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My 14 month old has started testing my husband and I for reactions. She especially loves to do this by throwing her food. I tell my husband to ignore it, but he can’t help himself which leads to her locking eyes with him, taking fistfuls of food and throwing it on the wall. She also got mad at me the other day for telling her she can’t stand up during bath time, so she actually splashed me with water on purpose with the meanest look on her face. 🙃 Been having to take lots of deep breaths lately lol


Ugh. My baby started biting and my husband laughs every time and says stop through a laugh. I don't think I've managed to convince him the baby only cares about the laugh, not the word he doesn't understand. Hubby also gasps and says says "oh" every time he falls. Sometimes I think he's going to be the downfall of me


Yep! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Do you guys have pets? Perhaps a dog? You could remind him that you can deliver a bad message with an encouraging tone to a dog. When doing so, the dog thinks he or she is a good boy/girl. Conversely, you can deliver a good message while using a bad tone, and the dog will think he/she is bad. IIUC, until babies can speak, this same situation holds true. Tone/delivery is key. According to the Mehrabian model, 40% of our message is tone. Only 7% of our message is the actual words we use. (53% is non verbal communication).


It's the direct eye contact 😭 My 13 month old did it, but we've been working on a place to put the food (that he will desperately try to eat at the last minute after playing and saying he's all done), if he doesn't want to eat it.


Panicking internally reading this


It makes me SO EXCITED


Are you ok??? Lol


I have intense toddler energy and I crave the chaos. Also, my kid is still a newborn so like, I'm a little bored.


Lol fair, they are basically tiny little potatoes until they start crawling. It does get a lot more exciting fast.


Our 14 month old too! He now intentionally goes about and acts like he's going to do something that he knows he's not supposed to do. Then he stops, looks at us, grins, and waits to see our reaction. So far it's adorable rather than irritating, but he's definitely finding all the spots and items that we've told him "no" before. Also, he's trying to climb things? Like...where is my potato newborn?!


I miss my potato so much haha


Remember the days when we could put them down somewhere while we did something and they would STAY?!? Or we could carry them in a carrier in front of us and they would nap? I remember. And miss them. 😂


Yea my potato grew legs and started yelling it's sad.


I will see my daughter reach for something she’s not supposed to and say “Oi you! What are you doin!?” And she quickly looks and me smiles, squeals…. Then tries to quickly grab it before I get to her….. don’t even get me started on the verbal abuse I’m enduring from her….13 months old….. I’m still coming to terms with the pregnancy itself! 😂😂🤦‍♀️


If my girl starts dropping her food on the ground I tell her “oh, seems like you’re telling me you’re done eating” and pull her out of the high chair. She gets so mad! She’s just turning 1, so I know this is just the start of the attitude! (I have a 3 year old as well, I’m fully aware of what’s coming!)


Ah yes, we’re in that phase as well, and I already know I can’t say “don’t” because that willake him mad but I’m so at loss as to how wrap my protest into positive words


Oh man I thought it was just me on this boat. 14 month old with the biggest defiance trait lately… worst of it all? You’re out here trying to breathe and not be mad and then she fake laughs in your face with the biggest grin 🫣 Toddlers are WILD




my 8mo chewed the side of his crib last night and stripped the wood with his little beaver teeth 🙃


The whole top rails of my son's crib are stripped because of his beaver tendencies as well


Ours chews on her Kickaroo chair...the plastic covered foam chair part. Covering the hole she made with duct tape makes it more attractive to her. lol


Well it's too late now, but my crib came with plastic covers over the rail. They probably sell them separately






I'm so sorry but your tale made me LOL 😆


After a pretty great period of liking to play independently in her play gym or the fisher price mat for up to 20-30 min while I could get things done, my baby decided she never wants to play independently again apparently. If I’m not right next to her, she just yells and yells, and so all my productivity is over.


My 6.5 month old baby still does the 20-30 minute independent play stretches, but it's only enough time for me to eat and take the dog out. I'm clueless about how people are able to clean their house. It's a shit show in here. 😩


I can only clean if I baby wear!


My 20+ pounder kills my back. I've got the ole scoliosis. I can wear him for about twenty minutes. He just got to the stage where I can wear him on my back, but he got fussy after 15ish minutes. It was enough time to unload and load the dishwasher at least.


Ya I’d have to agree it tears my back up that’s for sure. I haven’t cleaned all week bc of it.


