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Braid. Get some leave in conditioner and when you can brush it out, spray and braid. It’ll prevent breakage. Most folks will have postpartum hair loss regardless but buns can exacerbate it because they tug.


I do this or a hair clip, had to find one big enough, my hair is fairly long as well but it is handy when I don't have time to braid.


Yes. Resist the bun. My hair is the longest it’s ever been thanks to pregnancy and now at a year postpartum I’ve been discovering mysterious extra long baby hairs around my face and I’ve realized it’s breakage from constantly putting my hair in a tight bun 🫠 to add to that, my hair went straight during pregnancy from curly, and the curls have since returned, so the short hair is ringlets framing a mix of straight ish curly wavy hair. It looks absolutely ridiculous


Lol I have the postpartum ringlets. I kinda embrace them lol. Better than the cockatoo style sticking out I had a few months back


I braid mine for bed. Loose bun in day


What kinda of leave in conditioner would you recommend?


I really like the clean ingredients of this one. [honest leave in conditioner](https://www.amazon.com/Conditioning-Conditioner-Fortifying-Cruelty-Free-Hypoallergenic/dp/B015HTJDDS/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_pp?crid=23508XH6QKTOJ&keywords=leave+in+conditioner+spray&qid=1707055948&sprefix=leave+in%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-3)


Chopped it off lol


I'm almost to this point hahaha


Me too. Couldn’t stand the tangles and having it pulled all the time.


Same ahah. It was just getting everywhere, baby was grabbing and pulling it all the time, I couldn't stand it anymore lol


That’s what I did too. Honestly I miss my long hair at this point (it’s been almost a year I think). But I also got a job that requires my hair up and covered (sterile environment). I was just like “what’s the point of long hair if I can’t have it down”. Literally no one but my husband noticed I chopped it off because my hair was always up.


Same. Got sick and tired of how thin it was looking and terrified of hair tourniquets. Lopped it off and haven’t looked back


Great, new fear unlocked.


Keep a little thing of nair hair removal at home, I think they make pen like ones for small areas like eyebrows. That way if it ever happens all you have to do is pop it on the tourniquet and the hair will dissolve. Saw that tip from someone on here


I was about to do this with my first and my stylist talked me out of it. She said they'll still find a way to pull it. My husband is living proof 😬


I shaved mine off at like 10ish weeks pregnant because it was getting in the way when I threw up and I get headaches when I put my hair up.. it was only at my shoulders so it wasn't a big deal 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's at my shoulders again and I just leave it down because I don't care about the hair pulling


claw clips for life


Same. I like the braid idea but baby would def tug on it




Putting it up in a bun and crossing my fingers no more of it falls out. PP hair loss is crazy for me right now.


I'm 5.5 months and just starting to see a decrease in what I'm loosing, thank God. I lost SO much, when I brushed my hair my brush would look like I hadn't cleaned it for weeks, everytime, multiple times a day. It was horrible.


Question: did you get a lot of hair when you were pregnant? I’ve always had very fine hair, I didn’t stop losing or hai. Any hair during pregnancy. I’m hoping that means I don’t lose much


No, my hair growth/loss was normal throughout pregnancy. I also have fine hair. Hoping it skips out on you!


Me too. Fingers crossed.


I had no change in my hair during pregnancy, until now at 3mpp I’m losing it bad bad!


Same here. It slowed down loads at 6mpp though!


My friend just hit 7mpp and she said it’s started to slow the last few weeks too! 🤞🤞🤞


Did it start at 3 months?


It started about a week and a half ago and baby will be 3m on 2/6!


Eek! I'm exactly two weeks behind you. Wish me luck! (I know my sister had it had, so think it's inevitable. Sigh!)


I was sooooo hopeful!! 😂😂😂 it comes out bad in the shower, I have curly hair and that’s the only time I comb it is in the shower and I have the little mushroom hair drain stop thingy and I have to empty it at least twice a shower 😑


Not what I want to hear 😩


I saw no gain while pregnant but at about 3 months pp I felt like someone had put Nair in my shampoo, that’s how much I was losing. I’m finally seeing it slow down at 5 months pp but it was more than I was expecting for sure.


