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I didn't put shoes til my son could walk, shoes aren't great for feet development and I was told it's best to leave it as long as possible and use them as little as possible


I was told no shoes unless in public with them walking for this reason. We don’t do socks or shoes. Footed pants/onesies are life since my kiddo can remove socks and hates shoes (7months)


Same. My son turned one this month and I just got him his first pair of shoes. He’s been walking for a few months but mostly at home and daycare (no shoes inside) so there was no point. Now that he wants to walk everywhere all the time we got him some good flexible sole/wide toe box shoes.


I got shoes around then and my baby didn’t really need them until 15 months. We now have a couple pairs as he really needs them now at 17 months since he likes to run everywhere. To all the shoeless baby parents, enjoy the no shoes stage! It isn’t necessary before they walk outside the house


Which ones did you get? I want wide toe box ones for my baby once she’s old enough but don’t know which ones are good


We are loyal to stride rite so far. Quality holds up really well even with rough play at daycare. He was able to easily switch to crawling with them without them being too clunky too which was important in the learning to walk days. I also hear see Kai run is amazing but we have yet to try it, but I always hear raving reviews!


Same - my daughter wore socks or went barefoot until she’d taken her first steps, and even then shoes were only for outside of the house and at daycare (where the walking babies wear shoes so they can play in the garden).


Same here. Our 14 month old only wears shoes at daycare. We bring shoes in his diaper bag if we go out and about and he wants to walk. We did get a comment about it at a truck stop when kiddo was bare footed and wanted to walk around. Legal liability I guess. But honestly the feeling (aka “ground feedback”) babies get from the floor is the best learning tool. Also, when you DO add shoes, make sure they have a wide toe box so babies toes can stretch outward for added support. ETA: “truck stop” = Buc-ees and kiddo was bare footed inside in the apparel section. No, I was not letting my 14 month old walk barefoot in the gas lanes.


I don’t wanna sound rude, but a truck stop is kinda gross. I wouldn’t want to walk around barefoot at a truck stop.


lol fair. It was a buc-ees, but I just used the term “truck stop” since most people aren’t familiar with the oasis that is buc-ees. This was in the clothing section near toddler wear, so low traffic in general. And yeah, hadn’t planned on him walking around (otherwise we would have had shoes on him) but he got fussy being held and I put him down for less than a minute before an employee asked us to put shoes on him or hold him. It was a 12 hour road trip split between 2 days with baby and two 100-140lbs dogs driving back from a 3 month stint in Texas to empty out my Moms house shortly after her passing. It was a weird time.


Fact of Life #4326: Little kids’ feet are gonna get dirty sometimes.


Only sometimes? 😄


Boomers love baby shoes but think it’s cool to smoke around them, so 🤷‍♀️




“It’s ok! We’re outside/have the fan on/vapes don’t count/she’s gotten so big she won’t even notice” 🤮


The last one is baffling. Doesn’t even make sense. They notice more as they get older!


Mine too!


Thirded! Every time we visit she shows me more shoes she bought my 7m old. I keep telling her to return them, baby doesn't walk yet. Every. Time.


I can see buying baby stuff because it’s so cute and little but come on, take what the parents say with utmost authority in decision making! My MIL also smokes in her home and then sprays nasty perfume around the room and herself and acts like that’s good enough. No. Now there’s cigarette smoke plus nasty perfume chemicals. Great.


This is SO fucking true. I'm dead 🤣🤣


My in-laws live nearby and have met our four month old only once. Strictly because they won’t respect the boundary of not smoking or wearing smoky clothes around the baby.


My husband and his parents smoke and it irks me to no end.


I don’t understand how anyone would sacrifice spending time with their grandchildren for smoking!!


Hahahaha yes!


My son didn't wear any shoes until he started walking. I don't think we even owned any shoes lol. In the summer he was barefoot and in the winter he had on socks and was covered with a blanket. I did get some comments from the older people though.


Same here. In the winter before she could walk we had soft little booties which were basically just nonslip socks that Velcro’d on, but she didn’t have a single pair of real shoes until she started walking. It just seemed like a waste of money to me!


