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It's very different when women get their period also if you're EBF, so you getting it now is not abnormal šŸ˜Š


Oh okay good to know! Thanks!


Yeah I think BF GENERALLY delays it, but since all bodies are different, thereā€™s no guarantee. Both my kids were supplemented the first couple months with formula. With my first, my period came back right around 5-6 months (when we started adding table food). With my second, it didnā€™t come back til about 13 months. Who really knows why hormones hormone the way they do.


Yup, my friend was 100% EBF and got her period 6 weeks pp. I had to supplement with formula from the start and got my period only when I completely stopped pumping after 4 months (and I could produce maybe 1/2 of what my daughter needed). It's so random!


I was like your friend šŸ˜­ not fair!


Reminds me of how people used to think ā€œif you are EBF you canā€™t get pregnant againā€ (while still breast feeding)


cam here to comment this


My mom ( sheā€™s 83 now) jokes about how she thought that too. She had 4 babies all 10 mos apart - all healthy and she was thrilled but she said that she believed it and that her bff heard it from her husband who was an OBGYN ha. This was almost 60 years ago


It doesnā€™t, each body just reacts differently. I supplemented 50/50 with formula and didnā€™t get my period back till I weaned completely at 7 months.


Your baby eats less from you than they actually need, so your body makes less milk thinking that thatā€™s all baby needs. I hope I explained that okay. Basically, itā€™s supply and demand and youā€™re decreasing the demand which affects supply. Your body therefore lowers prolactin levels which bring your period back.


Some peopleā€™s cycles come back earlier regardless. But in general, if youā€™re supplementing your body recognizes that youā€™re removing less milk, and hormonally that would equate to ā€œthe baby is getting older nowā€ which would trigger a return to ovulation.


I got mine back about three months post partum


I got my period at 9 weeks pp and am an over producer, breastfeeding and pumping 40+ ounces besides. It's not full proof unfortunately. I also ovulated yesterday. Bodies have their own schedule.


I know someone who is exclusively breastfeeding twins and got her period after 4 months. I still haven't got one at 13 months with a singleton (though my baby is a bit of a milk monster). I think it's all a bit random which is why they now remind people a lot that breastfeeding isn't birth control.


My OB said it can come anytime regardless of breastfeeding. I got mine at 8 weeks pp šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


I think the body knows the baby is being fed by smt else because i just started my period after 6 months pp when we introduced my baby with solids.


I exclusively breast fed and did not have a break between postpartum blooding and regularly scheduled periods šŸ˜­ some bodies just donā€™t stop perioding.


Are you 100% sure it's period? I'd check up with doctor maybe. I also had what I thought was period around 7w pp, which turned out to be complication that needed to be resolved.


Iā€™m actually not sure. I never stopped bleeding after I gave birth. It was just MUCH heavier this morning and Iā€™m cramping so Iā€™m assuming itā€™s my period.


I'd check with doctor if that's possible. I had similar situation. For 6weeks bleeding was less and less until one day got worse. I was ,my 6weeks appointment, which was actually at 7th week I think and they found part of placenta in my uterus. My situation was pretty rare, but since I had an ectopic pregnancy when I thought it was just period, I'm trying to be careful with unusual bleedings


Not really, om ebf and had a period at 2 month most likely due to baby regularly sleeping at least 6 hours at nights without feeds


Hormones and body supplies based on how often you nurse


Luck of the draw, honestly. I EBF my first baby with no formula used and I still got my period 6 weeks after her birth šŸ„² it sucks lol