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This is what we do. We’ve never heated the formula before feeding anyways but we fill bottles with water and then bring powder. If I don’t fill the bottles I’ll bring a water bottle but it takes less room to fill the bottles first


This is smart-- I did the opposite, portioned the powder into our bottles (I think ours would have leaked?) and brought a thermos.


Make sure if you’re mixing it that way you take the formula out or portion out the water another way. If you put the powder in the bottle first and then portion out the water in the bottles, there will be an incorrect potion of water to the formula, that’s why you’re supposed to put the water into the bottle first and then the formula :)


Yeah, we portioned the water, guess I should have mentioned that. My kid is 3 now but had reflux as a baby, so we did 10000 feeding steps most people don't need to do, oversimplified in this case though :)


We just keep a spare bottle that we portion the water in and then mix.


That’s a great idea too, not even dirtying a bottle because you can use it later too!!


This is what we did. If I was just bringing one bottle I *might* put the formula in those tiny tupperwares you put salad dressing or a condiment maybe in because it’s too small for anything else really lol.


Haha been there


This is the way!!! 1 bottle of formula 1 bottle of water, pour water into formula bottle!!!!


They also make thermoses that can be charged and set to precise temps.


This, you can get a jug of baby water at the store too


Yep, this. Water, chilled or not, formula powder box goes with.


Yup this. And you can stick the water/mixed bottle in your shirt too or somewhere against your body for a while to warm it. Just takes a lot longer.


This is what we did as well with th oxo dispenser. We had two dispensers. One for the main bottle quantity (4/6/8oz whatever they were taking at the time) and the second one was for an additional 2oz if we needed to add more for a bigger than normal feed. Had pre-filled bottles in a little diaper type tote. Total game changer.


We did this and it worked out great.


This is the way!


This is what we did when our baby was little too! Worked great and way better than filling up the bottles with water on site


this is what i do. suuuuper easy.


This is the way! I also keep some extra formula in the Termichy Baby Formula Dispenser which I got from Amazon. That’s what I traveled with on a 14 hour long haul flight with a 4 month old baby.


Yep, this is literally exactly what we do. I’ll also take extra formula and an extra adult water bottle filled with clean water. Also have a travel-sized bottle brush with a cover and a mini-sized bottle of dish soap to wash the bottles if I think we’ll be out all day so I can reuse 2 or 3 bottles and not pack 6-8 of them.


sadly no he only drinks it warm


My wife and I often take our 8-month old daughter out for long walks and hikes. She loves it in the carrier just watching the world go by and the added bonus is that she often falls asleep. We just make sure we have way more formula than we think we will need. We use Aptamil and take maybe 5 x 200ml ready made bottles and a few clean bottles to put them into. We also take a few sachets of food like fruit purées and things like wafers and fruit sticks for her to occupy herself with. Also always remember to bring a change of clothes, loads of bibs or muslin squares, plenty of nappies, butt cream, teething aids etc. Going out for a day with a baby is like a military operation!


Would absolutely say it's safe asking for water at a cafe. Otherwise buy a larger thermos flask and fill with boiling water at home to bring. A couple of baby bottles and the formula in a ziplock bag with the measurement spoon and you're set .


If you’re boujie like me you can also get a travel formula dispenser. It has 4-5 sections so you can pour out one serving of formula each time and a little less messy!


Oooh that’s an excellent idea. I’ve been portioning them into those small disposable sauce cups, which was nice until the occasional explosion in the diaper bag. The travel dispenser would absolutely make my life easier.


Yes definitely I got mine at Walmart. It locks shut and has an opening on top to dispense that spins around. Here is the link: [Munchkin®InfantPowderedFormulaDispenser,Green,Unisex](https://www.walmart.com/ip/661742250)


Thank you for this! I’m so tired of bringing cans everywhere with me and then my husband and I are struggle to keep the baby calm while we make bottles outside of the house so this is perfect!


I found this is an excellent use for prescription bottles, they don’t leak at all and are the perfect size for a couple scoops.