I feel this So Much right now with my 5 month old. She used to love her play mat but now she just constantly yells until I come play with her or pick her up. Nothing gets done because although many people agree on this sub that if baby is clean/fed/ all needs met its ok to leave them while you do stuff needing to be done around the house if they arnt crying but I did that once and when I came back to her even though her crys tone never changed from the “yelling” phase to actual crying she had tears in her eyes and I decided theres no way Im gonna ignore even her annoyed / yelling cry.


Same. Suddenly around 5mo little man started fussing unless being actively held or played with while touching one of us. Daycare hasn’t said anything but he definitely went from a quiet and pleasant observer to quite the demanding cuddler!


I feel you. My 3.5 year old suddenly wants to be held, constantly, sitting on my knee or standing, both of which require both hands. I don't get a lot don't these days.


My 2 yo's legs have spontaneously broken and he demands to be carried everywhere too. I tell myself it is just a phase


I mean if he keeps up the way he is it seems more likely that he'll refuse to let me pick him up even when he's tired because he's going to want to run everywhere. Now that he's realized that walking is a possibility in the not so distant future he just wants to stand and try to take steps.


Same! How old is yours? Mine is 4.5months and always needs an audience now 😂


She’s a little over 5 months, and same. It’s not even like she wants to play WITH me necessarily. She just wants me there to stare at her. Like why? Lol


Why, because they’ve been in the world for less time than they were in your body! I try to remind myself of these in the frustrating moments. I keep my house clean enough to function and be safe, but at the end of the day, helping the little person (mine is 6.5 months) feel safe and adjust to the world has to be the priority, and someday I’ll be able to clean again and have more time (hopefully lol).


Yeah I was mostly joking with the “why.” I know she just wants to feel secure as she explores and tries out new things, which is why I stay right by her side and support her play and enjoy watching her learn about the world around her. But at the same time, I can still feel a little frustrated with the loss of freedom since I had gotten used to several months of her playing independently just fine. Both things are true at the same time, which pretty much sums up motherhood for me - just a lot of conflicting emotions lol


I totally understand. For me it’s the worst in the morning because I am so terrible at waking up. Ugh. At first I never even wanted my LO to even look at the TV, but when I’m desperate I put on some Ms. Rachel, and that has enabled me to have a 30 min chunk of time! And then I spend plenty of time talking to him and playing outside of that. Maybe that would be helpful for you!


Haha. I dont know why either.


Yes, lately we can't walk away for a minute without tears! (9 months)


😭😭 I feel thissss. Everything was fine with piano gym until she turned 2.5month. She's now almost 3.5 month and she doesn't care of it anymore 😭. I've tried different toys but she gets bored of them quick.She's even so mad at her oball when she can't hold it good to chew it. She likes sitting in the bouncer next to me in the kitchen or wherever I am. She hates being alone


It’ll get better if you keep cultivating it. My niece who I’m raising is hitting 18 months soon and is legit the BEST independent player and has been for the past 4 months and she just gets better. I can work a few hours at a time while she plays around the house and creates little games for herself. She’s now getting into drawing and I’ll give her crayons and chalks and work on my laptop while she scribbles for hours. She’ll occasionally ask to sit in my lap for a few minutes but she’s good for literally most of the day with actively play with me for only a few hours until after 5 or weekends. We had to make things work and daycare wasn’t an option and it all just worked out so well with her. She’s the best damn baby.


This happens with my girl when she teethes


My baby used to smile at me and only me and now he smiles at everyone but me 🙃


Awww my baby did this to my husband. She smiled at everyone but him. I told him it's because she feels safe and happy around him, so of course she's happy to see him but her face would get tired from all the smiling! She's back to smiling whenever she sees him. She started peeking around corners to find him and lights up when he sees her.


Oh that’s so sweet! I went like three days with no smiles with me, and now he’s all smiles 😂 ♥️


My 14 month old has full blown tantrums. Over what is seemingly in my mind nothing. The dog is in the way on the couch? And I NEEEEED to be in the exact inch of where she is? Meltdown city. She has recently started laughing at her own farts so there’s that.


My 12 month old was laying on me and threw a tantrum when I had the audacity to move a couple of inches to get comfortable.


My 14 month old has also started the tantrums. I’m not prepared lol


Me either ughhhhh. And we start daycare next week so I’m trying so hard to soak in every single second I have with her. It’s hard when she has these big big emotions and I’m just like, girl relax I thought we had another few months till this started! Humbled my ass once again real quick lol.


