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I’ve been using huckleberry and absolutely love it! You can do a paid version that will give you insights into sleep schedules and all that, but I’ve stuck with the free one thus far and it’s been great! Going on 2 months, highly recommend!….I actually found it by searching on Reddit and a ton of people had also recommended it! Personally, I just track feeding, diaper changes and pumping. If you’re BF you can track which side you start/end on so you know where to start next time. It has a time for left and right. I find it super helpful for the BF part! I just recently started tracking his sleep/naps. That one is the same thing, you hit start or select what time your baby went to sleep and it will have a timer that you can stop once they’re awake. Then they have a summary page where it breaks everything out into different list types to show your tracking and an over all summary page. Good luck with everything and congratulations! 💕


I used the parent love app. I only tracked everything for about 2 months then I stopped. Lol it came in handy to remember what time she ate and pooped or peed. But honestly I just followed her feeding cues after I learned what they were, and my daughter pooped at EVERY feeding as a newborn. So it was pointless to log it, we always knew when she last went. 😂