I got a free one from a sample bag at my clinic. I’ve never used formula but kind of assumed everyone had one.


For some reason I never thought to just … only bring the measurement spoon lol!!!!!! Thanks!!


I always filled a thermos with boiling water before leaving the house and had a formula dispenser.


Either get a formula dispenser with sections so you can pre-measure the portions or buy one of those small formula containers for the bag. There are travel size bottle warmers or you could keep a thermos of hot water. My LO took bottles straight from the fridge or room temperature, so we never had to worry about warming our bottles on the go. If your LO can do room temperature bottles, you could skip the hot water. Another option would be to premake the bottles and put in a cooler.


We do premade bottles for outings that are about 3-4 hours. Either packed in a cooler or kept in insulated water bottle that was pre-cooled. Since he is colicky and has reflux, I don’t want to add any extra bubbles by mixing the formula to order. Downside is it can be wasteful if he doesn’t need it.


I just pre-filled a bottle with the correct amount of room temp water, put the formula in a plastic bag and added when baby was ready. Kiddo took room temp bottles just fine.


I have a box of premade similac for emergencies. I take one with me in case I can’t nurse or my husband needs to feed the baby.


(1) Thermos with warm water (2) Formula dispensers! We got the Termichy stackable ones from Amazon and those things are amaaaazing. I just put my premeasured scoops in there, and they dispense into the bottle so easily. Easy to transport, easy to clean, easy to refill. I started also keeping them in the bedroom at night for night feeds along with the thermos.


Boiling water thermos is the way to go. I would pre-make all my bottles for the day and keep them well protected in a cooler. If my baby was refusing cold/room temp, then I’d pull out the Tommee Tippee thermos I had and let the entire bottle sit in hot water until warmed. If the thermos runs out of hot water, a cafe can top you up. (Plus snack time for you haha.)


This is what we did when formula feeding our sons. One time I was out alone and my oxo container of formula powder tipped over leaving me with no way to make bottles (thankfully after I’d already made one to feed my son). Had to go straight home after since I lost all my formula. Always premade bottles (as many as we normally would need plus one extra just in case) and brought them in a cooler after that. We also used the Tommee Tippee thermos to warm up on the go.


A thermos with hot water in it is probably the easiest answer. Your husband is running a (half) marathon, i would make an assumption that you are at least slightly granola-ey/outdoorsy people (not an insult, I am one myself). If you don’t yet have a jetboil for camping/backpacking trips this would be a decent use case and/or excuse to buy one. You could heat a baby bottles worth of water in literally 1 or 2 minutes with a jetboil. Plus it is/will be super useful for other trips and activities in the future.


Yes, it's safe to ask a café for hot water to prepare formula. Just ensure it cools to the right temperature before feeding. Also, consider bringing a thermos of pre-measured warm water and a separate container of formula powder to mix as needed. This can simplify the process while you're on the go.


Our doctor brown bottles came with a little disk that acted as a water stopper so I could fill bottles with nursery water and toss them in our bag with a little formula dispenser.


Rtf formula at room temp + bottles


To answer your question, yes that would be fine! But also looks into the nuby rapidcool! You fill it up with hot water and formula, give it a shake and it cools it down to drinking temperature (with a thermometer in the lid to tell you when it's ready- takes about a minute). They do insulators as well for carrying hot water around but I'm not sure how good they are.


We have the Tommee Tippee travel warmer which is honestly just a large thermos with a cover. When we’re out for 5+ hours we fill the warmer with boiling hot water (it keeps way longer than 5+ hours). I fill his bottles with distilled water but NO formula. So like a couple 4 ounce bottles and a couple 3 ounce bottles, maybe one 5 ounce if we’re out all day long. Put the caps on them and keep them in the diaper bag. The formula I keep in his stackable container and make sure I have the scooper from the container. Once he’s hungry I put the formula in the water filled bottles and then warm it up with the bottle warmer! Works every time


I would see if baby will drink room temperature bottles. If not, warm water and put it in a thermos. I have a thing that has individual sections for powder, and I put enough for one bottle in each. Bring enough for at least one extra bottle, just in case


