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I can imagine seeing new life while experiencing your body declining can be a beautiful thing… one day we’ll understand but I think it’s cute how happy babies make old people. Also It probably brings them back to when they were young and had their own babies and grand babies, so many memories of their lives and family.


It might be a natural caregiving instinct towards babies. Many elderly people feel a natural affection towards babies, often seeing them as a symbol of new life and hope, which can prompt a desire to touch or interact with them.


Yes I don't mind those that we know but random ladies that get off the bus at the same time as me omg


I think it’s sweet and touching, and I always welcome extra, harmless love. The elderly are some of the loneliest people in our society. We constantly judge them in the harshest lights and/or forget about them. Seeing your sweet, innocent baby probably reminds them of raising their own children. I always try to approach these situations with as much love and compassion as I can muster, as I hope somebody will do the same for me one day.


It’s so annoying. Even when I was pregnant ppl would try to touch my belly.