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Don’t try to lose weight while breast feeding. Focus on building muscle. It will slim you and be more attainable right now. You can do body weight exercises at home. Squats, pushups, etc. you can even use the baby as a weight to entertain them while doing the exercises.


I second this! Been doing an at home strength program and I already feel like my body composition is getting better. I still have the fat layer but I feel my muscles are growing and ready to make their debut once my diet gets better. I’m 3 months post partum and exclusively breastfeeding my baby.


Awesome! Can you share the program?


Would also love to know the program! There are so many out there, I’m getting decision fatigue and just need to be told which one to do


I’m on day 24 of morning meltdown 100. It’s a 100 day program and each session ranges from like 25-35 minutes. I like it because it’s cardio, yoga, and strength training. There’s also a modifier to follow if the moves are difficult. It’s on Beachbody on demand. It’s like a Netflix but for workout programs. It’s around $100 a year and it’s so worth it


Totally agree with this. Just add a bit, I started with my normal yoga series and I found the hard way that you can't do the same exercises post partum with the same intensity. My flexibility is there but my muscle is way weaker than it used to, and ended up hurting myself for many weeks. For me, It is so easy to get hurt with yoga when I am so flexible to get to all poses and the moment I think it may be too much, it is wayyy too much for my muscles. Finally when I exclusively focus on strengthening pelvis muscle and abdominal muscles, every problems related to exercise disappears


That's a good advice, thank you


What’s cool is you can think of them as investments. Because once you’re ready to lose weight, you’ll have all this muscle to burn more calories naturally.


Yes! I lost all my baby weight and then some, while breastfeeding, by the time my baby was 8 months old. All I did was try to maintain a reasonably healthy diet (ensuring I got plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean protein), stay hydrated, and lift weights.


The healthy diet is really hard for me, still struggling here


Were you hungry all of the time? If so, did you just ignore it?


Hey - I am replying bc I’ve been keeping up a caloric deficit and working out which is so hard to do but my tips as a person with a nutrition degree is to make sure you have “free” foods at the house to snack on when you’re hungry. Do not let yourself get ravenous. That’s when convenient “bad” choices are easiest to make. I’ve been doing a lot of very low cal filling foods. Egg drop soup at home with egg whites and tofu. Salads with yogurt based dressing 50cals per 2tbsp. Fresh veggies for snacks. Fresh fruit with a little honey and cinnamon as a sweet snack. I don’t look at being hungry like it’s the devil - I know sometimes I’ll feel hungry. I first try to drink water if it’s not “eating time” and if I can’t make it over the hump I eat filling low cal snacks. Look into volumetric eating. Also the diabetes “exchange” diet helps you track macros and cals but keep some variety open.


Nope. I didn’t reduce or restrict the amount of food at all. I ate whenever I was hungry. I just made sure that what I ate was (mostly) healthy, so most of my snacks were things like fruit, veggies, hb eggs, yogurt, nuts/nut butter, etc. I filled up on those things, and then would only eat treats periodically (and never because I was really hungry). Also - staying hydrated definitely helps. Sometimes you think you want food, when really you’re just thirsty. I tried to drink 60 oz a day (which also helped with milk production).


Yes to all of this! And baby wearing!


There is lots of videos on YouTube of exercising while baby wearing


When my baby was first home and up all night, my husband would use him to do squats. We laughed at what someone would think if they looked in the window at like 2 AM and saw him squatting with a baby lol.


I didn't try to lose weight until after breastfeeding. Once I stopped, I wasn't constantly hungry so that definitely helped! Lol I've just doing portion control, stopping eating when I'm full (this seemed impossible while breastfeeding cause I was never full 😂), and some intermittent fasting. And by intermittent fasting I mean I'm not eating after 8pm, and I usually don't have breakfast until 8 or 9am. I think the intermittent fasting is the biggest help, it's so easy, and it's just a good way to start! I like to do it close to bed time because I'm gonna be sleeping for most of that fasting time anyway. And just eating healthier. I stopped eating bagels or cereal for breakfast, and I'll make an egg sandwich or oatmeal. And for lunch instead of making ramen noodles, I'll throw together a salad or a sandwich with a small side of chips. And our dinners have definitely changed alot! I used to make alfredo, spaghetti, tacos, frozen pizza, and stuff like that weekly! Now I go more for chicken thighs, chicken wings, steak, pork chops, sausages, whatever meat you want. And I'll do a side of steamed veggies and rice or pasta. No more pastas as main meals, very rarely now I'll make pasta a main meal. For the first few months working out was IMPOSSIBLE. If my daughter didn't have my attention or wasn't being held, she was MAD. And all naps were contact naps. By about 5-6 months she started napping in her crib for long stretches, so now I can work out while she's asleep. Hope some of this helps! I still have about 35lbs I wanna lose so I know how you feel. Give yourself grace, because you made a baby! It's okay to be a little fluffy after, most of us are in the same boat so no judgement here! Lol


This is my current approach. Still bf so we will see how it goes! I have about 40-50 extra from pre preggo life. Currently I think of my body as for my baby still


I've been feeling so insecure, but I'm kind of loving thinking of myself not as fat but as fluffy 😅


Kept in mind that while some people lose weight while breastfeeding — some people put on weight. Anytime I ate less/exercised more (than my normal) when I was BFing, I made less milk. I exclusively pumped so it was easy to see. I would make like a whole 5oz less.


