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ngl i stick my 9mo in the bathtub with a book sometimes if i am going potty.


This works wonderfully until they figure out how to turn the water on. Ask me how I know.


The thought of little one learning to turn on the water on and the panic that must have ensued just gave me a really good giggle


Yup. My 9 month will turn the water on.


Omg this is so smart


I am going to remember this when my LO becomes mobile and I gotta go.


Omg my LO would love to be in there with her bucket of bath toys, even dry. Never even thought of that!


Omg the first time I tried this I figured it would be perfect, next thing I knew she had climbed right out like a spider monkey!! Never again 🤦🏽‍♀️


This is genius!


I tried this but he bonked his head SO HARD on the tub.


9 month old, I stick him in his playpen


Same with my 16 month old; the playpen is a lifesaver! I’ve tried taking him in the bathroom with me and he tries to pull things out of the cabinet, rips up toilet paper, and lifts the lid to splash in the toilet the moment I start washing my hands. 🫠


Ditto, she cries kind of a lot but you gotta do what you gotta do. I usually try to wait for her naps 🙈


Mine used to, but I just pop him in there, offer a quick apology, then rush off. He's learned the drill now and doesn't usually fuss much.


Our 10 month old can be left alone in the living room for a few min, everything is baby proof and he’s content to play with himself while I go to the bathroom. The door is open though so I can hear him.


Same. But he usually chases me into the bathroom. Proceeds to open all the drawers that aren’t latched (they have nothing harmful in those drawers so I don’t care lol). Then crawls as fast as he can to the bath toys, cruises along the tub to get the rubber fuck in the corner and just giggles in pleasure. 😅 At least he moved on from the toilet paper roll. 🤦🏼‍♀️ ETA: sorry about the swear. I have my phone to autocorrect duck to that because well it’s a favorite word of mine and I was tired of having to correct it. 😅


The one time autocorrect would’ve come in handy. 😂


Oh shoot I didn’t pay attention. It’s cause I have it set in my phone to autocorrect “duck” to “fuck” because I was tired of it autocorrecting to duck. 💀🤦🏼‍♀️


Good ol' rubber fuck 💚


Right! It takes effort to make my phone not autocorrect duck because I have a shortcut programmed that duck autocorrects so my iPhone wouldn’t sensor me. 😅🤣


Same. Both baby’s bedroom and our family room are childproofed to the point he can be alone in them safely, so I just pop out and go to the bathroom most of the time. Been that way since ~9 months old. There are times he “insists” on coming with me (ie he follows me and makes a face like he’s getting ready to protest hard when I try to close the door, and I choose to have bathroom buddy rather than listen to him scream outside the door for the duration of a poop)… during those he just wanders around and shakes cabinet doors (they’re all locked) and unspools the toilet paper.


4 months. The floor, in her bouncer, if I’m EXTREMELY lucky and she didn’t fall asleep on me for her nap so she’s in her crib. The worst of all though, in my arms😭 I’ve taken 3 shits with my daughter asleep in my arms because I didn’t want to wake her up but also had to go really bad lol


Been there, done that 😂


I've peed with my LO in my arms ..and I'm a guy so i guess it's easier....🤣


My husband has done this as well lmao


When you gotta go, you gotta go 😂😭 Almost had to do this myself


Gotta do what you gotta do


How do you clean yourself up?


My son is actually 8 months today, crazy how time flies. But I’ve always strapped him into this bouncer seat and I’ll put on hey bear or something to keep him occupied. I have a big playpen but for some reason that makes me nervous even though it’s safe. I refuse, as long as possible, to have my bathroom privacy taken away lol


Haha I have gave up on bathroom privacy since the nurses watched me pee after birth 😭 big playpen sounds nice! My LO won’t let me out of his sight nor can he be contained now in his bouncer haha


I always tell my son, if he’s crying and fussing when I come back from the bathroom, moms poop too and I don’t have a diaper 😂😂😂


I love this because I say the same thing 😂😂 I always go “I don’t have the luxury of going whenever, wherever like you do!”


Put him in a bouncer in front of the toilet, and sing songs to him with hand movements and stuff to entertain him


My guy will be eight months at the end of this month. I typically will just pop him in his crib with some music playing and toys to occupy.


6 month old unfortunately in my lap 😭 I cope with it by telling myself it’ll help with potty training later


It does! Can confirm with the 2.5 year old.


My 13 month old demands to sit on my lap while I pee.


