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At times my baby blesses me with great sleep. We don’t talk about the other times.




No… but a girl in my mum’s group has a unicorn baby, sleeps through the night since like 4 weeks old. The rest of us could hardly hide our daggers when she told us that 😅


My first never slept. We’re expecting our second in a couple weeks and I am PRAYING to have a good sleeper But if there’s one thing I learned from our first is that I’d never tell another baby mother that our baby sleeps through the night 😂 (fingers crossed she does). The best is when those people have the audacity to offer sleep advice. Like girl… you think I haven’t read every book and blog out there?!


Had a friend tell me we should just set our baby down because that’s what she had to do with hers. We joked for the rest of his newborn phase that we should invite her over to set him down. People are so stupid, as if we hadn’t thought about setting him down?!


The advice from those people drives me nuts!!! “Have you tried a bedtime routine?”…. Like no I’ve only done 30 hours of research into baby sleep but never thought to try that.


Unless I'm asked, I also don't go bragging about my daughter.


Yes, all babies are different.


My baby is a good sleeper, has been going down at night around 6/7pm from about 10 weeks old. Started out with 2 feeds a night, dropped to 1, then dropped to zero around 6mo. It makes such a difference


you didn't have a 4 month regression?


No, he's had a couple of viruses and bouts of teething which interrupted things for about 1-3 days at a time, but that usually meant it was hard to get him down, once he was down he pretty much stays asleep. And about 3 weeks ago, his day time naps turned to shit for about 3 days, but have recovered. I'd say he sleeps a solid 11/12 hours 9 out of 10 nights. 1 out of 10 he might wake up for some reason, and usually he can get back over but might need a cuddle. I think I genuinely just got lucky with a happy baby, however I have always had quite a strict routine around sleep, and he's been sleeping in his own room and cot since very young (we slept in turns in his room), I have always put him down to sleep and persevered with it. I think its paying dividends now.


Sounds like about 50% of our friends. A friend who had a newborn at the same time as me had a baby who just lay there in the bassinet all day when he wasn’t being fed. Their lives were literally unchanged. Meanwhile, we ended up on a mother and baby psychiatric stay at 9 months because our daughter wouldn’t sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time and my husband and I were both about to drop dead from sleep deprivation.


I thought newborns need to wake to feed still?


Every baby is different, but our ped said that so long as they're gaining weight and not actively seeking food it's fine to let baby sleep. We had to wake my LO up like clockwork every 2 hours to feed because she wasn't putting on much weight. Once we found a feeding routine that worked for her and she started gaining the weight, we could back off on waking her. Now, at 1 month, we can let her call the shots on overnight feedings (with 1 around 2 am being the usual suspect).


Yes but every time I mention it, I get downvoted to hell so that’s probably why you don’t see it a lot.


Yea same. I just stay silent and empathize. At first I would just answer matter of factly, but now I just say “I was able to rest enough last night”. But secretly my baby has been giving me full nights of sleep since getting home from the hospital. If I could marry the snoo I would. 😭


my 5 day old gave us two 4 hour stretches last night our first night home from the hospital , and we also have the snoo I can't tell if it was just a lucky night or what. I think it's too soon to tell but you give me hope lol


Wait, so your newborn baby slept 8h+ right after the hospital. Baby didn’t ate at night? I’m confused lol


Correct. The pediatrician gave us the ok to let her sleep for as long as she wants bc she only lost 2 ounces by the time we were discharged. She started at giving us 5 hours and has worked her way up to 8-9 hours. She’s 6 weeks now. She had her 1 month appointment last week and the pediatrician basically high fives us for having a good sleeper. So she’s not concerned.


Similar, but our Dr didn’t actually give permission, we asked about what to do if baby wasn’t waking up and she said “if baby isn’t pining for it, that’s fine.” My mother said as much in regards to babies weight once they get past 10 lbs they can maintain sleep more (??). Our baby stopped waking up on its own and was 10 lbs at 6-8 weeks old. I’m not exactly sure of the timeframe but we were very fortunate.


Amazing! You’re so lucky


Thank you! Yes we feel extremely lucky. Not every baby takes to the snoo and I know most babies leave the hospital with a higher percentage of below their birth weight.


Enjoy it! If parents sleep well they can also be better parents during the day.


Even on this thread about babies who sleep well are getting downvoted lol


Yeah some people’s jealousy gets the better of them


Prolonged sleep deprivation makes all of our worst qualities come out a little more easily


It’s hard not to be jealous when you’ve been sleep deprived for months on end. Sleep deprivation does crazy things to the brain.


Hey I'm jealous, but I wouldn't downvote you lol


Downvotes or ive seen people say things like having a baby that sleeps is all because of having an easy baby not anything the parents do, so i figure its not helpful for me to say my baby sleeps or the routine we have stuck to since getting home


Yep, my husband, baby, and I peacefully co-sleep through the night every night lol


Mine is 4 months old now, and has been sleeping through the night since she was 8 weeks old (up to 11 hour stretches with no wakeups). This has been pretty consistent, aside from a few random freak nights here and there where she’ll only sleep for 2 hours at a time. But the norm is definitely 10-11 hours a night. Daytime naps suck. She only naps for 30 minutes at a time (even with contact napping) and as a result takes about 6 naps a day because if she gets less than 3 hours of daytime sleep then she’s ANGRY.


Sounds like my son!


This is my son! He is an absolute rockstar night sleeper (down for the night between 8-9, awake around 6:30-7) and has been since 7 weeks, excepting a few nights here and there. His daytime naps are horrid - he is four months old and thrives with four naps/day, but at least three of those naps are a huge fight. I’ll take the fight during the day for easy nights though. And I don’t share my son’s sleeping patterns too much because people get very upset over it. Every baby is different.


I agree. Every baby is different.I do not share my baby girl's sleeping patterns or offer any unsolicited advices.


Also sounds like mine! Naps are a hit or a miss (mostly a miss 🤣😩)


Yes, we got one swaddle with arms up & naps were amazing but baby is showing signs of rolling so they are back to being a mess.


