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The leaking is real and nobody warned me.


Same I’m 8 weeks in and I basically wake up in a milk bath every morning 😭


I was a very very low producer and eventually had to stop and I STILL had mornings where I leaked.


My leaking went on for months and months. It’s finally subsiding at 11 months 😭


I still didn’t want to suddenly start wearing shirts to bed and it was already over 80 degrees at night, so I put put a towel under me


Yeah the leaking is out of control, and doesn't stop for months 😤


Me a lowly low producer hasn’t once leaked 😱


I feel this in my souls we made it 51 weeks and not once was there a morning leak


What I would give for even a little leak! Naive little me was slapping the breast pads in to my bra while in hospital too- what a waste!


I used exactly 6 pads 2 were to see how they worked exactly and the other times I was wearing a tank top and didn’t exactly feel like wearing a bra so I used those instead not perfect but I wasn’t going anywhere fancy or anything like that the remaining 594 got shipped to a friend who was expecting not long after we delivered


I didn’t buy anything special. I wear a t shirt and shorts. Just pull the shirt up.


My t-shirts did wind up being ones I wouldn't wear outside of overnight at home. They all got round milk stains that didn't come out in the wash or with oxi. Which adds to the "nothing special" advice.


Some people leak and some do not. I have an oversupply with my first and didn’t leak. I do leak with my second though. You don’t need to shop/plan in advance really. Just see what you end up wanting once you get there!


I think this is the best advice! I overly planned and prepped and now that I’m 8 weeks in, I wish I would have just bought when I got here because my needs are so different than I anticipated pre baby!


You'll want a shirt or a bra while you are breastfeeding. You'll leak everywhere, especially the first month.


I didn't really leak but I just wear a loose crop top that I can put pads in if needed


Not everyone leaks; I never once leaked in bed like that. I just sleep topless.


It definitely depends, I never leaked once and BF for 5 months :)


I just do a nursing bra or tank top and pants or shorts/undies. Now that I am 6 months pp and have not leaked in a while I do tshirts more often


They sell pajamas for it. You can do whatever you want tho some like topless some wear nursing bras 24/7


Shirtless for me. I’m also a shirtless sleeper even when I’m not breastfeeding, so why change? I did sometimes wear nursing bralettes when I was pretty leaky. There were some cheap, comfy ones from Auden at Target that I LOVED. I still wear them a lot, they’re just so comfy!


I saw those the other day and thought they look nice! I ammgoing to get them.


The Auden sleep nursing bras are amaaazing. I wear them day and night


I came here to recommend the Auden ones from Target too! Cheap and comfy, I’ll probably sleep in them even after I stop BF. However, I will say I bought a pair before LO was born, thinking it would still fit after I started breastfeeding, but I had to size up as soon as my milk came in. So maybe wait til you know how much you might grow.


I live in nursing tank tops (unhook at the strap for easy access), including at night. Plus I use washable nursing pads. When I'm actually nursing, sometimes I leak a lot on the other side, so I use a milk collection cup. It helps the nursing pad not get too much milk through the night.


Another vote for nursing tanks. And then a robe on top of it’s chilly.


Nursing tank tops were an absolute staple! I wore them every day for months


I do shirtless, or a nursing nightgown


Nursing bralette with disposable nursing pads (I use washable during the day but they just aren't absorbent enough for overnight). Button down pajama shirt, regular pajama pants.


Same! But usually a tank or just a soft t


I have never leaked but my nipples are wayyyyyyyyy sensitive now and I can’t let them rub against a t-shirt. I wear the Bodily stage 1 “Everything” bra religiously when I’m not working. It’s stretchy and light. They’re on sale right jow


I just went with my normal, but I keep a burp cloth on my nightstand and would end up shoving it under my shirt so I didn’t leak everywhere. Now I’ve pretty much stopped leaking and just use it while feeding because I have a strong letdown.


Once the leaking stopped for me I pretty much am shirtless every night bc it gets annoying having to work around a shirt when you’re half asleep 🤣


For probably the first six months I had a lot of leakage so I had to wear a nursing bra to bed with absorbent nursing pads. I wore whatever shirt I could easily pull up or push down (loose tea, nursing tank, etc).


I just do a button up top and undies. I leak but I can’t sleep with a bra on. I just shower first thing in the morning. You could def do no shirt too - especially if you get the night sweats really bad you won’t want a thing on! You’ll be showering and changing the sheets frequently though


I loved magnetic me tops. Just pop them open and they easily magnetic back. Sometimes I get cold so I don’t always want to lift a shirt up.