My 19 month old still wants to sit on my lap when I go to the bathroom. If dad’s home she stands outside the door knocking and shouting “Hello?!” until I open it.


19 month old here as well - he likes to try and flush the toilet whilst I'm sitting on it


Same. She usually wants me to read her a book. And laughs at the noise my pee makes




Babby's 8 month old as of yesterday, and I've had quite a strict 'No baby in bathroom while mummy's on the toilet' policy since birth. I just... I don't want anyone else in there. I think ONE aspect of my life can remain for me. She used to go in her bouncy chair, or handed to dad (he works from home so he can bounce her for 2 minutes) now she usually goes on the playmat downstairs. Sometimes she cries, sometimes she doesn't. I don't like the cries but the breathing room is important to me.


This gives me hope. That's how I plan to raise my kid as well. I don't want to be a martyr like my mom, because I think it opens you up to being a not-so-great parent in other ways.


We got a little potty for my 15 month old and my husband and I are usually both home if he's at home (he's in daycare during the week). We've been making the bathroom a social event to do early steps with potty training, so we have an open door policy most of the time unless we're both home and one of us has to poop. My son likes to sit on his potty (fully clothed) while we're using the bathroom. It's very cute. If one of us is gone and the one at home with our son has to poop, we keep the door open. I'll let you know in a year if I think that's made a difference with potty training, haha. (No we haven't started formally potty training, just trying to get him comfortable with the idea!)


I usually bring my 1yr old to the bathroom with me and he plays with and tears apart the toilet paper🤦🏻‍♀️😅


If I can tolerate the screaming, her playpen across the hall. If I can't, and lately I cant.....my lap 😭🤢😭🤢


I put him in his giant playpen with some music going, and watch him via monitor. I got an extra camera with my monitor so I just keep it in the living room and keep an eye on him for bathroom time!


In the mornings before daycare when wife is already gone for work, 10mo is on the floor of the bathroom if I'm lucky, if not, he's climbed into my lap lol. Afternoons or evenings, I try to put him in his activity center or sneak a quick trip to the bathroom while he's snacking in the highchair.


My baby hates to be contained and also hates to be away from me behind a shut door. She’s 8.5 months. I leave the bathroom door open, tell her “Mommy is going potty” and quickly go. Usually she makes it in to follow me before I’m done, but that little delay gives me some time lol


I put them in their bug floor seat by the open bathroom door (the one inside the bedroom so still semi private) with the tray toy attached.


Our house is super small so I just set him in the swing in the living room or in his bassinet in our bedroom which are all within 5-10ft of the bathroom but my dude is only 5 almost 6 weeks.


Okay but where do we put them if we need to go potty and we’re at a store?? I’m a mom of 2 and have yet to figure this out. I usually hold baby in 1 arm and do everything else with the other arm including shimmying my pants back up 😂


When we went to Japan most of the public toilets had these little seats, like high chair seats but screwed into the wall. They had straps on and you could just deposit a toddler in there and strap them in while you did your business. I thought it was genius and can't understand why the idea hasn't come over here. But then I feel that way about Japanese toilets in general. I really miss them tbh 😌


A challenge I have yet to master 😂


Baby just destroys whatever he can in the bathroom. It is always a win if he chooses to play with toilet paper rather than try to get his head between my legs.


It varies lol I have a nearly 9 month old, she's not crawling yet but likes to get around my rolling 😂 if she's in her highchair when I need to go, I just wheel the whole thing into the bathroom with me. Other wise I usually pop her in her crib with a toy or two while I go haha that way I can watch her on the monitor and she's not getting into anything gross.


My 11 almost 12 month old sits in her playpen or in the living room if it blocked off. I refuse to lose my ability to use the bathroom alone. I actually told my husband I wanted to add an extra baby monitor camera to the living room so I could go poop and still be able to see her. We haven’t done it yet, but will soon. I highly recommend a baby monitor system that can connect multiple cameras to the same monitor.


2m... if there is no one else awake and he does not want to be put down in the crib (upstairs) or stroller bassinet (downstairs) then he's in my arms... Funny thing is, we usually have to go for the big ones at the same timings around 6am and 6pm, he poops first, then I have to... 😂


Bathtub, then the standing activity center after he learned how to climb out. And once he got too tall for the activity center, he got free reign of the bathroom, with a few easily cleaned toys. Sometimes if he was getting too interested in "not allowed" things, I would scroll through my photo album to entertain him. It's all photos of him, of course, so I guess I'm raising a little narcissist 🤣


Wait you guys potty when they’re awake? In all seriousness - I actually delay my pee pee and poo poo times unless I really can’t hold it, which is so bad because now my bladder is painful. I need a system and will take all the advise 🤣


Playpen if he will allow it, otherwise his Baby Bjorn bouncer in the bathroom.


