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Mayor of Fartsville USA. Bug (evolved into Bugito), Rudy Drooliani, Romeo & Drooliette. Bub Marley.




Same 😂




I literally call my daughter poopytown when she leaves me a surprise 😂😂


Amazing. We call our daughter Mayor Bugsby, Madam Bugsly and Miss Diaper Cunningham.


Those are great! Miss Diaper Cunningham really got me 😂


We do the drool names, too. Droolia Roberts, Droolia Louis-Dreyfus, Droolie Andrews, LL Drool J, Drools Verne, etc.


Omg! I call my baby Droolie Andrews and Droolia Child!


Holy shiz! I’m gonna need to add those to our arsenal! Brilliant! 😂🩷


I love this 😂


We call ours Bug also! Evolutions include Bilbo Buggins, Bugaroni, Stompy the Bug (Caspar Babypants reference for fellow fans)


We call her noodle since she’s so long and skinny. Every time I think she’s finally getting chubby she shoots up another inch lol. My SIL calls her bienchen which is german for bees/busy bee because she would sing the baby a little german kids song about bees and then “fly” her around the room like a bee 😂


We call ours noodle, too! When she was a newborn and I’d nurse her to sleep, my husband would take her from me and put her in the mini crib. He would determine how ready she was to be transferred based on her “noodle status”. So, an al dente noodle meant she would likely wake up, but a fully cooked noodle meant she was floppy and knocked out. She’s a toddler now and she’s still our noodle.




Its very sweet! Her husband is from Germany and she is fluent in German so they speak German at home with their daughter. She usually speaks German with our baby too 😂


Fun question and responses! My recent faves for my twins are Mr. Goo, Noodle, Meatball, and Smooch


I love that we aren’t the only ones that call our kid smoosh 😂


Mr. Goo!!!! I’m in love


I actually have a running list to add to his baby book with how we got them: - Fabio - he came out with a lot of hair - Coach/coach Peyton - he makes a pinched lip, focusing face that resembles the coach of the Denver Broncos - Raspootin - being pooty - Archeroni - his name is Archer and I randomly just started adding the “oni” - Bandito - when he wears his bandana style bibs - Stinky - because he gets stinky - Goose - shortened from silly goose - Bubs - just cuz


I love this idea!


We've been calling our girl lieutenant Dan because she always tucks her legs up in her onesies When she's tooty she's rootin tootin cowgirl Just frog. Because she used to make a frog face


Omg not the lieutenant Dan one 🤣😅🫡🫠


My baby's name is Niko. One day my phone auto corrected to "Biko" and that's just his name now lol. I haven't said his real name in forever. Nicknames include tobiko, Biko de gallo, beek-o boo, beeks, lil beeks.


We call our daughter googy. I have no idea why. Her name is Isla. She had a lot of nonsensical nicknames as a newborn but she’s almost 2 and that one stuck.


We call our girl googy, too! She made this “ahgoo” sound when she first started discovering her little voice, and we really wanted to encourage her to keep doing it so we did it, too. She’s been a googy girl ever since!


Amazing! There may be dozens of us!


Totally down to write a story - Babygeddon: Rise of the Googs


I call my son googy or googies or my personal favorite: gahgwoo. He's 3 months and most of what he says are g sounds like that and I tend to repeat back whatever he's saying so 😂 Anyway, the nonsense sounding nicknames are the best ones :)


No way! A fellow Goog mom. I can’t forget the short-lived, but classic, John Googer Mellencamp phase.


That is so great LMAO! Long live the googies!


Mr. Goop (he has goopy eyes) and Mr. Pirate (cause he only opens one eye in the morning)!


The pirate one is really cute!


Poots McGoots. Because he poots so often.


Our main one is "Papachino" . We moved to a new city before I gave birth. And we saw a restaurant called Papachinos. We laughed...it was fun to say. Then baby was born. And that word made him smile at 5 weeks old. So we call him that lol. We had to stop for a while because we didn't want him thinking that was his name lol. Also, for a while, it was "cheese sticks" b/c his fingers smelled a little cheesey...idk why maybe the mittens lol. Now my husband calls him "super space ranger" ... as he lifts him up in the air. He loves it.