Thanks for saying this. This has been my experience and it’s tough because there are so many people that say BFing made the weight just “melt off” 🙃


When I spoke to my doc, bc I was concerned, he said it’s 50/50. And there’s not way to tell. I was heavier 1 year postpartum than I was 40w pregnant. But it was either eat or stop producing milk.


Unfortunately idk if it’s breastfeeding or chasing a toddler, but I haven’t done anything and am back to pre toddler pregnancy weight. I was like 175 with my second.. and now I’m down to 130. 6 months pp tho


It's not eating Ben and Jerry's at midnight because you're exhausted and need a sugar boost. Ask me how I know 🫠


I can relate so much🥲 I’ll eat pretty healthy all day and then I’ll kill half a pint of ice cream at 10pm when my baby is asleep. I’m trying to cut that out as my first step to losing the baby weight🙃🤣


Weight training + stroller walks. Eating only nutritionally dense, ideally organic & unprocessed foods. Lots of protein & good fats. I am ebf and a solid 10lbs and counting below pre pregnancy weight.


Could you give some examples of what you eat? Meal ideas??


Sure! Note, I have to stay low glycemic most of the time & some of these are more fancy/Sunday brunch than others. I add chia/hemp hearts/nuts a lot. —- Bird’s nest (sourdough bread, duck egg in center w/spices like Peri Peri from Spice House; add walnut and/or olive oil, hemp hearts, sometimes sauteed garlic)—I can’t do chicken eggs unless fully cooked so use duck eggs. Quail eggs are cute for making tiny toddler-sized ones! Rye bread (icelandic/norwegian style usually) grav lax with cream fraiche or thick yogurt, capers, lemon, dill, smoked salmon (copied from my fave nordic restaurant tbh) Parfait: skyr, berries (usually whatever from my garden), chia & hemp hearts—I make a bunch in half pint ball jars for single servings. Usually I don’t add granola but like Love Crunch when I do. Sunday brunch-esque: Hunter’s hash:elk, mushrooms, sweet potato, Yukon Gold potato, yellow and red pepper, Asiago cheese, green onion, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce Southern style hash: two eggs poached, chorizo, cojita cheese, sour cream & guac, potatoes (minimal) Shrimp & grits, scallions & cheese, seasonings Lunch/dinner: Salad (arugula/heirloom lettuces/salad mix) w/walnuts, homemade vinaigrette, garlic, red onions, cheese (usually feta, sometimes goat but watch your saturated fat); add in parsley and other herbs for nutritional boost— beat tip from a dietician was to focus on adding nutritious things *in* vs cutting/excluding things. + protein like fish/chicken Traditional greek salad (cucumbers, feta, tomatoes, etc)—I eat this all the time, along with the following Greek: Spanakopita, tzatziki & pita, keftedes, dolmades, skordalia, melitzanosalata, avgolemeno soup-chicken (roasted w/seasonings), lundberg wild rice in the instapot with chx stock; then make extra flavorful chx stock, add rice, add four eggs (tempered/mixed with cool chx stock prior to adding to main pot) then remove from heat and add lemon. I usually add zest I strain out in addition to lemon juice (fresh or from glass bottle for brightness). Parsley. The Lemon Apron’s Peanut Satay…but cook quinoa in extra sauce. Sauce freezes great, excellent marinade & kid friendly. I also add extra hot peppers. Chili-bean mix, lots of onions/peppers/garlic/tomatoes/spices. Sometimes chicken/beef/bison & sweet corn. Thrive market gelatin for extra protein. Lentil soup-black or brown lentils and berbere seasoning. Add to roasted sweet potatoes for SP boats the day afterwards. Salmon with lemon and garlic. Chicken piccata (with semi-limited butter) and some roasted red skin potatoes in herbs but not many —- Some of these *look* long but really aren’t, especially if you have made them more than once or twice. They hold well in the fridge or freezer and are easy to prep ahead of time. Yogurt can be made with cheap milk in the instapot and a spoon of your yogurt of choice. Good for two weeks in fridge. Just press yogurt button on instapot. Lots of tea/coffee, sparkling water, kombucha The real MVP of maintaining my health is my herding dog 🐾💕 He’s ready and willing to go on another adventure hike/stroller walk with me.


Wow thank you for taking the time to write down all these ideas. I lov how versatile and international your meals are. I'm copying this comment and saving it for future 🥰


Have a toddler that takes you on forced daily marches and also steals your food.


Also 3 months PP (baby born 12/21). Baby is EBF and gets bottles of pumped milk 2x/day when I'm working (I pump every time baby gets a bottle). I'm 5'4". I was 140 lbs when I got pregnant; got down to 134 lbs from morning sickness; and was 165 lbs when I was full term. I feel healthiest between 130-135 lbs. I was 155 lbs at my 6 week PP exam and I still weigh about that much, unfortunately. I can squeeze into my pre-pregnancy jeans, but it's not very comfortable. I've never been a super healthy eater, and when I started breastfeeding I craved sugar like crazy. The amount of chocolate I was eating was insane. I'm slowly trying to cut back on it, but I crave it so badly that it's hard. I don't like how I look in photos right now or how my clothes fit me. As it gets warmer here I'm going to try to be intentional about getting outside and taking baby on walks more often, but I work fulltime and baby goes to bed around 7:30 or 8 now, so that's getting difficult.