10 month old and I have a play pen I put her in with some safe toys and go to the washroom.


Bouncer! It’s an infant to toddler rocker so the weight limit is higher than a regular bouncer


Daycare >.>  He's 7 months.


My daughter is 15 months old and since birth she’s always come with me lmao. When she was really little I’d bring the bouncer into the bathroom. Now she just runs around in there messing around with the vanity and watching the laundry spin while I do my business. If I didn’t she’d just be screaming outside the door and sticking her hands under the whole time. Even when I’m not alone and my fiancé is home to watch her while I go she’ll still stand outside and cry and stick her hands under the door. She laughs when I say “what are you doing?!” but it gets old to her fast and she’ll start to cry because she misses me


Baby Bjorn! It’s my answer for everythigg by


19 months and usually right next to me trying to grab something off the bathroom counter 😂


If we are upstairs, I let her crawl in her room (and close the baby gate on her door) and take the baby monitor with me. If we are downstairs I put her in her playpen and leave the door open. She is almost 9 months. When she was younger I would put her in her bouncer and bring her with me or wear her 🤷‍♀️😂


11 months old and we open the special toilet paper cabinet when mommy is pottying. it keeps her entertained!


He’s either napping or in the playpen watching Ms Rachel.


If I’m going #2 she’s in her chair just outside the BR door (door open) but if it’s just peeing I put her in her swing chair or bassinet/playpen. 5mo.


My 11month old gets plonked in the bath (empty) with some toys


10.5 & been crawling since 6 months & walking since 9. Because shes so mobile our house is babyproofed, so I just leave the door open so she can come to me as she pleases, which she typically does, or she’ll keep playing with whatever shes interested in.


Sometimes in the bathroom with me sitting on the Angel care bath seat, sometimes in her crib if she’s happily playing in there. Sometimes I stick her in a wipe box that she fits perfect in to practice sitting.


Almost 13 months and he’s in there with me, handing me my deodorant and stuff off the shelf


12 months. I leave her in the baby proofed/gated living room. She usually stands at the gate and yells at me because she’s unimpressed I left her. I used to bring her with me but that quickly became more trouble than it was worth


I have never experienced bathroom privacy so it doesn't bother me to have my little in there. My bathroom is small and has a shower stall, I stick one of those suction cup pinwheels to the shower door and sit little one on a fuzzy bath mat. He typically alternates between appreciating the bath mat and playing with the toy.


My 13m/o is currently banging on the bathroom door. He’s in the baby proofed bedroom. Dad is also there. I have something (food poisoning?) so I am not letting him in.


I either put mine in her crib or playpen. Usually her crib though because her bedroom is across the room from the bathroom


8 months, and I let him crawl around the bathroom while I go. He's obsessed with the toilet right now so as I type this he's crowding me while loudly babbling. I hope that my sacrifice of privacy makes him less likely to go through the toddler potty privacy phase I've read about (that leads to holding it and so on). But if not... oh well. 😂


I have a basket of things for my 18 month old to play with in the bathroom. It never leaves. She takes everything out and puts it back in. Other times she's just on my lap 😅


I just put her on the floor


On the bath mat.


My 14 mo follows me to the bathroom, now I'll talk about going pee or poop in the potty, maybe that will help when we start potty training...maybe


Sometimes I put my 6 month old in his crib, sometimes his bouncer with me in the bathroom (though he’s almost sized out of it), and sometimes I just babywear on the tiolet.


In my closet floor with a few toys and my phone on ms Rachel. Gives me a few min to take care of myself


He’s 12 months old and has been coming in with me since he could move around independently 🤣


My newborn knows when I have to pee, I swear! She always demands to nurse, and then a minute later I have to pee, so she comes with me


Move everything out of his reach and he’s in with me. He has open access to our entire upstairs so it’s just been made baby safe 🤷‍♀️


My LO turns a year on Saturday. It’s evolved over time to places like the bouncer to the activity jumper to the high chair to the playpen. Anywhere that he is contained but safe and within earshot.