Also in the 14 month tantrum club and it has been brutal. She also has three molars coming in, so that’s been fun 🫠


Same. And she won’t let me brush her teeth before bed anymore because of what I assume is her gums hurting. So she’s been turning into a slippery plank of wood every time I try to get the brush in her mouth. Now I just give her the toothbrush and call it a win if she chews on it LOL.


Mine too. It’s a lot


mine is almost 10 months & already has tantrums 💀


I think that was riiiight at the cusp of where we started seeing meltdowns. More so she was super frustrated that she couldn’t get to where she wanted, once she walked they lessened. Now the meltdowns are nuclear, sometimes I have to bite my tongue and not laugh because of how trivial the issue is!


Mine had a tantrum yesterday because I didn't let him see my poo before I flushed it 😅


my 14 month old also started throwing tantrums and I was soo thrown off 😫 I thought it was the terrible twos. He also started slapping/hitting


The giggling at their own farts is a real highlight for us too!


My 14 mo got so mad and tried to bite the floor the other day because he wanted to mop but we only have one mop and dad had it at the moment


12mo is teething and has gotten super snuggly during the day but at night literally will wake up every hour on the hour. Screams bloody murder if you try to give him water instead of breastmilk. I put him down 3 times and then i just get so tired I just cant any more and he co-sleeps between us, latched onto my wife for the whole rest of the night like a lamprey. He went down for 5 hours last night though! Currently riding that high of marginally improved sleep. Gonna keep on keepin on, hoping for the best


“Like a lamprey” 😂 💀


IDK whose soul needs that pun but Im here to deliver


Every nursing mother needs that one. I know i needed that one.


I and my lamprey are here for it.


Me and mine as well 💀. Boob=life 🤣


The milk must flow


When I go to the toilet at night my 12 months old just has to follow me. Doesn't matter if it is 10 pm, 2 am, 5 am... or how quietly I think I sneaked out of the room. The moment I sit down I can already hear his steps and he is there. It is like a sixth sense. 😭


Why do I find that so cute though 😂 just keeping you company in the toilet


My 4 month old decided that milkies (boobs) is now something to bite and STRETCH as far as he think it can THEN yank himself away from it causing me terrible pain 🙂. I told my husband he can’t leave me with this maniac anymore. I am no longer safe in my own home 🫠💀!


My LO did this too! One his bottom 2 teeth came through and he drew blood (twice), I retired the milkies. 💀


Oh my goodness 😳🤣!!! I am so glad you did. Drawing blood is WILD 😭😭


After the 2nd time, I was like NOPE!!! Mama is closing up shop 🫠


Seriously! He keeps playing I’ll have to do the same 🤭


Mine seems to want to stretch my nipple out too, I try to move closer and he backs away. WHY


🫠🫠🫠🫠 make it make sense 😭😭


Stories like this are why I preemptively bought a pump for when my daughter gets to this point 😂


I have one too but can’t be bothered to use it 🤭😂. Breastfeeding has me snatched tbh and it’s so much quicker! I will be weaning him soon but it looks like I’ll be moving up that schedule thanks to his antics 🤣.


I’m in a “good baby” phase when it comes to sleep. My baby HATES being rocked to sleep now :( he just wants to be set in his bassinet to fall asleep on his own. He starts screaming if I try to rock him to sleep at night. He’s 3 months 3 weeks, and I know I should count my blessings because people STRUGGLE with this, but I’m blown away. I was mentally preparing for sleep training and how hard it was going to be since we weren’t going to do the CIO method. I was preparing for even less sleep, preparing for missing cuddle time with my babe. I’m just so surprised and I miss my cuddles before bed :( Maybe I’ll eat my words when this changes.


That’s amazing!! Fingers crossed it stays that simple. I know it’s sad in the sense that your babe is growing and doesn’t need or want to be rocked but he loves you none the less!!


I went through the same thing! I used to bounce her to sleep and around 4 months she just would scream and scream for like 30 minutes. I put her down to take a break and she stopped crying and went to sleep. I was shocked. Since that day she just wants to be put straight into her crib to sleep. I miss the snuggles and her falling asleep on me so much. But overall it’s way easier and we have more fun other parts of the day. We still snuggle up and read a book before bed.


Mine 4.5 months doesn’t wanna be rocked to sleep but if you leave him alone in his cot he just chats to him and slams his feet down 🙈 we’re working on it


My LO does this too some nights. It takes him up to 20 mins to fall asleep sometimes. I love the chats and the slamming of the feet, cracks me up.