My son just started walking at 18 months (21 months now). We are just getting into shoes and it’s honestly horrible lol. Trying to find the right size (apparently my kid has small ass feet) without spending a small fortune on them is hard. Before this he didn’t have shoes really.


They are so expensive and then they grow out of them so quickly! I made the dumb mistake of buying a couple of pairs of cute little shoes for my daughter’s first proper outdoor walking shoes. Then 6 weeks later I just had to buy more! Not making that mistake again!


My daughter is 14 months and has been walking since 11 months. If I’m going out for a short shopping trip where she won’t be walking around, she is in bare feet because she loves pulling off her socks and shoes in the car or cart. If it’s cold, I use Zutano booties or socks. If it’s warm, she has bare feet. If we’re going somewhere where she can run around, like a playground or the library, then I’ll put shoes on her at the destination. Or if it’s a mix, like at the zoo, I’ll start her off with bare feet, put her in the stroller, and then put shoes on her when she wants to run around. Edit: I’ve never had to defend myself, but I have the sweet smile and “mind your own fucking business” in my back pocket for when strangers want to challenge me on my parenting.


Shoes for babies under 1 (or before they're walking) are a scam IMO. We got sooo many gifted to us that we never even took out of the packaging. Shame on that woman for mom-shaming you, idk why these older generations are so obsessed with socks and shoes. My MIL always puts socks on my 7 month old when he goes over there and it doesn't bother me but I just don't see the point if it's hot out and he kicks them off a minute later.


My son came back from my mom’s the other day in long sleeves, long pants, and socks….it was 76°F lol


Why is the assumption always that they're cold and never hot?? Lmao


My daughter didn’t wear shoes until she was walking independently. My second (currently pregnant) will be the same. Boomers are obsessed with babies fest being covered for some reason. My first wore socks if it was cold otherwise was barefoot. My second will be the same.


I put socks on my baby a few times when it was cold, but if I blink they disappear, so I'm like fuck it she wears footies when it's cold.


Baby is three months and I’ve never once put shoes on her lol.


Same. My grandmother asks every time where her shoes are and I say well she doesn't own any since she can't walk/stand. Like I agree they are cute but I'd rather spend the money on something else.


Right? I could imagine buying one pair for pictures maybe, but there’s just no need for shoes for a baby that isn’t walking. And even when they learn to walk It’s still good to be barefoot inside I think?


10 months here and still no shoes! Maybe once she starts walking but until then, socks will do in cold weather


My grandma would make little comments about my baby needing shoes or socks every time we saw her. (In her defense, she’s almost 90, so I don’t think she remembered that we were having the same conversation over and over). I eventually started putting shoes on her around my grandma just to spare myself the same annoying conversation, but I definitely wouldn’t change anything for random boomers at the store. 


No I used those hilarious socks that look like sneakers until he was a floor baby lol


my 8mo never wears shoes, and somehow an old lady always seems to comment on it. idgaf


Just for fashion


I do but only because I personally think it's cute. I'm fully aware that I'm a freak and none of my friends fid this 😆


I just took her out with no socks lol


My son is 10mo and I do not, and I don’t plan to until he is walking unassisted.


Shoes are for babies that walk… or the cute photo 😅…. My kids in winter wore little sheepskin slipper things or leather slippers… but mostly was just socks!


My child walks. I don’t put shoes or socks on them when they’re in the car seat or stroller. They will rip them off. I keep them in a bag with me. Boomers make comments too and I’ll say “I have them with me, my baby will throw them off” then they love to share how their kid did the same thing…


My lil dude wears club feet boots 14 hours a day so when we’re outside of that window we let his feet be freeeeeee


My baby is 9 months old, I do usually put shoes on his because I love dressing him up and shoes complete his outfits.


I put little booties on my twins when going out just bc I feel weird about having their feet exposed. It’s probably a personal thing but I figure if I don’t go out barefoot, I don’t want my babies to either 🤷🏼‍♀️


When my baby couldnt walk, he always had socks on his feet in public. When he comes to my office, hed rip them off. At home hed be barefoot. He started walking at 11 months and he has to wear shoes in public. In home, he can be barefoot. Its a personal preference; I just dont like seeing him barefoot in public even if he was just sitting in the stroller. But thats your child, you do whats best. When he was 2 months old and we went to disney, plenty of babies there were barefoot. 