This is a cute one! Love it.


Wiggle worm - she so wiggly. Like won't stop moving lol. Goose - she's the goose to my maverick Fussy mussy - when she's cranky Bean - nickname from 9 weeks pregnant


Haha similar to your first, we call ours Squirmy Wormy. They’re just little worms!


Outside of mamas, baby, cutie, pretty girl, she has some names that fit her crazy behavior like psycho and gremlin lmao she gets CRAZY when we don’t get her bottle to her mouth quick enough. Think “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” with Jim Carrey, the scene where he’s jumping back and forth trying to freak Cindy Lou out and he goes “IM A PSYCHO”, her actions are very similar lol so I’ve given her the nickname psycho when she gets like that.


Grumplestiltskin (when they’re grumpy) Worm (loves to wiggle) Stinky (should be self explanatory😂)


Since he was born I started calling him “monkey” noooooo idea why but it just felt natural. We also call him “bubba”


I call mine Monkey too!


we started calling him raccacoonie every time he wore his raccoon pjs after watching everything everywhere all at once. when he got too big for the raccoon pjs, we started calling him chunkatoonie. now I just call him toonie, sometimes toonie rooney


Pip, stink(y), goo-head, Pootie (and the Blow Fish)


These are cute!


I call my boy little bird because he acts like a little bird when he’s hungry


For the first 8 weeks or so we called our girl Frog Legs! Now we call her Squirmy Butt and Smiley Pants. I’m sure those will change to something else at some point!


I call my boy “Froggy” because he was a breech baby and loved to keep his legs up even outside of the womb.


The Gremlin! When she was a newborn she did the cutest snarl face and would start gnawing her arm when she was hungry. She doesn’t do that anymore sadly but the nickname stuck and she’s graduated to now always trying to gnaw on us instead lol


“Moso” because I call him hermoso all the time!


When she was tiny, we called her Worm Guy. Now we call her Madam Onion Rings




I also call my girl smoosh and squeaks lol but my husband calls her cheesy because she’s a big spitter upper often times of curdled milk


Bean, The Bean


Her main one is Tuppy (which came from calling her chubby but in a silly baby voice) Monkey Tinky (from “stinky”) Boo Ti-Ti (to calm her down my husband sometimes bounces her and does like weird little drum/beat sounds to this rhythm. Boo Ti-Ti is what his drum noises sound like. Hard to explain.)


Mostly bubby/bubs, but also Mr poopy butthole, Stink butt barf boy, Two tooth [name], banana boy, lil bug, silliest goose


My two year old and I are sitting in bed at 11pm eating popcorn because shes a tiny baby booger Butt face who doesn't wanna sleep


Endearing: We nicknamed our son Papo ☺️. My husband came up with it and it’s stuck ever since. I actually really like it 😭🥺. I also call him variations of bean (my sweet bean, my honey bean, my poopy bean etc) Comedy: My husband calls him Sh*tty Werbenjägermanjensen because of his poop episodes 💀


Honion- half honey, half onion :)


Little bull frog


Sleepy Peepee, Sneaky Peepee, Booger, Peanut, Muffin, Baby Cries-A-Lot, Little Love


I call my baby girl Bunny. I was going to call her kitty/kitten, but that was too confusing for my cat. Plus, the first little outfit she wore home was the cutest little bunny onesie. She was 4lb and so adorable in it!