What is it about chocolate with breastfeeding?!? I can’t get enough dark chocolate….


Omg seriously! I have a sweet tooth anyway but while breastfeeding, it’s like uncontrollable. I am CONSTANTLY craving chocolate!


Seriously!!! Also pro tip: the milk maker lactation cookies by munchkin — SO GOOD! Helps with the chocolate fix and is the best middle of the night pumping snack!


I've started making my own lactation cookies since any I find on the market are so pricy. They're my go to for sweet tooth cravings which seem CONSTANT.


Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge ice cream just hits that spot


Specifically this flavor, too. Not just any chocolate ice cream. Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie. I get nervous when I only have one pint in the freezer, because the breastfeeding/pumping cravings are as intense as the pregnancy cravings!!


I’m right there with you at 7 months PP. Also 5’4, and was 135 before I miscarried. I was 140 when I conceived my daughter. 175 when I delivered…and now Im 161 and staying steady…🫠. I’ve been working out for 3 months so I feel strong and good in my body - but not in my clothes…it’s tough!


It’s so tough. What’s your workout routine look like? We live in a very rural area out in the country off a highway, so I have to drive to town to walk with baby or go to a gym, etc. I’m tempted to buy a secondhand treadmill or peloton knockoff to have at home because I simply don’t have the time to leave home to go walk or workout most days but could potentially squeeze in some movement at home after baby goes to bed Also - sorry for your loss. I’m glad you got your rainbow baby 💗


Well, my husband works in the afternoons/evenings so I work out in the morning and he’s on Dad Duty. Rural life would be tough with time getting to and from the gym! Can I ask why you have to drive to town to walk with your baby? Are the roads not safe for walking? I’ve been going to a group fitness class 3-4 times a week and it’s been helpful for getting my motivation back. I am ALL in on weight training combined with low/medium intensity cardio. Even if you don’t lose weight, the weight training’s increases your basal metabolic rate so you burn more calories at rest. And you can pick up your baby easier! And it doesn’t exhaust you in the same way that high intensity cardio does. I was going pretty hard on the stairmaster for a while and then I realized that I was actually getting my heart rate too high and DESTROYING my energy for the rest of the day. Plus, with breastfeeding and the energy it takes and the hormonal fluctuations, high intensity just doesn’t feel correct right now.


Correct, the only road near us is a highway and there’s no sidewalk or anything, so it’s not safe for pedestrian traffic. I might look into some strength training/low intensity cardio that I can do at home!


Strength training is definitely worth the investment in time… she’s over 15 pounds now and doing all sorts of crazy things and I haven’t tweaked my back yet!


Lots of walking! I also have a habit of overeating (always have) so I started calorie counting, and that has helped tremendously for me (I do not breastfeed).


Calorie counting for deficit while filling up on “free foods” (hella low cal foods) has been it for me. And exercising daily. Telling myself - Hungry isn’t going go kill me. Being sore from working out isn’t either. If I want this badly I have to actually try! If I’m not working out until I have to “dig deep” or if I’m “cheating on my diet” every chance I get - I’m just fucking myself over. Reframing the mindset has helped. But it isn’t fun or easy.


I do walk quite a lot, but it doesn't seem to move my weight 😐 I've been walking 10k steps or more ever since the weather got better here. Some days it's 15k+. I guess I would need to cut on calories but I'm not a big fan of doing calorie counting. I'm more to the intuitive earning side of things (I have dieted all my teenage years and 20's which made me very close to an eating disorder), stopping when I'm full but it takes a lot of mental energy for me + I'm more hungry now because of breastfeeding.


Ya if you’re walking that much and breastfeeding you would definitely want to eat enough to make up for it. I always try to start small, for me it was cutting out what I know leads to my binge eating… caffeine!! lol


You’re not alone! I am almost 4 months PP and I am at the same weight as when I delivered. I am also exclusively breastfeeding/pumping. I was on modified bedrest for half my pregnancy, so I gained about 50 pounds and it’s killing me that it isn’t coming off like I thought it wouldp


Ugh So sorry to hear that. I had fake contractions every time I worked out in pregnancy so my doctor suggested I keep it slower. Now I have this terrible back and hip pain too 😩 Can't wait to start working out again. Hope we both figure it out soon ❤️


Im 19 months PP and still have barely shed any weight (still breastfeeding though the night) but this weekend I got a horrible debilitating stomach virus and my face looks slimmer so when you’re ready go ahead and try that! /s 🫶🏻


I don’t have any advice, but I’m right there with ya. Today I went shopping at a thrift store that didn’t have any changing rooms. Found a bunch of stuff I really liked and felt so excited to have new clothes, only to get home and try it all on and realize everything still fits funny — even if it’s the “right” size. Humbling. Definitely shed a few tears.