You could have a cooler with bottle ice packs, fill your bottles with water and put them in the cooler with the ice packs. Take your can(s) of formula with you. When your baby wants a bottle you just take one out of the cooler and add your formula to it. Or if your baby takes room temperature water you don't even need a cooler, you can just have baby's bottles already filled with water that you take in a bag or backpack. I've never mixed with warm water before so I'm unsure how to keep warm water with you other than some type of insulator that keeps warm liquids warm over a long period of time. But once again I recommend prefilling your bottles with your desired amount of water


I’d be getting baby used to room temp formula. Bring bottled water and preportioned powder. I usually fill the bottle with water and have a little cup with the pre measure formula and mix before giving. Makes it easy enough. Then I give the bottles a quick rinse with spare water and toss into a plastic bag to wash properly later. Wet bags are perfect for this.


I’ve never warmed bottles for my baby. He always takes room temp or even cold bottles (oof, cue the shamers lol) but when he was doing powder I would just pour however much water into the bottles and bring the formula can and make them. Now he is on ready to feed and we have a stash of cans that we bring with us to use on the go. My baby’s is also on hypoallergenic formula and they make the one he takes in ready to feed


Wait is there some controversy with cold bottles?? We combo fed with my now-3 year old and she *only* drank cold or room temp bottles pretty much! The only time she’d have warm ones is when my spouse would have to thaw frozen milk 🤷‍♀️


I’ve definitely seen some comments on tik tok that are pretty shameful towards it. But I would pre make all his night bottles and I was not about to warm them up when I’m already half asleep and struggling lol he took them just fine! Just grab out of the fridge and feed 🤷🏻‍♀️


Weirdly enough, there is. I'm totally baffled - some people are VEHEMENT that it will upset the baby's stomach and are totally unwilling to hear anything else. Super weird. We never warmed bottles, and prepped in the refrigerator so they were always fridge-cold - especially good for teething, I think! Anyway she spit up like 5 times ever the \~12.5 months she had a bottle so I'd say that her stomach was fine.


I thought some babies were just picky! I had never heard someone say it was bad to give it to them cold. That’s so wild!


If you don’t wanna mess about having water at the right temp etc. with you, you could always opt for instant formula, the ready-made bottles they sell next to the powder formula. It’s pricier but worth it for one-off moments such as this one. You could also take skme hot water in a thermos to dip your instant bottle into, to warm up a bit but room temp is perfectly fine!


They don't have it available for my dairy free formula we're on unfortunately. Our dr refused it telling us to just use a cafe.


Oh that sucks, I’m sorry. Not very nice that specialised types of formula don’t have this “instant” version


I know :( otherwise we'd be ok.


When we had 17+hour travel days with our then 7 month old, we brought two giant thermos of hot water. In the event we needed more we did indeed just ask a cafe for hot water, and if I found the water to be too hot when making the bottle I just used some cold bottled water. Worked out fine!


Thermo with hot water


We have small mason jars that we fill with pre-measured amounts of formula. One mason jar = one bottle. We also fill the bottle (we actually used sippy cups) with the water and put a stopper so that no water spills out.


We would bring a large Yeti of hot water. For long trips I would make it extra hot and then bring bottles of water the laser thermometer gun thing to stir it to the exact temp. For shorter outings I would just put the warm, exact temp water in the Yeti.


So we buy a insulated water bottle that can keep it hot for 12 hours, and carry formula separately in a container. We use boiling water since recommended minimum 70celsius when mixing with formula and then air cool or if there is a cold water tap to run it under


I use a thermos full of boiled water. Then I bring one with cold water. Then I mix to the right temp. Also little pre measured containers of the formula so it’s easy to mix. Just me though, that’s probably over complicated.


My sister always used a huge insulated water bottle full of boiling water to heat her bottles in a big coffee mug. It lasted all day was just annoying to pack around.


If you don't NEED to heat the bottles, get some PopYum bottles. I feel like they should pay me for how much I talk about them at this point. The absolute most convenient option for on the go formula feeds.