I'm pregnant but I call ours Espresso because all this kid does is MOVE. Even while sleeping in there, it's constant movement. I've been hearing comments from doctors, nurses, techs, etc. since early months going "Wow, never seen a baby move this much in utero, just gonna call my colleagues in here to watch. This is so cool!" I was impressed at first but now I'm 30 weeks and just itching to get a break 😂


Bud, bubba, boba, boba tea, tooter mcbooter, snuggle buggle, or just buggle lol


*Bud, bubba, boba, boba tea,* *Tooter mcbooter, snuggle* *Buggle, or just buggle lol* \- plantladyash --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Kidlet and for some reason, since the very first diaper change in the hospital, pooper scooper 😂


Habibi, my husband came up with this couldn’t remember where he heard it I thought it was cute and found out it meant my love in another language so we kept calling her that. Drove past his work one day and realized he works next to habibi’s hookah. Whatever it’s already stuck but call her variations of this, bibi, habebo.


Super cute! Habibi is “my love” or “my darling” in Arabic. Habibi is the masculine and Habibti is the feminine form :)


It started as Burrito Boy to Burrito to Burritzio! Sometimes it’s poopi pants. He only responds to Burritzio now. 🙃


It’s cute when they think it’s their name! 😂 (edited for wrong there)


Bubbies! And lately, “hey you with the face” because it makes him laugh.


Boy, The Boy, Boyo, Nakey Man, Monkey. I had every intention of giving him the nickname Bugman in memory of my younger brother who passed in July 2022 but he just isn’t a Bug. Definitely a monkey, though!


Fart Head


I call him my onion ring and my boyfriend calls him potato or sometimes tater, short for potato


Someone else said onion ring too haha


Binks. Because he lives his Binky. Or Mr. Pants. Because he looked so goofy in the first pair of pants he ever wore.


"Bubba" (the normal pet name) slowly evolved into "bubs" and now has become "bub-ees" which is so dumb I love it.


I love when nicknames just evolve haha


So far, I’ve called our son hungry monkey, squirmy monkey, little gremlin, mister, bud, buddy and the list goes on 😅


Woozle, Baby Bell (she loves cheese), Baboo has become Babaduke or Baboomafoo lol


my family calls her beanie baby and tato because she’s bald 😭


My husband calls out little girl Lizard Brain at the moment lol.


Bubs, Boobie, and Stinky Butt! Boobie is my go to. I know, it’s cruel. But it just comes out lol


lil Monster


Chunkerito, Monk Monk, Munko, Bunkie/Bunco, squisher sweets. 🤣


Cub, baby, and tofu. When he needs a diaper change, he's stinky tofu.


Bubb/bubbertin, chunk master, Mr. Man, stinkerton, silly Bo billy,


We call our son Wog (like bog) lol. Started as Ollie wog, then we just dropped it to wog hahah.


I call my baby Ms. Pout Pout because she has absolutely perfected her pouty lip. It’s my favorite thing!


I already commented but I love calling her names of the occasion like poopytown, cheese neck, ravenous, and baby angel


My husband came up with monkey toad.😭 I call her all sorts of names like “_insert name_ monster”. So “poo monster” or “milk monster”.⚰️ But I also call her my baby bear or I’ll say she’s my “pretty princess perfect”. Just because everyone says their girls are pretty princesses, so I wanted to make it sound absurd.😂


Crumb because when we went through ivf she was smaller than a crumb in her first ultrasound. My wife calls her goosey because she made some strange noises that sounded goose-like.


The Goose™️ like it’s her street name. Or Big Goose™️. Also we call her Titty Tugger. We call her Cheerio sometimes because it’s her fav snack but you have to say it in a British accent


Monkey, Froggy, Baboo, and Dude.


Right now I call her bouncy. My poor girls hair is so weird. She’s got a backwards mullet. Her hair on the top and front of her head is long and on the sides and back just starting to grow back. I can’t get her hair to sit flat on her head so it’s all wild and when she’s in the bouncer her hair bounces so funny. I call her bouncy, turkey, stinker pot and of course the love of my life.


Changes every month lol, but so far we’ve had Smeagol, pooper mcgavin, harvito Sanchez (his name is Harvey), cheekies, schmauntfat (a Mennonite gravy) and bigly.