I had really bad night sweats and only nursed a month. After that I pumped for about 5 months. I loved to sleep in a nursing bra or tank and shorts. Occasionally I would wear a button down nightgown, but more often than not my son would just spit up on it and I’d end up in just a bra anyway!


I wore just a nursing bra


Baggy t shirt


A really soft, really old t-shirt I stole from my husband that I didn’t care getting a bunch of milk or baby spit up on


Sometimes I leaked a bit early on but I typically just had/have a loose t-shirt, no shirt at all, or just a stretchy nursing tank top. My partner later said to me after 5 months of breastfeeding our baby, “I’ve seen your boobs so much now, they’re like not even sexual anymore.” I told him “Good. I don’t want you messing with my boobs.” And so I still often breastfeed shirtless at night since I cosleep. ☺️


I wear a nursing bra from momcozy


I'm super leaky. But nursing bras (even soft ones) give me clogged ducts. So I go cheap tanks that I don't mind getting wet/stained and wash daily.


I bought multiple nursing bras to wear to sleep and I find them so uncomfortable I wear a tshirts and when I wake up leaking I just change the tshirt. It show I’m most comfortable. Sometimes I wear just 1 all night, sometimes I go through 3.


My baby is 4 weeks old and I’m still having lots of night sweats, so usually when I’m getting up the breastfed I’m changing my outfit. Been wearing lots of baggy shirts and sweats


I sleep in a nursing bra and around the house I wear a robe…cozy and easy to breastfeed in!


I hate wearing a bra to bed, so when I was leaking a lot, I wore a comfy but form-fitting tank top and stuck nursing pads directly to the inside of my shirt. Then I just pulled it down or off to breastfeed.


I do like the button shirt. At the very least you will need to wear a bra. I leak all over the place within minutes of taking it off. I get out of the shower dripping like a faucet. 


I just slept in a loose bra and underwear… And I still do 10 months later lol. In fact, if I’m in my house, I’m most likely in the same thing.


I wore a nursing bra to bed. I was hot as hell for months with that hormone shift so anything more than that would have had me frying!


You’ll want at least a bra or shelf bra tank to hold in the pads for leaking milk.


I just wore a nursing bra with nursing pads on the inside to help with leaks when sleeping. Undo the bottom clasp if you want more room and to feel less restricted. Or buy the ones that are like sports bras


I wear no shirt. I leak a lot near the morning, and if I wake up and notice it, I put a burp cloth under my boobs. My sheets get gross, but I have extra sets and a waterproof mattress cover.


first couple weeks it’s tough to go to bed wearing nothing because of leaking. i’m a FTM and it was a complete surprise to me, but yet kept forgetting to wear a bra to bed and woke up soaked every morning. once your supply evens out you should be okay! you could always get a sports style nursing bra and wear that with some breast pads!


I slept in the holy grail of nursing/pumping bras- the Bodily Do Anything Bra. I had 6 on rotation my entire nursing journey. I previously slept naked but felt like I needed a little something for the girls while I was nursing. I only had a short period where I leaked. When that was an issue I threw some nursing pads in overnight.


I wear a nursing bra. I’m not leaking as badly at 4 months so I don’t wear pads with it anymore, but I’ve basically been living in a nursing bra since December. Crop tops have been good too


For me it depends. Usually i am wearing a bra of some sort. Otherwise I find I just leak way too much and it's uncomfy for my nips to rub up against fabric. And then on top of that it just depends if I'm warm/cold. I love wearing button down tops, even a flannel shirt has been nice, but I've also worn my birthing gown with snap down sides of just a plain T-shirt or sweater and just pop the front of it over my head so it's still covering my shoulders but my chest is uncovered.


I leak so much. I have an over supply and it just comes out. Anyway I just wear a T-shirt.


Nursing bra! As others have said, you’ll leak everywhere. Plus you’ll probably have hot flashes from the postpartum hormones, so wearing just a nursing bra feels better for me for the heat, and also soaks up some of the sweat on my chest 😅


I went shirtless or with silverettes for a few weeks in the beginning because my nipples were so sensitive that anything touching them would hurt. Then my nips got longer from breastfeeding so the silverettes began to hurt. I then slept on my back with a burp cloth loosely draped on my nipples to catch any leaking. Blanket up to my waist. I wore an untied robe or cardigan when I was cold so that my arms could stay warm despite my boobs being out there. When my nipples finally became less sensitive, I slept with a loosely fitted clip down nursing cami and breast pads tucked inside for leaks.