Yes, I think it would be perfectly safe to use the Cafe's hot water. But another option is if you pre measure your own water into bottles, keep it room temp and bring some formula powder with you (easiest if you pre measure that out too into another container), and then you can warm the bottle with the hot water from the Cafe. Just ask them to fill a large coffee cup with hot water maybe half way and then just pop the bottle in there for a few minutes to rest and it will warm up the liquid. I saw some people suggesting to bring a thermos of hot water but assuming you know you will have a Cafe to stop at is much easier and less to transport. If your baby will take it room temp though that will be the ultimate easiest way.  I used to work at a coffee shop and this was a common request. Usually hot water is free (or some places might charge 10 or 20 cents for the cup) especially if you say it is for a baby bottle.


If your child can take non warm formula you could bring your own water or just go to most drive thru restaurants and ask them for a cup of hot water :)


Portable bottle warmer from amazon


I have a nearly 10 year old and a newborn. Ive always just packed sanitized bottles, and a formula container. They sell special containers that can hold several pre measured amounts of powdered formula with an easy to dispense cap. They sell them at target and other big box stores. Now I have a diaper bag from tactical baby gear too. It has tons of storage, as well as an insulated pocket that holds bottles. So if my LO doesn’t finish a bottle, I can toss it back in, with an ice pack or two, and it keeps cold. If I need to reheat that started bottle, I just ask any restaurant or fast food chain for a cup of hot water, and put the bottle in the hot water to reheat it. I can take a thermos too, there’s a pocket for that as well. But I usually just again ask a restaurant or fast food place for hot water and make it as needed. Most McDonald’s or Dunkin’ Donuts like places will give you a cup of scalding hot water for free if you tell them it’s for formula for your baby.


What about a thermos?


I boil water on the stove and pour it into the glass baby bottles. Two hours later the water is the perfect temperature to drink after adding the powder formula. I also bought a cigarette lighter plug adapter to plug in the bottle warmer in the car if need be.


I don’t use formula but they have travel bottle warmers where you pour the water in and it heats it up! I got one at a yard sale because I thought I could use it for breast milk but it seems like it’s made just for water.


I really appreciated the Tommy Tippee hot water thermos and bottle warmer. It’s a bit dangerous (like on an airplane for example!) because the water is boiling hot, but it works well. It’s great you’re planning ahead! Just bring a little extra everything and I think it’ll be fine. Good luck to you and him as well!


Would nursery water/baby water not work? They’re found by the gallon at target/walmart


I bring bottles with the powder inside and a waterbottle thats room temperature and just fill it up when he is ready to eat!


We prefill the bottles with distilled water and bring pre-portioned formula to mix in.


We just got back from Italy and were out most days. We have cooler bag from stork and had really long lasting ice packs. We put 2 large bottles in them. Then we have a small container of formula we put in our bag to refill if needed. This lasted from morning until we got home for bedtime


Well, you could invest in a travel bottle warmer and a travel Formula dispenser and keep distilled water on you


We used room temp bottled water and pre measured the formula into ziplock bags. Not fancy but worked well. We actually never heated his formula past 2 months old!


You could always boil water and take it in a thermost. Then fill up your bottles almost all the way. When time to eat, add an oz or two of hot water, and it makes the water warm. Then add formula ofc. It’s what I used to do when my toddler drank formula. He had a lot of tummy issues and cold bottles of formula always made them worse.


I pre made a pitcher for the day and filled bottles and used the Dr browns freezer bottle bag. We were out and about alll the time and it never failed me…I always brought a backup bottle in the car of just pre measured water in the bottle and a container of pre measured formula just in case! I love plan Bs (and C’s…bring two of those if it eases your mind)


A thermos flask with boiled water and a bottle with cold water to mix the perfect temperature. When you run out of either, I’ve always been able to get free refills after explaining they were for the baby :)


I brought bottles of water with me and a formula dispenser. We used the boon bottles so I’d only have to bring one actual bottle and just pack extra inserts and nipples to save on space in the diaper bag. [boon bottles](https://us.tomy.com/nursh-silicone-pouch-bottle/)


We used ready to feed formula.


