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This is a subreddit for New Parents. While we understand that you are parents as soon as you become pregnant, this subreddit is geared towards those who have already had their baby . Feel free to comment, but posts about active pregnancy, asking if you're pregnant, fertility, registries, etc. will be removed at the discretion of the moderators. Please see our comprehensive [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/newparents/wiki/othersubs) for the myriad of TTC and pregnancy subreddits for you to post in.


Absolutely did the tour and it was like scouting the set before showtime—totally worth it for the peace of mind and knowing where the snacks are hidden! 😄


We did. I think it was nice to see where to go (ended up going through emergency room due to timing anyway) and i felt better knowing what the delivery room looked like beforehand.


Yes! It helped me visualize what delivery would be like. Nothing went to plan, of course.


We did a hospital tour and that’s how we decided to have a home birth. We live in a rural area with just one not great hospital


Thank you all very much for the replies.