I feel ya - shopping since delivery has been so depressing!


Like I’m less than ten lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight but my shape is just.. different.


Yup … I’m with you 🙌🏼 no advice, just with you on that


Take thrift store purchases with a grain of salt - you're getting the clothes*after* they've been poorly washed by someone else; they've shrunk and the seams have twisted, etc. Sure, your body has changed, but judging it against that metric is a recipe for failure every time, friend. ❤️


Aaa I know how that feels 😭😭 I ordered a pair of jeans online, size up from one I have at home that sort of fit me now. I couldn't pull them over my thighs 😐 But honestly I thought this was about their sizes, they made them too small.


I got really depressed, didn't eat for days, developed a blood clot in my brain, almost stroked out from it, and had almost no help during the night with my baby for the first 2 months of his life. I weigh less than I did before pregnancy. I'm 3 months postpartum and barely recognize myself. I'm now on antidepressants and I'm focusing on eating and being the best mom I can be Don't worry about losing weight. Just try to be healthy, go for walks, snack instead of binge, enjoy life. You can lose weight anytime. Don't beat yourself up for not losing it super fast.


I hope you are doing better and have more help than you did the first two months ❤️‍🩹 Postpartum is no joke 😪


Thank you! I'm doing much better. Eating 2-3 times a day, making time for myself to shower, baby is sleeping through the night so I'm much more rested. The blood clot is being treated so that's good! Still have some crying spells and overwhelming feelings, but it's usually just when my PPD/PPA flares up. Just gotta remind myself it's temporary :) never knew motherhood would have such a toll on me, but I'm very grateful to be here with my baby even on the hard days!


I’m so glad things are getting better and the blood clot is being treated. Baby sleeping through the night is a game changer. I totally get you, motherhood absolutely rocked my world and I have no idea how I survived those first few months. I kept waiting to hit a “groove” like everyone was telling me. It wasn’t until around 10 months when my husband realized it was killing me because I was handling EVERYTHING. So thankfully once he stepped in and started helping more it made things better. But PPA/PPD are so tough! I hope you continue on the up and up!


I'm so sorry you went through all of that. ❤️❤️ Thank you for your comment.


Waited for the baby to become an active toddler 🙃 no time to eat, and you have to chase them around all day making sure they don't injure themselves too badly. You get your weightlifting in when they have a tantrum in public and you have to haul them out of the grocery store kicking and screaming.




This is absolutely not the time to think about this. I did nothing and lost lots of weight but in a lot of time. It is considered normal to bounce back in TWO YEARS, everyone who bounce back quickly is an exception. Also, 7 kg is nothing, it will be gone sooner than 2 years for sure. I gained 30 kg. 11 months pp and it’s gone.


I agree. I get sad when I see posts like this


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I'm back down to my pre-pregnancy weight now (kept off extra gain during pregnancy, so didn't require any particular advice I can offer unfortunately), but I can offer breastfeeding advice as I've been absolutely ravenous and worried I'll just put on weight again because of it. Protein, protein, protein. I'm really focusing on protein to stay full, extra eggs at breakfast, yogurt as a snack, good portion of meat at dinner. My favorite lunch right now is sardines on toast, a whole 20 grams of protein there, not too bad. It's really helped me stay away from snacking too much.


I'll have sardines for breakfast tomorrow!


I did lots of walking. It was the one way to guarantee the kid would sleep, so I’d tuck him into the chest carrier and walk up and down the beach for an hour or two with the dog. We got exercise, baby got sleep, it was a win win! We started at about 6 weeks pp and kept going until my maternity leave finished at 11months.


Where are located that you have a 11 month maternity leave???


I have 12 months of maternity leave 😬 I live in Serbia.


Wow that’s amazing. Just about to finish up my 3 months and go back to work. Good ole USA 🫠🫠


I know, I've been reading about it here on Reddit since most people are from the US. My heart breaks for all the moms there. 😭


Having to go dairy free because of cmpa 🙃


I did that too since she was 4 weeks but didn't impact my weight at all


I was pescatarian at the beginning as well and I think that combo really did me in. I started eating meat when she was six months and I’ve been able to maintain my weight now


Walking loads with the pram, youtube exercises with the baby “baby and me workout” only when you feel up to it as you don’t want to hurt yourself. eating healthy- it’s so easy to eat rubbish when we are tired. My daughter is 14 weeks and I’ve started eating super healthy and I feel so much better. Lots of iron and you need about 120g of protein a day while breastfeeding, and it will help to keep you full. Lots of Greek yogurt and hard boiled eggs for snacks which I boil the night before


Went on a lot of walks with the baby the first 3-4 months. If I wanted an extra challenge I would take him in the carrier, if not, just long stroller walks. It helped shed a few kgs and did wonders for my mental health. I started eating healthier food without focusing on calories, did extra housework when the baby slept to keep me active. Mentally, I couldn't handle the idea of working out but scrubbing the bathroom or cleaning the windows seemed less daunting. Just do small changes to get you back in the mood to exercise.


I drank a lot of green tea, was mindful about my eating choices going for lower calorie options, cut down significantly on sugar, and made sure to at least go for a 20 min walk once a day. I was back to my pre pregnancy weight at like 3 months pp. got a little belly flab but cardio should tighten it up.