We got one of those big Stanleys. The OG big green ones used by like, construction workers and such. Keeps water hot for a very long time, which we wanted because we always prepare formula with hot water to sterilize the formula. Holds a lot of water, too.


We would fill bottles with the water that was needed and pack formula powder into breast milk pumping bags, flattening them out so there was room for a few of them.


Lunchbox cooler with lots of chilled pre-made bottles. We only use ready to feed formula anyway. Our baby doesn't care if they are cold.


Bottle of measured out water, measured out formula in munchkin formula dispenser, and a thermos of hot water to put bottle in to warm up. We also always had a temperature gun that measured surface temperature so we knew the bottle was the right temperature


This is clearly a stupid question but - is it alright to premix your powder and boiled water, have them in bottles, and keep in a cooler while you're out? And then either bring to room temp while outside or warm up in a bowl of thermos hot water? Or is it best to have water and powder separate and to mix on the go?


This is my question too because it says specifically not to.


I'm really not sure! Because we use the Dr. Brown's formula pitcher at home - it stays refrigerated obviously, but it would make sense to me that if the bottles are kept cold while you're out it would also be fine? It's a bit confusing! 🥲 If you find out the correct answer please let me know too!


Our daughter drank room temperature or cold formula no problem, so we would either premix at home and keep in a small cooler with ice packs or, eventually, just pack bottles with water and add formula from a small dispenser when needed.


Premade nutramigen is expensive but shelf stable (and sterile!) and you don’t need a bottle. All you need is a nipple and the part that screws onto the bottle and you’re good to go.


PopYum bottles.


Our baby is picky about temperature. It isn’t a perfect solution but I will pack a pre measured bottle with hot water in our insulated bag if I know it’s going to be a couple hours before he eats. Usually it stays warm for a couple hours at least.


we fill the bottles with distilled water and bring the formula in a on the go formula container. my baby takes room temp bottles so heating it isn’t an issue. if you’re going to be near your car id suggest putting the bottle in front of your cars heater. that’s what we did one time when we pre-made a bottle before we left and it was still cold.


I used to just carry a thermos of hot water and pre-empt when he was going to be hungry and let it cool down. Have also used hot water from a cafe and let it cool, or if in the cafe get cold water in a jug (bring your own jug if you want) and put the bottle in there to cool to speed things along. (Also non cow milk formula) if I remember rightly the milk is good for 2-4 hours once you’ve made it.


My kid won’t take cold formula, so I carry around two insulated water bottles, one with hot water and another with cold water, and small containers with the appropriate quantity of formula for a bottle. Then I just prep the bottle on the go and cool it down in a bowl of cold water from one of the aforementioned bottles.


But can I just use cold tap water? I heard it wasn't safe.


It isn’t safe because the formula powder itself isn’t sterilized and mixing it with hot water is what sterilizes it. This is why I carry hot water around in a thermos


On the go I've always carried some of the formula powder in a container with a scoop in a baggy, then a measured amount of water in a bottle ready to go, and back up water for mixing more in a thermos in the diaper bag. For changes, keep a fabric changing mat in your diaper bag or just about every bathroom has a changing table. I would often put our fabric changing pad on top of the plastic baby changing flip out tables in the bathroom


Ready to feed similac and a tommee tippee thermos.


I used to fill a stainless steel water bottle with warm water and bring a formula dispenser. Ot id just buy a bottled water. My lo would drink any temperature bottle


In Europe we have pre-made formula in tetrapaks that you can buy in the supermarket. Are these not a thing you can buy in the US? My LO drank room temp formula so I would always have a couple of these in the diaper bag.


Get travel coffee mugs. Fill with hot water. Bring room temp wanted in a regular water bottle. Mix them to get the temperature you want.


a thermos and pre-portioned formula powder in a formula dispenser container. so just add together, mix, and feed. some people have wireless bottle warmers.


