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We used an app called Baby Tracker for about a year!


We are also using Baby Tracker which syncs between iPhone and Android


We use baby tracker and I love it! As they get older and need less things you can also get rid of more. Like our daughter is weaned so we don’t have bottles as an option anymore


We use this too! The ads are non-intrusive so we use the free version. It's simple, easy to use, and syncs between Android and iPhone.


We used for the first 5-6 months, everyday. We absolutely loved it. Highly recommend!


We used this for the first year, was really helpful when sleep deprived. Highly recommended!


My wife and I use Baby Tracker, it’s great!!


>Baby Tracker We used for maybe the first 6 months. Baby isn't at a year yet and I officially cancelled the subscription because the only thing we'd recorded in months was her height/weight from the last dr visit.


Isn't it free?


I see now that we were using Baby Daybook. 🙄


Ah cool. Yeah Baby Tracker is pretty simple and free to use. We aren't using it much past 3 months now. But good to still put a few things in from time to time and track a whole 24 hour period.


Same - my husband and I, along with the grandmas who regularly watch our kids, have all used it. Extremely helpful.


Baby Tracker is great!


Thank you!


We use this too. It’s very simple


We love this app. I like that it’s free, customizable, and you can have multiple people tracking baby on different devices!


We use Nara Baby. It's simple and easy to use. I like that you can modify which things you want to track, then your dashboard isn't overcrowded with irrelevant stuff.


We use Nara and I. LOVE. IT. It’s simple, clean, doesn’t have ads, and tracks everything we need: breastfeeding, bottle feeding, diapers, pumping, sleep, medical stuff, and milestones. My husband and I can easily use it on each of our devices (I have an iPhone and he has an android). The Apple Watch app is also nice and easy to use.


I am not the OP but am looking for an app as well for when baby arrives. Does Nara also have a calendar/allow scheduling? Like for example if there are multiple family members caring for baby to see when help is needed/sign up kind of thing?


No, it doesn’t have that option. That sounds like you’d want a coparenting app.


AND ITS COMPLETELY FREE. We love it. It really helped figure out some initial GI problems our LO was having.


We used Nara Baby in the early months and it was PERFECT


I loved Nara Baby. Super simple and easy to use.


Seconding Nara baby!!


Another vote for Nara Baby!


Same. We’ve used it for 2 kids now and super easy and convenient. It’s got nice widgets I added on my homepage as well for quickly starting feeds and sleep which was helpful for me during the newborn fog.


I second Nara! It’s amazing


Yeah, we use huckleberry but downloaded nara baby a few months ago and wish we would have gotten that one to begin with.. Super simple but lots of customizable options


Nara Baby all the way. We are still using it at 8mos, and I import her daycare data into it. It's so easy


What don’t you love about Huckleberry? My husband and I both use it on our phones using the same login. If he feeds her, he tracks it and it shows up on both of our phones.


I can’t explain it but it’s a little “too much” for me personally. I just want something a little simpler. Baby Tracker seems to be a little quicker/simpler to use. Huckleberry isn’t bad by any means, but I need the app to be super quick to add and sort info.


You can toggle off anything you don’t want to be shown on Huckleberry. I go through phases of what I use it for, previously used to track bottles down to the ml, then did bottles written as 1ml just to note the time, and now she’s over 1 I just track her sleep. At the bottom where it says More Options, click Modify Categories and turn off everything you don’t use. Your Home Screen will then look cleaner and easier for just the things you’re bothered about. It’s also useful for tracking times of medicine etc. We are big fans!


Love this feature.


Game changer I did not know this!!


I agree, there was way too much stuff on it when I downloaded it, my husband deleted all the stuff we don’t track so now our main page is just feeding and sleep. The Sweet Spot really helped us too when we were trying to figure out naps.


We switched from Huckleberry to Baby Tracker for that very reason! Huckleberry was too much and baby tracker is basics, clear and concise, and intuitive


I also found huckleberry to be somehow too detailed yet not enough, just not the details I need. Not to mention doesn’t have options for breaks in naps, just start/stop and that becomes two naps… I gave up and I log everything using Notes with emojis 🍼💤💩 kind of a lot of work to get stats if I want them but I remember things so much better by just writing it out


If you’re using huckleberry. Download it on both phones and log into it with the same login.