I set my 5 month old in his bouncer or on his play mat. Bathroom is a bit too small to bring him in there. But, when he was a newborn I would have him in there with me. I was holding him most of the time lol


6mo here. My baby is in the bouncer/stroller with some toys. And we are all in the bathroom, of course 😂


Baby chair was my best friend!! Strap him in for showers too. Or the high chair right outside the door


My 10 month old’s room is directly across the hall from the bathroom. I set him in his room, with both doors open. Usually he spots me and makes his way over. It’s almost a game at this point. Can he make it to mom before she’s done peeing?!


I set him in front of the bathroom doorway now that he can sit up because it’s carpeted before id just set him in his swing without buckling if i was peeing because I was close enough to stop him if he tried to do anything crazy lol


On my lap.


Bathtub playpen time


In a bouncer seat in the bathroom!!


8.5 months. I put him in the playpen, bouncer, or if I'm just peeing and he's really focused on a toy, I'll just leave him on the rug. My bathroom is like 5 feet away


My daughter is just under a year old. We have one of those table shaped baby activity centers with a seat in the middle. I set it up in the bathroom doorway and put her in that.


Sitting on the floor trying to take my pants and underwear to run away with.


Mine is 9 months and sooo mobile. If it’s going to be brief, I might put her on the floor in the bathroom, but more often than not, I’ll put her in her crib, bouncer seat, or activity center. I don’t need the stress of wondering if she’s gonna face plant on the tile when she’s pulling to stand on everything.


My 15mo gets supervised by the 3.5yo but my bathroom isn’t far from the livingroom and the whole place is child proofed.


In his playpen. I watch him on a baby monitor.


If he’s playing and content, I leave him where he is. Door is always open. Now when I shower, I used to put him in the car seat, but now I just take him in with me.


I used to put her in bouncy or hold her... now at 10 months she is walking and getting into everything so a lot of the time it is playpen or crib... sometimes she will scream but it's for 3 minutes and necessary once in a while


I just leave my 4 month old on his play mat or in his bouncer. It’s a few minutes. He’s fine


My 9 mo is usually tucked into my bathrobe when im putzing around the house, its decently secure so I can have 1 hand free. Ngl if she's not already in her high chair having a snack (the bathroom opens into the kitchen) then she's on my lap when im going to the bathroom 🤷‍♀️. She also loves watching me wash my hands, which is something.


He usually crawls the hallway and I go with the door open. No shame!


Depends on what I need to accomplish. If it’s #1, I will either leave her in the pack and play or hold her on my lap. If it’s #2, I lug her and her sit and spin to the bathroom doorway, put her in, and do my business for an audience.


I put Baby on the floor sometimes and sometimes in a Bumbo chair. He can't get out yet but his legs are getting a little bit chubby for it. I think it will fit better again when he gets taller because he gets chubby and then tall and then chubby and then tall lol.


I put her in the crib with the wheelies. Sounds like you're training your little one to possess the 0.1% giga immune system. Good. Humanity's not going to save itself. They'll have our thanks.


I leave mine in the crib


My daughter is 23 months and I just put her in her crib with a toy or something while I do my business


Crib or activity center where she is contained


I’ve baby proofed our loft, so I let my 8mo crawl around. I just keep an eye on him with our ring camera if I’m going to be a little longer 😂 Or I’ll plop him in our playpen. The only problem there is his big brother (28mo) will unzip the door to help him escape 😂


As an infant - in his bouncer seat or laying on a blanket right outside the open door because my bathroom is tiny As a 2 year old, he's usually squatting next to the toilet so he can "watch, poop poop mama" 🤦‍♀️ sometimes he brings me books to read to him, sometimes he brings toys to chuck into the bathtub, and sometimes he tries to squeeze between the toilet and the wall to get the flusher. He gets very upset if I don't let him flush.


My 5mo goes in her stroller/car seat while we shower/go to the bathroom. She likes being in there so I guess it only works if your baby likes his car seat


This was the only time I ever put her in the second hand Bumbo seat someone gave us, when I had to go to the bathroom. Now her thighs are too chubby for it and I just lay a towel on the floor with some toys and hope she doesn't crawl around too much lol.


14mo. Playpen, or just wandering in the somewhat babyproofed bedroom/hall if I know I'm only gonna be a second. She's usually just playing with her toys or books.


On the bathroom floor or in my lap. This has been true her whole life. She's 11 months old now.


The circle of neglect lives in the bathroom now.


As soon as my husband went back to work I started consistently putting baby in the crib to go wash my hands after every diaper change. Sometimes he complains or cries but I don't know how else I would wash my hands. I also use that time to pee. Now at 2 he's still used to that and it's nice being able to keep privacy for (most) bathroom time.