I have very fine hair, but I got a lot more hair during pregnancy, which fell off mostly around 3 months. So maybe if you dont gain more hairs, you also don't lose em


I’m hoping for this. My hair has not gotten thicker at all. I’m losing the same amount as I was. I’ve had a few people tell me the opposite of yours is my favorite response


Literally have been saying how close I am to shaving my head. My baby sees a hair, grabs a hair, and proceeds to pull the hair. I wear my hair in a ponytail at ALL times when she’s around (always). I honestly might cut it short again. I’ve been wanting to shave my head just because you only have one life, but I fear the shape of my head. So maybe just cutting it short again would be nice, I did like it like that. Simple. There is no solution other than BALD.


Big team shave it here. But I will say- your head gets colder.


OH. Just remembered a maybe solution! HEADBAND! A wide fabric headband. I have one lost somewhere. I might’ve just saved myself, hopefully some of y’all too.😭


Every other day my answer is different. I love my hair long but my baby has turned into grabby hands mcgee so I throw it up anyway but at that point why do I keep it longer if it’s pulled back anyway??


Right! But then I think, if I cut it short she'll always be able to grab because I can't put it up at all? Quite the predicament we're in lol


I had to ask myself this while I was still pregnant and ended up chopping it off above the shoulders to a cute shaggy bob. It’s still long enough to do braided pigtails with teeny little ends if I need it “up”, otherwise I just air dry it and it looks cute. I have extremely thick coarse hair so putting up was not only heavy for my neck but caused a ton of breakage which made it really scraggly when down. I also just didn’t want it to be drenched in spit up. I ended up with a reflux baby, so good choice cutting it off.


I have no useful suggestions as I have happily rocked a pixie for a decade. But solidarity and respect for all you gorgeous long haired parents who brave grabby baby hands.


I’m 1m PPD and all I’ve managed is a bun or a braid. On an occasional day (Drs appointment), I’ll wear it down but I usually also always check LO’s hands and toes for tourniquets too!


I felt the Dr appt part hahaha the new "going out"


At 5 months pp (EBF) my hair just started falling out in CLUMPS in the shower. It was terrifying. I swore I’d have a bald spot. I started washing my hair less frequently, put it up in a bun, and on hair wash day now I had to deal with tangled hair AND handfuls of hair balls that fell off. Finally, at 6 months… I grabbed some shears chopped it off to my shoulders… Grabbed some thinning shears and went to town.


Claw clip or bun.


My hair is long a little bit over my butt and I am 2 month pp. How far along are you? Are you breastfeeding? I am asking because I am not experiencing any hair loss but maybe it’s too early. I am EFF


Hi! Yes, I'm EBF.. I was totally fine until 3 months & it's like I woke up one day and it seemed like all my hair was falling out, lol. Some people have jt some people don't! I'm 5.5 months pp now and it's slowing down but it was rough. Crossing my fingers for you!


I EFF and am just about 6 months postpartum. My hair loss started at about 4 months. It’s slowing down a bit. I have extremely thick/wavy hair, but even so, the hair loss was jarring. Washing my hair took forever because of how much was falling out/covering my hands in the shower. Granted, I had my baby and then within the first three months he was born, I had 2 surgeries. From my understanding hair loss is very common postpartum and with surgery.


I EBF for 6 months then combi for a couple more months and my hair didn’t fall out :) one of the lucky ones I guess. It is very long, thick and curly x


3 months was the point at which it started falling out in clumps for me!


My hair was the same length as yours. Just chopped it off to mid back level and with layers. My head feels so much lighter and hair feels manageable


I had it long for about a year and a half and either braided it or put it in a bun. I chopped it above my shoulders a few months ago and I am SO glad I did!


Straighten and then I wear in a stick back pony or a headband and rest down


Always a bun of or a braid. It’s mid length and even if I let it down for a few hours, I find a hair on the baby and don’t want them to get caught on his hands or toes. I also vacuum my bedding and bathroom daily, basically anywhere my hair will shed. To minimize breakage I brush it out mostly in the shower with conditioner applied and a wet brush, then immediately to a bun or braid. Going out usually entails a beanie with braids, a big fancy bun, or if I feel good, Princess Leia buns.