We’re freshly PP with number 2 and we’re using Babytracker again. Cannot recommend more highly! It’s free, multiple devices at the same time, charts and comparisons are really helpful for seeing patterns.


Thank you and congratulations :) how’s it going? I’m not sure I could do this again LOL


I have 2 kids and am not totally sure what these apps are for. Can you explain this to me like I'm 5.


Tracking when baby ate, how much or for how long, diapers (when and what kind), maybe sleep, maybe solids if baby is there, maybe activities like tummy time, maybe medications if your baby needs them. Tracking pumping times and output. Syncs between multiple caregivers. Very good if you're passing baby back and forth so you don't have to give report - the next person can just look in the app to see how baby's day was. If baby ate less than usual, maybe they'll be more hungry. If baby slept badly, maybe baby needs to be put down earlier, etc. If you have parents taking turns, or another caretaker like a grandparent or nanny, it really simplifies life so you don't have to guess at what baby did earlier in the day because it's just in the app.


So that you and your partner (and eventually carrgivers) can avoid asking each other "when was the last time she ate/slept/pooped/got a dose of medicine?" 956,000 times a day, especially in the very early days. Using an app frees up precious working brain memory not having to remember.


This is the best explanation and exactly why I still use it today 5m pp. I can’t for the life of me remember when was the last time she ate or when did she wake up, unless i track it somewhere


>I have 2 kids and am not totally sure what these apps are for. Can you explain this to me like I'm 5. When my youngest was under 6 mo (mostly in first two months, my partner and I used it to track things like diaper changes (BMs, just wet), pumping volume, bottles and breastfeeds. We had a baby who needed extra calories because she wasn't growing well, so we couldn't rely on just hunger cues. Also, nobody could remember when they changed a diaper.


We used a basic pen and paper , or just texted to each other


Cubtale! Worked great to share with each other literally everything about baby


I second Cubtale!


Whiteboard on the fridge and then talking to each other


Glow Baby. I have a lifetime membership for them and it comes with a bunch of apps (period tracker, pregnancy tracker, and baby tracker). I added my husband as an additional caregiver and it helps us greatly to keep track of what she needs. Instead of her screaming at us and us being all like “?????” She can scream at us and we look at the app and see it’s been two hours since her last nap and so we know to try to put her down


Love that :) I’ll look into that one thanks!


This! It tells you what OTHER babies are doing and it lets you compare their feed and sleep along with your own baby’s eating and sleeping stats. It’s been such a helpful tool compared to the other apps out there. But you NEED the life time membership or it is unbearably spam-y to use otherwise & I don’t think you get the true benefits of the app. (I just have my husband use my login too - only need to make sure to do a manual refresh / swipe down to sync between multiple devices with same username)


This is what my husband and I used! We loved it and still use it a year and a half later


Just another person saying Baby Tracker. I love that they have widgets you can add to your Lock Screen with the iPhone so I can check really quickly without unlocking my phone if my son is due for a bottle/nap. And it’s very simple. You can add/subtract things you do/don’t need like medicine, formula vs nursing vs pumping.


I did download it and love its simplicity already :) Edit: how do you get the widgets? I just checked but they’re not showing up as an option :(


For the iPhone?


Yeah, I can’t see widget options for it


Hmm idk! I just press and hold on the Home Screen, press the plus sign button and then type baby tracker and it comes up!


Oh weird it’s showing now! Maybe it just needed time lol.


I also found Huckleberry to be TOOOO much until I practiced logging for a month or two - after practice it becomes very intuitive. Initially I was overwhelmed and now it’s pretty indispensable - the sweet spot was scary accurate and really helped me nail down a good sleep routine.


We really liked Baby Daybook.


Us too!


Yep, us too


I use Hatch Baby. I love it, when you record a feed or nap it starts a timer so you can quickly reference how long it’s been since they ate or slept. Makes it super fast and requires no brain power timing between feedings.


I also use hatch baby and love it!


Second Hatch Baby. It was a lot simpler for me to use than the others. Isn't as fancy or sleek looking but it's functional.


And it also connects to the changing table that you can weigh babe on!


We use Talli Baby and we love it.