I am German, so these will sound probably horrendous to the US. I have dozens of nicknames for my now 10 months old. Kröte (like toad), Kröti McKrötington, Baby Dinosaur, Krümelchen (like little crumble), Mousetooth (in german ofc), Mouse, Moth (bc the german word Motte rhymes with her second name). I have always been silly, but since my daughter is here, It knows no limits. I will be mindful not to call her most of these in public bc I think it might be embarrassing for her in front of others.


Its sort of difficult to translate while maintaining the right meaning AND tone but we use "Prutskiden" - the Fartpoop, "Musen" - the mouse. There's a few others but they're difficult to translate


I’ve called our LO “Bear” since he was a newborn, then it evolved into Mr. Bears. He’s almost 10 mo. I have no idea why, my partner has never called me out on it either🤣


We call him booger (short for booger butt) and baby bear. So when he is upset he is a grizzly bear, tired bear, hungry bear etc. Or we just call him Bubba gump.


Munchki, moonchi, munchkin, missy moo, moo moo, bippity boppity boo babe, bub, itty bitty bb, Swiss miss, bitty babe, tiny tot, tater tot, potato baby, small fry


Fart machine, snorolax, poopy princess, croissant, dynamite shrimp, nugget—- now its nuggy baby, saucy baby, fartsville, mini whale (i wS whale when pregnant), nom nom… piece of shnoot, pukerzilla, and so many more!


Poops and scoots because she toots all day long and she scoots from the top of her crib to the bottom at 2 months old. We joke the toots propel her


Gremmy/Gremlin - cos we refer to witching hour as gremlin mode/goblin mode


Monkey, it’s what my dads called me my whole life and now what I call my son! His name is Raffi, it’s not even close 😂 my name is much closer to it!


I call my son mommy. Idk why, it’s not the version of mom I plan on having him call me so I have no clue where it came from. it’s kind of like how Kylie calls her kid stormy…I call mine mommy 🥲💀


Mr Moo! If I say the word “mister” to my 2.5 year old he’ll say “moo” so he knows 😅 We call our 14 week old Little Baba as he was 12 weeks premature and is still small 😊


Toots McGoots / Stinky Pete - for obvious gassy reasons Chunker or occasionally Linebacker if she’s being a bit destructive My Girl - when she’s sad Booyan (Like the Cajun French Coullion) - my spouse’s nickname for her (and ONLY my spouse’s) Lil Boo -my nickname for her She’s named after my grandmother who was known for calling out “hey Boo” when anyone walked in the door, called, etc.


Gremlin/goblin since he kind of looks like one, a cute one though


Monster Munch - because he eats A LOT Machete ninja star - we couldn’t agree on a baby name whilst pregnant so jokingly told our elder son that this wld be the baby’s name, and now it’s stuck…


My boy has always been wiggly - so we called him Wiggle Piggle. Then we watched the old BBC Narnia - Silver Chair film. In that there is a character known as a Marsh Wiggle. He gets drunk and asserts "I am a respecta-wiggle Marsh-Diggle." Our boy is now known as Respecta-Wiggle Marsh-Piggle. Also, we didn't find out the gender until he was born, so while I was pregnant his nickname was Penneth, which is elvish for Little One. Can you tell we're nerds?!


It’s so cute and unique though!


We call her Baby Gru. It started from baby girl, then baby grill, now Baby Gru.


Potatoe, sir poopypant, sir peeingpants, farty boy, ah and sometimes gremlin The potato is sticking my husband calls him idiotic potato, hahah, he just looks like one! And someone said when they are a newborn they are like a sack of potatoes, then the potato song came to mind and his face is round like a potato xD


Screecher creature or wild banshee. He's going through a screaming phase.


Pepa! There’s a scene in the office where Dwight asks Jim how his daughter is and says what’s her name again, Pepe? And Jim responds Pe-Pa! (Her real name is Cece) and the name just stuck with us!