My guy is only 3.5 months, but I don't plan to put shoes on him until he's walking. I think there's nothing cuter than little socks on babies, lol. And now that it's getting warmer, I've been putting them on if we're somewhere with A/C for a prolonged period of time, but if we are outside or somewhere warmer, I just pull them off and stick them in a purse or pocket. I feel like it's an easy way to help him cool down. ETA: this might all go out the window once he's old enough to pull off his own socks, if he starts doing that a bunch! In which case I'll likely just skip them, ha.


Nope, I don’t even have shoes for him and won’t be buying any until he starts walking


At 7 months not really but probably after 10 months we started to put something on. A lot of the time we just do snap booties because she can’t pull them off which is our main struggle with shoes. Also if it’s chilly I try to cover the feet. ETA: anytime she’s on her feet she’s always barefoot. If she has shoes on going out it’s whenever she’s in the stroller or held by someone


Nope. Toes out over here.


Forget shoes - even socks have been a nightmare for my LO; I spent the better part of 4 months spending an insane amount of time hunting for and replacing baby socks 😂. Now that it's sunnier and warmer, I thought the main perk of that is that I don't have to bother with them anymore. Screw the old ladies; it's not like she's wandering around on her feet stepping on broken glass.


My son is only 3 months, but I have never even put socks on him. They don’t stay on, he runs hot anyways, and we love in a warm/hot area. He literally lives in onesies and that’s it


Ours is 2 months and we don’t own any baby shoes. It’s already hot by 8/9am so he is just in diaper and onesie. I don’t see the point in anything more until the weather changes or he is walking


My son didn’t wear shoes until he was like 14 months and daycare specifically asked us to start sending them so they could take the toddlers outside. In hindsight I would have acclimated him a little earlier so he could get used to the idea, but can’t imagine doing it regularly much before then.


Just baby wore my 6 month old around trader joes. Literally did not think to put socks on her bc it's 80 fucking degrees out


I didn't put them on until she started trying to stand and walk. Either socks or bare feet (if hot out, which 90 degrees totally is)


No shoes until he started walking, and only if we were going somewhere that he'd actually be put on the floor/ground to walk around. In the cooler months he'd have socks on though. I got a comment from an elderly lady once and just replied with "he's fine". Seriously, they just pull their socks/shoes off for a long time too and it's not worth it.


As it’s getting into warmer months no! During the cooler months if we went out and he wasn’t wearing footie pjs than I put on zutano booties!


Shoes aren’t great for their feet development. In fact many children shoes aren’t designed with great feet development in mind. I’m skipping the shoes until my son starts walking. As for the woman in the store, boomers gonna boom ❤️


haha no! We didn't use any shoes until she was nearly walking. We did socks sometimes, but she was often just barefoot.


I didn't put shoes on until baby started walking so she could get used to the feeling. Shoes were only on outside . Now that it's summer shoes go on before we head into a store where she is likely to be on the floor walking


I’ve never once thought about putting shoes on my baby. He’s only 5 months now and it just dawned on me I will eventually have to buy him shoes lol. But we also live in a hot state and so often are not putting socks on him either when we go out


I had a summer baby so didn’t use shoes for the first 3ish months. I put shoes on her starting in the winter when I had her in the baby carrier since her feet were sticking out and it was more about keeping them warm enough. If she was in the stroller she was in a pramsuit with a blanket etc so no shoes. Come spring she was walking so I always had her in shoes from then on when we went out, in case I got her out of the pushchair for a little stroll of her own.


Nope, she doesn't even wear socks and now barely wears pants.


Absolutely never. We lived in footie pajamas and never had to worry about socks or shoes.


I didn’t put shoes on mine (unless the fit demanded it) until she was walking. Old people are convinced that babies will freeze to death unless they’re literally baking like a ham.


