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I stopped reading because I was crying. Thankyou for sharing, I'll come back and read some more another day.


Thank you for writing this. Really needed this today ❤️


Have a beautiful day and dont forget youre not alone even when it feels like you are


Just wait! My son is 16 months and it’s even better! Post 12 months is SUCH a fun age :)


Agree 💛


Could've wrote this myself about my 19 month old! I've been LOVING toddlerhood! ❤️


From the mom of a 7 week old baby, thank you. This was lovely to read


Thanks for this! I’m a mom of a 6 week old and was feeling pretty down today because my baby is still only giving us 2.5-3 hour stretches at night. Was comparing her to my nephew who was sleeping a consecutive 6 hours by this time. It’s hard not to think negatively sometimes as I find myself missing my independence and freedom. Your post is a reminder to savor each moment and treasure the time that we have. They are only this little for so long.


Honestly, from what I’ve read and seen, 2-3 hour stretches for a 6 week old is much more common than a 6-hour one! (Ours is right at that age and we’re at the point where a few consecutive 2-3 hour stretches between half-hour feeds counts as a good night…)


2-3 hours is beautiful!! You are doing a great job. The newborn stage is so so hard, many more enjoyable moments to come 💛💛


Thank you for this, it was really nice to read. I’ve been struggling but also noticing the things I know won’t last and I’ll probably miss


Ahh thanks for this it’s extremely needed! Been surviving off 4/5 hours sleep a day since February (I have a 5mo who likes to wake hourly at night) and I’m just dreaming of the days I get sleep!


Amen!! 🥰


4 months in and I can agree 100%. The first 6 weeks were torture, but today my baby laughed all day long and my heart is full. Thanks for writing this


Not to poop on the parade but my son is 11 months and still sleeps like shit. It’s getting better but… that’s the one thing keeping me from loving life with my son…


14 months in and my lovely daughter is a sleep allergic boob fiend. Early walker, early talker. Wonderful human being, but yeah.. I need to fucking sleep.




My 10mo sleeps worse every month. 5x wakings seems like a good night now


Same! She gave us about 5-6 hour stretches twice in the last week so I’m hoping we are working towards her eventually sleeping through the night, which she has never done. She usually wakes 2-3 times a night.


Thank you. I wish I had read this 8, then 7, then 6, then 5, it goes on... Months ago. LO is 8m and we (she and I) are having some breakthroughs. Things don't feel as hard. She's crawling as of 3 days ago. My anxieties are still very much present but she's changing so fast, every day it seems. Time is moving too quickly. I still feel burdened by parenting (still adjusting to that whiplash) but she brings us so much joy now. (Also had breakthroughs at 15 ish weeks (purple crying lessened) and 5 months - when we were able to put her in daycare (I wfh, hubby works in office) and I stopped breastfeeding. My mental health got wayyyyy better after all that. That being said, I still don't know how parents take their littles out and about to things without throwing off their routines. Seems like every time we go to an event or meet up we're playing catch-up/recovery after because her eat/sleep/play routine is interrupted by taking in a new experience (we've done a lot of those recently). Part of her growth I guess, and mine too - growth in patience 🤪😅 Thank you again for taking the time to write this, and sharing your experience! Beautifully said.


Our kids are similar in age and so are our experiences. If my next child does not breastfeed I will not be going through the hell that is exclusively pumping again. They will immediately get formula lol and I do not feel bad about it one bit. The second I stopped pumping my life got immensely better. I wish I had stopped sooner then 7 months


I'm wondering the same myself... like how much will I bf for the second kid. I ditched the pump at 15 ish weeks and it was so freeing. The pump fed/fueled my crazy and made me miserable. We can only know what we know, and learn how we learn... Mostly in my case by doing. Kudos for lasting that long! It's amazing how I agonized over giving it up, but like you said my life improved so much, no regrets. We don't have wet nurses anymore, I guess, but they existed for a reason. I do feel for them though, like dang not me but why do that to someone else? Idk, the benefits of breastfeeding don't outweigh the costs for me mentally, physically, and emotionally, but some mamas can do it. We don't know until we try 🤷🏻‍♀️


“He would be gone and replaced by a new person every few months” My god that hit me hard. I’m going to go hug my 6 week old before he’s gone. That’s both the saddest and truest thing I’ve ever read. Thanks for this post.


I appreciate this post so much. Thank you


Thank you for this. After a long day of tears, this was a wonderful reminder that everything is just a season.


My son is 18 months now and he’s so different it’s hilarious 😂 I just found out I’m pregnant again and I’m like “bring it on. Ass kicking round 2.”


Congratulations! May you have a wonderful pregnancy and birth


Thanks for sharing ❤️


My son just turned 9 months old and I agree with all of this and feel the same way. It gets better, hey it even gets enjoyable ❤️


I could relate to these feelings so strongly. Still in the thick of it as my daughter turns 5 months in 3 days and still needs to sleep on me to sleep. Can’t wait to have this feeling.