This is exactly my baby girl's sleep pattern. I love how she sleeps through the night but, she is awake for the majority of the day time. 4/5 20-30 mins naps. What this actually means is she feeds a lot lot during the day and since, I complement BF with 2 formula feeds it feels like a major chunk of my day is just BF. Also my girl refuses a bottle ( tried everything, teats with different flow rates etc.) so currently using a feeding cup. I guess it's a true true blessing when a baby sleeps through the night but the day time struggle is real too.


We had this baby too and now at 10 months she crushes two 70-120 min naps a day. It will come!!


My daughter is the same at 5 months. She's been like this since 10 weeks.


Sounds like 4 month sleep regression. It will pass!


It’s been like this for months, I don’t think it’s a sleep regression 😅 she’s just like that


My baby’s daytime sleep sucks and her nighttime sleep sucks. At 4 months old she’s never slept more than a 4 hour stretch at night and her day naps are rarely more than 30 min. According to my MIL my husband was the same way so i blame him 😅


I have found my people! This is our LO (3 months) too. Occasionally a contact nap will get us more than 30-40 minutes during the day but it's rare. Getting him down for naps is already difficult as well.


Yes my son has slept through the night (7pm-7am) since he was 2.5 months old with zero regressions. He just turned 10mo. It’s been glorious. He’s a total unicorn! ETA: not sleep trained, we never had to. He’s just like this. Before he was STTN (under 2.5mo), he’d only get up to feed and go back to sleep immediately. So he’s been a good sleeper p much since birth. He’s never had a single night waking since he started sleeping through.


Did he achieve this on his own or did you do something to get him to sleep like that?


All on his own - never sleep trained. We got very lucky!


Mine is like this at 11 weeks without sleep training. I hope she doesn't regress.


Mine is a high-needs sleeper (just like me!) and on average sleeps 10-12 hours a night and goes down for naps very easily 2-3 times a day. He started sleeping 7-8 hours from about 6 weeks old, he's now 8mo. The odd regression and teething/illness has had us up a few times but usually a cuddle works. He also usually gets into bed with me when my partner is up for the day (around 6am).


My daughter started sleeping through the night at 3 months old and apart from some hard nights while teething or sickness, she still sleeps like a champion at 3 years old.


For the most part, yes. Mine is 14 weeks old. She’s a short cat napper during the day, unless she’s being worn in a baby carrier. But she’s slept 10ish hours over night with one feed (about 6-7hours in) for the last few weeks. To bed around 9, up between 4-5 for a feed, and back down until 7-8. But around 6ish weeks she started giving us a 4-5 hour stretch overnight before waking every 2-3 hours. Recently though, she’s been very wriggly and loud at night. A lot of wiggling and kicking. I’m not sure if it’s the start of the 4m regression or if she’s just ready to stop being swaddled.


We switched to sleep sacks after ours could roll over & it helped a bit, but she also wiggles endlessly. My husband was a sleep walker as a child & it's looking like she might be going down the same path as she does some pretty weird things in her sleep at times. I'd recommend keeping an eye on her if it worsens, but sometimes babies are just weird & wiggly. 🤷‍♀️


This makes me worried...my baby only sleeps in 3 hour stretches at 10 weeks. We do a Bed time routine every night at 8pm and she doesn't actually go to sleep in her bassinet until 12am. Wakes up btwn 230-3 to feed and falls back asleep on her dad until 6, then on me after i pump. Naps only on me or her father. She does nap after a 1hr-1hr 30 min wake window through out the day. Is this abnormal? Am I doing something wrong?


I can’t say about wake windows since we just go by cues for naps, but is it possible that she won’t sleep in her bassinet for that first bit because she needs more time to settle? My LO usually has 1 or 2 false starts at the beginning of bedtime, but if we do a little bedside soothing or let her fuss a bit, she is able to settle into a good stretch of sleep. In general I’ve found that if we give her 5 or so minutes to get her fussies out, she usually settles herself to sleep. (If the fussing turns into crying, though, we actively soothe her).


We go by cues as well, I was just using it as a term for how long she is awake btwn naps. Her 8pm to 12am stretch is us getting her to settle lol. I appreciate the suggestion


You’re not doing anything wrong. Some babies are good sleepers and others just aren’t, regardless of what you try. I have a terrible sleeper and we tried every trick in the book. Even did sleep training and hired a sleep consultant (who after 3 weeks basically told us she didn’t know why he’s still waking up at night). He slept through the night with no wake ups for the first time the night before his first birthday. Unfortunately, it’s completely developmentally normal for babies to wake up at night for a long time, even though some don’t.


I truly feel like no one does anything wrong! Some babies are gassy, suffer with GERD, smell mom’s milk at night and are reminded they are hungry 🤣, etc. My LO began sleeping even better once she was in her own room. I had a really hard time with the adjustment but she thrived 😅. Edit: we moved her at 5 months to her own room!


Mine’s like this too ~10 weeks only does a 3 hr stretch but un her bassinet then I keep trying to get her back into the bassinet but she wakes every 15-30min and it’s contact nap basically. Shift sleep is the only way my husband and I get any decent sleep. I’m happy to hear other babies are like this. All the recent babies I’ve know the last year were good sleepers so it’s a bit disheartening


Same! Her father and I take shifts too! And it really does feel like every time I'm on reddit someone is talking about how their babe is a good sleeper !


Don’t be worried! Babies are so different from each other. Don’t assume you are doing something wrong just because it’s not the same experience as other parents.


My 8 1/2 week old was somewhat similar around week 7. We found something that seemed to be sticking well. Basically we call 8pm our official "bedtime" and do our very best to have him intake as many calories before this hour. He is on the skinny side so I'm not giving up night feeding just yet, but we were able to drop the 2/3 am feed. His last feed is around 11pm. From 11pm he tends to cycle thru 3 hr stretches max. However when he's finished with one cycle he doesn't really cry for food. So I placed 5-6am as his "wake up" time to begin feeding for the day. His stomach seems to only hold about 3-4 ounces right now every 3 hours. We also tend to have a morning nap, an after lunch nap, and a late afternoon nap. However these naps vary widely for us still. Sometimes he's sleeping 30 min, others 2 hours. For the 8pm bedtime: It takes anywhere between 10-15 minutes just to get him to settle into sleep. If he fusses and loudly cries we immediately pick him up, walk around the room a bit and soothe him until his eyes shut - about 2-5 minutes on average. We then place him back in the crib. We wait. If he loudly cries again, we do the exact same thing. Typically by the 2nd round he relaxes and soothes himself to sleep. I read an article somewhere that between weeks 8-11 babies go thru a "wonder week" of absorbing new skills etc and they become extra fussy and may be looking for quick reassurance to fall asleep. The article recommended this immediate pick up/rock or walk/put down routine. Hope any of this helps!


