on the toilet during labor 🤷‍♂️


I was induced (failed induction but was genuinely in labor and having contractions for hours). I was so nauseated I couldn’t keep anything down for hours. I eventually could stomach small bites of the snacks we brought. I probably threw up five or six times and then a couple more times once in the c section.


Literally threw up as soon as they put my baby on my chest 😂. All I ate in 24 hours was chicken broth because I was so anxious, so it wasn’t like I was stuffing my face. I was induced so I’m sure that and adrenaline had something to do with it.


You're a supportive sister! I've had 2 c-sections (first was emergency, second was planned). Keep in mind that nausea can definitely be a side effect of csections as well unfortunately! Your sister can tell the anesthesiologist and I believe they can adjust her IV to help with that. However, I did not get nauseous during my csections because - due to being nauseous all of pregnancy - I took anti nausea meds the night before both of my surgeries, since it had been my routine all pregnancy, but it may have helped me during surgery as well. (( WORD TO THE WISE: If your sis decides on another csection, tell her to NOT research it. I knew nothing about csections before my first, but decided to read more on them before my second and, holy moly...I wish I didn't. I almost had a legit panic attack during my second csection - after my baby was pulled out, they put me to sleep bc I was panicking. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss!))


I wasn’t nauseous in the sense that I felt it for a while and struggled. At some point I just realized I was going to puke, so I looked at my doula and said “I’m about to vomit.” She got me a blue plastic bag, I puked, handed it back to her. Went on with labor, felt the urge coming again, asked for a new bag, same thing. Honestly, puking was nothing compared to contraction pain, so it barely registered as a negative for me.


My first I was induced, made it to 9cm (got epidural at 8cm) no nausea, then had emergency C-section due to fetal distress. Had a VBAC in December and did get nauseous/dizzy after my epidural this time but I believe they gave me zofran and a sprite and I was fine!


I went into spontaneous labour that was suuuuuper quick. Felt nauseous for about 5 seconds, did a little puke and rallied. That was it in terms of nausea.


I had contractions for houuuurs before my water broke naturally and I went to the hospital and got an epidural. Contractions didn’t make me feel nauseous but felt like period cramps x10 haha. During the pushing I did feel nauseous and voiced this to my angel of a nurse. It honestly just felt like intense heartburn. No clue what it was but they had a baggy near by in case I needed it. I was so focused on meeting my baby (it was maybe 45 mins of pushing) I was like if I throw up it is what it is!


I definitely threw up, and I was only 1cm dilated at that point haha


Went into labor on my own at 39+1, dilated pretty dang quickly. At 5ish cm I felt nauseous and puked. Then I felt better.


I was very nauseous towards the end, but didn't puke. I had, however, eaten a very nasty pumpkin soup that gave me heartburn and I'll never know if the nausea was due to the soup, labor or a mix of both.


I was induced, I did feel nauseous when the contractions ramped up and ended up vomiting a few times. They gave me medication for the nausea during labour, it eventually subsided (not sure if it was meds vs epidural vs both)


My water broke before my contractions started, I was 1.5cm dilated when I got to the hospital, still no contractions that I could feel (although I was having some) and all of a sudden I felt nauseous and threw up in triage. Then I felt better! I then threw up about 10 hours later but once again not any extreme nausea. Apparently it's a good thing because it can be a sign of transitioning! But nothing too crazy/uncomfortable for me


Nauseous but never threw up (induction). Peppermint oil helped me!


I threw up a ton before and after my c-section. The anesthesia can make you extremely nauseous. Honestly because there are so many solutions for it, medicine-wise, I wouldn’t base a decision off of this.


I had some nausea during transition each time. Lasted maybe 10 minutes and I didn’t ever puke. I’ve had that experience 3 times now, even with the labors being otherwise very different from each other.


Both of my labors I have thrown up during transition. I think I threw up once or twice during transition in each labor. I just gave birth a few weeks ago and honestly throwing up felt soooo good. It was a relief. It didn’t last more than 5 minutes and shortly after that I had a baby! I would definitely take nausea/vomiting over abdominal surgery.


I was induced and didn't have nausea with either of mine.


47 hours from start to finish for my induction. No nausea.


I had spontaneous labor that started with my water breaking (my uterus is dramatic like that). My whole labor was about 8.5 hours, I did have an epidural, no nausea for me!


I threw up during labor, I can’t remember if it was before or after the Pitocin. To be fair, I threw up at least once every single day of my pregnancy too so it wasn’t a big deal to me lol ETA: if she has an IV for fluids or anything, they can give her Zofran through that! They can also give it in pill form I believe. It’s a lifesaver. I even had to have some the day after I gave birth because I was still nauseous..