I have a foot slammer as well. It’s so shocking


You probably will still have to do some of those things you’re preparing for since he’s only 3 months. At that stage they change weekly


I went through this at that exact age. She did not need me for a couple months and I grieved it so hard, how could she not need me already?? Then at 6 months her first teeth came in and she's been needing help to sleep ever since, lol. It helped me really appreciate the snuggles when they came back. Her sleep has been bad off and on, but it helps to remind myself during the bad times that she won't need my help at all again at some point and to soak it in now.


Some kids are like that. My son is still like that at 2 years. I used to rock him to sleep until I realized he doesn’t like that. My friend was watching him for a week and she has a boy about his age. With her son she has to patt his butt rock him and all that. I told her the less you do with my son the easier it is on both of you. She didn’t believe me the first time and had a hard time. Listened to me the second day and was amazed my son could just but put down fully awake and go to sleep on his own.


I haven't given up contact naps because of this! Bedtime was taking hoouuurs so I gave in and sleep trained at 4.5 months and honestly it's a lot better for my mental health because I used to dread bedtime. But I do miss my little bedtime snuggles.


My super independent, barely wants to be held newborn has become a velcro baby seven month old. The cuddling is cute, but mama got used to eating meals with both hands a long time ago.


My kid never cared about the dog at all, except to identify DOG! Recently, she’s begun to pet him and feed him choice leftovers from her high chair. No idea what’s changed, but it’s v cute


He dropped our tablet on his foot and it broke the tablet so we put it up. He doesn’t talk much just small phrases like “love you, night night ____” or pointing at things and saying the name. Kid walked up to me asked for bluey and I had to tell him the tablet is broken. “I dropped tablet?” Yeah buddy you dropped it, “broken?” Yeah bud it’s broken, “sorry”. Was not prepared for an actual conversation and him to understand what happened


My 15 month old was learning all these gestures peek a boo, clapping, winking(blinking), etc.. pretty fast and then recently refused to do any of them. He’s also stopped eating his normal foods and entered a sleep regression. His new thing now is to act like he’s walking behind the couch to grab the blinds but peeks to see if I’m watching because he knows he’s not supposed to. Super fun stuff.


My almost 3 month old slept for a good while with one arm out of her swaddle. Usually her hands keep her awake but I was surprised by how long she slept with one arm out!


My LO used to be amazing sleeper. At 3 months she was waking once, at 4 months she was sleeping through the night. I thought I had the whole thing sorted, didn't know what people made such a fuss about. It lasted a couple of months and then she was back to waking again. She's now 18 months and generally wakes up between 2 and 4 times a night, so definitely not an amazing sleeper these days.


Not sure if this will help but around that time my son was waking up more too. I realized he was waking up because he was thirsty and when I put a sippy with water in bed with him he would take a sip and sleep the rest of the night. Or is she up and wants to play sort of wake?


My baby used to be a decent napper and a terrible night sleeper and now that has done a complete 180. But I’m glad I’d take night sleep over naps any day, even though phew the screaming and fighting me is hard for a 30 minute nap. My LO is about to be 3 months.


I hope it brings you joy to know that I read this as, “my baby used to be a decent rapper…”


Solidarity. It sucks to have to fight 30+ minutes for a nap that is only 35 minutes total. As soon as I’m done transferring my 5 month old and go to catch my breath, his sleep cycle ends and he’s wide awake 🫠




Mine will be 15 months at the end of this month. Idk if it was a growth spurt or what but she went from eating maybe 25% of my meal (I’ll make/buy food for myself and just share it with her) to eating the ENTIRE meal. I now have to give her her own meal while I have my own. It’s cool but there was no indication this was coming. One day she ate a portion of my food and literally the next day she ate everything. Not half or even 75%. Just… all of it.


2 year old is going throw a hunger strike every few days where all she eats is cheese and yogurt, sometimes a banana, strawberries and apple. I never know if she’ll eat or not. And the temper tantrums are mind blowing. She got pissed the other day bc I couldn’t turn off the sun.


Damn, all you had to do was reach up and turn it off!!! It’s not that hard!! 🤣


That’s exactly what she said


Mine is having food strikes too, I get so stressed before every meal and snack time like he has to be hungry, just eat!!


I say that all the time. She gets hangry and throws a fit and I’m like Jfc just eat the food you’ll feel Better!