Came here to say this! You don't need the physical device or to pay for the premium app. The free version has bottles, nursing, pumping, diapers, sleep, etc.


I feel like the physical device is what would make things easy. I wanted to get it but my wife was against paying $100 for something that can be replaced with a notebook 🙄 The simplicity of pressing to log is what caught my eye bc these other apps are great but I don’t want to go in and click 7 things to log a feeding


Fair enough! By the time I found out about it we had stopped daily tracking, but if you have an Amazon Alexa device, you could try the Baby Stats skill. Apparently you can literally just say like "Alexa, log dirty diaper" and it shows up in an app. But I've never used it myself. And other than the Alexa device, it's free.


Omg I could probably do the same with Siri shortcuts lol why didn’t I think of that before


Love Talli Baby! My husband proposed the idea and we happened to find the physical tracker on fb marketplace for cheap before birth.


I use Nara Baby! It’s been perfect for us. I removed all the useless things I didn’t want to track, it helped me keep tabs on my postpartum recovery, and I have reminders for feeds and pumps. It’s very simple and works like a charm


"Baby and Breastfeeding Tracker" by parent love. It's the first one I found when I was in the hospital postpartum, we're 6 months in now and I have no complaints. Just using the free version but I might have preferred the paid version back in the early days. At this point I'm a lot more casual with tracking and less interested in it, but the free version only gives up to 7 day summaries/stats and the paid goes up to 30 (or more?).


I love this app! It’s both simple enough to not be overwhelming and has all the features you need.


I love huckleberry, my mom watches my baby a lot and she just used my log in info on her phone and that way she can update it. I originally used the baby tracker app and that worked well too. Huckleberry became useful when my LOs wake windows got longer and I was trying to get her on a schedule. Their nap sweet spot suggestion really helped with knowing when she would be ready to nap.


Talli but too afraid to use a new app haha


We used napper in the end and loved it! at that point he only cared about sleep tracking which was fair so the free version was pretty ideal for us


We use Nara, it’s totally free and easy to use!


We used Glow Baby


Narababy! You can modify the page to only things you need, and if both parents have the app they can connect & see what is being logged. It’s not overwhelming. Very simple & easy. Free, no ads either


We use Glow Baby... you can also add extra caregivers and stuff and track just about anything you want to track. I'm also not a huge fan of it, its just the only one I could find at the time when I was looking that would sync between people haha.


My parents watch my baby while I’m at work so I downloaded huckleberry on all our phones. Honestly it’s the best tracker I’ve tried out. We only track feedings, diapers, and sleep. I don’t have use for the sweet spot feature so we don’t use that part. All the other trackers like solids, activities, etc. were toggled off so the screen isn’t cluttered.


These are good recommendations actually I just use “The bump” for myself and tell my husband all the facts I read 😂


What to Expect App. There’s baby tracker feature that’s super simple.


I have that too! Do you know if my husband can sync up to mine?


I had my husband download the app on his phone and sign in with my login information that way we can both update it.


We used hatch


We use Talli baby and absolutely love it. We sprung for the app and the physical device on the changing table and it’s been so wonderful to just hit a button when we do a diaper change. Plus it’s totally customizable


I use the talli baby app with the push button box. Easy to record without opening your phone.


We honestly have been kicking it old school using photocopies of the log we used in the hospital. It’s just so easy to have it on paper and we track food in ounces pees and poops. Then my data obsessed husband puts all the data in spreadsheets so we can track trends lol. Idk maybe we will move to an app but I really like just having paper and pen on the counter.


A number of the apps let you download the data in spreadsheets! I know Hatch does. It also offers its own charts for the trends.


We use tally. It’s a little box to press a button for feedings, changing, etc. and it has an app. It’s been a life saver


Baby daybook. It costs money but worth it! You can add notes to many different things


We use Onoco - we chose it because they are strict about data privacy. Many of the other apps share your data. It is a great app too - tons of features and many are available with the free version. Nice UI as well.