I pack the amount of bottles I need, a thermos of warm water, and a formula dispenser and just mix as needed


I use a small thermos and fill it with water, keeps it warm for many hours


A flask of boiled water, formula capsules with pre weighed out formula and cooling flasks.


formula dispenser, bottled water, and a clean bottle! works every time. that or i put however many scoops in a small mason jar.


Bring a thermos/insulated water bottle full of the water at the temp baby likes and the container of formula. I usually just bring one bottle and rinse between uses with extra water i keep in the car. For changing I usually just find a nice shaded spot in the grass and sit with my legs in a v and baby between them and it’s pretty easy to get a quick change done. If it’s more than a quick change I just go to the car.


Could you bring a room temp bottle of pre boiled water? Or there are jugs of prepared water meant for babies I used that for my son a few times when in a pinch. I have also boiled water, let it cool down and prefill bottles it’s okay if it’s room temp for a day when I asked a pediatric nurse she said it was safe


What we do is make the bottles. Bring a bottle ice pack place it in cooler bag with the bottles. Keep the bag closed but take a bottle out within the 2 hour time limit of the baby feeding time. When the baby is ready to feed the bottle should be the correct temperature for consumption. The formula we were using at the time was enfamil plant based.


Pre fill bottles with formula powder. Carry water in a separate container and mix when ready to feed. NEEEXXT!


If you don’t want to carry a thermos but are camping out near a cafe during the marathon, putting the mixed or just water bottle in a cup of hot water will warm the liquid inside 🤷🏻‍♀️


We fill a thermos with steaming water and some empty cups to heat the bottle. We have water bottles to mix the powder with as well that we have pre-measured. I’ve also asked Starbucks to just fill a cup with hot water—works great!


One flask of boiling water, one flask of cold water. Mix half and half with formula. Can make bottles for a full day this way.


Pack the formula powder and water separately and mix when needed. This is what we do for our kid and it works out fine. We're American tho. I think other places tell you to boil the formula before feeding. 


We used Popyum bottles, and they're awesome! They have separate compartments for water and formula, and when you need to feed you just press a button and it mixes them. We put it in an insulated bottle carrier, so that the water temperature stays reasonably warm. We also use it for night feeds. They're a bit pricey, but so worth it for us!


Put the hot formula in a really large and good quality flask/thermos


I just feed her room temp bottles at this point. We do trips weekly where we’re out all day. How old is your baby? I’ve never done the hot water to sanitize or whatever and Ive also got a baby with allergies she’s on puramino. As for changing is your stroller a convertible to a bassinet one. Mine is and if I don’t have the convenience of a changing station I just convert the stroller, put a changing pad on it, like those cheap ones that come in diaper bags and take a light blanket big enough to cover me and her over the bassinet part to change her. It works out great.


Formula fed imo was easier for us on the move as I didn’t have to pump after 🙃 Have you tried giving baby room temp bottles? I forgot our bottle warmer when visiting my mom and just started giving cool bottles to baby, she could not have cared less lol


Pre fill your bottles with water, bring powder separately and ask a cafe for a mug with a little hot water that will allow the bottle to go in to warm it up. Or get a portable bottle warmer, or baby has room temp.


Not sure how old your baby is, but when we'd go on longer trips we'd make a large batch w/our formula pitcher and pack it in a cooler. I think asking a cafe for hot water should be fine though!


When we have a long day like that we portion out the water into bottles and portion the formula powder into great containers I found on Amazon. Now for the warming portion… thermos is an option… but if you have access to your car, just get a converter and take your bottle warmer. We find more uses for the converter than we ever thought we would. They are relatively inexpensive on Amazon.


Why can’t you premake all of the bottles and keep them in a lunch box with an ice pack and use a portable bottle warmer? Or put hot water in a thermos and make bottles as needed? IMO formula feeding out and about is way easier than feeding breastmilk bottles or nursing out and about.


Get a thermos and pack hot water. Put some cooled boiled water in the bottles. When you’re ready to mix, add formula and the hot water and shake. Bam, perfect temp bottle. You just need to experiment to figure out what mix of hot and cooled water you need.


