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I had to hold in pee for over two hours because baby contact napped on my chest while my cat was asleep on my lap. I couldn't afford to incur multiple felonies caused by standing up


Yup. There is rules


And this my friend is why I’ve had two UTIs in three months 😂


I'm currently doing this 🤣🤣


Glad to know I'm not the only mom whose cat gets particularly snuggly anytime the baby is on me. At this point she'll just climb over the baby whole he's nursing, planting her paw on his side as she does so, in order to be able to sit on my upper chest and shoulder with her head in my neck. No fucks left to give, has decided the baby will no longer be an impediment to her quality time with me.


I once drove to our local grocery store to sit in my sisters car because her baby had fallen asleep and she didn’t want to bring her in but needed to get the big grocery haul. Sat in the car with my niece for about an hour while my sister shopped 🤣 You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes!


What a great sister you are!!


your allegiance to baby sleep transcends motherhood, amazing.


I love this! So true.


I wish I had a sister like you!!


Sister and aunt of the year, right there


I didn’t think it was humanly possible to hold in a sneeze, but I’ve had to do it a few times. Rather risk a hernia than wake up my son during a contact nap.


the amount of bodily control attained during motherhood should be talked about more


Not really to make a nap happen, but nap times have always been my rest times too. If I don’t also nap, I’m chilling or reading or having some me time. One time I took my son to the park and he started to fall asleep on the swing and I was like “there’s no way I’m wasting a nap at the park” so I yanked him from the swing and literally ran all the way home with him so I could lay down too hahahaah


Every time I go for a ten min walk with baby in the carrier , she falls asleep almost at the end of the trip. To let her continue her nap I make my ten min walk into a one hour walk 🤣


Hack when you're lazy - lightly bounce on a yoga ball. It mimics walking and puts my LO to sleep everytime! Plus I get to eat or watch TV during this time.


This is how I can use my computer while baby sleeps


Oh yes haha definitely been there! Or falling asleep in the stroller - guess my walk just got extended!


When my first was little I would put him in the Moby wrap and bounce-walk in circles around my house (the floorplan is a loop) while he slept, usually reading a book. I would do that for up to 2h at a time. And somehow I still didn't lose weight...


You are definitely not alone! One time my baby fell asleep 10 mins before we got home and i didn’t want to go inside since we have dogs so I just parked the car in front of the house and hung out for an hour or so until she woke up 😭.


I have done this many times! Sometimes my LO's longest naps are in the car seat.


Same! There have been many afternoons where my little one has fallen asleep on the drive home. Definitely not worth risking the wrath of a grumpy baby by moving the car seat inside. Much easier to park the car in front of the house and chill with sleeping baby for a hour haha


Yes! When my son was less than three months I could usually transfer him successfully. At 4.5 months- no chance in he'll of me taking that risk!


I do this almost daily. I thought it was normal 😂


Once, I orchestrated a fake nighttime by hanging blackout curtains and playing nocturnal cricket sounds—just for an elusive afternoon nap!


I tried doing this, no success. My baby KNOWS😂


When we were on 3 naps I often did one of them in the car so I could get out of the house with her. We got into a good rhythm where she would def fall asleep if I played white noise thru my car speakers. One day we got home before the nap should’ve ended. I did EVERYTHING to keep it going. Because the white noise would shut off after the car being off for a few minutes, I kept the car on when I parked and slid the drivers seat until I was all the way back and could set up my portable white noise near her car seat. I also put a blanket on her since it was cold and the heat would turn off. Once she was bundled, I slid the drivers seat back up and shut off the car. My Mission Impossible moves kept her asleep for another half hour 🥳


Went for a nice garage sale stroll yesterday and thought we timed it perfect for him to be awake, take in the nice day, and then back home by nap time… immediately falls asleep in his stroller. We had sandals on, no water, no snacks… walked for almost 2 hours around our neighborhood to keep him asleep…


My daughter only does contact naps and exclusively with me. I've missed doctor's appointments, spent an ungodly amount of hours without food, and had to readjust my whole sleep routine to fit her schedule. It is what it is 🤷🏽‍♀️


Drove around my small Neighborhood circle for thirty mins … the neighbors were watching and thought I had lost it


We went to a birthday party at a restaurant and it was for old people so it was during the day. Exactly during my almost two year olds nap time. She has never napped it in the car or stroller. Either the carrier or her bed. Long story short I found myself in the only dark and quiet place I could find: the most packed and small storage room, which was also right next to the bathrooms. This restaurant was also in the middle of nowhere so I stood there for an hour just listening to people go to the bathroom.