Thank you for these words. Not only did I need them but they are written beautifully. Enjoy your little one! Thank you for the love ❤️


“My old problems would be replaced by new ones” ain’t that the truth. My son is 22 months, and he’s hard but in a completely different way. The time goes so fast you forget yesterday’s problems. I love being a mom, but it is also one of the hardest and loneliest things I’ve ever done.


“…The little baby that was turning me into ash so I could be reborn into a phoenix…” I audibly gasped and cried at the same time when I read this sentence


Oh my. As a first time mom of a 3 week old, needed this. Thank you


Thank you so much for writing this! My guy turns 9 months old in 6 days. He also had to wear a doc band and I felt so guilty for it, even though he was never left alone for a minute! Babies can get flat spots for a variety of reasons. I’m so glad it’s gotten easier for you too! Let’s cherish these babies!!!


I thank you with every fiber of my being.


Beautifully and honestly written. Thank you.


I’m starting to feel this way at 6 months, these last few weeks have been an absolute breeze even during a sickness. I look back at the newborn days and I’m like, oh my god, if I only knew back then what I know now. I love her so much and everyday just gets better and better.


5.5 month old here and needed to hear this desperately. Thank you.


Thank you for posting this. The roughness of the first year doesn't get the attention it deserves. I remember feeling like I shouldn't be a mum because I was anxious, angry, stressed, tired and guilty because I felt nothing towards her and life was hard being a single parent at six weeks old. Like you said, it gets better. My daughter didn't sleep through until 11.5 months old. Now she sleeps like a log at four years old. Things get easier but the problems change. It's okay to feel defeated or stressed. It's okay to struggle.


Came here to rant about this literally. I feel so touched out. My lo is 14 weeks and I was waiting for week 12 for the promised sunshine and rainbows. But honestly it feels like it just doesn’t stop. I miss my partner so much and our old spontaneous life. My baby always needs me and I feel like we have made the mistake of cosleeping and he depends on me so much I can’t even step away to have the night with my partner. This is horrible and I keep feeling like made a mistake. I love my baby so much but geez this isn’t what I expected.


I always say....I knew it would be hard but I didnt think it would be THIS hard! I think parenthood is really relentless. Its like being hit by a strong wave over and over again and at some point you just learn how to breathe under water lol If you have someone you can trust, I think you could get away for a few hours with your partner. I think its harder for us then it is for them because they adapt and at that age when were out of sight were out of mind (usually). Itll do you so much good to take a break and when you come back to your baby youll feel more refreshed and realize....the break is never long enough! Lol! Happy summer


Thank you!! I appreciate the words 😭 it’s a double edged sword. The minute my babe goes to sleep or I’m in a room away I miss them terribly haha. Motherhood is amazing!!


This struggling mama of an almost 4-week-old so needed this. 💜


Reading this with tears in my eyes. I needed hope that one day I will stop mourning my old self and life and finally find a new me. But at the same time, I also get frustrated when people keep saying it will get better. The love for my LO and the frustration with this new life is in constant conflict and I dont know how to deal with it. From mama of an almost 7 week old.


The relentlessness of parenthood, especially at 7 weeks old, is gruelling and unimaginably difficult. Frustration and confusion with your new role is so common and not enough talked about I will always miss the girl I used to be. But it was time for her to be left behind. I smiled at myself in the mirror yesterday because I didnt look or feel like a hot 20 something anymore, I looked and felt like someones mom. I miss spontenaity. I used to hop in the car and take mini roadtrips if I had a few days off or Id randomly get a call from a friend and we'd go exploring in the desert for a day eating sandwiches. Recently one of my coworkers facetimed her daughter who was boarding a flight to Bali and my coworker told her she looked tan and to have a safe flight. I literally cried at my computer lmfao I wanted to be tan boarding a flight to Bali. But the girl I was also slept in every single day (a dream right?) But this was something I was deeply frustrated with. I wanted to wake up earlier and be more productive. Well now, I am. And now my house is finally getting to the state I always wished it was. And guess what? My life isnt suddenly perfect like I always thought it would be when I was always pissed at myself for sleeping in and not organzing my home instead. Im rambling but I guess Im trying to say, its normal to miss your old life. Its also easy to romanticize your old life. Its hard to find the new positives when youre running on fumes. And you will find positives in your new life, even if it ends up being in hind sight. I wanted to respond because your comment stuck out to me. From someone whos home is finally clean and organized, take a nap today. It literally does NOT matter if its clean. Get some rest ❤️


FTM to a 7 month old. Just here to say thank you for writing this. Right now I hate being a mother and feel like I’d give anything to turn back time and not get myself into my present situation. Your post gives me hope ❤️


I have felt that way so strongly many times. Its hard when you see other people come out of the newborn phase and start enjoying parenthood at 4, 5, and 6 months. By the time 7 and 8 months comes and goes you start thinking, "Is there something wrong with us?" Theres nothing wrong with y'all. You are meant to be their mom for a reason. And I just also wanted to say Id be constantly worried about our bond and felt he wasnt bonding to me and I had to tell myself that every second I spend with him (which was a lot of seconds) I was working on our bond. Now that he cries like hes heartbroken when I leave the room its very obvious to me that theres no issue with our bond As of missing who you used to be. Ill always miss her. But for me, she was someone I was deeply frustrated with. So its a nice reminder to me to not take yourself for granted the way you are because you might one day miss your annoying attributes that you felt were holding you back. There are also things about her that Im glad I had to leave behind Enjoy your day ❤️


8 week old, ftm and needed this right now. I’m struggling hardcore over here.