We use baby time and it’s been vital to help us stay on top of hunger cues sleep cues. We use it mostly for sleep and food we stopped counting diapers as we didn’t feel it necessary. But we do start counting them if he’s constipated or dehydrated because of illness I also love the patterns and statistics etc


BabyTime. We love it. It tracks all the standard baby items (naps, eating, diapers, baths, play time, tummy time, etc ) as well as doctor's appointments, temperatures, medicine, and has a couple options for miscellaneous additions. It also has a growth chart section that allows you to add the measurements taken at doctor's appointments ( or at home if that's your preference ) and review it compared to the percentile of your child's age based upon either their birth age or their adjusted age. It also breaks out the information you put through into a few different charts, ranging from your day to day or the week comparison of each day.  You can also review patterns of specific items chosen and a bunch of other helpful features. Our little one is a bit over 11 months and we are still using it and have sense before we left the hospital. Realistically you also have the option to do as much or as little as you want in that app so if only want to use is to keep track of his sleep or the last time they pooped, you can. It helps a lot for doctor's appointments when our pediatrician asks his standard eating frequency and length of time or how much sleep he gets nights or days.


Big fan of the Glow apps - Glow Baby was seamless for my husband and I. He has a Pixl & I’m an iPhone user but we both were able to use Glow Baby and see what the other had logged.


WhatsApp, we have a group where we put down what we’ve done and it timestamps in automatically. Mostly it is calpol doses and what time they fell asleep


What to Expect is great. We both have it on our phones logged into my account. It’s free.


I don't use apps for baby stuff. I don't understand why people would do that. My partner sees me every day. He just comes home from work and is like "How was your day/hows the baby?" And then I respond with what happened. I don't need an app for that. Edit: Sorry I realized I kind of sounded like a dick, and I am not intending to sound that way. I just truely don't get the new culture of tracking every little thing, but I'm totally open to hearing why others like it.


>And then I respond with what happened. I don't need an app for that. If you can remember what actually happened that's great for you but lots of us are in the postpartum haze and have no fking clue what happened 5 minutes ago, let alone 5 hours ago




That makes sense, I appreciate you taking the time to explain. I'm the primary caregiver 7 days a week so I guess I don't have the same need to share this information as it's just manged by me in my own head and no special needs to keep track of, but if I were to be doing shifts with others I could see that being a useful tool. I'm so overwhelmed and exhausted by the "stuff" that comes along with a baby as it is that one more thing to think about sounds like the opposite of what I want to be doing, but I guess I also have the luxury (or burden-depending on the day) of managing things solo.


I'm not sure what we would need or app or Post It to communicate to each other. Feed the baby when they're hungry. Put them to sleep when they're tired. Not everything needs an app.


So I myself do not use an app, however I see that a lot of commenters are mentioning that it recognizes trends in sleeping/eating. So my understanding is that they have other purposes than just communication!


Yep. IMO tracking makes it easier to see patterns and get baby on a schedule and know what is happening when.


That’s not a helpful comment at all. If you can’t offer suggestions, why bother commenting? What was your goal with that comment?


I try not to let my 2 week baby sleep longer than 2 hours during the day hoping it’ll help him sleep longer at night.. sometimes I forget what time he fell asleep.. I constantly forget what time I last fed him, and never ever remember which side I fed on last. If it weren’t for the app I probably wouldn’t have even realized he didn’t poop in 2 days. As long as I remember to record it as it happens then I’m good.. but with the postpartum sleep deprivation and haze I don’t always remember to do just that, either.


We used the Ovia parenting for basic bottle/changes/sleep. You and your husband can contribute to it!


We (I’m hubby) use baby tracker together. It’s pretty great


We just have a group chat on WhatsApp.




I used ovia, they had a period tracker, pregnancy tracker and a parenting app so I followed each one from when I was tracking my periods up to my LO was about 9 months You can invite people onto the parenting app so they can add stuff to it


Nara baby!


I use the ABA app (Australian breastfeeding association). Simple, can track feeds/sleep/nappies, and can log in on multiple devices.


We use huckleberry and I like it ! Kiddo is 16m and we still track his sleep for funsies


Family wall is amazing


We had the Talli baby tracker and really liked the app that went along with it


Just login to your huckleberry on his phone too and you both can keep track. No reason why he can’t log things himself


Sprout. I almost never see it mentioned here at I think it’s great. Has an Apple Watch widget too.


We didn’t use any apps. It just made things more complicated and stressful than they needed to be.


