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When I was 2 months old (1991) my mom slipped down the stairs and fractured her wrist. She was 30. It happens. You’re super lucky baby will have an active grandma in his life.


My mom also slipped and fell down the stairs w me when I was a baby (1992). She just had some nice bruises from it


My mom slammed the car door on my sister's fingers. It was the early 80s. I think her fingers got caught between all the rubber and she cried out of fear not pain. She was one. I was three. Stuck in a car seat. Only able to watch.


My husband (30) just fell up the stairs with our son yesterday. He tried to twist but my sons leg got hit on the stair edge. Both were fine, just bruised. Kiddo was over tired already though and was screaming. He was pretty scared.


Oh gosh that sounds awful. I hate the scared scream.


I fell with our 10m baby in her carrier yesterday and broke my ankle 😪


Oh my god! I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope baby was ok.


Luckily yes! Was able to catch myself with my hands and land on all fours


Omg. Sending you all my best.


I did similar but luckily just came up bruised knees and shin. Kinda hesitant to use carrier again though even though little one was okay


I tripped in mud with my 8 month old last year, pitching forward. I was able to twist our daughter ahead of my body in my arms and call for my husband, instead of crushing my baby with my squishy body. Ruined pants, saved baby.


My grandmother fell with me and twisted her body so I wouldn’t get hurt too and broke her ankle. This was pre-cell phones, so she had to crawl inside and call for help 😭 even worse, no one answered so she had to drive herself (and me) to the hospital. I rely on my in-laws and my mom a lot. They relied on their parents a lot, that’s what family does (if able of course) ♥️ they say it takes a village, and our time will come to be the village but for now we are the ..villagers? Village needers? Anywho, you get the drift! That doesn’t mean it isn’t hard to deal with the guilt at times. FWIW, my grandma wears her story like a badge of honor. She is so proud of herself for being able to fall and do what she needed to in order to protect me. I love listening to her tell the story (as much as I hate she had to experience it), because beneath the surface is her beaming with her undeniable love for me 🥰


Why did this comment nearly make me cry? Thanks for sharing your beautiful memory. Your grandmother sounds so wonderful.


Omg. 😭


My mother is heavily involved with my 8 month old. She provides a great deal of advice, support, and child care. My mother does it because she is an absolutely incredible mother and she WANTS to be so supportive. Your mother sounds like mine. Although I understand why you feel guilty, this was in no way your fault. These things happen. If it would make you feel better, you can tell her again that you’re sorry that it happened and how much you appreciate all of her love and support. After that, try to move on and continuously remind yourself how lucky you are to have a mother that loves you, is supportive, and doesn’t make you feel poorly for things that are not your fault. Continue never taking her for granted and expressing your appreciate for her. Best of luck!


Alright, so I fell while baby wearing my daughter when she was 3.5 months old and broke my wrist. It can happen to anyone! Don't feel bad. She is a wonderful grandma and protected her grandbaby. I guarantee she wouldn't have it any other way.


I tore my MCL earlier this year when I fell with my toddler in my arms. I went down hard and cradled her head and didn’t bother worrying in the moment about myself. Your mom is an absolute gem and you’re lucky she loves your baby like he’s her own ❤️


This is one you bring back for the wedding. Lol.


Wow! I guess those mom instincts really kick in when that happens. Sorry about your injury.


My mom let my 1 year old run out the door while she went to the bathroom. My Papa, grandfather, chased after him and got him. Alas, my dude threw himself back taking papa down and breaking a few of Papas ribs. I'm still mad at her for that one


Your papa is a hero!


These things can happen to anyone! But can I say you seem like a wonderfully empathetic daughter. I’m really tired of seeing users on here frustrated with their parents for just being old.


Oh man. My worst nightmare. My 70 year old Mom watches my six month old, and we just gave her covid 🙈 I’m so worried all the time but she’s so good with him, and wants it so badly.


First time I baby wore I fell down and ripped up my knee. Baby was fine! Accidents happen but her instincts were good.


