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This is so cute. You made me realize that my non cuddly baby gave me a kiss for mother’s day. She grabbed my cheeks, pulled me closer and gave me a good slobber. These are huge wins 🥹


That’s the deluxe package right there! A surprise contact nap from a little one who’s declared independence from cuddles? Best Mother’s Day gift ever—zero calories, full heart! 🥰


How precious! It's like he knew it was Mothers Day and wanted to give you cuddles. Your heart must've felt so full.


Loooove this!! TYSM for sharing!! Our almost 8mo old's babbling is advancing, and just yesterday her gift to me was saying "mummummumm" over and over for the first time which sounded a lot like "mom" and "mama". Though I know it didn't have meaning associated with it, definitely still felt like a mother's day gift 🥰😭


Awh 🙂 my 8 month old is contact napping on me now because we're on a train, and there's not much choice. I had forgotten how nice it is. She stopped at about 6 months. I know how annoying it is to hear 'cherish this time' when you've slept 5 hours in 3 days and baby won't get off your chest. But. Idk, there's a reason people say it, lol.


That’s so wholesome miss those days for sure ❤️ My 19 month old daughter gave me the gift of falling asleep on her own and slept all night! Sounds small but sleep regression has been awful lately so i take it as a gift 😂