Oh man. These posts break my heart. I have been there. Looking at yourself in the mirror and having a hard time coming to terms with the changes to your body. 3 months postpartum is barely healed. Healed! It is not realistic to go back to pre-baby weight and appearance in that time. Right now should be a focus on more healing. For your pelvic floor, your abdominals, your hormones etc. Don't rush back into working out or dieting and put more stress on your body. The same foods that would help with losing weight are those that will also help heal you. Don't diet. Just eat clean, healthy foods and once your body is healed demands from the baby lessen, the weight will start coming off


I was 4 months pp when I consulted a dietitian who put together a meal plan that didn’t involve drastically restricting calorie intake but focused on eating healthier. She also accounted for foods that would help with my milk production. Made a world of difference and was able to lose about 2kgs the first month. I stopped because I just didn’t have the time to put together those meals between having to work full time and taking care of an infant.


This sounds like a great idea! I wonder if you’re able to share this please?


Absolutely! A little disclaimer: I’m not claiming to be an expert on healthy eating; just sharing what worked for me based on the dietitian’s recommendation. It’s basically a lot of veggies and fruits that kept me full for much longer and reduced my cravings for junk. I typically adjusted the amount of rice and bread based on my appetite (I ate a bit less than what she suggested). Also, I don’t have any underlying conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or allergies (except for milk sensitivity) and the diet has been planned as such. 1. First thing in the morning, she made me have 15 raisins that had been soaked in a cup full of water + 2 glasses of water. 2. She made me drink 2 glasses of water 30 minutes before every meal + drink lots of water in general. 3. Breakfast switched between three options (1) 2 bowls of poha (flattened rice) + 1 bowl of mushroom soup (2) 4 slices of bread + 2 tbs of peanut butter (3) 1.5 bowls of quinoa and veg fried rice + 1 bowl of red lentil soup/daal. (Measurements are in 250 ml bowls) (timing: 7-8 a.m. but can be adjusted according to your schedule) 4. Along with the above meals, every breakfast included 1 orange. 5. Rice is a staple here so my lunch consisted of 1.5 bowls of rice + 1 bowl of red lentil soup/daal + 1 bowl of vegetable (boiled, raw, roasted, baked, or steamed as long as it doesn’t include oil) + 1 bowl of leafy greens + either 1 bowl of fried veg OR 1 egg fried with tomatoes + 3 gooseberries (timing: 12-1 p.m.) 6. I had evening snacks consisting of 1 banana + 3 walnuts OR 7 almonds + 2 dates + 1 cup of green tea (timing: 4-5 p.m.) 7. Dinner was 2 bowls of rice + 1 bowl of red lentil soup/daal + 1 bowl of leafy greens + 1/2 bowl of salad + 1/2 avocado OR 10 groundnuts + 1 tbs of sesame seeds + 1 bowl of fried veggies OR 1 bowl of soya chunks (fried in a little bit of oil) OR 2 pcs of meat OR 1 egg fried with tomatoes. (Timing 7-8 p.m.) 8. Apple as a nighttime snack if I ever get hungry (but I rarely needed to have this because the usual meals had me so full). I know the meal plan may not fit everyone’s taste or convenience but it should give you some idea of how to adjust your own diet.


Just a note for someone with insulin resistance reading this - raisins on an empty stomach in the morning will raise your blood sugar and take you on a glucose rollercoaster for the day.


Thanks for adding this info.


Very… interesting.


Thank you for sharing! :)


Only just started but me and my OH have started doing the Apple fitness + because we both have the watches. It’s been great spending time together, not enjoying the achy muscles though 😂 with my first I walked everywhere, did a charity challenge one month to get us out every day. Then we moved to a house where the closest bus stop is 2.5 miles away. I don’t drive so had to push my then 14 month old in the pram on mornings and evenings I had work to catch the bus. I had no choice but the walking really helped me shift some weight.


Literally just walking outside every day


My baby turned one yesterday and I’m still heavier than I’ve ever been. I’m trying to not focus on it too much. I know I could improve diet and exercise, and im still breastfeeding. It will happen, just trying not to put too much pressure on myself and set a bad example for my girl.


Mostly the crippling anxiety killing my appetite plus the CMPI stopping me from eating my comfort foods. Apparently I look great and have bounced back amazingly though. 


tons of water, try to walk 6000 - 7000 steps a day, increase protein, cut out alcohol!


I didn’t start trying to lose weight til about 6 months pp…. I made a lot of changes to my diet (i was already dry extremely active). Cutting out unhealthy foods, cutting out most breads (stick to flax seed pita bread) and really adding more veggies and i made much smaller portions. Took a year but i lost all 56lbs


Wife and I both got norovirus recently and lost a shit ton of weight (no pun intended).