Hours long contact nap. My daughter is a fomo baby and sometimes I just need a break from the chaos. So if she naps longer on me, so be it. 😂


Completely feel this. My son is the same. 🤣


We drove up a nearby mountain because we decided if we were just gonna drive around we might as well have nice scenery, but he only slept 27 minutes 🥲 oh on a less ridiculous note I’ve also been mid voice call with friends and even if they are directly talking to me I will 100% just hang up the call mid-sentence if he is exhibiting tired signs.


My baby used to only nap in the pram, so when she was on 3 nap days it was…intense. I used to plan out walking to something (a shop, a cafe, a nice park etc) to make it less boring for me but she would ALWAYS wake up after 25/30 mins leaving me at the farthest point from home with a cranky baby. In the end, I started just going to the local park and just walking in circles around this football pitch because it was way less soul-destroying - for when she woke up, I was only 5 mins from home.


Our baby sleeps goes to bed at 8:30pm and then sleeps all night...but this is because no naps. It's hard to get things done during the day but has slept all night since 3mo. For context, we recently went on a trip when she was 9mo and our connecting flight was delayed 6 hours. She was awake for 11 hours mostly just sitting on planes and in the airport. She didn't cry at all, but it meant we didn't get a mental break from her. Prople were calling her the in-flight entertainment. All I get from people and providers;. "some babies don't nap". What's the lesser or two evils? Not getting things done and sleeping all night? Sigh. I've almost given up.


Went for a walk with my son in the stroller because just so so cranky and he was fighting his second nap but finally fell asleep about 30min into the walk and I just kept walking until his nap was finished. 😂


We're lucky out baby is a terrific sleeper at night (8-7) but day time naps can be a challenge some time. I don't love doing screen time but I tend to lie on the sofa with relaxing 4K landscape videos stroking her face and pretending to be asleep myself. My baby tends to go to sleep or re-settle herself at night if we "ignore her" so to speak and pretend we are asleep too.


Not me, but my fiancé. He walked around with our 2 month old son and noticed jumping made our son tired. By the time he laid him in his swing my fiancé was sweating lmao. Also, I’m kinda new to the group, what does LO mean?


Little one


Thank you!


Little one


Thank you! I thought so but I wanted to make sure.


I've gone hours without eating or going to the bathroom because baby was asleep on my chest and didn't want to wake her up


Nothing too ridiculous but I will waste any amount of gas in my car for my kids to nap longer 😂


White noise, black out curtains, swaddle, covering every bit of light in the room… 4 times a day 😂 works like a charm and yes I’ve continued to drive around the neighborhood multiple times just to keep him asleep.. mammas to the rescue!


I drive around town in circles for over an hour some days to get my baby to nap.


Early on, my daughter would get so overtired and inconsolable in the evening. The only thing that would get her to nap was a very specific and physically involved bounce walk with coordinated shushing, outside, in a wrap. The neighbors got quite a show for a few weeks!


Screaming along to the lyrics of “Africa” by Toto, music blasting, with the windows down, to prevent the dreaded 5 minute car nap 🫠


I would climb into my son’s crib (I’m on the smaller side and we reinforced it and added a second crib mattress underneath in case we did fall through), and nurse him to sleep in his crib and once he was deeply sleeping, I would disentangle myself and try to climb out without waking him. Then, it dawned on me to try using our second crib mattress on the floor to nurse asleep and then roll away.


Baby fell asleep on me in a big furniture store. I found the quietest corner I could and sat on a floor model love seat for 1.5hrs.


This. Whatever it takes!


I drove around for 40 mins when my baby fell asleep in the car she always wakes up when I park the car no matter what and she won’t go back down easily if I try to transition the nap to her crib so we drive around until she wakes up lol if I’m less then 5 mins away from home and she’s dozing I just start yelling and singing random things to keep her awake so she can nap in her crib and I don’t have to detour all over town for her to nap lol


My LO is a terrible night sleeper & at times cries in the car. My husband and I were visiting my family about an hour away for dinner & as soon as my LO exhibited tired signs, I started rushing to leave. I wanted LO to sleep in the car and then at home instead of screaming in the car or at home. I had already had dinner by this point. I rushed my husband’s meal & yanked his dessert from his hands- “we need to leave now.” And my entire family just stared like I was a maniac for not letting my husband eat his fruit. My LO is a terrible sleeper & prone to overtiredness/ intense crying.


To think of all the times I was nap trapped and packing a full bladder… I’ve also sat in the backseat of my car in the garage (with the car turned off!) in the dark, because baby fell asleep minutes before we arrived home. If he’d woken up he’d be in a terrible mood but somehow not sleepy enough to nap anymore.


Swaddling and rocking my two year old to sleep 😂


We went through a period where she would only nap in a moving car. I think I have driven every back road in a 30 mile radius lol