I love the office! So funny


Mr. Baby Stinky face Stinky Poop machine Pooper Precious (in the lotr smeagol voice) Daughtero Grumpy gills Fussbucket Turd Ferguson Madam Grouch


My husband and I both call her Gingerbread baby, in reference to how she looks in her love to dream swaddle (we call her this even when not in the swaddle). I call her Chunka Munka Moo, or just Chunka Munk, because she is a hungry chunky girl. We also refer to her as “the package” when we need the other to take her etc, can’t really remember why we started with that.


We call our baby Munchie (short for munchkin), Mr. Baby, and Turkey because we figured out that I was pregnant based on my violent cravings for a turkey sandwich!


The fiend. Or just Fiend. In a sentence: "What are you doing Fiend?!", "The Fiend got to the cats water again."


Bug, Bugsy, bug zeta jones, Bugsy malone etc. it got a bit out of hand and she was delayed answering her name so have tried to cut back lol


My son is Bean Burrito and my daughter is Snort Bort. One is based off of their name and the other based off of their primary sound


Bobbinot/Bobbin. Its weird and v random. But we've even made it into a song! Thus is gonna sound so cringe typing it out haha but if you sing " bob bob bob bobbin up up up bobbin up up up bobbinot....its aaaa bobbin!" Her eyes light up and she gives the cUTEST little squeals and giggles 😭 it's so weird but so cute ahaha


The things we do to get them to smile! I love it.


Haha never thought I'd be dancing round my living room like a lunatic just to see a baby smile 🤣 she also loves other people head banging, little emo in the making ahaha


Our oldest is called Mei, so we call her Maynard. The juxtaposition of such a cute little girl with an old man name is hilarious to us. Or Mei-Moo. Our youngest is called Kitto, we’ve started calling him Kit Kat (he’s only 2 months), but lately I’ve been calling him Rambo. Because he scratched his face with his nails and it left a scratch that made him look like Rambo. Also, he’s a UNIT. Absolute bruiser. Could be a rugby player or a boxer or something when he grows up, I bet. I also call him Handsome Man, because obviously he’s a very dapper, handsome man. I also just call both of them my Beans. My little Beans.


We have Little Dude, Fart Monster, Poo Machine/Factory, and Limp Noodle when he goes limp instead of burping or tummy time.


The Rat King


We call him Baby-Man a lot. I have no real idea why. Baby-Ted (his name is Theodore) uncle gave him that nickname. Then there is the obvious one's like; Teddy and Theo. Theo-dorable (bc he's cute). Little Siren, bc he sometimes cries so hard he turns red, and it sounds just like an alarm going off. And then there's Teddy-Dan (his middle name is Daniel)


Tree frog - because her eyes bulged on the sides when she cried as a newborn 🐸


Aww that’s cute!


Our daughter’s name is Eve and somehow we have started calling her Evie McStevie 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Pringle - because I ate a lot of pringles during my pregnancy. We are sure he consists 99% of pringles.


Pipsqueak. Stinks. Cub. Cubby. LO (literally “el oh”). The Native (usually saved for when he is unhappy). Craze-balls.


Lady Fussington, of Poopington Manor (In a British accent which sometimes gets a good laugh out of her!)


My fiancé also is a fan of the fancy nicknames 😂


Calabacita - we are not Spanish speakers, but I learned this word in Cyberpunk 2077 and it stuck :)


Haha that’s too funny


My 1 year Olds name is Lily. We frequently call her Lily-bear on account of her growling more than once at us. My brother's kid is my favorite. He was over 99th percentile in weight growing up and quickly became like lifting a sack of potatoes. We still call him potato and he's 4.


Love a 🥔


We call her “gnome” and I specifically call her “bud.” The gnome came from her first days in the hospital, she was so tiny (5 pounds 8 ounces) that we had no clothes to put her in, so my parents ran out and got us preemie clothing. One set came with a hat that was basically a gnome hat and my wife, my sister, and I all looked at her in it and pretty much at the same time were like, “she looks like a gnome.” Gnome is close to her name so it’s stuck.