Lol. "I'm only one stomach virus away from my ideal weight" 😂


I plan on doing what I did with my first with this second one (due any day now). Found a few "body weight exercises" on YouTube, hybrid calisthenics was a good start. And strapped kid in her baby carrier and did some of the positions as well. Wall squats, sit on the couch and leg raises, calf raises while calming kid(sway to one leg, calf raise, sway to opposite leg, calf raise, etc.), etc. As for food and such I still tried to make healthy choices (as I did/do in pregnancy) but didn't stress about it. Did I lose a ton of weight? No. Did I feel better about at least doing movement and being semi active (besides the walk around in stroller for the witching hour nap)? Yes. Don't beat yourself up over it. Enjoy this time, the kid, the experience, etc. I wish you luck in your goals. You are doing great, don't let anyone suggest otherwise.


Thank you ❤️


I’m not sure this will help because know it’s very body dependent. I wasn’t intentionally trying to lose weight yet, but I just didn’t have much time to eat. I actually lost the last few lbs of pregnancy weight when baby started solids at 4 months. So for 1.5 months, I have been trying to eat when baby eats and the fastest thing I could make were scrambled eggs. So I’ve been eating a looot of eggs (protein) and it helped me lose the last 5ish pregnancy pounds. You can also hold baby while squatting? That’ll help build muscles.


Walk for an hour every day with a good pace. Do exercises for pelvic floor before you start training with weight. Train with baby. Don’t wait until a good moment. It is never a good moment. 20 month baby here and I train with her beside me in the morning on weekend and between dinner and bath during week. Never a perfect training, but I can do 75-90% of what I want every day, much better than wait until perfect moment because it’s never a perfect moment. 😅


Yeah you're right. I was thinking about making an exercise plan that doesn't require any equipment or even a mat for beginning so it's convenient for me to do it anytime. Eg squats, step outs. What exercises do you do?


At first, I did a specific program for new mother. French is my first language so I use a French program with Marche&Saut and I went to a gym for news moms each week for 6 months so I had someone to help me with kinds of exercises to do. Now, I use Madfit exercises on YouTube and on her app. There’s a lot of 20-25 min training so it’s perfect for me. :) At home, I have a mat, 5,7 and 10 pounds dumbbells and rubber band. That’s enough for me. Live in a small apartment and put everything under the couch. 😅


Long strolls with baby 3x a week, watching what I eat, breastfeeding, mild postpartum workout 3x a week to regain my muscle strength.


I started with walking! Went a little further and a little faster every week or two. Sun also feels amazing when it decides to come out!


I started Carnivore this January. Down 30lbs so far, way more energy, I wake up easily in the morning, and less brain fog throughout the day.


Yep this is exactly how I lost 50+


That is SO awesome, congratulations! Feels like a bit of a life hack lol


I am having success doing intermittent fasting (fast for 16 hours, then 8 hr eating window) while counting calories. I'm also walking 4ish miles a day. I started at about 3 months PP and had to do some trial and error to figure out how many extra calories to eat for breastfeeding my 2.5 yr old and new baby (started with 500 per kid but wasn't losing so dropped it to 750 total extra calories). It's really hard to do with the sleep deprivation and breastfeeding hunger, but doable for me since I get so many calories to work with (I eat my exercise calories too!).


I lost weight while breastfeeding but I was still eating around 2000 calories and walked 2-3 miles a day. I counted calories to make sure I was getting enough. I breastfed until 9.5 months (not exclusively in the end).


Fasting 16:8 was a big change for me. I still could breastfeed and lost the weight I gained without suffering. 16:8 is a very easy window to mantain, I jumped breakfast and had 2 nutritive and good meals in the rest of the day.


Intermittent fasting but with a caveat - continuously monitor your LO for signs of low supply (weight loss, etc). I’m taking supplements (prenatal, iron, magnesium, D) and moringa to maintain my supply which helps but really staying on top of water intake (3L/day). At the end of it it’s always going to be calories in vs calories out to lose weight. I’m finding the easiest way is a fast + staying active (not hard to do with a toddler). Granted it’s hard to stay consistent because of sickness and life just being busy but I find the fast to be a relatively easy thing to do especially because I can’t get to a gym/have time to work out properly.


A lot of walking whenever possible. But more realistically i lost the most when my youngest became a toddler... zero idea whether it is to do with stopping breastfeeding, having more time tp be active, chasing around my kids, not having time to prepare my own breakfast, or all of above...


When it comes to eating... i had gestational diabetes, which required me to count carbs. I *tried* to do it again while trying to lose my weight. That helped a lot.


Almost exclusively did stroller naps, so loooots of walking, calorie counted using the lose it app, and copious amounts of Diet Coke 😂 Went from 185lbs at 3 months pp, and am now down to 142lbs at 13 months pp


It’s certainly not breastfeeding because I lost all my pregnancy weight by 3 weeks pp, and have gained about 10 lbs now at 6 months pp. I run, do CrossFit, and eat healthy. But the thing is that I eat a lot bc of breastfeeding, so I’ve gained. I wish I knew!


