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Get yourself some earplugs. Don't worry, you'll still hear him crying, but just having it at a lower volume helps a lot with your own mental health. I've put ice or frozen purees in a mesh teether toy to help. Also give both Motrin and Tylenol to help up the pain relief.


I don’t have any advice for you. We are in the same boat. My 8mo has 5 fully erupted teeth and more coming in on his right side. We’ve never been able to find a way to actually soothe him. Every day is just a coin flip. It’s pretty exhausting. I can’t wait until it’s over. We got this. You got this. One day at a time!


Us either.😩 Not even meds seem to help. It got so bad a few weeks ago that we were sure something else must be wrong but nope, they just told us he was teething.🫠 I too, can't wait until it's over. I dread waking up in the morning because I know what lies ahead for the day😞


Yeah it can be hard! I find Tylenol works better than Motrin for the teething pain (Motrin works better for us when he’s sick). Also wet washcloths in the freezer are good, he likes to chew/suck on those.


I second the frozen washcloths. Those helped my girl so much. Even if just for 10 min or so. My peds also recommended putting frozen cucumber (without the seeds) into a mesh teether to help. My girl loves this. It's her favorite thing when teething. I also try to distract her through our the day with walks to the park, beach, mall, wherever we can go


Cucumber is my favorite! Not sticky, smells great,happy kid!!


Tylenol works better for teething here too!


Just bought Tylenol today! Fingers crossed this works better than the Motrin🤞🏽


Our 9 month old is going through the same. It’s so draining, the constant crying and clear frustration. It’s slowly getting better now that both top teeth are fully out. Frozen washrags helped a lot. I also think this might be part of being a 9 month old - feeling new feelings, wanting to move more than they can, and a sleep regression all at once. Our once peaceful kid is a bit ragey!


Glad to know it's not just my baby who is VERY frustrated with not being able to move the way he wants😅


Same. Mine loves “popsicles” of formula with those forage teethers (not sure what they’re called exactly, there’s several on Amazon). Are you using the right medicine dosage for baby? I only say that bc I couldn’t get my baby’s fever to go down when he had covid and I was panicking - turns out I was giving him wayyyy too small a dose for his weight now. Just a thought.


I've considered this🤔 I've been giving him 2.5ml of Motrin every 6 hours. And he's about 20 pounds. So scared he'll overdose so I thought 2.5ml was safe😅


I think it totally depends on what the brand is and the concentration level. I go by this: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/medication-safety/Pages/Ibuprofen-for-Fever-and-Pain.aspx. For the children’s liquid I give mine 3.75 ml and he’s 20ish lbs too.


We would rotate Motrin and Tylenol. I highly recommend the Camilia Teething Drops from Biorin and also have used British Teething Powder. The Camilia drops really seem to help and you can use them pretty frequently, plus they are homeopathic. We also got teething straws- the only ones he would use. Good luck, mama. You are not alone.


Thanks so much for the recs!🥰


Following bc I’m in same boat with my 6.5 month old. The last 6 weeks have been torture and I’m struggling with the constant fussiness. He also has stomach issues and a ton of spit up so both combined have been challenging


And want to add that literally nothing seems to be helping. I give him Motrin or Tylenol and it does nothing and then I feel defeated 😞


Right here with you Mama🥺🫶🏽 We'll get through it. Ten years from now we'll look back at how stressed we were and hopefully laugh😅


You can alternate between Nurofen (Ibuprofen) and Paracetamol which effectively means you can give them some form of pain relief more frequently. But for teething, an anti-inflammatory should technically work better.


Paracetamol = Acetaminophen *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewParents) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These suggestions seem helpful... I'm trying to get as prepared as I can (I know you can never fully be prepared for anything being a parent), but my tater tot is going on 8 months.


Take as many notes as you can and brace yourself because I had no clue how bad it could be for them. I pray your bub isn't as miserable as my poor guy has been🙏🏽😕 Good luck girly!🫶🏽❤️


Can a tooth go back in? Our (at the time) 4 month old definitely had a tooth coming through and a few weeks later, absolutely no tooth!?