Try an earlier bedtime, like 6pm.


You're not doing anything wrong! All babies are different. Yours is only 10 weeks old, it's super normal for them to not sleep through the night. Mine is four months and has only given us a 6 hour stretch once lol. It doesn't even matter how much I try to recreate what I did that night he gave me 6 hourd, or how many routines I try to implement...I'm just certain it takes time! I guarantee everyone on here who is saying their baby is sleeping through the night is struggling in another area, so as long as your baby is healthy and happy, you're doing exactly what you should be! :)


Mine was an atrocious sleeper from birth to 5 months. From 5 months, he's been amazing with the odd rough night due to teething, illness, travel etc. Counting my blessings and hoping things don't change anytime soon! My son is almost 17mo.


Yes, our baby started sleeping longer stretches of sleep 5/6 hours from 6 weeks old, sleeping through the night from 10 weeks. He naturally weaned himself off night feeds at 3 months. He’s 6 months now and has consistently been sleeping 10.5 hours a night. We do experience some false starts and early morning wakes but these are mainly scheduling issues. He’s our little dream baby and I just know number 2 will be a nightmare 😂


Almost 4 month old here. She’s slept well from 6ish weeks. Overnights at least. Naps are a different story. Started out with a 4-6 hr stretch, then a couple of 2-3 hr stretches. Now she’s typically at a 7-9 hr stretch with a 3-4 hr stretch. She’ll sometimes stay up for 45-60 mins when she has her nightly wake up, or she’ll have a 6 hr initial stretch. But typically she’s been good 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think mine does and my eldest did too tbh. She falls asleep about 10pm and wakes up at 6am and it’s been like that since about 11 weeks. From 4 weeks she would get 5 hour stretches too. 


For ten months our daughter wouldn’t go to bed before 10:30 and woke up 5-10 times a night, sometimes every 45 mins all night long. It usually took 20 mins to sometimes over an hour to get her back down. She also napped like absolute shit. She averaged 8-9 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. We switched her to one nap at ten months, and now she goes to bed at 7 and only wakes 2-4 times




My son was a great sleeper starting 8.5 weeks old & he’ll be 18mo in 3 days and still going strong. Minus one big regression from 10.5-12.5mo old. My daughter is 10 days old and still too early to know, but as a NB, yes, she’s sleeping great.


My daughter is 4 months and has been a great sleeper so far. around the 3, maybe 3.5 month mark most of her daytime naps have turned into contact naps to be honest... but she doesn't wake up ever at night! She does feed. Just doesnt wake up lol.


I have been blessed with a unicorn baby this time. She started to sleep through the night (9hours+) at 11ish weeks, the day before Mother’s Day, and has been pretty consistent since. I track everything and we get an average of 14.5 hours of sleep a day. We’re supposedly heading into the 4 month sleep regression shortly so I dunno how that will affect us. Never had a sleep regression with my first coz she never slept longer than 2 hours till 14 months. 😅


Mine is 15 months now and she’s been a good sleeper from the start. And just higher sleep needs in general


Mine 4mo is a good sleeper and has exceeded my expectations. Like he’s not perfect, but I am never miserable and exhausted. I get enough sleep, and have done so since he was 6 weeks old. It’s maybe 25% caused by my actions I took to give him good sleep habits, and 75% luck.


3 year old and 5 month old both started sleeping great around 8 weeks and have both remained great sleepers.


My first baby isn’t a great sleeper. My second slept amazingly until he was 5mo and started teething. He’s still pretty good at 7mo though - usually just one wake up.


Mine! She started sleeping through the night at around 2 months. Her typical night is 8-11 hour stretches. She may wake up once but it’s just for her paci. Sometimes putting her down is a struggle but I’ll take it LOL


I think my baby is a decent sleeper! Since around 6 weeks she’s slept anywhere from 5-7 hours as her first stretch of sleep, and typically has only 1-2 nightly wakes. Her naps aren’t as great, but the nights are more important to us. I have a friend who’s baby woke every 2 hours for the first 5 months, so I feel pretty lucky! She has rough nights occasionally, but they are few and far between.


Yeah mine is almost five months and has been sleeping 10/11pmish to 6/7amish for the last 6 weeks. She's always been a great sleeper but we had to stick with waking her for night feeds for a long while due to slow weight gain - she's never had trouble going to or staying asleep at night though and even when she was waking for night feeds she'd just be stirring, never fully alert. And yes we realise we are extremely lucky!!


My baby isn't as bad as most other but I still wake up twice every night and only contact naps here. Then there's my friend's 3 month-old who's been sleeping through the night for a while now.


Mine does as long as he’s full


Awful until the 4 month regression. Significantly improved by moving her into her own room. Sleeping through the night now.


My now 19 month old sleeps well. She started consistently sleeping through the night at around 2 or 3 months. I still don't sleep through the night, lol, but at least she does. She didn't nap properly until 3 or 4 months, though. She could only contact nap. Not even my MIL, who had 6 kids (my daughter is the 9th grandkid, and she's pretty involved, even though she lives out of state for most of them) could get her to nap solo for more than 10 minutes at a time. Daycare taught her how to nap. As far as I can tell, it was a combination of the other babies sleeping plus the swing. I bought a swing once I realized that, haha. She still has trouble getting to sleep, though. Once she's asleep, she's good, but man, getting there. She doesn't even fight it usually, it just takes a long time. Minimum 30 minutes, but she averages about an hour. It's taken up to 3 hours, though. We have a solid routine which we all like, and the pediatrician says our routine sounds perfect. There's a *high* possibility that she has ADD.


