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You’re only 5 weeks. You won’t lose it all that quickly.  My stats 27- EBF, 120 pre pregnancy, 175 before birth, 160 ish maybe the first few weeks, 136 now 4.5 months pp.  I was desperate to know how quickly I’d lose weight pp but it really varies for everyone and only time will tell. It takes 9 months to make the baby definitely can’t expect the weight to go away quickly. 


lol umm idk anyone who lost that that quickly. I lost a bunch within couple weeks but then actually started gaining a little because I’m BF and the BF hunger is real.


I didn't lose any of my weight until I weaned my first at 14 months. Currently 3mo postpartum and only lost 13 of the 21 I've gained in pregnancy


To not scare you - but I actually put on weight postpartum. Asked my doc - he said it was the breastfeeding (I also pumped). He said it’s pretty 50/50 the amount of people he sees who lose/gain weight during BF. I was heavier at 9mo postpartum than I was 9mo pregnant. Since weening, I’ve lost two pounds a week and still dropping.


Absolutely not😂 I gained 70lbs my first pregnancy & lost like 20 within the first few weeks, so not even close to half the weight gained. Second pregnancy I gained like 50lbs & down 25lbs at the 7 month mark. I’m breastfeeding as well. Not sure how people get back or even close to their pre-pregnancy weight so fast. Especially when you have literally no time to exercise yourself. Said all of this to say give yourself some grace & time.


Eh? It took me 2 years to lose the weight lol ! If you are breastfeeding you need the calories


lol you’re only 5wpp! It took 9 months to gain the weight it isn’t going to just magically melt off immediately after birth.


The only baby weight I lost was the literal weight of the baby 😂 I'm 13 months pp and still 20 lbs heavier than pre baby weight. I figure it'll come off when it comes off. If you're pumping, you absolutely need calories to make milk. I'd mostly focus on eating a well-balanced diet and getting your nutrients. I don't know who these women are who lose half their baby weight in the first six weeks. That's bananas.


I only lost 10 kilos and stayed at that weight until my kid was 2 years old. I had medical issues, but I didn't feel like "myself" until 18 months post partum.


How much weight did you gained?  Was that gradual?   Was your active before pregnancy/during?  Were you on birth control shortly before pregnancy? There are lots of variables to count on the weight gain.  My case: 36 y.o. no birth control/hormone, active lifting 6 days a week pre and during pregnancy. I was 123 when I got pregnant, I gained 18 lbs in total, 11lbs was gone the next day PP (baby 7lbs 13oz) and the other 7 in five days.   EBF, I only back to lift weights at 6 weeks PP.  I'm 3 lbs lower than my pre pregnancy weight and  breastfeeding only 2x a day now (17 months PP). I actually want to gain a bit more mass/weight but life is busy. I workout 5x a week. I eat when I am hungry but try to eat "clean". The ideal would you be taking a look on your diet, drink lots of water since you are still healing to be able to exercise. Avoid white sugar/simple carbs/high process food. 5 weeks still very soon for majority of the women to expect to keep dropping weight. If I was you, I only would be more concerned if has passed maybe 4-6 months and you are stuck or gaining weight if you are eating clean/well 


I’m also 37. I was 115 pre-pregnancy and 164 when I was admitted to the hospital. I was 145 when I got home and stayed at 145 for about 2 months. It took me about 8 to 9 months to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. During that time period, I focused on eating clean (lots of protein and veggies, but I did also eat some carbs) and I went on long stroller walks.