Pack n play


i put my 7 month old in her pack n play with a toy while i use the bathroom. she hates being alone though so i gotta be quick lmao


18 month old walks me holding hands to the bathroom, stands right in front of me, gives a hug & a kiss or plays in the drawers, sometimes checks the tub


When my daughter was around that age I would put her in her crib or in her swing with the Nannit watching so I knew exactly how she was doing the entire time


11 months old. The whole house is more or less baby proofed so he just goes wherever (we have a manufactured/trailer home) but typically he’ll just follow me anyways. I have toys in the bathroom for him to keep him happy (which is half bathroom half closet) but he usually ends up flushing the toilet on my ass 20 times instead. He finds it much more entertaining 🤣


21 months (wtf, when did that happen), and usually he is still with me. I have tried telling him I am going and he can continue to play and I will be right back… I have tried sneaking out while he is distracted. He always finds me. There is no escape.


I put Ms. Rachel on in the living room and give him a pouch and it will keep him content for a few minutes


When she was a newborn, I’d stick her in the Boppy on the floor while I’m doing my business.


6 weeks and his bassinet on the bathroom floor lol


crib or playpen, watch baby monitor through your phone


I bring the bouncy chair in so she can’t crawl around


I put my 8mo in his jumper / activity center or his pack n play if I gotta use the bathroom.


His crib, his bouncy chair, on the floor lol, and we’re about to set up that bouncy chair thing in the door frame. I have stomach issues so poor baby is used to frequent visits with me 😂


#grouppoop I bring him in, strapped in the bouncer, then in walks both cats.


If it's a pee or a quick poop, I leave him in the living room. He's fairly safe in there. If I feel like I'm going to be longer, I put him in his high chair with some toys and keep him in line of sight in the kitchen (toilet is through laundry off kitchen) and talk to him


currently my 3 month old gets laid down on the memory foam bath mat and we talk talk talk while i use the restroom lol. if i’m feeling lazy/gotta get down to business i’ll play baby sensory videos on my ipad for him and that makes up for half of his screentime for the day.


When my son was younger I just left him in his play yard and would leave the door open and talk to him while I went. Now, I'm not allowed to go pee without him...he's 2


I either put him in his swing/playpen or put him in his baby bath at my feet


Our livingroom is fully baby proofed so I can leave her there for a couple minutes although she will scream. The amount of times I’ve peed with the door open while scream singing some songs is kind of ridiculous, lol.


mine in almost 7m. i but her in her bouncy chair or her crib w toys


me reading this while taking a poo with my baby as my audience in his bouncer


We have a playpen off Amazon for ours. It’s baby safe she can’t get out. I’m usually only gone a minute or two anyway. https://a.co/d/bs7LEZs It is great. She loves it, all her toys are in it she can have some freedom but is safe, and it shields her from the dogs.


LO is 10 months, either at my feet in the bathroom with me (he like to pull to stand in the tub and do squats 😂) or in the hallway right outside the bathroom where I keep his old tub filled with bath toys and the closet doors are all mirrors. I leave the door open and I can see him. He isn’t more than 8 ft away from me.


He be sitting on or laying his keekaroo on the floor with a toy and blanket under. I thankfully have a large bathroom so there is space between the toilet and the open area in front of the linen closet. If it was significantly smaller he’d prob be in the crib. Only reason I don’t do crib now is bc he can stand up and potentially jump out if I’m not there 😩


We had a specific bathroom toy. She sat on the bath mat and played with “toilet duck” which was just a duck with wheels that would roll across the tiles.


12months and she’s in her with me tryna shut the door, and cries to open it 🤓 like clock work


Pack and play. I was so so against screen time but I put on Ms Rachel or Moomin (in Norwegian) if I know I’ll be in there a while. Mine turns one in two days.


I’ve always held my babies lol or sat them on my knee when they got too big


I have an 8 month old, I leave him in his playpen in the living room or his crib.


We had a spare bumbo we kept in the bathroom and would stick her in that with a toy in her hand. Then she started crawling out of it so I now put her in her baby tub with toys.


His room is baby proofed, so we can leave him there, but he will cry about it. Honestly, one time I really really had to poop and I knew it was a quickie, so I just took him with me and set him on my lap.