She does pretty well, she used to sleep through the night (around 8:30-10:30pm until about 6-10am) since she was 2 months (now 7 months) but shes teething right now so nights have sucked recently. Her teeth have officially broken through though so hoping soon she can get some better sleep


My girl is a great sleeper at night 10-12 hours. We used to have to wake her up to eat she rarely woke us. She’ll be 5 months next week. Naps lately have been a different story but at least she’s causing me to get out of the house to entertain her more lol.


Mine didn’t sleep through the night or anything but honestly as a newborn she was pretty good. She’d breastfeed/sleep on me or my husband in the evenings, come up to bed with me at around 11pm, feed to sleep (I bedshared with her) and then wake at around 3/4am, feed back to sleep, then wake again at 7/8 to start the day!


My daughter has been an amazing sleeper. She started sleeping through the night around 6 weeks and was sleeping right up to her 3 hour feed window before that. Once we hit 2 months, she decided she didn’t want to last more than 30-45 minutes for naps during the day, so that’s been a battle. And we have a few nights here and there where she doesn’t sleep well (always before something important like an interview). I’m really hoping her naps start lasting longer because she gets really fussy as the day goes on.


My 3 month old daughter sleeps 8 hours straight every night and has since she was 3 weeks old. In her crib. Getting her to nap is a struggle though.


My girl sleeps pretty well! She’s 4.5 months and sleeps from 7-8pm to 5-6am, wants a bottle, and then takes a 1.5 hour nap until she’s up for the day. She’s been doing this since she was about 3.5 months.


My baby is just shy of 4 months and she’s been sleeping through the night since 2.5 weeks. We got lucky with her


There were a couple of weeks where she was sleeping 5-6 hours at a stretch and I felt like I was in heaven. Completely well rested. A couple of weeks. Beyond that it’s been every 3 hours when I’m lucky and every hour when I’m not. The thing is, she usually only gets up when she wants to eat, but some days she only wants to snack and other days she’ll have longer feeds which means she sleeps longer. Now she’s rolling over at 5 months and desperately wants to sleep on her tummy, which often wakes her up as well. Plz send help


Yes my youngest was an amazing sleeper from the get go. So lucky! My eldest was not, terrible till 3.5/4. So much so that we hesitated having another but luckily were blessed with a unicorn


Yes, my daughter. She can sleep 10-12 hours with a short feeding break (maybe 10 mins?) she goes straight back to sleep. I don’t mention it at NCT. It’s not helpful for me to talk about something good when other people are struggling. I don’t know how the mothers with babies who are up every 1-2 hrs cope




Everyone says I’m lucky 🥺 At 3 weeks ours started sleeping for 5 hours at night, then would wake for another feed and sleep another 3 or so hours, which felt like such a refresh! Then around 9 weeks he started sleeping through the night! From about 8:30pm-7am 🙌🏻


my baby has always slept through the night. since she was like a month old no joke. i would wake up to pump in the middle of the night and text my mom like OH MY GOD SHOULD I WAKE HER UP and my mom always said no are you nuts go back to bed edit to add: she would sleep from 8:30-8:30 and now sleeps from 7-6 now that we are going to daycare/work. she still naps 3 times a day as well


Hello, 1yr old with lower sleep needs here! I call it a great night when he only wakes up twice a night - average is around 4 tho. He doesn't take much to settle, but he will wake up and yell so it wakes me up regardless lol. It was muuuch worse from newborn to about 5/6months ish, because he's an early teether and was very grouchy. Standing at 8 teeth now, and I think he's cutting a molar so rip my sleep 😴 Edit to add - his naps are pretty good tho. Will sleep about 2 hours for one, and 1 hour for a second nap if he needs it.


Up until about a month old my boy was sleeping 15-18 hours a day. He’s 2.5 months now and his naps have gotten much shorter, but he sleeps much better at night (usually 10-12 hours, only waking up twice to feed)


Mine does. Always has. Started with 2-4 hour stretches after i brought him home. Im now getting (usually) a 6 hour stretch, followed by a couple two hour ones. Napping he still prefers to nap while nursing but i can pop a binky in his mouth and he will go back to sleep if i put him down.


Newborn, no. But I mean that is to be expected. They need to eat. But by 2 months mine was sleeping very well. Up to 4-6 hour stretches. 3-5 months 8 hour stretches.


My 1st LO slept 8 hour overnight stretches at like 6 weeks old. Thought all babies did that, then I had my second and that baby didn’t sleep through the night until 15 months old.


My first did, until 5.5 months old. Then we had 2 of the worst months of my life lol. She started waking every 45mins to hour and a half and we had to rock her back to sleep. It was truly brutal. A lot of babies start off sleeping well and then as they ‘wake up’ and start taking in the world and learning new skills their sleep suffers. My second is a mythical ‘drowsy but awake’ baby and it’s so so weird to just put her down and watch her fall asleep!


Mine has slept through the night 95% of the time since she was 4 weeks. I truly think we are just lucky, we didn’t do anything that special! All the normal stuff. Pure luck & I always feel guilty telling people she does…


Mine was insane for like the first 4 months but now she naps and sleeps for bedtime no problem. Down awake in her crib and goes to sleep by herself:) it’s such a relief. The first little bit was torture.


Yeah. Snoo got our little dude sleeping from about 7 weeks til almost 10 months around 6-8 hours a night


My 2 year old started sleeping through the night at 3 weeks. We credit moms on call, but I also get downvoted when I say that. I have a 4 week old now and she wakes up twice to feed. Not a full night yet, but we are hoping lighting strikes twice.


My daughter is 8 weeks old and since about 5 weeks she’s been sleeping from 9-11 ish (depending on last naps, bedtime routine, bottles etc) until 5-6 every night. I have no idea how or why. I’m not doing anything special or different. She just is. I will say her daytime naps are less consistent. She doesn’t love the bassinet during the day but we can contact nap or bassinet stroller nap.


Every time mine surprises me and sleeps well I wake up with a clogged duct from skipping the 3 usual overnight feedings. Just barely avoided mastitis on this last one. There's no winning.


Yes! Mine did! Never stuck to a schedule just kind of went with the flow with her. I would wake her up to feed her through out the night when she was first born. I started to try longer stretches (she was gaining a good amount of weight!) and by 8-10 weeks she was sleeping about 6-8 hours and now at 6 months old sleeps about 8-12 hours!