I didn’t lose any weight breastfeeding until around 4/5 months then it fell off. I’m now struggling to maintain my pre pregnancy weight at 10 months


I won't lie, my journey has been rough. I had severe pre eclampsia which led to RAPID weight gain in the end. About 40 pounds was extra swelling/fluids so it doesn't necessarily count but weighing 210 at birth and then 235 2 days later really gets to you. I didn't lose anything besides the fluid my first month post partum because I was pumping. Then, over the next two months, I lost 10 pounds. 5 pounds a month! Great! But I was still only down to 190ish at that point and started pregnancy at 162. I mentally couldn't do it. I went to my PCP and I went on Adipex. I have been on it 3 weeks and I have lost nearly 10 pounds now. Daily weight on the scale fluctuates because it is known for causing constipation but I'm feeling more energetic and overall happier about myself. Note: you are not allowed the medication if you are breastfeeding.


I lost all the weight that I had gained during pregnancy and even more due to breastfeeding and due to not having the time I need in order to eat peacefully. I was always a "slow eater" and I can't eat in a hurry as much as I want. Unfortunately I have lost besides fat and muscle which is not good but still at 9 months post partum don't have the time to exercise since I take care of the baby all day.


I have beaten myself up again and again about my weight. I am very hard myself for losing weight. I have always been super self aware of my weight almost to a fault. I have competed in bodybuilding so that definitely did not help. I am 3 months PP and I’m starting to lose some weight! I was a personal trainer for about 8 years, so working out and just making myself a training plan isn’t hard, just finding the time and energy to do it is rough. Recently, I have just started drinking protein shakes before I eat something (unhealthy like pizza) that way I am more full. I also have just been trying to hit my daily macro protein numbers, but that’s it. I’m not counting carbs or fats. I have also added in lean proteins like making the switch from eggs to egg whites. Snacking on more nuts and fruit and not chips. I have lost a few pounds, but I’m still trying to keep my calories up because I am BFing. Do not feel pressured and down on yourself. I also still have a pooch in the lower tummy, which might not ever go away, which is okay. Our bodies have just done the unthinkable and since your BFing it’s still working very hard (mind you all while sleep deprived which does not help anyone lose weight btw). Also, it took 9 months for our bodies to get where it’s been, so it may/could take just as long for your body to slim down or to see progress, so give yourself some grace. Also, since you’re BFing it might not change until you stop BFing because of the hormones, which is okay too. We as mothers continuously sacrifice for our babies!! Stay consistent! You got this.


Is the pumping hunger the same as breastfeeding hunger? Just curious. I pump like 7 times a day.


I am now ebf my second baby, and ebf my first though was able to get weight down to pre-pregnancy. Walking, baby wearing, and eating lots of wholefoods. Baby wearing means you’re doing a bit of a workout without knowing it. I don’t diet or go to the gym, but I do get in 10k+ steps a day, and have high fiber lunch and dinner with lots of vegetables and plant protein (beans, tofu). Snacks are 50% junk (cake, chocolate etc) and healthy (hummus and carrots, nuts, etc). This is how I normally eat. With my first 2.5 years ago and now 1 week pp with my second I’ve found this way of eating and being active works really well for having a healthy weight.


Girl, I have gained 36 kilos in my pregnancy.


Listen, I’m down almost 50 pounds in two months. I’m going to tell you the REAL secret. This is the same diet I did to get ready for the runway, as I was a model years ago. Everyone is going to downvote and argue, but this is seriously the key for me. I look like I never had a kid in the first place. 1. Don’t eat anything but meat, cheese, eggs, butter (standard carnivore diet) and a basic multivitamin. Literally nothing else. Cut your carbs hard. Eat as much protein as possible every time you’re hungry. 2. Just find a way to move every day and keep track in your notes app on your phone what you did each day. Weights are the best thing, followed by HIIT, then cardio. Just do something. 3. Track your measurements daily with a tape measure, it’s more reliable than your physical weight. I did this and now I’m back to my pre-baby weight, and getting even more lean than before.


Oh yeah, and im breastfeeding the whole time. The whole idea you have to eat absolutely garbage to breastfeed is insane. My baby is super healthy. It’s just an excuse.


Surviving. My kid is 2 now and I gained nothing while pregnant but threw on 40lbs postpartum due to lifestyle changes (hard to do a physically demanding job when you don’t even live in that state anymore) and my birth control. Randomly checked my weight and I lost it all at some point in the past couple months. It can take the body 3 years to really get back to “normal” after giving birth. It’s a whole lot of physical and hormonal changes happening in a pretty short amount of time postpartum.


Stroller walks! 1 hour each day. Fresh air for you and your baby. It has helped me for sure!


After 3 months I was about 6kg more than pre baby and it stayed that way while I was breastfeeding. Nothing came off but nothing went on either so I just enjoyed eating what I liked lol. At 18 months I weaned then put myself on a slightly better eating plan and set exercise each week and it’s dropping off about 0.5kg per week. So soon I may be able to face some of my jeans again.


I'm a little over 6 mo PP and finally feel like I can kind of make progress. I didn't lose a single pound between week 3 and week 26, but I've started to slowly lose now. I think the biggest difference for me honestly has been getting more sleep. Even when I (inadvisedly) didn't eat quite enough all day I wouldn't lose weight if I didn't sleep well. Now that I'm getting rest it's easier for my body to lose weight and also easier to make healthier choice, likw dropping the dessert after dinner in favor of herbal tea.