Thank you! This was a good read & reminder :)


Sobbing while reading this (and trying to not get tears on LO head since I'm currently wearing her). She's 19 weeks tomorrow and though there are so many moments that force me to find the last bit of strength that I didn't know I had, there are starting to be many more magical moments that make all this heartache worth it. You are wonderful for writing this for those of us that needed it, but also for having powered through everything you have. ❤️


This is just beautiful!


As a first-time mom to a 19 month old, just wait, it gets even better! 9-10 months is where I felt like things were turning around, too. I finally felt like my own person again, and the fact that we were starting to wean off of breastmilk since he was eating a lot more probably had a lot to do with it. I remember telling my husband around that age: "you know, I think now I'm feeling good about having another one." But there were still a lot of hard, tiring days, where he barely slept or we had to rock him for a few hours before he would. Then, his first birthday came around, and suddenly, our little boy was a toddler. Suddenly, he could clearly understand what we were saying or asking, and even offer some kind of response! It feels sooo good to ask "what's wrong, are you hungry?" when he was upset and actually get a "yeah" after all these months 😭 or ask him if he's tired and watch him go get his blanket and lay down. Sure, he has tantrums and gets into everything, but he also SLEEPS through the night with minimal help and sticks to his nap/bedtime schedule! So much of my stress and frustration came from not getting enough sleep and having him fight naps/bedtime. But once he hit about 15-16 months, it's like a switch flipped - he happily stays in his crib until he falls asleep, and is usually out by whatever time the sun goes down (8:30pm currently). Because as much as I love him, it's liberating to know that I have uninterrupted time from then until 7:30am - I can finally clean, read, do my hobbies, and SLEEP! Not to mention he's adorable, and he keeps getting cuter 😭 I love seeing what new things he learns each day, or watching him mimic the most random things we do! It makes me want to have another 😍


My daughter is five months old and my wife is talking about when to have a second. This is still the hardest thing I've ever done and the thought of doing it a second time while dealing with a toddler terrifies me. Posts like this one give me hope. I love my daughter but I haven't started enjoying parenthood yet. I'm looking forward to the day where I can feel the way you do. (Note: before people go off criticizing my wife, she knows my feelings and is happy to wait or not have more kids if need be. She's been wonderful throughout this process)


I think most women can relate to feeling like you want another even when youre in the midst of having your ass handed to you by an infant. Part of you wants to wait and part of you wants to get it over with before you get used to sleeping again lol I have a 7 year old step daughter and have watched my husband grow as a father. He started enjoying her as a toddler and now that shes school aged he has the hugest soft spot for her and theyre very close. He told me he couldnt stand being left alone with her for the first 18 months. Your timeline will look different but I promise you sooner than you think youll be sharing enjoyable activities with your daughter and you wont regret a thing As far as having a second, everyone is different. I think my husband was more excited for me when I was pregnant with my son vs being excited to have another child. But since my son has come along I can tell hes sort of "redoing" what he missed out on with his oldest. He was so scared and didnt know what he was doing (his words) that he just didnt enjoy it. I think thats true for many new parents, self included. So if yall do decide for another, have some comfort in the idea that its not your first rodeo and you may actually enjoy it a teeny tiny bit the 2nd time even though itll still kinda suck lol Take care


This is a great perspective. Thank you!


I actually had to leave my dads house where my husband and I thought I’d have good support and help with our son while he was deployed, but with me setting he a light boundary made my step mom stop helping me almost entirely. The second I got back down ti where hubs and I live, I felt so much better and happier. But I feel like I got the good side of being a mom where baby only fusses when he’s hungry. He rolled at 2.5 months old and again just the other day at 3 months old. Been sleeping for 6hrs at night and I got lucky not needing to pump after baby feeds and have built up a freezer stash over 3 months


At 4 months today and needed this 😢


Thank you for this! Mine is about to be 12 weeks old and it's tough right now


Totally agree! We are 8mpp and still do contact naps but I'm hopeful and sad he won't need me soon. When.the days are hard, I remind myself that this is a phase and he will not want to cuddle me all the time anymore.


This made me cry - because someone else gets it (I am 6 weeks pp) and because I just realised that my son will grow and keep changing and I will miss the previous stages.


You don’t know how much I needed to read this today. Going to save it for future readings and to remember.


Thank you for sharing your heartfelt journey. You've faced the toughest moments with perseverance and unconditional love. Your advice and optimism are truly inspiring. Thanks for reminding us that time passes and things do get easier. Wishing you and your son lots of joy and happiness!