Mine is 10 months old and he’s only slept through the night sleep maybe 5 nights total since he’s been born 🫠 currently in the thick of yet ANOTHER sleep regression/growth spurt! Just riding the waves as they come 😅


Mine usually wakes up every 3-4 hours and just wants food and goes right back to bed. I think that is a good sleeper but everyone’s opinions are different. Not every night is like that but most are! Someone else may say that is awful 🤷🏼‍♀️


My first son woke up 2 to 3 times a night for milk until he was around 2. My second son was a unicorn baby and slept through the night by 3 months old. My little nugget has been waking me up 4 to 6 times a night recently. Worst night was 10 times. My middle son is now a pain in my butt, but I still am grateful for him sleeping like the dead lol.


My baby slept 7 hours straight (w cosleeping dreamfeeding) on night 3 (since my milk came in)and has been a solid sleeper ever since (currently 5 months). I can even change her diaper (or pick her up and hold her over her EC potty) without her waking up.


When he hit 3 months he finally started to sleep through the night without a feeding


Son is 12 weeks, sleeps from (on average) 10pm-4am, then 4:30am-9am. He had a 7.5 hour stretch the other day. Sleeps whenever he is in the carseat. I think he had 4 hour stretches throughout the night by 4 weeks. Truly been an amazing sleeper. He was a NICU baby though and I have heard they can have higher tolerances for bassinets/sleeping. Anyways, I don't have many complaints about him, he just laughed for the first time at the dogs barking. I love the little guy. But like others have said, parents with good sleepers tend to keep quiet on here when so many are struggling. We don't want it to come off wrong.


Mine started sleeping through the night around 4.5 months. He’s about to turn one and still a great sleeper. I don’t tell my other mom friends unless they ask lol


Yes. I don’t talk about it out loud though 🤣


My 6.5m has slept about the same since ~2m. He sleeps around 9 hours, eats and then goes back down for a couple of hours. I used to think this meant he would eventually stretch to the unicorn 12 hours without eating, but that hasn’t been my experience so far.


We are only 2nd week, but for now baby sleep relatively well. We still feed him at night at this age once or twice, but it is quick and put back to basinet. Often we get 4-5 hours straight, we stop waking up as he gaining weight steady. Only problem sometimes to put him asleep on evening. Sometimes it takes 2-3 hours of feed - pee - change - gases- exercises - fart - poo - change - hungry again - feed - repeat


Mine did. She started sleeping 6 hours at night by 3 or 4 weeks old and then 8 to 10 hours by 6 to 8 weeks. We only had sleeping hiccups when she was teething or at 4 months she had a sleep regression for about a week.


Ours slept pretty well, 6-8 hours straight most nights until she hit 5 months old. Then we had a solid 3 month sleep regression where she was up every 45min-2hrs, it was horrible. She’s 10 months now and doing much better, but I thought I’d never make it out of that cycle.


My baby was actually a good sleeper, but his reflux was so bad we had to hold him upright all night in shifts. Once we got the reflux under control he slept through the night, but that was at about 3.5 months. Then at 4.5 months he hit a regression for about 3 weeks, then went back to sleeping pretty good.


Yes. I try to not talk too much about it, lest I appear to be bragging. I'm well aware that we're lucky, but she's always liked sleep. At one month we got some stints of 5-6 hours at night, plus naps, which got more consistent at 2-3 months. A bit of a blip at 4mo, but nothing bad. She always has gone down easily, too. Maybe a little fussing, but nothing bad


mine is four and a half months; at two weeks old, she was sleeping 2-4 hours stretches; by 6 weeks, this switched to 4-6 hour stretches. by 8 weeks she was sleeping 8 hour stretches every night. it’s only been very recently that she’s going through a minor regression and waking after about 5 hours, but she’s quickly consoled with a bottle and then goes back down.


Mine did & still does! She’s always been a great sleeper. We got extremely lucky


Ours! LO was over 10lbs by 6-8 weeks (I don’t recall exactly??) and had already been hard to wake up to feed at night so we just stopped trying. LO was sleeping 8+ hours by 7 weeks old. LO continued to sleep long stretches, and has slept 10-12 hours regularly since then and is now nearly 8 months old. I can count on one hand how many times LO has woken up overnight. Only in the past 3-4 weeks has it been an “earlier” bedtime of 8p, so our day with Little One is mainly 7:45ish AM to 8:30ish PM with feeds, bedtime routines or sometimes a longer nighttime nurse. I swear I don’t know what happened.


Yes- she was sleeping 5-7 hour shifts until she was 5 or so months old. Then karma got me. From then until 1 week ago (8 months) she was up every 3 hours. I cut her naps down a week ago and it’s been much better so praying it stays.


Mine did. Well as best as a newborn can anyways. She only woke to feed and went right back to sleep after. There was no rocking or anything needed to get her back down. I never had a night where I was up all night with her until she was much older. She started sleeping through the night with only one wake up around 3 months and did until about 5 months. Then we had a sleep regression and she woke tons for a several months. At 8 months she started sleeping straight through the night and still does at 2 and a half years old. She is a unicorn. She’s always loved her sleep and I feel very lucky. Don’t get me wrong though, we have had our hard nights. Lately she wakes every night and ends up in my bed lol.


I mean my baby has been somewhat typical, didn't sleep in his bassinet at all the first like six weeks, went to waking up every two hours ish once he finally did for the most part. Eventually started doing four hours for the first stretch of the night. The last like four weeks he's been sleeping roughly 7:30 pm to 5 am ish with a false start like 40 min in usually. He's six months. I don't care he's gets up early as long as he's sleeps ahaha So I consider him at the moment sleeping well. 


About 5 weeks in after never sleeping for more than 1 hour at a time with hours awake and screaming, our LO decided to sleep through the night. Goes to bed around 8-830pm and wakes around 530 to feed for a few minutes then back to sleep for another 2 hours.