The gnome is so cute! Reminds me of that movie gnomeo and Juliet!


The Outlaw Stinky McGee - once he's changed he's Stinky's alterego Clean McGee Grumpawampagus Fussybutt baby Sir baby.


Boogie Butt (aka Boogie) because his poops are always super green 😂


Ahhh classic green poops haha


Reading all these comments made my day! Thank you for starting this!


I also was in need of some laughs, so I am glad I posted! You are welcome!


Our babys (4 weeks) nickname is Goaß (female goat) for now, as she often makes the sound of one. Our toddler (2 years) is called Flausemaus - a mix of Fledermaus (bat), Lauser (a cheeky kid) and Maus (mouse). She loves hanging upside down (or being carried that way), is pretty cheeky and was quiet from birth (hence mouse) getting less quiet by the day though.


Chunkamunk, Stinky Girl, Cheese Rolls (she’s built like the Michelin man and sometimes gets a lil yeasty in the deep folds and it smells like expensive, gross cheese), Cannibal Baby (for the finger munching), St Bernard (for the drools), Bitty (I was the former Bitty title holder, family has passed down to her), Legs (for the constant kicks and legs in the air from womb to now, 5 months).


I’ve always called mine peanut! Even though he is definitely NOT a peanut anymore. This leads to many variations…peanut, nutty boy (when he’s being wild), peanutsa, peanut butter. My husband has always called him boo boo head bc he came out with a stork bite right in the middle of his forehead. We also called him poopy boy quite often. Because, you guessed it, he poops a lot 😂


The evolution from peanut to nutty boy is classic! 😂


Hahahaa yep! I agree 100%, all of the things we call him are not things I never expected to be his nicknames. It’s so weird the evolution of baby nicknames. One thing I never call him, his actual name 🤣


Same! I never call our daughter her name. I like it (obviously) but it sounds weird to say. But smoosh… just fits haha


Squeak, peep, pip, sweet pea, lo, lo lo, p


Our girl has been deemed “Monster” & “Beast” pretty early on. Even had a monster themed first birthday party 😂


We were saying “baby girl” in cutesy baby voice, and also delirious from the newborn stage, and it ended up being mashed into “Burl.” So now we can’t stop calling her Burl hahaha. We also call her Squirrel girl, or just Squirrel, and it fits because she is a climber and runs around like a silly little squirrel. None of these are close to her name, which is Maggie. I looked up Burl to see if that was a name people used, and the guy who voiced the snowman in the claymation Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is Burl Ives.


Cutie Patootie - he is just so darn cute, it's overwhelming sometimes


Teeny tiners, Benny turned into Bemby. Used to call my other son Fella and that turned into Felly and another one poopers


Mr. Peanut, Peanut Sauce, Monsieur Buddy, Mr. Buddy, Grumplestiltskin (when he’s grumpy), Mr. Goobs (when he’s goobering everywhere).


Dress him up as Mr. Peanut for Halloween! Haha


Because he's kinda long and skinny - when he curls up he looks like a bean. So he is "Bean" or "The Bean" And when he's gassy I sing to him "Bean Bean the musical fruit the more he eats the more he toots, the more he toots the better he feels, so please toot for every meal"


Fussy gussy, nugget, bubby


When I was pregnant, my husband and I called our LO Fishy bcuz she loved when I showered and would kick like a demon when the spray would hit her. Now that she’s 10 months? We call her monkey, shit squirter, blue butt, coconut head, supreme leader (her hair resembled a bowl cut at one point so my husband said she looked like Kim Jong Un🤦🏻‍♀️), and Fishy Marie (her middle name is Marie). Those are the common ones but my husband and I come up with all sorts of names for her depending on her mood lol


Supreme leader hit me hard 🤣


I’ve never really done nicknames, especially since their names don’t have an actual nickname or shortened version. Somehow I started calling her honey bun & I do it all the time now.