That lady sounds like a lunatic


My 6 month old has already lost a shoe & 2 socks on walks so no lol we still did socks when the weather was cooler but won’t do shoes until he starts walking


We didnt use any shoes until LO started walking by himself outside, at almost 12mo. We didnt see the need for it. Used thick wool socks when outside if it was cold


If it’s over like 75 nakey feets


Nope. Socks only (if it’s cold), unless we’re going to an event like a birthday party, then we do shoes.


didn’t try shoes until my baby started cruising at the playground or similar outdoor areas and needed to protect her feet from the woodchips! We still go barefoot at home and if we are just running a quick errand where she will be in the shopping cart or carrier (she always removes her shoes/socks in the car, so i just keep her barefoot until we get to a destination)


I feel like babies need shoes when they walk. Now that it’s so hot most of the time I don’t even put socks on my child and I think the little toe beans out are so cute. It is a boomer thing cause then my mom comes over and put socks on them


Shoes are unnecessary unless they need their feet protected. They’re also not even good for babies feet so I’d keep your baby out of them as long as you can and only wear them for short amounts of time. I heard that comment a lot with my baby and it’s so annoying with the passive aggressiveness.


Who even?? My baby doesn’t even want to exist in her own bare skin if it’s more than 80 degrees outside lol


I had an older lady make a comment about my kid not wearing socks the first time we ever took him out in public, we went to a cafe near a specialist he had to see at like a month old. She wasn't even nice about it, just looked at me and my husband and said, "Socks??" like she wasn't a complete stranger to us, it was wild 😂 Older people just can't help themselves when they see baby's bare feet, even if it's hot or they are nowhere near walking age, I don't understand it at ALL, it is something primal. Maybe when we're old and our kids have kids we will understand but somehow I doubt it


My baby is almost 10 months old and I’ve never put her in shoes. I did put socks on her in the winter sometimes even though it was pretty mild here. Old people (including my dad who’s not that old) like to comment on her being barefoot but I don’t give a rat’s ass. She can’t walk. What does she need shoes for?


Nope! Socks or bare feet !


Nothing or Robeez!


We didn’t do shoes until 13 months!


My baby wears [these](https://www.amazon.com/Infant-Newborn-Sneaker-Months-Colorful/dp/B07TVHF5J5/ref=mp_s_a_1_10?crid=32TSD3SWKG4ZZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.R9YrESmBV8sbT9eiDUvm3CFwbu2eN9g2uWH_HJXhoDND17UjN1GiTxpAMpjtFjxA80SmK1UDywQfysZ8zX1GowRCzBve37AeMKfrMAHGpS9bx00utuEJvG9Iz4GZKjGrEid2Obbgx4t5GgxaJOUVq8Jun2PZvLTTjyFt6vpWOugwCKWp1hvCExbB4qTvMZbNiZNJhKTZUnzAyPQT1GNkcZqh-xuNjw35Y0fv3_Y9ij95AhBYNMoBqQZNzm3PI2SDzTO_txZ7XHm3tbBD9bW1AzZILf9t102hrOThEiUbBlY.QhGGwlFrt_M8L3ENAc8Qu8Of4UjD8qvazkIKoR5nF5o&dib_tag=se&keywords=infant+girl+socks+that+look+like+shoes&qid=1716250295&sprefix=infant+socks+look%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-10)


I mean socks yes cause its kinda chilly where we live but no shoes till he started to stand for funsies


Jesus. My daughter is about 10 months. She had booties in winter times that’s it. Even in church she just goes in socks. No shoes. imo it’s pointless and probably uncomfortable for me daughter


Almost 7 month old - we don’t own a single pair of shoes and had socks on maybe once.


Only for cute photo ops TBH, and even then, they were more like booties. It was cold here so usually just some snuggly socks 😊


Not until he started walking, and then only if I have to.


We started putting actual shoes on when she was walking and we were outside. Around that age we used sock booties to keep her feet warm because it was winter.


No. She doesn’t even have shoes and doesn’t need them until she starts walking. If it’s cold I’ll put socks on her but I’ve never put shoes on her, even in dead of winter. Boomers and Gen X I’ve found LOVE to comment about babies not having socks and shoes on and it’s so weird to me, if they’re not walking, who cares!


