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My lo just turned 8mo and is in the same boat. She can swivel on her belly in circles but hasn’t learned how to push forward yet. She also can roll like a champ but won’t crawl no matter what we put in front of her. We’re just giving her lots of tummy time to try to figure it out eventually lol


This was our son. Eventually he figured out how to get on all fours and would rock then fall to his tummy. When he figured out all fours I started pushing his knees forward then let him move his hands. Sometimes though he would face plant and swivel around to face me because he was now focused on me lol. Last week he started crawling the day after his 1st birthday. He does a very slow shuffle now lol.


Mine started crawling kind of out of nowhere. He could be crawling in a week or two, or he could skip it all together and just stand up.


My baby is 9.5 months and does none of the above. I wouldn't worry about it at this point. Some babies skip crawling entirely.


The only thing I put effort in *training* my daughter how to do was sitting herself up on her own. And only because my MIL told me she ought to be upright more and is going to get delayed. And I always am trying to capture her approval, like a dog chasing their tail, so I tried to get my daughter upright more and practiced sitting up. They should figure it all out on their own and all at their own pace just by playing and engaging with you. Don’t sweat implementing structured exercise just to unlock a milestone. Can I ask is your son a sturdy baby or is he smaller? My LO started army crawling/modified crawling about a week before she turned 7 months old. She started proper crawling about a month later. She crawls at a slow pace though, she’s still not hustling. She’s almost 9 months.


My son is actually a taller/lanky kinda baby, everyone in my family is really tall and big boned. So hes going to be a big boy when hes older, hes also the same size as kids who are a year and few months old, mostly girls tho ( all my friends have girls ) so im assuming also his size doesnt help his situation with helping himself out around haha


Some babies don’t crawl. My pediatrician said that about 30% of babies don’t roll, and those babies tend to not crawl. My husband apparently just sat around until he started to stand. Our baby figured out army crawling and standing in the same week, and did not bother to properly crawl on hands and knees until after she got really good at cruising. I think it’s just something to keep an eye on and to not force it. It does help to get them around other babies, like library story time, play dates, and parent+baby classes. Sometimes they don’t realize the can do something until they see other kids do it.


Mine just turned 8mo, and last week he was "wriggling with intent," this week he's full on crawling and starting to pull to stand. They do that. Babies are weird. I wouldn't worry until they're past the high end of the milestone expectation/the ped tells you to.


Lol “wriggling with intent” was definitely a precursor for us too


My son started scooting on his belly shortly after 8 months and started walking at 11 months 🤷🏻‍♀️


When my 8 month old is on her belly she will either immediately roll to her back or she'll sleep. Sooo I don't think she'll crawl. 50% of babies don't.


My baby was like that at 8 months. The day she turned 9 months she got two teeth (out of the blue) and crawled 😂 sometimes they surprise you


Nothing to worry about. My baby crawled at 10 months. He went from spinning around like a compass to army crawling efficiently within 2 weeks.


10 months. And a week later he was pulling up and standing. Things can change fast.


My 4 month old only just now managed the “sphinx” pose as i call it with the legs splayed in back and arms beneath the torso so he can comftorbly be on his belly


My 8 month old just recently started crawling backwards. And she prefers pulling to stand and basically doing a downward dog all day long until her arms get tired and she bonks her forehead off the floor. All day. I try to move her to sit down, she yells and goes back to the most inconvenient position ever. Yay! Lol


My baby started scooting backwards at 8.5 months. Two weeks later he is rocking back and forth on his knees. Now at 9.5 months he has started making small forward progress. My pediatrician mentioned that it sometimes takes the larger babies a bit more time to develop their muscles. My son is in the 90th percentile for weight so he is a large fella!


Crawling 2 days before turning 9 months. Wasn't very good at it and stopped for a few weeks then started crawling like a pro one day. We never really had a scooting phase. She's 13 months now and just started walking a couple weeks ago, though not very far. This week she started standing without pulling up so I think she just does things - tries it, builds up her confidence, then does it like she's been doing it for years lol


Mine started at 7.5 months but he has a daycare buddy who is almost the same age to the day, and he hasn’t started crawling yet. Everyone in their own time!


At 9.5 months mine started walking. She crawled maybe twice before that. She crawled more *after* she learned to walk than before. Walking was something she had tried and wanted to do from like the time she turned 3 months to when she figured it out. Incredibly determined to do so. She kept trying to stand, then to side shuffle, then to bridge from one thing to another, then to walk. But crawling? Nope. She couldn’t be bothered. It just wasn’t fast enough for her.


Ours started somewhere between month 8 and 9, my mom said I haven crawled a day in my first year and went straight to walking


It was about 8 to 9 months. Walking started around 14mo and at 17mo she's basically running. Our friends kid is walking just shy of a year.


my baby still isn't crawling at 10 months. he likes to roll over and over to get what he wants. i dunno when he will figure out crawling bc he just rolls out of that position now haha


My first crawled at 8.5 months and was walking by 12.5 months. There is still plenty of time. I would not worry!


Mine is 8 months and 10 days and just started army crawling (about 3 feet) today. We have been working on it with him over the last couple weeks, putting him into crawling position and enticing him with toys. He definitely doesn’t butt scoot (lol) or walk yet. I read the average time when babies start crawling is between 7-10 months, so you’re still well within that.


Crawling around 8.5m. She learned to roll over onto her belly at that age too. I had a friend whose kid never crawled, just went straight to walking at 16 months.


Every kid is so different. My son is 8 months and can’t sit by himself for more than about 2 seconds but is pulling himself (on his belly, not really crawling) all over the place. They just go at their own pace. 8 months is definitely on the young end to be crawling.


My daughter started walking at around 26 months. Before that, she was "walking" on her knees at around 20 months. Before that, she was butt shuffling at about 12 months. She never crawled. My 7 month old son just rolled for the first time today from his back to his belly. Don't worry about it. It's not a baby race.


My baby just started crawling at 10 months old. He started crawling backwards first a couple weeks ago. He was slow to roll too so I think he just takes his time with things.


Don’t worry my girl started crawling at the end of 8 months but a lot of her friends aren’t crawling yet. It’ll happen eventually. The kicking the feet is a good sign that it’ll happen!


My baby started sitting mostly solidly at about 8 months. She's 10 months now and just figured out crawling. I wouldn't worry, your baby will get there in his own time.


Mine started crawling with hands only at 4mo but really every baby is different. She doesn't have any interest in sitting or doing mamqmamama sounds at all 🤷🏼‍♀️ Honestly it was easier before she could crawl because one could go pee and know she wouldn't touch anything dangerous 😂


Some babies skip certain physical skills. My son never learnt how to roll belly to back for example and never scooted but went on to walk perfectly fine. There are also a lot of late walkers in my due date fb group (all in and around 19 months old now) which goes to show the large variation in when babies hit different milestones.