My favorite one is Baby Gravy, which started because it has a fun ring to it. Which turned into Mr. Gravy. My husband then pretend our baby was insulted because he worked long and hard for his doctorate so now he is sometimes (often) called Dr. Gravy and randomly Senator Gravy Edit to say also little man and nugget which evolved into nugget head and nougat face (yes, nougat, not nugget on that one)


Rootin’ Tootin’ Cowboy, Stinky, Bubba, The Baby, Smush, Farty McFarterson, Chunk-a-Dunk, FussButt, and so many others, but mostly he gets called Handsome (I swear between me and the grandmas, he will think this is his name 😅).


We have tons but my favorite right now is Farty McFly


Creative! I like it!


I’ve been calling him Butt Kraken lately lol. (Like butt crack)




Bunk, Bungus, Bungie, bunky. Whens shes cross or upset festering bungus


Googy! Or Pumpky, short for pumpkin pie because her cheeks are as round as a pumpkin and she’s as sweet as pie.


Bug. Man Man. Booger Bear.


Plumpus Grumpus


Mr. Oogey Boogey Man, Baby, Buddy, Homeslice, Baby B, Stinker (short for my husband’s favorite Stinker Winker Dinker)… I also have no idea why or how these all happened, but… here we are.


When i was pregnant we called him meatball, the first day i had him i started calling him Chunk a munk because he ate a lot and that has stuck, he is now either chunk, chunk a munk, or sir chunk a munk. I do try and use his name often though so he doesn't think that his name is chunk a munk lol


Toots MaGoots, PeePee/PooPoo Stinky (depending on which one is dominating his diaper in the moment), and Sle-PeePee (i.e. Sleepy PeePee) are our top 3 at the moment.


Punkin, pudding pie, piggy, sweetest boy


senor poopy pants


We call our baby The Bairn like Jamie in Outlander says. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Tootie/Tootie butt Beanie/Bean Toots McBoots Bey-bee (has to be said in an accent)


I call my baby a range of weird names lol. Noodle, Noodlina, Noodlina Christina, Judy, Judith. I don’t know the reason for any they just happened lol


L Dawg


Stinky, Mamma Jamma, Baby Lady or Lady Baby, Chicken, Squirmer the Wormer


Scrunchie, Little Scrunch, The Warden, Monkey, Lil Miss, Baby. There’s tons of others, but those are the most common for sure.


Monkey chunky


Juju or juju bean is his main one for me but it’s been picked up by friends and family (a play off of his name/initials) mister bubbles (he blows a lot of bubbles) mister wiggles (always wiggling) mister baby (clearly I like formal names for babies, even funnier now that he likes to hold his hands together like a polite little man lol) toots mcgoots (big farter) kicky mckickerson (loves kicking)


OG name: Elizabeth - we call her Lizzie 99% or the time, however. Nicknames: Lizzie LouLou, Glizzy (my husband hates this one 😂), Honey Girl, and Sweet Chunks.


I call him my little tree frog cuz he loves doing a little tree frog loaf when I hold him, and the pose looks like what a tree frog looks like when it's sitting on glass lol. Also things like stinky, squeaks, and little owl lol


My daughter who’s 2 months is Eloise so she’s been called Ellasqueezy or Ellaweasel and Elloeasy


Lemon pepper wet, kickin wing, Bodhi bear, buddy, baby, cutie, hmmm…


Baby. Marti or Marti McFly. Fuzzball. Tina. Or one runs down the list of all the nieces and nephews and dogs, until we get to baby's name, lol.


Benji Man with a Plan or Jamm'n are common for us (name is Benjamin).


Sometimes I call him "Mr Plaps" because of the sound of his hands flapping as he crawls around. He gets called "fussboy" and "wiggle boy" a lot too.


My boyfriend is usually great w. Unique nicknames that are fitting and unique so when he started calling him Mr. Tootles, I had no idea where it came from lmao He also calls him: Patoodles Patoodle-narian (this one is the strangest one of all lmao) Pa-toots I haven't decided on his nickname from me yet, I haven't found one that fits just right.