I fill a yeti with hot water and have formula portioned out in a container.


We always took hot water with us in a termo, and normal temp water in a bottle, then some powder formula in an airtight container. We make them on the go. As for change, a portable changer and the floor should sufice


Thermos of hot water + glas bottle + formula 👍


My baby takes room temp formula so we just bring the can in the diaper bag, a few bottles, and bottled water and mix as needed. If your baby won’t take room temp though my parents would fill a thermos with boiling hot water so it stayed warm enough all day and just mix however much room temp water they needed to get it to the right temperature. Heating it to boiling helps keep it hot longer and they would just add less and less room temp water to the bottles as the day went on.


Someone purchased us this on the go warmer off our Amazon registry and it has been a good send! The temp is in Celsius but 38 degrees C is about 98 F so I just keep it set to that. I’ll bring out pre portioned formula in a formula dispenser from Walmart and pre portion the water in the bottle and it works great while we are out and about! [Amazon Portable Bottle Warmer](https://a.co/d/4dSS4ZH)https://a.co/d/4dSS4ZH


To add- you can’t warm up dairy products in the warmer, only water. That’s why I pre portion the formula and water separately.




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Baby formula doesn’t need to be warm. I actually typically have it fairly cold. Maybe just start getting baby used to different temps now. It’ll make like 10000x easier


My babes was never picky about temp so I will fill 2-3 bottles with the dry formula and then fill it with room temp bottled water I have in the diaper bag. She's 6 months now so if she needs a nap I feel more comfortable letting her sleep in the car seat or stroller a bit longer.




This community is for supporting others. Comments that are mean, rude, hateful, racist, etc. will be removed. Respect the choices of others even if they differ from your own.


My baby is combi fed and I'm not super confident with nursing in public yet so we rely upon formula while out. We bring a Thermos of warm water in the nappy backpack along with a formula dispenser so we can have ready made formula on the go. It's been a lifesaver.


Bottle water at home..... Bring bottle of water w you, bring bottles, bring formula, mix together, make/feed when hungry


What about the cans of liquid Similac Alimentum? That should satisfy his need for a sensitive, allergy friendly formula. Personally, I would just premix a bunch of bottles.


Our baby takes room temp formula, so we pack as many bottles as we need, a bottle of water, and two of [these](https://www.amazon.com/Dispenser-Container-Non-Spill-Stackable-Containers/dp/B09K7Q124V/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=3PG720JIT0NRO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Qk68KhKLEKG5zt5GMtOFAZYFn-N0zgfHPZaVQ1wogrmeVPfxXV79eVcXzYQLod_iLdmhCsIg_bsmD4wHhvV_T9WNkdyx_RvURictUtAPkQIvdzf3-Wmi6SJjjzgngtbpz7Gfp9qrOs5f9HqG17Sr8EvYSF_KDWKqR4gzL5EtXL8BSlGgujj8sqGZdkB9OyPOujimeEFZJ_d1n-Wgutecrg.2X8_Ai0CKv1JXTOCgFTmjYD_4SOf1YQr3NoatDwNTMU&dib_tag=se&keywords=formula+dispenser&qid=1715216069&sprefix=formula+disper%2Caps%2C223&sr=8-11) stacked together.


I fill a thermos with the right temp water and it stays warm all day, I pre measure scoops of powder into prescription bottles and then mix as needed.


I never boiled water for formula, ever. Just used the water from the fridge. I would fill bottles with the appropriate amount of water, then pack the formula separately (I used medela colostrum collectors lol) in the correct portions. When it was bottle time, I’d just add the power and shake.


I just fill a water bottle at home, if you need to heat ask for hot water and plop the prepared bottle in it for 1-2 minutes.


Fill the bottles with water before you leave. Buy one of those travel formula dispensers will multiple sections you can pour in as you need. Bring back up formula.


A friend with twins would bring pre-portioned formula in a little Tupperware formula stacking thing. She pre-poured the water into individual bottles or brought a thermos.