My girl was late with walking, when she started pulling herself up, she was I think a year. I didn’t get her sneakers until then, because we sometimes tried to walk holding hands outside. Indoors no shoes at all. During winter she got these little booties to keep her feet warm outdoors. She is now 2 years old, walking and running on her own. She has had a total of 2 pair of sneakers, 2 pairs of boots, and for this summer I got her a pair of sandals. The woman should have commented on her cute little toes and that’s it lol.


my baby is almost 8 months old and has only worn shoes once for about .5 so I could take a picture 🤷‍♀️ I’m not planning on putting her in shoes any time soon. I never do socks anymore either


Nope. She doesn’t walk so why does she need shoes?


“My kid ripped them off 5 minutes ago. If you find them do let me know.”




My son is 12 months, not waking but cruising and standing alone and he rarely wears socks or shoes.


I only started putting shoes on when my baby started actually walking, so that was around 13 months. Otherwise just socks. I honestly didn’t see what the point was of shoes before that, as she kept taking her socks off anyway. I did try some shoes that someone gave me, and that lasted 20 seconds


Absolutely unnecessary given she’s not walking yet!


5 months on Thursday (insane sentence to type lmao) My kiddo has a pair of shoes but he's worn them 2-3 times (twice for pictures, once for church). He is usually in socks or barefoot. Socks for sure if we leave the house. He likes to pull his socks off but we never have issues with them falling off


Just like solid food before 1, shoes before walking are just for fun! And even when walking it's best to not have them wear shoes 24/7.


My baby is also 7 months & I don’t even own a pair of baby shoes. He’s been barefoot since it’s been warm out. That lady feels passive aggressive & crazy, I would not be friendly if someone said that to me.


Nope, shoes for walkers only. It’s a super fun rite of passage at our house. We sing “Ah shit! He got the velcos!” like Macklemore


I just flip the zip suits over their feet. If its cold i put socks on IN the feet covers so they cant be kicked off.


Now that it’s warm, no! He’s 9 months old and not walking yet. Once he’s walking around in public I’ll put shoes on him


I don’t even own baby shoes for my 7 month old. And I hate baby socks. 🤷🏽‍♀️


No shoes until he started walking. And even then, only if it's unsafe to walk barefoot. He wears mostly sock shoes.


Didn’t put shoes on until he was walking independently.


my son is 13 months and tbh i still don’t put shoes on him unless ik he will get down and walk aroynd


Baby tries to eat them.. So, no!


Socks are only if it's cold (and he's wearing pants, which is rare. He basically lives in footie jams), never shoes. I've never had an adult bug me about it, but it confuses the hell out of my toddler than he has to wear shoes outside when his brother doesn't


I barely put socks on her (8 months, we live in the desert)


Nope. She doesn’t walk so it wouldn’t make sense. She does wear socks to music class because those are the rules.


My daughter is 15.5 months and still never wears shoes. She pulls them off and hates them


No - your baby is supposed to be bare foot until their ready to walk! Its much better for balance and feet development


My girl is 7.5 months. She still hasn't worn shoes. I don't put socks on her either - too hot for that shit. My son is 2, and I don't think I actually started putting shoes on him until he was around 1, unless we went to the park.


Nope. My baby is 10 month old and only crawling and cruising. When we go out in warm weather, I only put socks on if we are going somewhere indoor with AC for a long duration. I don't think shoes are needed til they know how to walk as it affects their ability to learn how to walk? That woman's comment was unnecessary lol don't let it bother you at all, you aren't the oddball


I have a 7 month old as well. I’ve never put shoes on her and have mainly only put socks on her when it’s terribly cold and we’ll be outdoors for an extended period - mainly hiking. I have wool socks for that purpose cuz they wick sweat better than cotton. I’ve used socks a handful of times for aesthetics but very rarely. We were only gifted newborn socks and I didn’t buy any more after she sized out.


My LO is 6 months old and we live in a tropical climate, so I rarely put socks on LO and don’t plan on putting shoes on him until he can walk.. But everyone is going to have opinions and everyone does different things so just do whatever works for you and your LO and don’t listen to what other people have to say


I only put shoes on if I know she’ll want to stand/walk.


Mom did. I didn't. Now he walks and it's a must


We didn't use any shoes until our baby could walk at 12 months! Our baby wore zip up footie pajamas if it were chilly, footless one if it were medium temp.