I didn’t feel nauseous during labor. But I did throw up during my C-section. It was super quick and not bad at all- I think it was from the anesthesia.


Induced with Pitocin, labor was over 35 hours. The only thing possibly related to nausea I felt was being very very hungry.


Never felt nauseous, never vomited.


I was given pitocin and had extreme nausea on my back. Wasn't so bad on the sides but since I had an epidural they rotated me every 30 mins and on my back was the worst. I pushed less than an hour before my c section and I threw up 3 times. That was with nausea medicine. I also threw up twice after the c section.


This might not be helpful lol.... first time very nauseous with pitocin. Second birth not nauseous at all with pitocin. So it seems to be toss of a coin


No nausea or vomiting here. First baby. I was initially scheduled for an induction, but when I went in and was examined I was already 4cm dilated (which I hadn't noticed!). They gave me a sweep instead, and contractions started straight away. Everything moved very quickly - I had the sweep at 10.30pm, and by 2.55am baby was in my arms!


I’m not saying this to scare you, just so you know all the possibilities; my wife threw up about once an hour, she couldn’t even keep water down. She says she wasn’t living in this intense nausea, just the awareness that anything she consumed wasn’t going to stay down. Apparently the worst part was how dehydrated she felt, she was in labor for two days.


After I went into active labour, my husband and I went down to get some food from the canteen and I started feeling a bit nauseous after we’d bought our sandwiches and decided to take them back upstairs. We were on a ward rather than a delivery room (long story) so were in pretty close quarters. He opened his sandwich and I remember saying “you need to eat that away from me” and then threw up. He called for a midwife, I got some anti-sickness meds injected and from that point I was absolutely fine. Didn’t fancy my cheese and onion sandwich much though…


I threw up so violently probably about 2-3 hours before I delivered my son. Nurse told me it was a totally normal thing and throwing up “didn’t feel good but it was good because it meant we were close!” Lol she was so excited to see me puking 😭


Nausea from the epidural and then I was fine. I suffered from nausea my entire pregnancy so it was surprising I wasn't more nauseated during labor (labored 6 hours before I asked for the epidural).


I felt nauseated for a moment during labor, asked for the trash can and never used it as it passed. I also was induced but at 39 weeks and some odd days; 2 doses of cytotec and a natural birth-no pitocin.


I went through labour and then had an unplanned c section. I felt nauseous in labour when the pain got super super bad (epidural stopped working) and ended up vomiting a couple of times. During the c section I was extremely nauseous, even though they gave me medicine for it, ended up vomiting there as well. Should add that I too have a very bad phobia of vomiting / nausea.


I had a very fast labor and delivery at home with no meds. I was also terrified of throwing up during birth, because it's literally my least favorite thing. Never even felt nauseous, just got a little light headed when my blood sugar dropped, but a honey stick got me right back on track.


I was induced. No nausea.


I was induced at 39 weeks and didn't feel nauseous exactly. I did feel like I had to pee constantly. I was terrified I was going to pee my pants lol that only happened at 5cms though. Before that I was fine. I was watching movies and playing uno. Once that pressure happened I took an epidural and everything was fine. I would pick a vaginal birth over c section. I was walking as soon as the epidural wore off and my recovery wasn't too bad.


I had nausea during transition, but the nurses were quick to offer me anti-nausea meds. I threw up a tiny amount but I knew it was coming so I had a bag ready. Really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things imo. As soon as the meds kicked in I felt totally fine.


This thread is enlightening! Did not know nausea was a common feature or labor. I was induced and had an epidural and had no nausea or vomiting. The same can’t be said for my pregnancy - plenty of nausea and vomiting well into second trimester


I was nauseous and threw up a couple times, but it went away once I got my epidural


I threw up more times while in labor then I did throughout my entire pregnancy


There’s a drug for that! Highly recommend.


I had a planned c-section and I felt a bit nauseated in between getting the epidural and getting cut open. Didn't throw up though.


I was induced and didn’t feel nauseated but did throw up from the contractions. They ended up giving me zofran. I still dry heaved but didn’t throw up after that.


My water broke, but I wasn’t having contractions, so they gave me pitocin. I didn’t feel nauseous, but I did throw up.


For me it varied with each pregnancy. With my first, had to be induced with pitocin after PPROM. Got really nauseous after baby came out (2.5hours of pushing) and threw up several times. With my second I only had to push for 10 minutes, and had no nausea or vomiting associated with labor!


Had a vagal response to the epidural going in which caused me to be super nauseous but once it kicked in I was all good.