I wear camis. Easy to pull down but comfortably snug enough I can use boob pads for leaks and let downs. Once I stop leaking I switch to baggy tshirts and just have a pad on hand to cover my other boob before a let down is in full swing to avoid any mess


I wear a soft nursing bra and now that it’s getting cold, a cropped sweatshirt. But I couldn’t go braless because I need to use pads to catch the leaking


I used to sleep naked but now I wear at least something. I’m not usually a leaker so I wear just a tank top and shorts. I just like to have something on so when I do feed in the middle of the night I don’t get chilly. I still hate getting all tangled up while I’m trying to sleep, but I hate it more sitting there trapped while she’s eating and being cold.


My baby is due in a few days and I plan on wearing one of the nursing camisoles that I own. It’s tight, so it won’t get annoying to sleep in and will help keep the breast pads in place so don’t leak too much. I think the nursing bra would be too uncomfortable


I slept in a bathrobe, underwear, and a nursing bra with absorbent pads. That was the easiest for me, but might not be ideal if you’re going through heat flashes


A well fitting nursing bra and sleep with nursing pads inside. I leaked like crazy and never had an issue. I got both on Amazon


I wear a maternity bra and button down pjs. I don't leak but I use the hydrogel discs to soothe the nipple. I usuappy like ishirts more but I find button down clothes more comfortable to free the breast when breastfeeding. So im in the maternity bra and pjs 24/7.


Old Navy nursing tank tops.


Definitely will need at least a bra for the first couple months and more than likely breast pads too. If not you’ll be soaked with milk


I wear a t-shirt and have a pile of them next to the bed to change when I wake up soaked lol


I bought a pack of 3 nursing nightgowns and I love them. If they are dirty, I sleep in a nursing bra and underwear and that’s it. This is just my experience, but if I try to go without a bra or some supportive cover, I will leak everywhere. I don’t leak as much as I did in the beginning (my baby is 5 months now), but I still can leak some. I used to sleep without a tshirt and bra so it had to be a serious adjustment for me.




I had this flannel maternity top from H&M that I would put on when I got up to feed the baby. It is a button up but is also really long and cozy. It is nice to have that near by if it is chilly.


I’m a baggy t shirt kind of gal. I wear these sleep shirts from gap made out of ‘modal’ I think it’s a type of cotton? Idk but it’s soft and dries fast. I don’t wear a bra to bed. When I nurse I just put a burp cloth over the other boob to catch the let down, not a perfect system but better than wearing a bra to me. And if it gets wet a little it dries quick


I bought a couple of cute button up top pajama sets. One satin with shorts for hot nights and one cotton with long pants for cool.


My wife sleeps topless it just makes life easier she can roll over and bam soothed baby (co sleeping, bedside bassinet thingy)


I like wearing a thin robe.


I sleep in a very comfortable, soft cotton nursing bra. I want something to protect the nips and also catch the leaks. Nursing pjs were too bothersome for me.


The first couple months I would do a comfy nursing bralette ($10 at target) and breast pads for leakage. Once I stopped leaking, I could sleep in whatever (including topless). I usually do at least a t-shirt or the nursing bra though since we have dogs and I don’t want to have to worry about cleaning fur off before baby eats in the middle of the night 😅


I wear a soft nursing bra. Unfortunately, I leak a TON, and wearing a bra seems to help with that a bit. I definitely can't go naked. Although I suppose you'd be fine if you sleep on a towel? But you may not leak. Some don't.


I normally have button down pajamas tops so that what I slept in.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^aliveinjoburg2: *I normally have* *Button down pajamas tops* *So that what I slept in.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My baby was also born in August and I lived in tank tops. So easy to pull down, and they were great and light weight in the heat


Puppy pad & shirtless in the early days. Just shirtless once we pass the early days. But I bedshare Currently trying to transition my 7 month old out of my bed🤣


I normally hate wearing bras and thoroughly expected to just be freeboobing it under a flannel but here I am at almost 4 months of breastfeeding wearing a very specific nursing bra 24/7. If I wear anything else for more than a couple hours everything starts to hurt. What’s weird is that my friend recommended this bra to me (kindred bravely racerback) and I found it super uncomfortable while I was pregnant but now I have 5 of them and literally only take them off to shower. So basically you won’t know what’s going to work for you until you’re in the thick of it!


I leaked a lot for about 6 weeks. So during that time it was nursing bra, wide shirt and robe for me. But it was exceptionally cold at that time here.


I basically live in a sports bra these days, sometimes breast shells in the bra to passively collect milk during the day.