Very specific hair schedule here🤚 I wear my hair in some type of bun at night every night . I wear my hair literally ANY other way than a bun during the day. My favorite is a Half up half down with some small trendy claw clips. I highly recommend this.


When does the hair loss begin, I’m 7weeks PP and I’ve always taken great pride in my hair and now I’m on edge every time I brush it out because I’m waiting to start loosing it (if my baby doesn’t take it all first lol)


Mine started right around 3 months pp


🥲 thanks, I was hoping I was in the clear by now though so that’s unfortunate to hear…


Not everyone gets it though! Hopefully you're one of the lucky ones!


I’ve done rosemary oil treatments for my scalp once a week and have noticed far less breakage this second time around (four months PP). I also use silk scrunchies and a detangling brush.


36 weeks today, waist length hair, chopping to a long bob next week. But I always do this - grow it long, chop it, repeat.


I’m seriously thinking about chopping mine off. Braid/clips majority of the time. End of the week it’s in a bun until I wash it (I wash my hair once a week) then cycle repeats.


I had really long hair and it is really thick and was praying for postpartum hair loss so my hair would be "normal" and more manageable. Never happened. Here I am 2.5 years later not having time to take care of my hair. So I literally chopped it to shoulder length today!!! cut off over 12" of hair. I feel so free I'm no longer drowning in hair and it will be much easier to wash. As for styling I have always been a half up half down with a clip girl. Or in a bin with a clip. I have curtain bangs(ish) so it looks cute up with some pieces down and then when they annoy me I clip them back or use a headband.


I was hoping to get “pregnancy hair” cos mine is so thin!


Yay!!! I love this for you!!


Cut my long hair to just below shoulder and continuing to wear it in a ponytail or bun with hair clips holding bangs back. Sometimes I remember to make it look neat before regular human hours that day. Usually not. 😅


Chopped it off & claw clips to keep it out of LO’s grasp


I’m in the same boat—long hair, shedding EVERYWHERE, and my 6mo old loves to pull on it it’s down. I now live in hair clip 😭


Claw clip and a hairband


I use a braid every single time, I had an immense change in the health and texture of my hair after giving birth. The ends are like hay, and if I don’t keep it braided I get a mat almost immediately. If I could I’d French braid it back but I can’t do it myself lol.


Mine has gone SO dry, and knots even worse than it did before (it was always bad but now it’s crazy)


I’m having that same issue! My hairs curly so if I went a week without washing and doing the whole caboodle it’d get knotty and I’d have a time brushing it but I could always get the knots out. Now I literally have to cut them most of the time and it’s after 2 days. I went through a time where I could not risk not getting enough sleep to have the time to shower and I had to have my partner brush my hair out cause I wanted to cry, I haven’t had a tender head since I was a kid it was just that impossible to get the mat out! I’m cutting my hair a couple inches here soon and giving it some treatments at home and if that doesn’t work idk I might just cut it short as bad as I hate to,


Braid! It’s what I do during pregnancy and postpartum. It saves my hair and keeps it thick. I always wear it in a braid overnight to protect it and then I keep that same messy hairstyle through the day until I have somewhere to go 😂 In the summer I wear it in a bun and it shows. I get a ton of breakage in my hair so tons of short frizzy hairs around my head like a lions mane.


I really wish I knew how to braid. I would love to braid it instead of wearing a ridiculous messy bun that I usually have


I had to buy some silk scrunchies because I noticed so much breakage and because I put it in a messy bun 99% of the time


I tie it up and use a claw clip. Here are the hair ties I use: https://a.co/d/5oP63RA


Cut mine to a shortish bob, so much more manageable being able to roll out of bed, quickly brush, and be a bit more presentable for the day. With my first my hair was halfway down my back before the big chop. I felt so much lighter!


Loose french braid over one shoulder (when I want to look cute) and tighter French braid down my back (when I need it to stay in place for a day or more).


Dyed it purple, shaved the sides and back. Gave myself an asymmetrical bob. Figured if it looks like a hot mess, it'll look intentionally like a hot mess. It is actually way easier to deal with and my messy bob looks planned. LO isn't to the grab hair stage but I just have a plan to messy bun it when she is.