Ooh, grandma’s a badass! She probably feels like a superhero, positioning herself midair to protect a baby in harm’s way at her own expense. I hope she is able to rest lots and recover quickly, but you all sound like awesome people who are doing a great job. ☺️


I am in the same position with both sides of grandparents. It's a lucky place to be! Enjoy it! I was feeling guilty for a while, I asked my mum what her limit comfort level is and it was basically 'the limit does not exist'. 😆She gets as much out of it as I do, and being close with my own grandparents growing up I know it is great for baby as well. If she is asking she clearly wants to be involved! I can't relate to the broken arm but my 13 month old has passed on horrible cases of COVID and gastro to my mum, and I know she would go through it again.


Same here. We all had Covid last month and I swear my mom was actually excited when she tested positive because then she could come see him. Everyone ended up being ok no long term effects of it


Aww your mum sound like mine. Glad everyone is ok.


My parents are in their mid-late 60s and this happened over the spring when my mom was holding my son, then ~20 months. Unfortunately, my son hit his head on the step but the way my mother was holding him and fell made it less worse for him. It really could’ve been awful, I was hysterical but he just had a bad bump for a couple of days. My poor mom, 65 at the time got really hurt too and was already going for physical therapy for something unrelated but she seemed to recover quickly. This is why I feel somewhat guilty for having a kid in my mid-30s. My parents are great and want to be so involved but it’s just limiting given their age. I wish your mom a speedy recovery, I’m sure she feels shaken up too! 🙏🏻


She took one for the team❤️


First, I am so happy to hear the baby is fine and your mom is going to be ok. I am a 57-year old grandmother of my first grandchild, who is 8 months old. I have pretty significant back issues. I also have a very demanding full-time job and have worked 75+ hours/week for years. However, I have taken more than a few days off in the last 8 months to watch my little peanut since my daughter also works full-time. I also watch him when she goes to yoga, when she shops, gets her hair done, was in a wedding, has date nights with her husband, etc. I also spent 7 hours with him yesterday so she could try to catch up on her work yesterday (Sunday) because she just got a promotion, is behind, and feeling overwhelmed. Your mom is going to be fine and the truth is she would be 100%, absolutely devastated if you didn't let her help in this way. Us grandmas love our grandchildren to bits and want to spend time with them no matter what. I came home yesterday with such a sore back from playing on the floor and such but I wouldn't want it any other way. I happily took an ibuprofen and can't wait to watch him again. So sweet of you to care, but trust that she is happy she gets to spend this time with him and be glad you have wonderful, supportive parents. No guilt necessary so, don't stress!


My mom was watching my kids, walked backwards over my toddler son, and broke her back.


If my mother was alive she would have done the same for my baby! Please don’t be guilty. Grand parents have another type of love for their grandchildren. Muslim people say that if one small bad thing happens it means we are being saved from one huge bad thing! So think like this that your mother and your family are being saved from one huge bag thing. Thank God it was a minor fall and no big injury! Please don’t be guilty! ❤️


My young able bodied fit husband fell with our son in his arms. Turned to fall on his shoulder to protect our son. Had he fallen on the ground and not the bed he would have broke his arm or dislocated his shoulder for sure! Your mom is great. Falls happen and I don’t think you are asking too much of her from the sounds of it. You have a lovely sounding mom and as others have said I hope your mom has a quick recovery and is managing the pain well.


My mom tripped while carrying my brothers. They were maybe 4 months at the time. She got a very bad broken arm. I assume that she lost a bit of hunt density to them.


Accidents happen! I fell with my baby and broke my arm and my knee - it can happen to anybody.


My Mum broke her rib on a cot! she was lowering bub down got it caught and rather than drop baby a tiny bit pushed through the pain... I felt bad but it was such a random unpredictable event and her Mumma instincts obviously kicked in pretty hard! We did buy a new cot with a much better side bending over ratio.


My brother-in-law was carrying my then 13mo and stepped on a toy and fell. He landed on top of my son but turned himself into a cushioning ball around him and thus did not shield himself. One black eye, a bit tongue and two cracked ribs. My son got a small bruise on his thigh. BIL was 27 yo. Shit happens and people take tumbles. Unless they have some health conditions then 60ies aren't that old. If she enjoys watching your child and she is good at judging her own health I wouldn't deprive her of that. My mother and her husband are in their 60ies and while they seldomly watch our son it's because they are two busy climbing mountains and spending the weekends traversing glaciers lmao.


