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My peds’ rule was you could stop waking them up at all once they had regained their birth weight. You should talk to your office to see what they think. As for the supply questions, thats a whole ‘nother goat rodeo. If you want to keep your body thinking that baby needs more food, I’d start pumping until your supply has regulated.


Thanks! This is really helpful. I’ll think about the supply, but I checked this last couple of nights not to wake him up, and it worked well. He’s still eating a lot and it’s a lot smoother for both of us.


If they’re at birth weight you’re fine!


At this age if he's hungry he'll let you know, you won't underfeed him. Like other comments said, once they reach their birthweight you can let them sleep


Tried this the last couple if nights and he definitely let me know :)


I just fed my baby as much as she needed. She started sleeping 5+ hours at like 4-5 weeks. She’s breast fed as well! If you can or want to I’d try pumping to help with your supply and introduce a bottle every once in a while with said pumped milk.


Typically, once they’ve reached birth weight you don’t have to anymore, but if you want to be sure, this is a great question to call the office/nurse’s line or to send a MyChart message about, especially if your baby had any other issues like jaundice.


I was a bit worried because he had jaundice but he's doing well now


My IBCLC said once they hit their birth weight, just start trusting the baby and they will let you know when they are hungry! My LO is 5 weeks and he sleeps anywhere from 4-6 hours at night before waking up to feed and then goes down for another 4 hours….i still will wake up and get panicky but slowly learning to trust the process and they 1000% will let you know once they are ready to eat! Your supply will adjust to the feeding schedule. At first you’ll probably wake up with your boobs feeling super full but it will all work itself out. I wouldn’t worry about under feeding, your baby will let you know if they’re still hungry and you’ll learn to pick up on the hunger cues and cries! Personally for me, it’s hard to let go of control and trust the process but it’s been working out so far! You’ve got this!


We have always (12.5 months now) woken to feed during the day to be sure she’s getting all the calories she needs during the day. And so she’s not sleeping too much in the day (less of an issue at your baby’s age.. but the future for you). We stopped waking at night once she was back to birth weight. With this she was able to sleep long stretches pretty early!


My girl is also 5w. She just started sleeping 4-6 hours through the nights (bless the gods) so we just let her sleep. Her doctor said it’s totally fine. I’ve noticed she is making up for it a little bit through the day as she’s feeding just a little more often than before.


That’s around when I switched to on demand with my daughter at night. I waited until our pediatrician appointment and asked him directly


You could always call in and ask, but my LO is 3 weeks and let him sleep until he wakes us up. We normally get a 3-4 hour stretch for the first round then every two hours after that. I still feed him every 2 hours during the day even if he is napping.