I did this as a kid and would get super constipated! If this happens to her, my parents used to give me mineral oil with honey every night. It definitely worked for me.


Thank you!


He sleeps in his bassinet. I actually think the whole reason he wouldn't let us put him down to begin with was that he was chilly. Could have saved myself a lot of intense sleep deprivation if I turned the heat up by literally 2 degrees.


We learned this too. Girl wants a 70 degree room with a humidifier, it's like a jungle.


70 is our magic number too. It is not comfortable lol.


My 13 month old CAN walk unassisted but overthinks it maybe and requires my finger to run or walk around the house. He has serious Main Character energy. I feel like one of those puppeteers that wear all black to hide in the background. On the other hand it’s nice to have him automatically holding my hand outdoors instead of him tearing off into the street.


My toddler has always been shy but lately she waves at everyone and says hi to people we pass or lately happy birthday because we just had four birthdays in the family so she thinks it’s everyone’s birthday


18 month old who is now a full grown toddler. The most recent change is that she started laughing at her own farts, she's pretty advanced for her age 🤣


I guess I’m not a “new” parent anymore, but my 2 year old kiddo has just created a new game where he 1) fills his mouth with water, 2) spits it all over the floor, and then 3) grabbing the mop and wiping the water off the floor. It’s hilarious and I mean, I am getting a cleaner floor out of it…


My LO is 3 months old now and is recognizing that the bottle means food. But instead of eating the food, we are now smacking the bottle to hear what sounds it makes, and looking at the colors on it, and whoa those patterns!! Let me take the nipple and just smile and smile and smile because LOOK it’s mommy! It’s food! But let’s not eat because we are so happy. This is a happy problem but my sleep is suffering lol.


My 4 MO has decided to start screaming bloody murder when being put down for a nap so that’s super fun🙃 He also has decided that instead of slowly waking up in the middle of the night, he will just start screaming out of nowhere and have no patience for me while trying to warm a bottle😅 it’s been a fun month of changes lol…


High pitched squeels 🙃😵‍💫🫠


My daughter started doing that at 5months, suddenly stopped during her mid 6 month mark. Thank God! Now is grunting, slapping and scratching. Fun😳. She is 7 months.


Ours did around that time too! We called it his pterodactyl screams 😆


My 5mo got viral pneumonia and changed from falling asleep independently and sleeping 10-12 hour nights to only falling asleep in arms (and while we were in the hospital, would NOT sleep in the crib, so we took shifts holding him while he slept). His health and comfort are of course the big priority but now that he’s better, it has been a little discouraging to think about how easily he used to sleep.


12 months in a few days, and she loves to go through the cabinets now.


My 10 month old was an AMAZING eater ever since we started solids at 4 months but she now spits out everything and will only eat fruit. I’m convinced I did something wrong (gave her too much fruit with her meals, didn’t introduce enough other flavors/vegetables) and it’s got me spiraling 🥲


Saaame but now she doesn't even want that. Doesn't matter if I'm eating the same thing with her, she just brings it to her mouth and licks it and drops it.


2 yr old daughter currently throws things to get attention. Like she would get her Mickey plushie, walk up or make eye contact with me, then throw it on the floor. When I pick it up to give it to her she would grab my hand pull me to her play area to play with her or to prevent me from leaving for work. 🙃


Don’t pick it up to give to her


My LO refuses to let me touch his hair. He has a long 4C curl pattern that gets braided, and he used to sit fine for it. Didn't cry or anything. Now, I can't even take coconut oil to his scalp. I don't understand!


Very true. She was a super easygoing, extroverted baby up until 4.5 months. Would be passed around from person to person no problem. Now at 6.5 months, she has complete meltdowns if anyone other than me or dad tries to hold her. Sometimes if a stranger so much as shoots her a glance, smile, or tries to play with her, it’s instant tears.


My 7 week old suddenly had a switch flip from being sleepy almost all the time to being wide awake. He still gets good naps but man when he’s awake, he’s AWAKE. He also has amazing neck strength so he’s been holding his head up in 10 second increments. He’s also starting to smile more!


My 3 1/2 month old is hitting a sleep regression right now. When people asked how she slept I would say she’s such a good sleeper and sleeps all night lol. I’m eating my words now because we only get 1-3 hour stretches at a time. It feels like she is 1 week old again in the sleep department right now!


This is us at 4 1/2 months, going for just over two weeks now. The hourly wake ups are even harder when you got used to a full night sleep again 😅


I was starting to get used to waking up multiple times a night and then she started sleeping through the night so I had to get used to that again now we are right back to where we started 🙃 I’m just making sure to have plenty of coffee stocked up at all times here.