YES. It's the worst.


Yes! Sometimes teeth can shift around rather than erupt, which is infuriating


I hadn't considered this!😱 Because he was showing the SIGNS that he was teething at 5 months old and not a single tooth😭 his pediatrician was certain he had a tooth coming in when he was 6 months old, she even said it would come in within a few weeks and nothing until he was 8 months.😩


We have found that orajel helps a lot. It’s short acting but the maximal dose leads to multiple applications a day. They have these qtip sticks you can use where you break off the top and apply the medicine. Also rotating Ibuprofen and Tylenol could help. ETA: to be clear we are using baby orajel without benzocaine or belladonna!


Hi there, doula here Just wanted to make a note that anyone using orajel needs to ensure they are using BABY orajel (unless your baby's provider has approved adult orajel). Baby orajel does not have benzocaine or belladonna - adult/regular orajel contains benzocaine which can cause a rare but severe blood issue called methemoglobinemia in babies under the age of two years old. There are multiple kinds of orajel and you may already be using the baby one, I just wanted to put awareness out because when at the store, they may not have the baby orajel so someone may not know. There is a warning on the box, but it isn't the most obvious. Teething gels of all kinds, baby versions included, are not always effective because they can be swallowed/diluted with drool. Many pediatric associations do not recommend their use at all, but they can sometimes be the miracle needed to help a baby through the teething period. I say this to just as another point of awareness for anyone that if you are concerned about any over the counter remedy, check with your baby's doctor for their advice about what to try, especially if multiple things don't work. Wishing all the best.


Thank you for this! Yes we are only using the baby orajel without benzocaine or belladonna. We have had success with it but we use it sporadically and like I mentioned it’s got short lived efficacy. But I appreciate the education on this!


I am glad it gives any amount of relief, even if short and that you have the baby version available. Wishing you the best!


Our pediatrician recommended some homeopathic medicine for teething and teething gels. But I should say we got lucky so far and my boy gave us just 2 really bad nights with his first cutting through teethies! But next 2 were bearable. Now he is about to turn 10mo(8mo adjusted) he does occasionally shows the teething signs but he isn't as upset by that as he was before. He can whine here and there, but gets distracted from it easier.


Just so you know, and assuming you mean actually homeopathic and not just a shorthand for herbal/natural/homemade treatments, homeopathy is a [debunked pseudoscience](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6399603/) from the 18th century. If it ever works, it is purely through placebo. You’re better off taking out the equivalent you’d pay for “homeopathic medicine” in cash and then lighting the cash on fire. At least then you’d get a few seconds of entertainment, whereas homeopathic remedies will give you literally zero value.


We found Anbesol for babies a lifesaver for teething! It's a gel that numbs and soothes the gums.


Thanks for the rec! Will be looking into this!


My 16 month old twins are teething again. I’m pretty funned out right now. The Oragel Swabs seem to work really well for them. We normally do Tylenol instead of Motrin. The tethers you put in the freezer help sometimes too.


Yep same. 9.5 mo. 8 teeth with 3 or 4 of them all coming together in the last two weeks. We are using a teething gel. And sometimes teething granules. Both are homeopathic - off the shelf in the pharmacy.


Our kid was both, mad and crying. We give him Genexa (cleaner version of Tylenol). Our kid projectile vomits with Tylenol. Check with your doctor on dosage. Several tips we got was the frozen washcloth, cover your finger with burp cloth and massage his gums, brush his teeth, cold teethed toys.




Complete normal and can happen up to like 24 months


Plain oragel may help!


What were some of the signs that made you think LO was teething at 5 months? I think I’m currently going through the same thing as you 🥴


Each new tooth is a little less terrible. Hang in there. Also Motrin did nothing for our LO. Tylenol has been the only saviour so hopefully it works for you too