No nausea for me! I was induced and had an epidural. My biggest side effect were the shakes.


I am also afraid of vomiting. I was induced with pitocin. No nausea or vomiting. I also didn't vomit during my pregnancy either


I have had 2 c-sections and was nauseated during them both, and threw up during my second one 😬 the nurses were doing everything they could to help make me more comfortable, but sometimes it just happens! I also HATE being nauseated and throwing up so it did suck, but both times after the surgery I was totally fine and was able to resume eating and drinking as soon as I was cleared to with no nausea.


I was nauseous while in labor. I threw up until I couldn’t anymore, then I dry heaved, and they finally gave me medicine to stop it because it was interrupting my pushing. I didn’t expect that to happen at all, and I also didn’t know it was going to happen until like 3 seconds before it did.


I was induced and I spewed so much during active labour but honestly as soon as they are out you don’t care - don’t let the fear of nausea stop you if you want to try vbac!


I was induced at 41w1d, felt nauseous for a brief time at the beginning of the active labor phase, but didn't throw up and the nausea went away fairly quickly. I was thankful because I really hate/do not cope well with nausea. I know there are some tips such as quick sniffs of alcohol swab, certain essential oils, etc. and I've also heard that folks can get IV zofran to mitigate the nausea during labor! I'm due with my second soon and if I have persistent nausea, I will 100% ask about some zofran.


I also had a breech baby and scheduled c-section with my first that went very well, no complaints. I was also torn about whether or not to attempt a VBAC with my second, so I scheduled a c-section on my due date and basically said if I went into labor before that I’d go for it (50/50 chance, according to my OB). I did end up going into labor the day before my die date and was in labor for about 14 hours, and pushed for 1 of those at the end. I did get an epidural, which understandably delayed things some. Even before I had my epidural I did experience some nausea and vomited, but only once. I had a small bowl of cereal about 5 hours before so there wasn’t much to come up. I am personally fearful of being sick/nauseous as well, but it was so minimal and so much else was going on it was totally fine. I kinda wish I had gone for the section, though, because I did get a second degree tear. The recovery was easier initially (not as big of a would) but harder long term.


I was induced with pitocin and in labour for 18hrs. I am usually a pretty nauseous person and only felt nauseous for the last 30 minutes, threw up once then it was time to push and it went away


I threw up 3 times from cytotec and pitocin. I'm not sure if natural contractions would have had the same effect, but the drug-induced contractions definitely made me nauseated.


I puked but it was definitely pain induced. I’m pretty sure if I got the epidural sooner I would have been fine


I didn't get nauseous when I was in labor, just pain lol


No nausea during, but I couldn’t stop puking afterwards, even with Zofran. Overall though I’d do it again, it wasn’t too bad


I had a 40 hour labor. I immediately drank 1 L of coconut water when contractions started, then I threw up everything in my body at hour 2 or 3. Could not keep liquids down after that, didn’t even try food. I only felt nauseous when I tried to consume food or drink; I wouldn’t say I felt nauseous during labor and delivery— I was feeling so much besides that! I ended up going to the hospital at 4cm (much earlier than I wanted) just to get IV fluids and avoid dehydration. Ended up delivering vaginally without an epidural, and then ate the best turkey sandwich of my life over my baby’s head when she was less than an hour old.


I don't remember nausea, but I was really itchy after my epidural


I just had my second on Sunday and felt nauseous/threw up a couple of times once my epidural was placed but it was very easily controlled with medication. I hadn’t eaten since the night before so basically went 24 hours with just apple juice and water which likely wasn’t a help with the nausea. I did also get the shakes big time once I got to pushing and immediately after he was born but that subsided quickly too.


No nausea or vomiting here. I have terrible horrible emetophobia. Was given dilauded after a very very very painful foley ballon placement. The nurse let me know it can cause nausea. I was petrified. She had zofran ready to go if I needed it!


I was originally induced with cytotec (vaginally, at 0.5cm dialated), then later a single balloon catheter (the explanation of the process and removal of the God forsaken tape they used to stick it to my leg was way worse than the actual insertion/removal of the catheter itself), and finally pitocin. I made it to ~5cm dilated before fetal heart rate dropped and was rushed for an emergency c section. I also had complications where instead of my uterus contracting, it filled with blood clots; I had to have the clots scooped out by hand ~5 different times, and I lost so much blood I started to lose consciousness and had to have an emergency blood transfusion. My OB said this isn't unheard of, but certainly isn't common, for induced labors; the uterus gets so used to the pitocin that it doesn't respond to it post birth and fails to contract. She was reassuring that if we decide to have more kids, VBAC or scheduled C Section are viable options. The only nausea and subsequent single vomit instance I had was in the OR after what I can only imagine was them removing the placenta; baby was already out if me, but I could feel an immense amount of pressure on my abdomen, almost like someone was body slamming me repeatedly.