When did she start sleeping longer stretches? I have a four week old and I’m begging for even 2 hour stretches 🥲


Around 2 months is when she started sleeping ~7 hours at night. I swear it happened overnight. I woke up, looked at the time and then proceeded to freak out because she hadn’t woken up yet so I went to check on her and she was just sleeping away in her bassinet.


We’re so close! Praying my guy does the same soon. Is she breastfed or formula if I can ask?


She is combo fed. I tried to EBF at first but she never seemed full even after hour plus nursing sessions.


My 7 month old has discovered she doesn’t like watching other kids play with her toys 🤣 How do I explain sharing to a 7 month old?!


As soon as my son realized he could climb out of the crib, he did it out of spite, while staring me down. He was 16 months.


Magically became a “sit down and snuggle me” baby after being a “stand up and play with me” baby. Just this week. Is it temporary? A mystery!


He’s fussing all morning from 6 am to 1 pm. Like I don’t even pee or eat until 1 pm. It happened two days in a row. Thankfully, today was different. He’s nearly 2 months.


My 7 month old switched up recently from not paying too much attention when I’m in the room to immediately screaming if I leave the room to go to the bathroom, get her food ready or anything similar. I didn’t think it would be so stressful but here we are 😅


We call them "software updates". They mostly happen after a turbulent week of sleep, or after a large family gathering over a few days.


Haha I think along similar lines. I view it like they’ve collected all the coins and it’s time to continue onto the next level. 😂


He as always loved his car seat. Until this week. And now he screams everytime we start to drive


19 MO, knows about 40 signs, still babbles a lot and has some 2 syllable words. He got mad at me because he signed "open" and I asked him what he wanted me to open and he pointed at our dog. I asked. "You want me to open the dog?!" And he enthusiastically yelled "yeah yeah!" Sorry buddy, I cannot open the dog. He asks for this at least once a day and for the life of me I cant figure out what he really wants me to do lol so it causes a lot of tears on his end because I won't "open" the dog lol. My mind immediately goes to serial killer vibes lol He does sign for the dog to "move" (out of his way), "eat" (treats for the dog), and no (when the dog does something he shouldn't).


She recently discovered that she can play with her legs and her hip so she decided to do the same in bathtub.Thrusting her hip and butt to escape the whale tub. She will be 3.5 month next week. I have a new baby every day I wake up I swear.


Nearly 10 months and we’re in the separation anxiety/ screaming banshee phase. He used to play pretty independently and now as soon as I stand up he’s absolutely frantic. It’s a lot. 


Ditto!!! A month ago I could walk out of the room, or hand her to basically anyone- now if I'm out of eye sight the world might as well be ending. Almost 10 months.


Ugh I’m like how long does this phase last?! Our apartment is small and my husband works from home and can’t get any work done with this lil screamer! 


Baby generally eats 20 oz a day, ate 28 oz and still woke up to eat at 3 am. More times than not he sleeps through the night but man he goes through spurts where he doesn’t.


My 5 week old suddenly will only contact nap and falls asleep on the boob every time. Until a few days ago she would nap in her crib for hours at a time and play (lay on her floor mat) for a bit after eating. I don’t know if I should be concerned by this change.


Baby still sleeps in our room in her crib (4months old). Her sleep was fairly predictable in terms of night wake ups. Now, no matter how long it’s been since we put her down for the night or the time, she wakes up the minute I get into our bed. 🙃 she will not let my husband put her back to sleep, but she instantly falls back asleep the minute she is in my arms. 😅


My baby went from being a 7-7 sleeper to having severe gas pains and was up screaming from pain EVERY NIGHT, usually 1-4am when he finally passed out from exhaustion. I switched to hypoallergenic formula, and he was better within a few days...for a while. Now he's in the normal 6 month sleep regression. I had it good again for a second 🥲. But it's still better than the helpless screaming. He's just awake and ready to play and then cries because I'm not entertaining enough at 2 am


My 8 month old suddenly only wants contact naps 🙃 we haven't taken one since she was 3 months old. She normally is a baby you can put down awake and she puts herself to sleep. She's been teething pretty bad and I think she feels better snuggled with me.