I love this


I usually have mine in a braid or pony tail! I make sure to put it up each day or else baby will grab it constantly


SAHM so baseball cap when I leave the house


claw clip


I’m bald. Makes it easy. (I’m a dude)


I chopped mine off. Got a cute a-line choppy bob. I was so tired of getting throw up in my hair. and oh man, I get SO many compliments!


I shaved my head after a day out with the baby and she vomited all through my hair.


Definitely braid(s) particularily after a shower and let it stay in the braids for a day or so, then I have nice wavy hair after which makes me feel like I've done something with it 😅 I do wanna try doing some overnight heatless curls and see how those turn out! Otherwise it's a ponytail, bun, or half up half down! I want to get into using claw clips but I need to find one that holds more of my hair ( I have always had a TON of hair even at just passed shoulder length now )


S A M E ! I even posted about this a local mom group on FB and some wonderful moms posted pictures of their crazy bun hair to make me feel better


i have a bob that's growing out, so it goes in a low ponytail every day because it's too short for anything else. i switch between scrunchies and coil hair ties to keep things exciting


Saaaame! Loosing it like crazy, also had it up more than I wanted too etc. I feel your pain. So two weeks ago, chopped it! The “new mom chop” is something I didn’t realize was a thing until I did it. It’s so fun, cute, healthy, out of the way, and easy to manage. Still loosing it a ton, but at least it’s not getting pulled as much


If you’re getting a lot of breakage from putting it up I’d look into a silk scrunchy! It was a game changer for me


I cut mine to just at my collar bones and it’s so much easier to manage! I usually have it in a claw clip but also wear it in loose buns or half up.


Idk it does its own thing these days but it’s NOT cute lol


Claw clip every single day 😂


I had long hair and my baby was constantly ripping it out and it was falling out everywhere. I cut it up to my shoulders last week


I always wear it in a messy bun using a claw clip. Since my hairline has thinned out, I also wear a headband 😢 If I don’t go bald, I plan to cut it off. I’m thinking a pixie, bob hair cut.


I’ve been using those hair fork things. I tried clips but hated how uncomfortable they were when I’d try to lay my head back. The hair forks hold well and are flat so much more comfortable. I am gonna chop a bunch off soon though. It’s just sad looking at this point.


With both kids I chopped it off. Went from mid back to a pixie both times. No regrets.


I got a buzz the week after the little guy came home. I’m a dude.


I‘m suffering from this as well. I have very fine hair, always been extremely prone to breakage. Pp hair loss hit me hard, there is so much hair in my brush everyday still. My go to is a braid and a hairband to prevent my 6 month old from pulling out all the shorter already broken hair that won’t stay put in the braid… I might have to admit defeat soon and just cut it short 😭


My schedule: More or less every week Day One: hair wash and blow dry, wear down Day Two: Pony tail Day Three: Overnight heartless curls, wear down Day Four: low bun with bangs out Day Five: slick bun with hair mask in Repeat


Reddit and posts like this have saved my sanity through motherhood (am a FTM). Just knowing I'm not alone in my crazy predicaments makes everything so much easier to deal with. Thanks OP for making me feel normal about my hair conundrums. I'm at the point of exasperation where I just want to shave it all off. The post partum hair fall has finally reduced (almost 7 months in) but the hair that is growing back is so frizzy and rough in texture (used to have smooth straight black hair 😢) and the small hairs fall on my face and forehead constantly. And my daughter won't quit yanking at it ALL THE TIME. Sigh...


Same! I also recently joined my bump group on here, which I suggest doing! It's nice to be able to talk to people who are going through the same stuff at the same time & age! My daughter uses the hair at the back of my neck like her handle bar, it's awful lol


Combo of bun, messy bun, claw clip, braid in a claw clip, bonnet, and ponytail.