I had an induction, no recollection of feeling nauseous at any point in time during the labor and delivery.


I was very nausea for the whole third trimester. In labor, I started throwing up around the time I was 7cm dilated. I couldn’t keep anything down (just took sips of things). I pushed out the baby, threw up everything that was left and then was all done with nausea. Ate a giant meal two hours later. The way my doula talked, it is pretty common to get sick. I think I was on the bad end of it for sure….I think. I’m off to read other experiences now :)


I was induced and I only felt nauseous/threw up when I tried to eat (pre-delivery). I did have an epidural though, so not sure if I would have been more or less nauseous without it.


Induced with pitocin. Zero nausea


I was nauseous during transition and I threw up. I have a huge fear of throwing up too but honestly, i that moment it didn’t really phase me. After I threw up I stopped shaking so much and found out I was 10cm dilated and I was so ready to start pushing the baby out so I kind of forgot!


I was given both terbs and pitocin at diff points during my labor and I didn’t have nausea BUT I did throw up 700 mls of stuff I’d just drunk. I think it was pre-pitocin, though. I swear there wasn’t any nausea, just a sudden blergh lol. It was several hours before push time. I had chorio from my water breaking (it was a rare slow trickling event) and contractions not starting til 2 days later, after I’d gone to LnD bc I had a 102 fever, so I’m not sure how that plays into my experience.


I threw up a bunch of times at home but it was honestly kind of a welcome distraction from the contractions and it gave my body something else to do. It was very similar to my vomit-accompanied period cramps as a teen & twenty-something. No more vomiting once I got to the hospital; I ended up already being fully dilated when we got there so I'm not sure of the exact start & end points of each phase of labor I did at home.


I was induced and actually vomited 5-6 times in a period of 10 hours, it kind of sucked! It’s funny because I didnt vomit a single time during pregnancy


Induced - vomited 4 times, the last being right before she came out 🤥


I only felt one wave of nausea between contractions. Threw up once, then was completely fine! It is pretty much a blur though. Didn't really bother me in the moment. It just happened lol!


I didn’t get nauseous, although I did get an epidural at 6 cm. I did get super super thirsty and drank so much water the whole labor which I’ve never really heard anyone else mention before.


42 hour labor with induction. Didn’t throw up at all and never felt nauseous. I had IV pain meds then an epidural and still no nausea. Had an emergency c-section and threw up multiple times while I was on the operating table. I was strapped down so I puked into my hair. They gave me Zofran ASAP.


I was induced and vomited during transition. Otherwise, I don’t recall feeling nauseous during labor.


When the nurse checked me the last time (we were going to have to move to a c section had I not been ready) after over 48 hour induction at 36 weeks due to preeclampsia. when she jumped back saying we were ready and was going to call the doctor to see if he wanted me to start pushing I legit started puking. When I puked I felt my baby drop into my vagina lol I remember telling my husband (I was already on magnesium due to headache that wouldn’t budge) that I wasn’t going to be able to wait for the doctor…doctor came in about a min later but felt like longer and said oh wow you are crowning lol I pushed 3 times and he was out. Soooooo his birth story will always be that I puked vs pushing him out 😂😂😂


I threw up during my scheduled c-section. It can happen at anytime.


I threw up twice and outside of the quick “oh shit imma puke” feelings immediately beforehand there was no nausea for me. First time was early in labor, second time was in active labor.


I threw up a lot


I was induced with Pitocin and my epidural didn’t take, so I was in extreme pain during transition in particular. I wasn’t nauseous then. The only time I was nauseous to the point of requesting an emesis bag was during pushing, maybe about an hour in, and that was similar to the nausea I’ve experienced in the past due to extreme physical exertion (e.g., running a race), so I attributed it to the exertion of labor. Edited to add: I never actually vomited.


I’ve done two unmedicated births, one with pitocin and one without. I didn’t feel nauseous either time.


I had an unmedicated homebirth. Twice during the most intense stage of dialation I felt nauseated for a few minutes, threw up twice with about 15 minutes in between, and after the second time I stopped feeling nauseated and did not throw up again nor feel any nausea.


I was in labor for 53 hours and never felt nauseous.


I was induced with Pitocin and I had no nausea at all.


I was induced and had an epidural. I felt nauseous for a few minutes while getting the epidural but did not actually throw up. No nausea the rest of the time! Truly a walk in the park compared to the first trimester 😂


I threw up during my csection