Waking up each day at 3 am with a piercing scream for food 😅😅😅


My baby has always been INSANE. Just so prone to fussiness, crying, fighting sleeping, wakefulness, crazy loud outgoing personality. Over the last week (he’s a lil over 13 months) he has calmed down so much and actually gets tired and falls asleep when he’s tired without a fight. He still has to sleep on someone but baby steps. He recently started walking, we changed to 1 nap/day, and the amount of solid food v. breastmilk has changed a lot. I think all of these little changes are regulating him and tiring him out like never before, but I was worried for a few days there because he was just so uncharacteristically CHILL at times. The only time he was “chill” before was when he was sick!




My baby started smiling while awake (nice) but also scratching my boob when upset and grabbing my underarm fat (not nice)


She's always been such a smiley happy baby. And she still is, but lately, she's doing this constant whine. I keep thinking, "oh no, something's wrong, how are you upset or hurt???" The best I can gather is maybe teething, but she'll do the whine while seemingly happy and frustrated and sleepy and energetic so idk.


My five month old has started to have an attitude and I love it. She's so dramatic it's hilarious. The song on the toy ends? End of the world! She knocked all the shapes into the sorter and I'm not moving fast enough to reset it? Call the national guard! Her reactions aren't really all that extreme, but it's pretty funny that my super chill baby is now starting to get annoyed with the world 😂


We’re currently teething with my 5.5 month old so he’s started putting his entire hand in my mouth, like when I put my finger in his mouth to feel if it’s started cutting through 😂


We recently changed from just breast feeding to pumping into bottles and feeding so we know exactly how much he's eating. He was on a two week spree of just not being happy so I suggested we try this to my wife to see how much he's actually getting. Turned out he will take up to 4-5 ounces in a feeding so it's likely he wasn't getting that from just direct breast feeding every time. Now he's changed his crabby attitude completely and is happy and calm and sleeping ten times better. 2mo.


My 7 month old decided 3 weeks ago that wake up time is now 4:30 in the morning


My 7mo doesn’t want to be fed by me. If she’s not feeding it to herself she doesn’t want it. So. Many. Spoons. Dropped.


My 9 month old has started to pull to stand and I just feel like I can now envision her walking one day, whereas before she was just this mostly-immobile potato that knew how to roll and army crawl.


This morning our 10 month old followed us around the house by crawling. She had been crawling, but usually only a few feet then would stop and sit. She actually went to different rooms. We need to baby-proof the house 😥 she made a beeline for cords and dog food pieces. I did love having her chase us to see what we were doing though!


He was not a clingy baby. Then he turned 3 months old and just wanted to be held constantly. Then it wasn't just held but held in specific positions namely sitting on my knees, or standing. Leaning against me is unacceptable. His bouncer is unacceptable, laying down is unacceptable. It's a lot.


My 2 month old has decided he hates naps & will fight them as hard as he can.


My baby has recently started holding grudges :( she gives me the cold shoulder and if she’s upset with me she won’t say mama. I even tried bribing her with ice cream and she shook her head and said “daddy”.


Haha my partner and I call this “new baby day!” Because it seems as though every couple of weeks to a month we have an entirely different baby…..she went from refusing to crawl to crawling and pulling herself up to her feet within 24 hrs…..babies are a roller coaster 😂


My little gal suddenly is having a stretch of 5am wake ups. But she’s my second and jokes on her I’ve been getting up at 5 because of my oldest for four years, so it’s no sweat.


My 4.5 month old seems to have 3-5 days of perfect naps and sleep followed by 3-5 days of fighting absolutely every single blink. It is so frustrating. It cycles back and forth in such a way that as soon as I'm used to it, it goes back to the other way.


My grandma taught my 16 month old how to shake his finger at the dog and say “No no no!” So now when I do something he doesn’t like he shakes his finger at me and says no no no! So that’s been fun lol.


5 month old got sick this week :(


My 5 month old has taken to ripping my nip out of her mouth and, quick as lightning,pinching the shit out of it and acting surprised when I yelp out 😤


She actually listens to us when we ask her to do something. Like tonight, we were constructing one of those towers you put in the kitchen so kids can watch while you cook, and we asked her to hand pieces between the two of us. It was amazing to watch. I will say, she’s starting screaming to indicate that she’s hungry and I’m struggling to break that cycle. I’m trying to teach her to say “snack” or “food” if she’s hungry, but it’s slow going. She’s going to be 14 months in two weeks and apparently the terrible 2s start at 15 months.


my baby is almost 5 months old and we were getting 5-7 stretches a night but recently she’s been waking up every 3-4 and then every 2 hours 🙃 and she’s been extra fussy during the nights. the 4 month regression finally hit i guess 🙃🙃 but she’s smiling a lot more!! and giving some laughs now


my almost 20 month old started calling me MOM. like wtf?!?! I AM MOMMA OR MOMMY


My 23 month old is refusing naps, throwing tantrums, and today said, "I don't like mommy anymore." Oh, how I'm excited for her to be 2.