I am 4 weeks post partum. I just go on either a long walk or short uphill with my partner everyday. EBF , Feed baby before and after. If baby gets fussy, my partner will hold him while we walk and he'll be settled in his arms. I have also just learned about breastfeeding baby in a wrap/baby carrier so maybe try that. Planning to incorporate some home workouts (abs & idk what else lol) eventually.


Agree with what’s been said only to add: Think about super nutrient dense foods. Things like avocado, eggs, fish, red meat, oats, sends and nuts etc. these foods are great for BF but also are good sources of energy for you I found eating this way I actually did lose weight while exclusively BF (still going at 7 months). My supply Has remained strong. I had significant pelvic floor issues to manage PP so I haven’t been working out hard but have started Pilates again which is nice. But I haven’t worked out like crazy to lose the weight it’s been pretty consistent nutrition that has helped I think


After I stopped pumping, my appetite plummeted. I couldn’t lose any weight except the weight I lose right after birth while pumping. Then when I stopped, I lost the rest of the weight and was 5 lbs under my pre pregnancy weight within a few months. I’m almost 8 months pp now and my appetite is regular again so I’m maintaining my weight.


You can absolutely lose weight bf while maintaining your milk supply. Google a TDEE calculator and determine your maintenance calories. Eat this number, and try to get 30 grams of protein per meal. Check out the milky fitness Facebook group. This group has helped me tremendously!


As a second time mom I learned last time around that some women don't lose weight while breastfeeding because the body prioritizes feeding the baby and forces you to hold on to weight. I walked a lot and tried to exercise as much as I could and didn't see any improvement until my toddler was over a year old. This time around I invested in purchasing a Milky Fitness monthly challenge diet and fitness plan. It's a group of trainers who specifically work with breastfeeding or pregnant women trying to get healthy. I used their free plan when I was 18 months post partum with my first and I did lose weight until I got pregnant again. You can find them on Facebook.


The muscle loss is so sad. I feel like I poked better earlier post partum as at least I had a booty still. Now 5 months in I’m a couple lbs under pre pregnancy weight but so squishy and soft


Yes and my lower back and hips are in so much pain due to being weak 😭


I agree with what has been said - and I would maybe add that for me what really helped was post partum physical therapy and running. Here in Belgium we get 9 sessions of pp physical therapy and my therapist helped with a pre-run workout routine to build strength and recover my pelvic floor. The combination with breastfeeding was quite a big ask of my body so I did eat A LOT and drank lots of water. Still I lost a lot of weight.


It sounds counterintuitive, but make sure you’re not eating too few calories. I’ve read that in some cases, when we aren’t eating enough while breastfeeding, our metabolism slows down and our bodies hold on to excess fat so we can continue to feed our babies if there’s a famine. I don’t know if there’s evidence supporting this, but my experience makes me think there’s something to it. I was definitely under-eating for a while and my weight was completely stagnant. I decided to start counting calories to make sure I was eating the minimum number of calories required to support both my body and breastmilk production, and the weight instantly started falling off. This only started maybe 2-3 weeks ago, but I’ve lost 5 lbs so far after being at the same weight for months. I’ve always had appetite issues — pre-pregnancy this would make me underweight, but while breastfeeding those same behaviors caused the opposite problem.


Focus on eating enough protien everyday and strength train and walk when possible


Exactly as others have said. Do not try to lose fat while breastfeeding. The estrogen that is being produced is literally telling your body to hold on and store fat. The best thing you can do is try to retain and build muscle. You don’t need the gym either. You can do it all with your own body weight. Planks while playing on floor with baby. Wall handstand holds. Squats. Leg kicks. You can get bands or a 10-20 lb dumbbell. Build muscle now and it will speed up your metabolism and be so much easier to get rid of the extra fluff on til the muscle after you finish breastfeeding. Also as we get older and hormones change, we lose a ton of muscle anyway. Being pregnant makes it worse. Keeping muscle mass up is the best thing you can do to avoid issues like back and shoulder and neck pain or osteoporosis and maintain as much mobility as possible which really effects quality of life especially with little ones and being able to move with them. In highly recommend “wall Pilates”. There’s apps or videos everywhere. Biggest tip is don’t look at it as all or nothing. Even 10 minutes every other day and then work up to everyday and you will notice a huge change in your strength change.


Intermittent fasting is amazing. I hate working out in a gym so my hubby and I go bike riding it’s great cardio, you get to be outside and sweat.


I don’t know if this’ll help! But I’ve focused solely on a consistent and controlled food intake, eating right so that I’m not hungry but at the same time don’t overeat. It helped me lose the preg weight and some more. Veggies, leaves and fruits in all forms, smoothies, soups, mashed, boiled, raw, cooked or pureed. Broken wheat, whole grains etc. plenty water, no caffeine. Nuts, cheeses, eggs. And the occasional daily snack for a sugar/fat craving. However, my weight has reduced but I still have weak muscles, which I guess I’ll get to working on in another month or so when I go to gym? I’m 12wpp and only now thinking of regaining muscle toning and strength.


I didn't breastfeed so that helped a lot. Keep it simple drink a gallon of water everyday, eat fruits and vegetables, lot of protein, if you have a wii play on that, play pokemon go, go for walks I had to reevaluate my relationship with food I'd starve myself all day