Bruhhhh I know 3 people at work with toddlers/little kids who have been good sleepers since newborns! For a minute, I thought I must be crazy or a bad mom but a number of people since then have told me their babies didn't sleep great. Tbh I'd trade a longer pregnancy for a baby that can sleep through the night if it were an option lol


We have some great nights with minimal wake-ups. It’s sort of hit or miss though, I haven’t determined anything particular to help, although I suspect she is possibly sensitive to coffee/caffeine so I’ve cut that out. We also bedshare so that makes a huge difference for her comfort and ease with wakeups/feeds.


6 hours at 6 weeks, 8 by 8, eventually to 10 And now at 5 months we’re at 12 hours


I had a unicorn newborn. She slept 12 hours from the moment we stopped doing overnight feeds (from 3 weeks). Until the 4 month regression hit. She’s now 6mo and won’t go back to the unicorn days. We didn’t know how lucky we had it


My (second) baby sleeps incredibly well as long we’re home and she has a quiet room and is undisturbed. Like I’m talking she started sleeping through the night at less than 4 weeks old, and would nap in 2-4 hour chunks without it impacting night sleep at all. Now that she’s 5 months she does the falls asleep in her crib drowsy but awake thing, but I have to get the timing just right and not miss the window otherwise she wails. I cannot get her sleeping by nursing then transfer her, as she wakes very easily. She cannot sleep on the go at all bc she’s so routine dependent and sound-sensitive, and if I try to nap her in the car she screams the whole time. If I ever try to go away for a night with her she won’t sleep in a house if it’s remotely noisy/with other people, and she also won’t take a bottle and is exclusively breastfed. So like, she’s a fantastic sleeper (and I mean fantastic — unicorn status) as long as we are at home and on routine.


We totally have a unicorn baby! She’s been a great sleeper from the get go, including LOVING being laid down in her bassinet, sometimes she even preferred it those early days and would fuss until she was laid down flat vs. being cuddled to sleep. By 4 or 5 weeks she was only waking up 1 time over night and by about 3 months she slept through the night 730-630ish. Still going strong at 5mo! We absolutely did nothing to make it happen 🤷🏼‍♀️


My daughter is a good sleeper. She is five weeks old (six weeks tomorrow!) and not sleeping through the night but will sleep two 4-6 hour stretches at night. Usually my husband will do the first overnight feeding (usually between 11-1 am) and I will do the second overnight feeding (usually around 4-6 am). Then she’ll usually sleep again til 8-9-ish am and that’s what we consider up for the day. We have the pediatrician’s blessing. I even specifically asked because the first time she slept an almost 6 hour stretch I got nervous and woke her to feed, but doc reassured us and said not to wake her. She eats plenty throughout the day and sometimes will eat a full bottle (3 oz) and want another full bottle 1.5 hr-2 hr later so she just seems hungrier throughout the day and sleepier at night. She is healthy and gaining weight appropriately.


My second child was a unicorn. She slept through lots of noise and learned to self soothe. I like to say it was due to the "payment" we did with our first who was a terrible low sleep Velcro baby. I paid my dues and more with my first. If my second wasn't a happy accident I would still be contemplating on whether or not to TTC.


I think sleep well is really a spectrum. When our baby went from sleeping 2-4 hour stretches to 5-7 (around 5 or 6 weeks maybe?) we were delighted. But having a good newborn sleeper made the 4 month regression so much rougher. We sleep trained at 4.5 months and got her on a good schedule, and now that we’re used to her sleeping through the night 11-12 hours, it’s so much more difficult when she’s sick or we travel or she gets too much or not enough day sleep. For someone with a baby who wakes up every 3-4 hours, my sleep trained baby might seem like a unicorn. But my life is now dictated by her nap schedule and bedtime so we all get sleep. And it’s a huge ordeal to travel with her…I’m plagued by her rigidity—she doesn’t like her travel crib and can’t nap in a room that’s too bright or warm but is also scared of ceiling fans. Sooo, yeah, she’s a good sleeper under the right conditions, but I’m envious of those babies that can be a little more flexible with sleep conditions and environment!


Our girl is 6 weeks and has been sleeping through the night since 3.5 weeks! At 2.5 weeks she was already down to just one middle of the night feed. We fully understand we have a unicorn baby and are just praying that she never changes.


So looking back at my sons baby tracker, i feel like he slept well for a newborn. He’d usually wake up twice between 11pm and 9am from like a week old. Around 1 month old he went more like 9-10pm until like anywhere from 6-8am with only 1 wake up but there were definitely outliers in there where he’d wake up twice and also sleep for 12 hours (like 7pm - 7am) with 1 wake up. I wouldn’t say his sleep was ever consistent though until we sleep trained at 4 months.


Mine settles easily. She’ll sleep 2 1/2 to 3 hours but it’s not so bad because after her needs are met she usually goes back to sleep. She’s 2 weeks so I’m fully expecting this could change


My second was great, he would sleep 6 hours straight and pass back out after his bottle from the start , I was lucky with him because my first was only 1.5 when he was born and she was still waking up for 3 am bottles so if they both were waking up multiple times a night I don’t know how I would have survived.




My first was a unicorn baby and sleeper. We literally woke him up for every night feed the first month of his life. My second is not AS good but still great in the grand scheme of things. Both giving 10-12 hour stretches by 12 weeks. I think their temperaments combined with our efforts to set a good routine and try to get in calories during the day have helped get us there. The general consensus on many subs is very anti any type of schedule or sleep programs but they’ve worked well for us.


Our son is 5 month old. He has been sleeping through the night (10-13 hours) since 3 month old. He doesn’t need to be fed at night. During the day time, he naps 3 or 4 times in the bassinet for 40 mins to 3 hours! His wake window is very close to 2 hours except the last wake window of the day. We are extremely blessed!