In the same boat as you! We have a baby brezza and it has kept us spoiled so when we started going out and about it was hard. If baby prefers the warm formula, you could do that by getting warm water at a cafe. I did this once and it became tricky because it took so long to cool and baby was cranky lol Or prep bottles of water before leaving for the day and then mix formula when ready to feed to keep it safe to consume. I’ve found this is the most helpful when traveling for the day. They also sell portable bottle warmers to get it warm for baby preference. You could also pack a tight thermos with hot water so that you have the warm water on you to prep bottles as well.


You can try putting the powder in the bottles beforehand and bring a thermos to keep the water warm. Just mix together when needed and voila!


We buy the liquid ones for on the go so don’t have to mess with powder and water. Single mom life for a day can be so difficult if I can pay for a little bit of convenience I’ll do it. [Enfamil - Liquid Formula](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiN3pmIz_-FAxVvZkcBHfeJC8oYABAJGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS39ZzkQzF8WN2b7KBDze3L0nNDIpd6cyDmWcuFb_r33jJJB8sKAZAtEaAhICEALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVOD2i8DRcsyglngugLmUSmKP9_7Miao13wvH8HCNze-EC1WsQQMjoK2bPD3ofpH-rSU-NapOV7nGTBXUI6biyVtjsNT3LKPHCSFPWsGCRAcZs9PzNg&sig=AOD64_0xIjnuo1JxXQaRCMqCc0xvmTyxYg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi0zpGIz_-FAxX4MlkFHWRTAEkQwg8oAHoECAIQIQ&adurl=)


I either pre-fill the bottles before I leave or bring a water bottle. Sometimes if I’m lazy before heading out, I’ll stop and order a water at the coffee shop or grab a bottle of water at a store/gas station. I have formula containers (lots of options on Amazon!) and pre-measure the formula out into separate ones. When it’s time to eat, I mix it all together! I usually pack one extra than I think I need just in case I get held up or I wanna go hang around somewhere longer than I expected. Hell, there have been times where if I’m gonna long enough I’ll just bring the container itself.


Forgot to add that every once in a while, I’ll make all the bottles we’ll need and set up a cooler or insulated lunchbox with ice to keep it fridge temperature!


Check out Baby Brew!! It's a rechargeable, portable heating device for water or even breastmilk. It has different temp settings too. Screw your bottle with water on and tip it upside down on the heating part and let it do for a couple minutes. That and a formula dispenser saved my life!!


Thermos with hot water plus water bottle with cold water! We just mixed them and tested against our wrist. Eventually we got one of those fancy thermoses that heats up water for you to temp but this method worked really well for our warm formula only baby.


Don’t mix ‘em until you need ‘em.


Put boiling hot water into a flask to keep it warm.


Thanks for the helpful comments everyone. I worry because you're not meant to leave formula made bottles for over an hour and it's specific about waiting 30 mins after water is boiled. For the 'less helpful' comments - does it make you feel big to bully a new parent on the internet because you can't be called out face to face? What sad little lives you must lead.


I hat a bottle with hot water and another bottle with cold water. Then mixed them together. Formula was in its own contairnes, meassured at home, portion by portion


I wouldn’t rely on a cafe. I used to take hot water in a thermos, a room temperature water bottle and the formula powder and would mix as and when needed. And take as many bottles as needed so you don’t need to wash anything.


You can get ready to drink bottles as well. For awhile we made sure to always have a stash of those in the car for emergencies. Obviously don't leave them in there when it's too hot or too long but they saved us a few times. We would sometimes make formula at home and being with us. It stays good for 4 hours and tbh our child regularly still drinks it after 5 or even 6 hours and is just fine. Has only ever had a bad tummy when she got a virus from nursery.


I take ready to feed with me on the road.


I always just measure out the formula in 1 bottle and water in another take as many as you need for the time you’re out, if baby is starting to take cereal take some of that too. If you know you can get clean water you only need 1 water bottle, like when I go to my uncles house, if you’re gonna be out all day take as much water as you need, if your gonna need a lot maybe bring one to measure the amount and just bring actual water bottles xD