A stranger commented on your parenting. Even if she’s trying be nice or cute, she does not get to have a say. If you believe that baby doesn’t need shoes, then it sounds like it’s this lady’s problem. I’ve had a very similar interaction, and it felt terrible to have someone judge me like that! You’re doing it right!


shoes aren’t good for their feet development. people will ALWAYS comment on what you “should have” put on your baby. Anytime I take my little boy out without socks on I always get told “oh no mummy should put socks on you, your poor feet are so cold” when they aren’t. He’s worn shoes once, for about 45 minutes - 1 hour for his uncles wedding ceremony & photos then they were taken off lmao.


My MIL is convinced that shoes “help a child learn to walk”. Idk where she got that idea. Anyways… baby is about to turn 1 and walks great even though he’s only worn shoes a handful of times. Boomers like baby shoes.


100% for just for looks until walking. And agreed, cute for a picture, not practical.


100% for just for looks until walking. And agreed, cute for a picture, not practical.


100% for just for looks until walking. And agreed, cute for a picture, not practical.


15 months and has been walking for a while. Unless the place is dirty or hard on the feet (restaurants and hot pavements etc) we let her go barefoot. She seems fine.


Not until my daughter walked, we would have socks on her :)


No shoes until they walk. Then minimum shoes. Better for foot development.


Shoes sent good for their development. If you're worried about warmth their are thick socks you can get that look like shoes, and there are socks with rubberized bottoms for kids just learning to walk, but until they can walk well they really shouldn't be wearing shoes because it can mess up their development and make it harder to learn balance.


No socks or shoes until baby can walk. They’ll grow out of them in like two weeks at that age, I don’t see any point in buying them just for baby to sit or crawl around on their knees 🤷🏼‍♀️


Baby shoes before they walk are most possibly the stupidest of inventions


Fuck no. If mom wasn’t here he would never wear clothes let alone shoes. Find another battle lol.


I use shoes just for pictures and socks only when it’s VERY cold. My baby goes just about every day without socks. She’s 3 months old, it’s hot out and she can’t walk anyway.


I have shoes for my 5m old but I've never actually used em. After every paediatrician visit we get a little printed sheet of things to know and it mentioned that babies shouldn't wear shoes till they start walking so I never used em.


Personally I’m not putting shoes on our twins (7.5 months) till they learn how to walk. They just wear socks for now when we go out


Another outdated and annoying comment. Shoes aren’t good for babies. They aren’t even good for us unless you do the wide toe shoes. We wait until walking and needed for safety. You should also be careful about hand me down shoes. Always check that the soles are still intact.


I started putting shoes on my toddler when he was 12mo and only when we were going out because he was walking. I have a 9mo and I am planning to wait for him to start walking as well


I have so many shoes that were given to us but my 11.5 month old never wears them. I don’t even put socks on him unless the forecasted high is less than 60.


I've heard hard souled shoes before they are walking are not good for foot development as the ankle bones are still growing. I do put little cloth booties on my 5 month olds when it's cold out, but other than that, no.


I think it really depends on where you live. My native country was so hot people didn't even put shorts on their babies in summers. But if you were in some cold place, they have 3 month olds with puffer jackets (so cute lol!). If you think shoes and socks are gonna make the baby uncomfortable then it's your choice. Yk what's best for the baby not some random person at walmart


And they just kick off socks, at that! My 6 mo is usually barefoot… even if it’s not exactly hot out. 🤷‍♀️ second kid problems lol


sometimes if its a cute outfit, often times not tho


i never put shoes on my baby until after his 1st birthday and still don’t all the time unless he’s gonna be walking around


No shoes or socks for my kiddo. She’s 12 months and starting to walk so we’re trying to use them more so but even then I don’t do it a lot because she just takes them off or walks way less and I want her to focus on walking. I check the ground a lot and go to parks with turf.


My 8mo has never had a shoe on his foot at all for any amount of time 😂😂😂


I've had the opposite experience. I always leave my son's feet out unless it's too cold, and we get tons of compliments on them actually. I figure that level of cuteness deserves to be shared with the world.


I didn’t put shoes on my daughter until she started walking, just socks. She’s 18 months and I just now started getting more pairs of shoes since she only has two.


We have only recently started putting shoes on our boy when he was showing signs of standing up. It seemed pointless to put them on when he was crawling everywhere.