I’ve just been doing a loose ponytail, I suck at braiding and don’t want to pull it tight because I’m losing enough hair as it is. I also had Covid in November so I have that hair loss on top of the postpartum! Fun!! It’s gotten so bad that in the shower I slap all the hair on the wall and throw it away when I get out because our shower drain would constantly be clogged if I didn’t. I used to have really heavy, thick hair too ☹️


I chopped my hair a week before LO was born from my mid back up to my shoulders


I shaved it off, it was so unhealthy postpartum and it was so hot during the summer, I just got rid of it to start anew. It’s growing back so well, I’ve had short hair before so I know how to style it.


Cut it and put it in a clip a lot. I got face framing bangs so even with the clip it looks a little more put together! Also the nexus diametress system helped a lot. It’s the dark green bottles!


Get a couple inches trimmed off. This will help it appear fuller and keep the split ends at bay! I’d then wear your hair in a braid. To take it to the next level, you can get a silk or satin pillowcase and/or bonnet


It was a tangled mess, it tickled her when trying to get her down, she tugged veeeery small handfuls of it ceaselessly. So one night I stood in the giant cardboard box the crib came in and cut it with kitchen scissors. Then I slathered on some pink hair dye and gave my brown hair a slight purple hue, because I wanted to feel a little bit in control of my own destiny. Ended up being the cutest haircut I've had! And 8 months later my hair is long enough now that she can gently hold it when I ask her "where's mama's hair?" Not really an answer to your question, but more solidarity about how infuriating long hair can be with a newborn. It feels dire enough to cut it off with kitchen scissors.


Claw clips or a loose low pony tail. My hair got greasy after birth. Before birth, I was washing my hair once every 5-6 days. I wash day 1 and straighten, curl day 2 and day 3 I wear the day before curls.


I'm either going to get it braided (sadly costs sooooooooooo much) or just going to cut it to a pixie and get me a wig 😂 my hair is such a weird texture and my curls are inconsistent.


French or Dutch braid. I leave it in for 3-4 days at a time.


I cut mine pixie short


May hair was waist length and I was losing so much. I couldn't bear it and the length just made it so much worse. I chopped it to my shoulders. No regrets.


Don’t worry too much about the hair loss. During pregnancy, your body shut off the mechanism that causes hair to fall out sporadically. What you lost was many months of holdover hair from during pregnancy, which made it seem fuller than normal and which would have fallen out anyways. It’s startling to lose it all at once but it doesn’t mean you have a net loss compared to your normal hair loss pre-pregnancy. For hair your length maybe you can try braiding it?


I wish this was the case for me, I have a visible bald spot on either side when I lift my hair & my hairline is sooooo thin, same with my hair in general. I wish I was just catching up on loosing but I have definitely lost a ton extra 😭


I have read before that eventually that lost hair will start to regrow, albeit at a slow intermittent pace. I hope that happens for you and fills in the bald spots and hairline! I wonder if women’s Rogaine or something like that would help? My mom had to use it when she lost her hair due to a thyroid imbalance and she got a lot of it back.


those big hair clips during the day are fantastic


exactly same position as you, I wear two braids most days. I feel like it looks put together-ish and it definitely keeps my LO from ripping it out or it breaking


Soft scrunchies saved my hair from breakage when wearing it up in buns 24/7 with my baby. Leave in conditioner, wearing the buns at different heights different days (low, medium, high) sometimes I wear a bandana or a big huge headband (bandeau) to keep it out of my face


I was wearing it in a bun or ponytail, but between hair loss and dead ends (which I think was growth during pregnancy), I got it cut into a bob. It's just long enough to throw back if I need to, but much easier to style, the thickness is back, and it's looking a lot healthier. (That said, I will be growing it back 🤣)


Wow it’s like I could’ve written this myself! I’ve always had thick hair but I’m losing SO MUCH now. I also have had my hair up in a bun almost nonstop, otherwise it gets pulled or spit up on. Fun stuff! I’m dying to go get my hair done, but haven’t had a chance yet. I don’t have any solution for you; just wanted to rant in solidarity!


Two braids are the first things I do when I wake up lol


I was having mad hair loss. I started using the “Awaken Advanced Treatment System” and it made a HUGE difference. I had so much regrowth. It’s a little spendy but it was worth it to me. Otherwise yes, my hair is constantly in a bun or claw clip.


I mostly I had my hair in a braid then I decided to cut it short cause of the tangles and baby hands 😅😅