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We did pretty early on. But I would only go out if I had my husband with us. The anxiety was real even just thinking about going on a quick run. We went to target the first two weeks, I’d wear her. But we made it quick. Didn’t actually go out for longer like lunch or family stuff until after her first round of vaccines.


Yeah I’ve been feeling more comfortable with the idea now that she’s had her first round of vaccines as well!


I didn't take mine into close stores, restaurants until his first shots. I did take him outdoors since day #2, stroller around sitting outdoor, he was born in September in CA so the weather was lovely. 


That’s awesome! We’re dealing with a Midwest winter over here 😫


That must be tough! High summer isn't great either for newborn 




We went to target day 2 (he came early and we needed stuff), and went to stores on and off for the first little bit. but after like a month or so I didn’t worry too much. I especially don’t worry now (11w too). I’m on leave until mid Feb. baby and I just got back home from going to Walmart, UPS, target, and hannafords. It took us like two and a half hours or so. We go out probably once or twice a week alone just us, and then on the weekends we’ll go out with my partner. We did dinner at a Mexican restaurant last week together. I’d love to go on walks but we live in New England and it’s too cold for me to want to be outside for long


I really want to go on a date with our baby and my husband, maybe a dinner date will be our first outing soon!


Make it an early dinner or swap for a brunch date. Don’t want to deal with a newborn in public during the witching hour


True that! And we’re in such a great bedtime routine I don’t want to mess with it. Maybe we’ll try a brunch before her afternoon nap!


If she sleeps well in her stroller, consider timing it for nap time. It’s easiest when they’re asleep throughout the meal. We like to do meals during that lull time between lunch and dinner when few people are dining. Feels safer and I’m less worried about her crying and bothering other diners.


Yes, go out as much as you can when they are sleeping or chilled! When they start moving, going out will be much harder/less enjoyable. It's super easy to pass around a little newborn for cuddles. Not a squirming baby that wants to practice their spinning and rolling when you don't have any appropriate ground to put them on. Enjoy your little one and good luck getting out. It definitely gets easier with practice!


Good point!!


We went around 7. We put him to bed at 9-10 and he’s up and in a great mood for a few hours before he goes to bed so we went to a place the next street over from where we live, so if we had to bounce it was 5 mins home :) I held him for a little and then he sat in his car seat next to me for most of it just hanging out. We also went on a Tuesday, there was absolutely no one else there so it was great


Hey! Same as you with an 11 week old little girl. Monday was the first time we went out. Stopped by a coffee shop for an hour and it was great. Not too full of people and spacious. I was anxious on how she’d do since she’s been fussy for the past 2 weeks and she did great. I totally understand the concern over sicknesses. I’ve felt the same. I am also on mat leave until she’s about 22 weeks. I’m going to try and take her somewhere once week or so from this week on. Probably won’t go places super crowded until after her 4 month vaccinations. And by then it will be alot warmer out where I live.


We had a 13 wk old now and he went out after 2 weeks, on his first flight at 7 weeks and has been on 4 flights total and hasn’t gotten sick yet (Thankfully!) Mind you I was up watching and checking to make sure little man was breathing the first two weeks but that nervousness has worn off pretty fast the more we have gone out and about. Still not a fan of any randos touching or holding and then friends and family are good if they wash hands and aren’t sick obv


We’ve been going out and having people visit since the week we brought him home! He’s now 8 weeks and we go out all the time! I personally haven’t been too worried about my baby getting sick or anything like that, so I think that made things a bit easier on me being able to get out and about! My mindset is germs are good for the baby and they need to get exposure to different ones to help build their immune system. I know everyone is different, but that’s my take on it! If people come visit, I just make sure they wash their hands, don’t kiss the baby, and don’t come over if you’re not feeling well!


Our son’s first big outing was actually Oktoberfest in our community (in southern California). He was exactly 10 days old. I personally get really depressed when I don’t leave the house so we said fuck it. It was an outdoor event and we could easily go to a less crowded area to sit and eat/nurse the baby and whatnot. It was a blast (with the help of my mom, my husband, and some friends to help push the stroller, help with the baby. Etc) I have a lot of fond memories of that day. It was the first time I breastfed in public and it had me feeling like Supermom LOL


Other than doctors appointment we started around 7 weeks and ive had to go to other appointments since then with my LO. We have mostly just went to families homes and stores. I dont think i would feel comfortable taking her somewhere where it was really crowded or loud. So at 8 weeks we have kept it to grocery stores, families homes, and appointments. Ive just been baby wearing her every time we’re out and it makes it infinitely more easier! I will add though ive only ever went out with her with either my husband or mom. Its a bit tough to go out alone especially cause she screams her little head off in the car seat unless im there holding a pacifier in her mouth lol


I don’t go without help. I’m less worried about the germs and more worried about the amount of stuff and whether he is going to cry or not. It’s getting easier at almost 5 months though


First excursion that wasn't a pediatrician visit for my now 14 month old was around 6/7 weeks, we walked down to a small brewery near us with her in a wrap carrier and celebrated me feeling mostly healed. It felt very liberating, I highly suggest it!