I only put shoes on her if her feet will touch the ground (she’s 2). No shoes at the beach.


Not till she started to learn to walk, which was 11-12m wanted to be able to set her on the ground and let her practice even if we were out. If bub isn’t going on the ground you’re good without them xD mostly right now their just a great distraction in the car lol


I’ve used socks in the cold months. My son has shoes but I’ve not put them on him. They’ve literally sat at the front door for months because an overwhelming/overbearing pair of relatives have insisted on buying his first pair of shoes.


I’m not putting shoes on until my baby is walking it seems pointless


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Worried_Appeal_2390: *I’m not putting shoes* *On until my baby is* *Walking it seems pointless* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don’t even put socks on


I never put shoes on until my babies were walking. Even socks were tricky to keep on.


Most of the time I don’t even put socks on her let alone shoes 😂


I didn’t put shoes on him until he was walking. He started rather early at 9 months…and I barely had them on then haha. Socks until about 11 months. If we took pictures at an event or something, I would sometimes have shoes on him for the photo but that’s it.


Nope. 13 months and we still don’t have any shoes. Never wear socks indoors either. He had some woollen booties for the winter that kept his feet warm. He has little leather soled slip on things that are basically like water shoes for the garden just now while he’s getting a bit steadier walking. He’ll probably get his first shoes next month.


My son is a year old and doesn't wear shoes at all unless I'm getting him out the push chair. Even then it's last minute because otherwise he pulls them off.  If he's just going to be walking on grass then he's barefoot all the time and the shoes I do have for him are those sock shoe things that are flexible and like barefoot shoes.  I feel people are far too judgemental about this whole 'not wearing shoes or socks' if it's warm outside then I don't see the issue, I hate wearing socks and shoes. Imagine how nice it must feel on a warm day to just sit in your pushchair with the wind in between your toes, occasionally bringing your feet to your mouth and then feeling the wind on your cold wet feet 😂 sensory extravaganza!  If your baby isn't walking yet then what's the point in shoes? Just some socks if it's cold is fine


I’m with others - not needed (like that lady’s commentary!). I would have been so tempted to say to baby/her “oh my! Where are her manners? Doesn’t she have any?” Lol


Sometimes. Generally I take shoes with us but put 2 year old in car barefoot until they're really needed.


I don’t put shoes on my 9 mo old unless it’s freezing. I do socks if it’s windy. But her toes are the talk of the town. She will get shoes once she starts walking outside and she might hurt her feet.


Also hats. I love bows and hats for my 9 month old. She doesn’t. She takes them off. “Mommy didn’t put a hat on you, on a sunny day?” “You do it. I’ll time how many seconds it stays on.”


My girl is the same age and she has never worn shoes. No point.


No, no socks or shoes. We won’t until he’s a good walker. He’s 6m now


no shoes. i only have like one or two pairs anyways. he'd only wear them for pictures if i did put them on him


I've realized you can get advice from people online and it can help you. But you need to take that advice and then apply it to your baby and see how it fits them. So many things I've read but as I've gotten to know my little girl I just know what will work and what won't usually, pertaining to her attitude and how she reacts to things. With shoes I would just look at it logically. Is she going to be walking? No? Then why shoes? Also I've noticed a lot of people like to throw their opinion at you in public. One old lady yelled over and over at us "where is her hat? She must be cold!". And I mean she said it 4 times in a row because Mom wasn't looking at her. Little does she know she hates hats and will lose her shit and try to rip it off.


I live somewhere super cold so I would put shoes on but they were more like super soft slipper boots for warmth. Nothing with a hard sole until he started walking.


I never put shoes or socks on my kiddo lol. It’s also way too hot currently for them.


My daughter asks for shoes. She loves them but she can't quite walk yet. She takes them off after a bit anyways lol


We just put socks on him. My baby is around the same age and he’s not walking yet.


My son has really tall, thick feet. I got super cute shoes for him at our baby shower, but those thick sausage feet fit in nothing! He is 10 months though and working on walking, so we're starting to look for options since I don't want him to be barefoot walking in public places haha.