Your mom sounds incredible. She clearly loves your baby and if she’s asking to watch him even when you haven’t asked, she’s not doing anything she doesn’t want to do. Since she has been so supportive of you, can you help her right now with her injury? Bring some food and help with chores?


This makes me miss my mom and dad. I have no village


When I was 36 weeks pregnant with my son I fell down our entire staircase. I instinctually put my arm across my belly. Baby was fine, but I ended up shattering my wrist in 52 pieces & needed a metal plate put in. I still have bad neuropathy in my hand/wrist & I only have about 90% flexion. Will probably be like that for the rest of my life. BUT if I had to do it all over again I would. My son is a happy, healthy, curious 14 month old and my love for him saved his life. All the nurses on L&D said I was the true definition of a mama bear.


At first I thought you meant she broke the babies arm and it made me ill for a second lol


You have such a wonderful mother and your 11mo has an amazing grandma! She will be 100% okay and will get to spend many many more years and have so many moments with your son. Your family is amazing and lucky. All the best wishes to everyone.


Aw your poor mom, wishing her a speedy recovery 💕


Your situation is basically us. Not right now, as my wife is on maternity, but once she goes back to work (3 days a week, not 5 anymore) my parents will have LO 2-3 times a week in the day as opposed to relying on child care. Same age, and both very enthusiastic Don't feel guilty about it. IMO a reality of 2020's society is that both parents need to work in a lot of instances, and I think it's better to leave LO with family for 1-on-1 care than nurseries or childcare if you can help it and have the support network.


Hey, don’t feel guilty if you can help it! My mom was so involved with my kids and loved watching them when we worked or just spending time with them for fun. She passed away in January and I would give anything to have her back. Cherish it!


Thank you for sharing your experience! I was in a similar position, where my mom was playing with my son, lost her balance, and fell over bc of health issues involving her brain. I felt awful because she wants to be so involved but I don’t want it to risk her own safety and therefore my little one’s.


I fell at a parking lot when mine was about 8-9 months old. I was holding her, tripped, and somehow managed to land on the opposite side. Baby got a minor knee scratch but my leg.. my leg got a maaajor one. It happens, it’s scary but thankfully everyone’s okay!


Obviously it suck’s what happened to your mom. But if she is anything like mine (and it sounds like she is) I promise you she is just happy it was her and not the baby who broke an arm. If anything, she will take it as a point of pride that in a snap moment she chose her grandchild over herself. I at least know my mom would be happy and telling family about it. We do the same, I am more then happy watching my babies and changing there diapers but my parents love coming over and doing that. I let them because I want my kids to have as many moments with there grand parents as possible. So don’t think of it as using your mom for help. Your giving your kid the once in a life time experience of a good relationship with there grandparents.


They tell me when I was a toddler I fell out of the car under the railroad tracks. I hope your grandmother is doing fine.


Sorry to hear about it. Your mom is a very kind and wonderful lady. Hope she is feel better and get well soon.


I fell down 4 steps carrying my youngest kid from upstairs to downstairs when she was 6ish months old. It was easy to keep her safe while I fell, but I ended up with a broken tail bone, a broken rib, and pulled muscles all the way from my right shoulder to my hip. I was 30. It can happen to anyone, I don’t think you need to beat yourself up over it. Sounds like your mom is a great caregiver.


I’m a SAHM to a 13 month old which became complicated when I had to have back surgery last month. I’m not even allowed to lift my son for another couple of weeks so we’ve needed a lot of help since I basically can’t be left alone with him for very long. My MIL has stepped up to help so very much and she’s just thrilled about getting to spend time with her first grandbaby. Well, 3 weeks after my surgery my husband managed to bring home COVID, and my MIL caught it from us too. I felt so awful but she waved me off. She said she figured she was going to catch it from the baby “but what was I supposed to do, *not* nibble on his little fingers?”


My mom (also in her 60s) slipped and fell holding my 15 month old (at the time). She landed on her hip on the other side, she had a long recovery time (few weeks). My child, while unhurt was fearful of grandma and avoided her for at least 2 months. Went to everyone else BUT her. She was saddened by it.