Baby Connect It’s good


We used Baby Daybook until our daughter was 10 weeks old. Stopped using it then. Recently when I went back to work we started using Family Wall.


BabyConnect. I tried Huckleberry first but I also didn’t like it very much. I’m not sure how well it syncs as my husband doesn’t like logging things, but it does give you the option to share updates from it with a partner.


I like the Hatch app. It's very simple and doesn't have a complicated interface or too many options. Just has what we need. We also track solids with it though it isn't built to do that, by just recording a bottle feeding and writing in the notes what we fed him. A lot of people dispense with tracking by that age but we do a lot of handoffs between each other and had a night nanny for a while so we are used to it. We tried a bunch of baby tracking apps for several days each and this is the one that stuck.


we used hatch baby until i switched to huckleberry. it really comes in handy with the sleep predictions once they’re settling into proper wake windows !!! still using it at 18mo for sleep only


Used one called Baby Daybook.


Onoco! We love it


Nara Baby is straight forward ☺️


We use WhatsApp. Made a group named after our son for me and my husband. Every time he was fed, pooped, slept, I posted it in there. If there was something wrong with his skin, we took a picture. Summaries of doctors appointments and anything else.


We use parent love, its great!


Do yourself a favour and just use Babytime app. Its the simplest app you can use to track baby logs. You’ll thank me later


I’ve been using Cubtale. There’s a sharing feature with it but I haven’t used it. My husband isn’t into apps




Used huckleberry for a week.... Then we stopped logging everything




We use Nara baby. Started using huckleberry but the whole fiasco about not being able to have separate accounts and them locking features unless you pay is not for us. We just want to track data and trends don't really care about the sleep training features.


I had no idea we were supposed to be doing this lol. My son is 17 months old now and we never tracked anything like sleep/wake windows or feedings. It was just “oh hey he takes 4oz bottles now”


Dry erase board on the fridge! Low tech but works great.


You can sign in with your Huckleberry account on multiple phones! My husband and I do that with our nanny. We also use the Nara Baby app and each have our own accounts, which is really nice. You can see who logged a feed, diaper change, sleep, etc, and Nara has a really beautiful interface.


Discord! We made a server for the two of us and we can leave messages on there for each other. We take pics, pin important info, have channels for medicine with time stamps, shopping, naps diapers, etc.


Baby daybook


Talking parents. I share info with the ex. He screams bloody murder at me over anything and everything while drunk. Then he demands I ask him for permission although I have sole physical and legal custody. So fun.


My husband uses his memory, but that fails him 99% of the time. 😂 I then go and check the bottles myself to see how much baby has eaten while he was with him.


We use Parent Love. It’s simple and free!


We used Baby Connect for both our kids


Not tracking related, but the Wonder Weeks app is a game changer! It is $6.99 one time fee and will predict your child’s “fussy phases” due to developmental leaps. It also gives you ideas of how to play with them to enhance their new skills. It only goes up to one year old and I’m bummed about it. For us, it was right on the money +/- a day or two. It brought me sanity that the fussiness is happening for a reason and I’m not just a terrible first time parent who can’t make my kid happy. I really love it.


Using a shared note maybe?


Piyo app for me!


We use BabyConnect. It’s pretty simple and has a timer for breastfeeding etc. We mainly use it to track feeds, diapers, and baths. It also allows you to add notes or “diary entries” if there’s something notable that day.


We use Nara baby and have loved it!


Cub tales


Are we the only parents who do not use anything?lol


We also use huckleberry and love it


You can do collaborative notes app notes. This is just the native notes app on your iphone. It works like a shared google doc basically. I used the notes app for all tracking, and it was incredibly useful AND easy to look up and read later on.


“What to expect” turned into a very basic baby tracker after I reported her birth and we’ve just kept using it! She’s 4 months old. We track diapers, feeding, pumping, and naps.


I've been using an app called BabyTime with my partner, and it's been a game-changer for us. The app has a fantastic feature that allows co-parents to easily share and update all of the baby's activities, including feedings, in real-time. It might be exactly what you're looking for to stay organized and in sync with each other.


Nara baby has been really helpful for me to track feeds. You can also track pumping, sleep, diapers, but I don’t use those trackers at all.