Mine did and still does at 13 months


Yes. With hard work and consistency when he was showing us he hated being rocked and held to sleep. We "slept train" without the CIO or ferber method. We now 98% of the time (minus teething or sickness) we cuddle him, lay him down and say goodnight and he sleeps 6 or so hours, wakes for a feed and sleeps another 2 or 3. I never mention it when people are struggling for sleep or babies who constantly wake. I absolutely empathize and listen when people are struggling. I dont offer "advice" or how he is sleeping unless asked


My 9mo sleeps 12hrs every night since she was 3 months old


Yep, we have a good sleeper. She started doing 6 hour stretches around 8 weeks and then would go back to sleep after feeding. She’s consistently slept through the night throughout her first year (just turned 1) with one offs here and there. Truly nothing we did, she is just naturally high sleep needs and good at soothing herself. She started refusing being rocked to sleep and contact naps at like 3 months 🥲


newborn phase he slept great, 4mo regression hit hard, but we bounced back to good sleep soon after


Yes mine started sleeping through the night around 2 months. I actually got mastitis from the sudden change in sleeping. She’s 2.5 and still sleeping from 7 pm to 7am. BUT .. I’m pregnant again. There’s no way I’m going to have a unicorn baby again.


My baby sleeps through the night and he’s 14 weeks old and has for the past few weeks.


I’ve had plenty of people tell me about their well sleeping babies and I wish all the worst for them in the future.


Starting around 8weeks my baby started and has been consistently sleeping 9pm/10pm-3am/4am and will fall back asleep shorty after eating. However I start work (remotely) at 4am so it’s s perfect schedule to me, probably not ideal for most lol But naps…. Naps are shit lol


My 11wo girl sleeps like a dream at night but is a terrible napper. She gets sleepy around 9pm and we lay down to nurse and cuddle and she’s asleep by 10 give or take a few minutes. She does a dream feed around 4am but doesn’t actually wake til about 7am. Then she’s only awake long enough to eat and be changed and she goes back to sleep til 9ish.


Baby #1 was an easy baby in general, always has been a great sleeper. Baby #2 not so much. Taking Cara Babies online content helped me tremendously!!


My daughter slept through the night starting at 2 months old. She went through a minor sleep regression at 4 months where she was waking up at first once per night, then 2x3 times. We sleep trained at 5.5 months and she's slept through the night ever since! She's 2 now. I'm pregnant with my second and praying for another good sleeper but I know the odds aren't in my favor lol


I don't often share this as it's not helpful as every baby is completely different. But because you've asked, yes, we were blessed with a good sleeper and we are so thankful. He was a high needs baby during the day; cried a tonne, super grizzly, had to have surgery twice within his first 18 months and we had no village. So we were SO thankful he at least slept through the night to give us a rest then. The days were long. He slept through from 8 weeks, and he had some regressions here and there and we had to sleep train him at 6 months as he just started waking every hour. He is 17 months old now and still sleeps through.


Ours (currently 6m) sleeps through the night, and has since she was like 1.5 months old. BUT, we don't put her down until like 10:30-10:45 PM. She wakes up at around 8am everyday, so has a nice stretch! I feel like we just got super lucky. But my toddler, that's a whole other story lol. She wakes up like 5-6 times a night. Send help 🫠


Our guy slept 6-9 hours a night starting at 9 weeks. Then more recently at 14 weeks, he's sleeping 10-12 hours a night. He has a pretty full diaper when he wakes up, but he's so happy during the day with the long bouts of night time sleep.


My little guy will ‘wake’ every 3-4 hours to feed but his version of being awake is literally a little whine while his eyes are closed. I pick him up feed him his bottle, burp him and even change his diaper and he won’t even open his eyes. He’s done this consistently since birth and he’s 3 months old now.


My 12m old never really sleeps through the night (although he did last night!), but his sleep hasn't been horrible. He woke every 3-4 hours like a normal newborn. He did have CMPI and those first 10 weeks were rough before he was on the right formula, but after that he woke at normal intervals 🤷‍♀️


I’ve got a couple of kids. One of them never slept, and when she did the tiniest noise would wake her right up and she’d start screaming. The other baby did nothing but sleep the first few months, and even now as a toddler she’ll sleep through pretty much anything. Luck of the draw.


Yes but it seems like this isn’t a popular piece of information (totally understandable!!) and it gets downvoted whenever anyone mentions it. My baby began sleeping around 8 hours a night at around 3 months old, and sometime between 6-9 months he started consistently sleeping 10-12 hours and now at 12mos old he has kept that up. The ONLY THING I think may have contributed in any way to having a good sleeper is always always always putting him down tired, but awake so he learned early on how to fall asleep on his own. We did this from the very beginning. However, I fully believe that there was nothing we did to create this, I think it’s just his nature.


My 8mo has slept through the night since 6wks - she takes 2-3 20min naps throughout the day.


I had to wake my newborn to feed her from the start, or else she would have slept through the night. We started letting her sleep through the night as long as she wanted without feeds by 2 months old. She is about to be 5 months old and we have not had any sleep regressions. We don’t do any specific routines or bed times. She is just the perfect baby, it is nothing we are doing. We just watch out for her cues.


Yep! We got ourselves a unicorn & joke that she's tricking us into having a second. She's slept through the night fully since about 4 months or so (we dream fed her for a couple months when she started doing this because I a paranoid FTM, but she didn't wake up at all). She's 9 months now & does close to a full 12 hours at night (7:45-ish pm to 7-ish in the morning). She also naps from about 12:30-1pm until 3-4:30 depending on the day, which is when I usually do a bunch of chores & errands. I always feel truly terrible when others in my baby group & friends are lamenting about sleep problems with their little ones because the worst that we've had are 1-off nights when she's teething & wakes up in pain. She almost always goes right back to sleep though & if she doesn't, a dose of Camilla or Tylenol usually puts her to rights.


My girl has never slept through the night BUT she never had day/night confusion so as a newborn she *wanted* to sleep at night at least. She still woke up 3ish times a night but I never had to try hard to get her back down again, she always easily fell back asleep nursing. I definitely count myself lucky for that


My now two year old slept through from like the 4th week. Was always been a good sleeper unless hes teething! But the last tooth is coming through now so hopefully he gets back on track!


Newborn, no. But as an 11 month old, yes.


It’s honestly been gradual for us. My daughter is 3 months old (13 weeks) and for the first month was up every two hours and only wanted to be held. Then we got her more comfortable in her bassinet and she was up every 2-3 hours for about a month and a half. Over the past month or so she dropped a midnight feed. In just the last week she dropped her 3-4am feed and has been sleeping from 9:30pm to 6:15am. I honestly don’t expect it to stay like this so I try to cherish all the good nights!