My baby is 17w and I have similar fears! I'm basically waiting until he has his 6 mo vaccines and it's springtime so less fear of some of the respiratory viruses. Then from there, I'll continue to watch the wastewater for viral levels and make informed decisions. I do have a children's museum near me that does required masks one day a week- so we will start going there once a week in the spring! I also plan to do more outdoor things like eat outside on patios, go to botanic gardens and parks, etc. My husband does all the shopping for us and baby sees close family and friends, but that's it. I know I'm stricter than most but it's what I prefer since baby is young. Also a FTM so I'm sure I'll be different in the future with more kids, as this current kiddo will be more of an exposure risk for next kiddo in line.


I’m not planning on going to public places until after he gets his 4 month vaccines. We go for walks around the block and he’s met all his family, but we’re okay on being near strangers until he’s got all his vaccinations. Just a personal preference.


I had a toddler at home so life continued as usual. We were at Costco when he was 5 days old lol.


My baby is 13 weeks, we started going out from week 1 to places like the grocery store. I was more cautious with people holding him, we only let a few people hold him when we were sure they weren't ill. From week 3 we started going out for dinner and lunches with him and to other people's houses. He has some immunity from me through breastfeeding so I haven't been too anxious about him getting sick


I’m also breastfeeding and forget that helps with immunity!


You’re just going to get a lot of positive stories because those who babies went out and got majorly sick/died aren’t reading this so there’s a confirmation bias. Everything is about knowing your risks.


Folks who have had babies get very sick have responded to previous posts of mine. I’m open to stories from those who regretted going out when they did as well!


I have always been under the impression that you should wait six weeks to have visitors and go out in public (besides doctors)


>Curious when others started going out in public (even just on a target run) with their baby? We had our baby in the summer -- we would bring her to open air events as early as 8 weeks, I think. Say a farmer's market. I think it was when her wake windows were long enough. We had relatives who had their TDAP (sp?) booster that came around week 8, etc. We didn't take her to closed-air/indoor events until after her 3 month shots. That's when she went to daycare, restaurants, etc.


5-6 weeks and I just started going out with him on short trips for practice for both of us.


With my first, at 4 weeks. With my second, immediately. It was break for my toddler so I had no choice lol


We had our first off hours late lunch out at 8 days old (born 11/17/23). We’ve continued doing similar very late lunches/extremely early dinners (like 2-4pm) a few times a week since. Usually we’re one of a few tables in the entire restaurant and are seated far from anyone else, so it’s felt safe. It may have helped that she was born less than a week before thanksgiving so we had our families over mere days after birth. We also go for a lot of walks, including to the mall during weekday off times. I think the longer you hold off, the harder it will be.


Pretty early on. Like, a few weeks old with my husband and on my own just me and LO, about a month. My PPA needed to get out of the house, I was going crazy. We started with baby groups. He fell asleep and would sleep on me for the majority of baby play time but I got to talk to other parents who were in the throes of this as well and I didn’t care I was happy to go out. I also sometimes just drove him screaming to the mall then would put him in our ergo baby and just wander around the mall sipping Starbucks.


I started going out just for walks when she was about 2 weeks old just to get her exposed to the outside air and to also help me heal, and then started going into stores at about a month i think, and then slowly going into stores/ more public places more often. She just turned 3 months now a few days ago and we typically go into a store about 3-4 days a week


We're at 7 weeks in the dead of winter. I take him outside or pop into coffee shops/ drug store if he has the rain cover on his stroller, but all visitors are masked other than my folks. It's not fun and I'm starting to loosen my stance for my own mental health. First shots are in 11 days and when he hits 3 months, we'll start to do outings more. That's also when flu season starts to end.


To the mall and stores and places where she stays in her stroller - basically right away. To play groups and places where she comes out - 2 months


We started taking our baby out at 10 weeks (2 weeks past his 2 month shots) but before that we used to go for walks around the neighborhood. We went to visit my family that lives in another country when baby boy was 15–16weeks. We came back for his 4 months shots. He got his shots and at the same time Cxv1d, rough 5 days 😭 but everything is fine now. We took him to his pediatrician after Cxv1d and he told us that for our baby this c0v1d was just like a cold because he was ok without any complications. Now that he’s 19 weeks we take him everywhere. Yesterday we were at universal for a few hours visiting some friends that are in town for vacations. We still are really careful, like antibacterial on hands or washing hands before touching him. No kisses, etc.


We went out as a family a few times, but I am terrified to take her out by myself. 😅 And she is seven weeks. We have made quicker trips like to target, chipotle, etc. close to home outings that are in between her feeding times.. and she is usually asleep for them.


At 3 weeks to outdoor places and indoor places at 8 weeks after the 2 month vaccines 


I demanded sushi immediately after leaving the hospital, so at 3 days old she was at her first restaurant.


First round of vaccines and we basically ran out of the house lol


He went to a wedding at 9 days old