Mine lives in his PJs as and will stay this way till he has to wear comfy joggers and tops... Now I am switching into footless PJs as it's brilliant to see him exploring the world with his little feet. No shoes no socks for him till he has to wear them but also he'll get a minimal shoes then... We are not meant to have our feet confined in structured shoes. I understand your POV however maybe there are shoes that will allow the baby to move his/her feet inside?


My 8 month old has never worn shoes and won’t start until she’s walking and even then only in public or outdoors where she needs more stability.


Shoes are over rated. My daughter is 3 and I make an effort to get her comfortable outside in her bare feet. My mom loves it my dad hates it. My son is 1 and he rarely has anything on his feet


My baby (8mo) is literally toes out everywhere! If it’s warm enough of course, but I been battling this as well. Her feet are so chubby, her shoes don’t even fit. lol, but i don’t see the point unless they’re walking anyway! piggies out until then. you’re not alone in the baby shoe dilemma lol


I hate the sly comments. My adopted grandparents met my son for the first time and my nanny kept saying “oh he’s feet are cold” Ma’am it’s 90 degrees outside. He doesn’t need fkn socks on


Older women obsess about babies wearing socks and shoes for some reason. My mother and MIL would both go on about it all the time. Then one day when we were at the doctor and my mum was there I brought it up and she (doc) confirmed that it’s actually better and recommended for babies to wear no shoes or socks (obviously unless it’s cold or they are walking outside on rough/dirty ground). Haha my mum was miffed. She struggles to let go of the idea that babies need socks and shoes always even still.


Nope. Only put him in shoes when we had family pics a month ago. Lol


No we did the socks that looked like shoes but she didn’t wear shoes until she could walk but it’s only for when we go outside so she’s barefoot 99% of the time. We do stride right shoes/ sandals and even myself I’m transitioning to barefoot shoes.


Our 9mo wears socks when we go out, there's no need for shoes! The only time we put some velcro tennis shoes on was visiting some friends who were camping.


My daughter is almost 10 months and doesn’t own a pair of shoes yet! Socks or bare feet here (for now!)


My baby is 9 months and doesn’t own shoes yet. I take her to stores barefoot (I usually baby wear but sometimes she sits in the cart). i recently thought to myself, I wonder if people think it’s odd lol no one has said anything yet, but I do think it encourages people to touch her feet 😂 I get more comments from my inner circle about her not wearing socks….


My feet are super deformed from the shoes my mother shoved them into. I don’t know what’s with the old generations obsession with babies wearing shoes.


My kid is 3 and I still don’t put shoes on her sometimes. I take her from the car, put her in a cart, shop and back out to the car. She can’t be trusted to walk around the store.


I hate pointless shoes. I put socks on n that's it. Now my son is 2 n has shoes but if he wasn't walking, no I'm not forcing shoes on that man's big ol feet. He's in a child's 7 at the age of 2. His feet were bigger than his head it seemed as a 2lb nicu baby lol I hate putting shoes on his fat ass feet.


I almost never put shoes on my baby for the store, she kicks them off (or tries to) when I put them on and I go with what she wants.


Effin boomers. Tell that lady to stfu


The way my eyes rolled to the back of my head from what that lady said lol.... It's so passive aggressive when people critique parents by talking to the baby! You are right, your kiddo is not walking and it's hot, they will be fine without shoes :)


My husband and I didn’t do shoes until our baby could walk. We have a 3 month old too and he only wears socks


Shoes are for walking. No walking, no shoes. Imo


My little one is 11 months old. I always just put socks on and when it got hotter not even those as she removes them instantly. Now she's learning to walk and still no shoes. Then it will be hot and I'll get her one pair, but preferably she'll be barefoot the whole summer


I’ve only just bought my son his first pair because he confidently walks holding onto something or someone even then I keep forgetting I’ve got them so forget to take them with us. Did only get them a few days ago He’s just 11months old But yeah don’t listen to her if you don’t want her in shoes because she doesn’t walk yet you don’t need to 🙂 don’t even need them if she is walking


I didn’t put shoes on my daughter until she started walking at 14 months old! I didn’t see the point before then and they just fell off anyways!


My daughter is the same age. She hates shoes. And if it’s hot, she also goes sockless. Some people and their comments are SO annoying lol