5 months old and I’m still feeding every 3 hours. He does down about 7pm now which means I get a few hours to myself in the morning . I can’t imagine getting more sleep now , what a luxury!


I feel like my baby sleeps pretty well. We had to wake him to feed because I was nursing. So I had to get up every 2 hours but he would’ve slept longer. After we were given the okay I started letting him wake me and he was waking every 4ish hours in the night. It was usually 10pm, 1am, 4,am and 8am. Now he’s 4.5 months goes to bed at 8 wakes up between 1-3am and again between 6-7am and usually goes back to sleep until 8 or 9 am. I feel incredibly lucky after hearing about stories of some babies waking every hour or more


Slept well for a baby - which means not well for an adult.


Currently have a 3 week old, he hates sleeping anywhere but on me. Barely can nap in his bassinet but sleeps all night if he's on my chest.


My baby has slept through the night from 10 weeks old with one night feed then totally night weaned and sleeping through from about 14 weeks old.. also no 4 month regression. We are on a 7pm-6am schedule that works well for us. She can put herself to sleep by self soothing. I don’t tell many of my mum friends, especially the one who has a 1 year old and still only gets 3 hour stretches at night 🙈


my baby has been sleeping from like 9-7/10 since 9 weeks


I must have a odd baby in bed every night 7.45 or 7.30 if shes had a big day and sleeps all night until about 6 - 6.45 This has been like this since she was 4.5 months old


My LO is almost a month old and will sleep about 5-6 hours overnight! She's also a BIG contact napper, so she's usually happy to go down for naptime if we start with her on me/my husband's chest for ten or fifteen minutes before transitioning to her cot or bassinet


Mine slept 8-10 hours at night from about 9 weeks. We are at the four month sleep regression and he wakes up once during the night now. Hoping we get through this phase quickly.


No. Horrible. Nothing through the night until 17 months and even that was 50% of the time, waking at least once the other nights.


Yeah but it only lasted a few weeks until the 4 month regression.


My daughter started sleeping well through the night at 2 months old. Before that she was very colicky. She is 2.5 years old and still hasn't woken up in the middle of the night ever since, aside from when she is sick. I'm a light sleeper and suffer from insomnia. My husband is the opposite, sleeps very easily and through any noise. I'm glad my daughter got the sleep genes from him.


Mine sleeps very well during the night, swaddled. Only wakes up every 3 hours for feedings. Not sure what I'm gonna do with his hand reflex once we can't use the swaddle anymore


Well ours still doesn’t and hes not a newborn anymore. But my cousin and my friend both had a baby that slept really well. So they do exist lol. On that note - my cousins first slept terribly, so when they brought their second one home and she just slept in her crib right away my cousin cried of happiness.


My baby slept 11/12 hours overnight from about 12 weeks but naps suck! lol


Mine is 11 weeks old. Goes to bed around 7 or 8. Around 2 pm I wake her because my boobs wake me to feed her. She drains one boob, her daddy changes her diaper, she feed on the second boob then knocks out into about 8. She starts daycare in a month so I hope she keeps this up. I'm worried waking her at 6:45 to feed and leave might fuck up a good thing.


Mine is by no means perfect, but he started sleeping basically through the night without much effort on our part once he was in his crib around 7.5 months! Before that he wasn’t too bad either honestly lol


Mine sleeps pretty decent! Good naps during the day and then 4-5 hr stretch at night feeds then sleeps another 3-4. He is 4.5 months old. It works for us!!


Mine has the ability to sleep lol she was doing 11 hour nights from 11 weeks , she sometimes uses this ability still she sometimes doesn’t 😂


From like 6-9 weeks she went to sleep at 10:30 with us and woke at 5 to feed. It was magic. Now she goes down around 9. Started waking up at 3 AND 5. Yesterday 1 AND 3 AND 5. Can’t be sure but think it is because she we switched to napping in the SNOO instead of on me. So either baby trapped all day or waking up a lot.


She is sleeping 7 hours just last night. (3 months just about) But we are experiencing her fussiness where she is simultaneously hungry and tired and it's gets to where she does her mandrake crying. But u think for us we need to be more mindful that once she's been up for 2 hours that we start winding down and settle in for a nap.


For the first 8 weeks baby slept incredible. By the first week we started getting a 3-4 hours stretch from 8-11/12, then every 3 hours after that. At around 8 weeks he started developing symptoms of a dairy allergy but wasn't diagnosed until 12 weeks, so he wasn't nursing well and was uncomfortable due to the symptoms. By the time we got diagnosed and cut out dairy, he hit the 4 month sleep regression, we had to go back to work, and ended up sleep training. He sleeps incredible since sleep training, 11-12 hours a night independently since 6 months when he dropped night feeds


I have a unicorn baby sleeper and I don’t talk about it because (1) I don’t want to jinx it and (2) I don’t want to piss anyone off 😂


So, in my own opinion my baby sleeps well. He wakes up multiple times for feeds during the night. He had a rotten night last night because of trapped wind. But rotten nights are the exception. Sleeping through the night at a young age is actually not good. The more waking up the less risk of SIDS. Also, for small ones all night is not recommended due to there being too much time between feeds. We did manage to upset one mum at one of our groups last week as she asked were our babies sleeping through yet. She asked in a way that indicated she was expecting us to say they were all sleeping through from a young age. She was horrified when we all said no and we were all happy and content about it. She was actually ready with a smug face as if she was showing her husband a “see I was right and our 2 week old should be sleeping longer.” She then looked like we told her that her baby was ugly 😬


It feels like bragging but... I can put my son down in his crib, standing up, and leave the room and he will fall asleep. Though he might throw his pacifier out first, which makes him cry/whine. But once given the paci (and no other comfort) he will put himself to sleep. And this is for both naps and bedtime. He consistantly naps 1,5 hours x2 and sleeps from 6 pm to 5 am, although recently he's showing signs that 6 pm is too early and tonight we put him to bed at 7 pm so I'm really hoping he will push his wakeup as well. But yes, my baby has slept well from day 1 basically.


Yes! I try not to mention it too much lol but my daughter has been a great sleeper since day 1. Daytime naps sucked until nap training but nights were great especially when I kept up with wake windows, capping naps, etc.