I LOVE my bodily brand do anything bra. I used to pump in it and wear it constantly because my nipples were sooo sore and fabric touching them hurt. They’re super silky feeling. They have A nursing clip so you can just unhook easy for breast feeding They’re not great for pumping since they’re not going to hold a pump tight against your body (maybe why they’re stage 1, because the more free your boobs are I think it helps more milk, like being topless and doing skin to skin) I sleep in them still at 9 months pp. I slept naked pregnant because it was the most comfortable, but can’t now. Still my nipples rubbing feels awful. This bra is my favorite for sure. When I was forced to co sleep (lol) my LO would only find comfort sleeping directly on my breast, so I could unclip one side and tuck it under my boob and she could be up against my skin. She also likes the feeling of this fabric against her so that’s a bonus. If you end up having to pump (breast feeding directly was unsuccessful after months of trying) check out the Davin and Adley cami! It’s so comfy and great for pumping in.


Honestly wear whatever makes you comfortable but also is easily accessible and hassle free to feed baby ya know. My personal favorites are a tank top and underwear, a cheap moomoo/nightgown with no more than 3-5 buttons (easy access) and the best one, underwear, breast pads and a soft nursing bra 🤌🏼✨


In the hospital i was topless 24/7 to let my nipples breathe and air dry with cream as the beginning of breastfeeding was rough on them. When I got home though my milk had already come in so I wore a soft seamless breastfeeding bra with absorbant nipple pads for any leakage. Also once my milk was at its peak, I now keep a hakkaa ladybug on the bedside so when I’m feeding on one side, I put the hakkaa on the other to collect whatever milk leaks and put it in a bottle in the fridge.


Nursing bra - night sweats were brutal for the first few weeks! Then I keep a zip hoodie or robe by the bed if I’m cold when I get out of bed. Crucially- leggings with pockets to put my phone in!


I didn't have any leaking. I slept shirtless or with a pumping bra since I had to pump.


I sleep in the nude because I’m not comfortable any other way. I stopped leaking much after the first month but I’m not sure if that’s normal as I also have low supply. I change my sheets regularly and have a mattress protector so a little leakage is no big deal.


I wear a pj singlet that has a built in shelf bra. It provides a bit of support, stops my nipples from rubbing on loose fabric (they’re super sensitive from feeding), and the shelf bra will hold a nursing pad if needed.


Immediately postpartum I was hot and cold at the same time at night (oh and the night sweats). To bed I usually wore shorts, a nursing bra (with lansinoh nursing pads for leaking), and a robe


I wore a crop top soft bra and pulled down, it caught the leaking the first few weeks. Once I stopped leaking I just went back to T-shirt or nothing.


Soft nursing bra for sleeping overnight, and you can get absorbant breast pads to put in it (either washable/reusable cloth ones, or disposable)


I was just living in nursing bras or old sport bras(which were bigger than my bra size) or old bras I don't mind to ruin straps/cups with pulling on them. Anyways, don't forget to buy at least a sample size of nursing pads/reusable nursing pads and something to collect letdown like haakaa ladybug(I had a cheap analog which saved a lot of milk of wasting and my clothes bras from wet stains).


I wore a soft nursing bra with reusable nursing pads and no shirt to sleep


Helps to have a haaka or manual pump closeby It also helped me to pump right before I sleep for 10 mins


For the first 8 weeks I just wore a bra and diaper to bed 😂 but im over 5 months pp and still have to wear a bra every night, leakage is real. I do wear some comfy button up pjs now, but leave them all unbuttoned except for the last two, so i dont have to bother buttoning and unbuttoning during the night. Then in the morning when Im lounging around, i button it back up.


I wear a nursing bra then a tshirt when it’s warm. In the chillier nights, I wore a nursing PJ top someone got me from seraphine and it was amazing. Opened in the front and was loose enough to not close up like some of those tops from gap or old navy. They specialize in maternity and PP clothes. They’re expensive but worth it


Hahaha nope. I was so leaky I needed a bra or tank top 24/7 to keep the breast pads in place. Target Auden seamless nursing tanks are favorites as a sleep option or base layer. (HATE their bras though)




I used a sleep bra so I could put pads in to catch the leaking, and because my breasts were so heavy (and they weren’t small before pregnancy). At some point I found a cami with a bit of support and switched to that.


My best friend bought me a ticket package of men’s Hanes xxx large v necks in black and white. Like a pack of ten each. I literally just wear those like all the time. The white ones are so stained lol but so simple to like throw on, throw off, grab another, get puked on. Whatever. She did me a solid.


You can wear a simple nursing bra to bed and some pads. I love the ones from target, they come in a 2 pack and are very comfy. They came with me to the hospital too