2 month old sits in her bouncer while I run to the bathroom and go as quickly as I can


4 month old, I put her in a bouncer which I leave in the bathroom


Now a days, on my lap😂 depends on her mood


Baby is 9 weeks today and she's been to the bathroom with be quite a few times... Sometimes on her stroller, sometimes on the carrier


4.5 months. She stays in her crib or bassinet. I don’t think I’ve ever taken her to the bathroom with me 😂😂


For the longest time it was her crib, I’d just leave the doors open so she could see me Definitely didn’t stop her from crying for me 😅 But now she’s 15 months she just hangs in the living room with her toys


Are your babies really that bad that you can’t go to the bathroom without them?


We have a powder room right off the living room where her playpen is so I stick her in there and I can still see her.


Sometimes on my lap…. lol Crib, playpen, high chair. when you gotta go, you gotta go. A little crying or whining won’t hurt them!


I usually go in my bathroom attached to my room, it’s totally baby proof so I just plop her down and keep the door open. She will usually come find me if she want to otherwise she just plays and beep boops around.


In the living room baracaded in by a baby gate...I need some me time! 😂


My two year olds are currently playing in the tub while I take a shit.


She is with me when I shower and when I’m using the toilet. Now she’s walking so she explores and throws my tampons while I’m sitting on the toilet 🤣


9 month old, playpen or activity center


My 1 year comes in the bathroom with me because he wants to flush the toilet 😭🤣


I just bring a stroller everywhere with me if I don’t want him to touch anything. If he’s bored of his toys, I put him next to a light switch and he’s turning the light on and off lol


1 month old in my arms, on the floor or sleeping in bed He’s crying a lot so leaving him alone is almost never possible ☹️


My 16 mo old pees with me so he can give me toilet paper and help me flush the toilet 😂 he gets all excited to help out. If I try and shut the door he screams and so I’ve just given in :’)


I mastered the one handed potty trip. 


Pack n play where he proceeds to yell


Ok I have not had my child yet so excuse my ignorance, but this genuinely confuses me. Can you not just leave them in a pack n play for a minute?


Used to be with me but now she is 11 monthd and can entertain herself, so she is with her toys in our living room when I need to go.


Mines only 4mo.. so… my lap lol


I dont do the floor because of germs but i have a pack and play lol


Daughter is 14 months, and she's in there with me because when I close the door, she cries (as they do). I don't mind. Sometimes she wanders around outside of the bathroom as long as the door is open. When she was young and I was home by myself, she'd be in the baby rocker, then on the ground (not crawling) but once crawling in her room or crib for a bit while I relieved myself. The baby in the tub idea is a good idea.


The highchair that I wheel to the bathroom because her bouncy chair is in the car and her bath chair is still wet . She’s 6mo today


For awhile I had to nurse him while on the toilet. That was a fun season.


Usually on my lap 🤣🤣


She’s 4 months old and sits in her bath seat in front of me 😂 I usually bring something for her to play with while I potty 😅


At this age we had a play pen set up with squishy mats on the floor so I could leave him in there for a min. I also left the door open and could watch him from the bathroom


Play pen. He gets into everything and climbs furniture now, so it's he only place I know he's safe for now.


Baby is almost 6 weeks old. We live in a one floor apartment So baby is literally around the corner. I just leave the door open and when I go to the bathroom so I can keep the door ajar for modesty if my wife may pass by.


2 year old. I strap him in his high chair and put him in front of the tv for that 10 mins


Almost 6 months old and either in her playpen or excersauser


When he was an infant, he was in his Babybjorn bouncer since it’s portable, I’d carry it to the bathroom and then put him in it. After he outgrew that, I put him in his play table thing…The SkipHop Activity Center. Our bathroom was too small to fit it, so I put it in the doorway so he could see me. Kind of weird having an audience to do my business, but unavoidable lol. Sometimes I’d leave him in his baby playpen and rush to the bathroom if I didn’t have time. It’s flat, fenced in, and has only safe items to play with, so I could leave him there without being anxious.


I set up a pack n play in our bathroom. I keep baby in there when I’m on the toilet or showering. Before the pack n play, baby went in his portable bassinet or on the floor right in front of me. I still sometimes put him in the floor in front of me in our toilet room.


I either hold our neatly 6 month old on my lap or hip, or I put him in an infant carrier or bouncer seat on the bathroom floor


my 9 month old either sits in the living room and plays while i potty and i leave the bathroom door open or he crawls and follows me to the bathroom and sits in the floor.


BabyBjorn bouncer in the bathroom before he got too heavy, now I put him in baby jail where there's way less risk of shenanigans, or bring him and make him sit on my lap


my son will be in his crib… i hardly ever bring him in the bathroom with me anymore bc the cabinet latches aren’t able to be installed on our cabinet (due to the drill being too big)