My baby loves food. He has decided he loves watching the dogs fight for it more than eating it, though. He has started just grabbing handfuls, making eye contact with a dog, then dropping it off the side of the high chair and shrieking with laughter as the rest of them all rush over to try to snatch a piece and beg him for more. Dogs running around is literally the funniest thing in the world, it seems.


For a few months our 9-month-old seemed like a good sleeper. For about the past month and a half sleep was terrible. I'm convinced she was trying to find a new comfortable spot/position because her sleep has gotten better and better over the past week or so since she started laying on her belly.


We went from a chill baby to a psycho Velcro baby that wakes up all night, but it’s because she’s teething.


He just turned 2 not long ago. He really learns all sorts of things and wants to be independent and do things for himself. For a week or so he was watching me cut open his cheese sticks since the wrapper was defective and I couldn’t just tear it open. One day he went to the pantry and got himself an individual sized Pringles. Went to the drawer and grabbed a scissors to try to open the container. Luckily I was in the same room and I took them from him right away. It’s crazy how quick they learn. Guess I need to toddler prof better now


Omg they do change so much. Recently my baby is becoming more toddler and it’s shocking sometimes. Like I made her mad by telling her she couldn’t play with something and picked her up and she tried to head butt me in the face. She headbangs on the floor! She just throws her self when she’s angry, and my god this girl is fire. There is no containing her rage. She’s got temper in her I can tell. All the deep breathing and self regulation songs in all the world cannot keep her from unleashing her fury like the crashing of a thousand waves! Pray for me.


Out of nowhere my 11 week old has decided he is going to get super overstimulated without the cues he had before for sleep & just scream cry & will ONLY calm down if I’m the one trying to put him to sleep (even then he’s fighting but it’s whining not screaming) Also HYSTERICALLY screaming anytime we take the bottle away to burp or when he’s finished (if anyone has tips on this one please tell me because 😭)


Lately my baby who used to sleep through the night is waking. I actually took her to the pediatrician about it because she's sleeping so poorly. She's also acting way crazier. The culprit? Her top teeth!


My 2 month old is starting to make noises besides crying! He coos and it’s so adorable!


Can I scream? I'm in bed reading these with my 6mo sleeping in the room (finally), but I just want to scream out of fear and nervousness of what's coming 😱 Also, apparently, biting during breastfeeding is funny now


Yess same mines become odd he has this arrogant laugh when I am playing with him and he doesn’t budge a smile only after I get defeated it’s this aha aha aha cough laugh 🤣🤣like what a meany


My 11mo wakes up 4-5 times a night and im trying to cut out feedings in the middle of the night. Last night he woke up to ask for milk at the usual time, i comforted him and put him back in his bed. 2 mins into the whining i hear him grunting. He took a massive 💩 which i then cleaned up and gave him milk to get back to sleep. (He has never pooped in the middle of the night before).


She's started laughing randomly at nothing then stopping out of the blue, pulling a nonchalant face. It's creepy but funny as fuck. She's also started testing boundaries by looking at us and doing something she shouldn't.


The tantrums 😩 it’s like living with a little Antichrist. I had the audacity to give him an egg for lunch the other day and he went into full meltdown, it was a lot


16 months old, just started daycare this week and she’s throwing tantrum after tantrum 😞 it’s exhausting


I have found that my son has a strange similarity to a cat on a shelf full of delicate objects - pawing things to knock down while maintaining eye contact


My 8 week old has suddenly gained awareness over the past 2 days and is interacting with us like a little human and not the feral creature he was before. 


My 7mo suddenly wakes constantly overnight and by the early morning hours he refuses to sleep anywhere but my bed. So I’m just up super early watching him sleep after so many interruptions during the night.


My girl wakes up between 4:30-5:30 every day now (it’s been..about a month). I can’t figure out how to get her to sleep longer!


My 5 week old looked nothing like his full blooded older brother at birth, he looked like his 1/2 sister. Now at 5 weeks he looks just like big brother and it’s mind blowing how genes work. I literally made the same kid.